posted November 02, 2003 01:12 PM
Sorry that your confused. Everything is based on your natal chart.Aspects
Aspects are two planets in your chart that are separated by a spefic number of degrees.
Conjunct - 0 degrees
sextile - 60 degrees
square - 90 degrees
Trine 120 degrees
Opposition - 180 degrees
Each planet has a certain arc or orb where they can be considered in aspect.
Normally (may vary from astrologer to astrologer) the luminaries, Sun & Moon have plus or minus 10 degrees, and the other planets plus or minus 5 degreees.
For example, if you have your Sun at 15 degrees Virgo, ant planet with and aspect within 5 to 25 degrees virgo will be considered in aspect.
If the aspect is between two non-luminary planets, and one is at 15 degrees Aries for example, plants that have an aspect within 10 and 20 degrees Aries would be considered in aspect.
Depending upon where you got your chart from, the aspects are usuall indicated.
If not, start with the sun and figure all appropriate aspects, then the Moon and so on untill you have all of your aspects.
Hope that this helps some.