Topic: Part III - Venus in the Signs - Lesson 13 - Venus in Aries + Venus in Taurus
morgana unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 05:34 AM
Great, Lunargirl! It will be interesting to read how different Sun signs describe it IP: Logged |
MICA unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 09:55 AM
ok here is my do over ! there were some great posts i enjoyed reading them Someone with thier venus in aries loves( Venus) with abandon(Aries).They may sweep their partners away in the (rush of excitment)Aries. They tend to be the (Aries)pursurer rather then the pursued. Moving very quickly and sometimes impulsivly( aries). Venus in Aries will decide what they want and go for it taking a position of leadership (Aries)in the relationship(Venus).They are determined to get what they want( (aries) and their realtionships(venus)are filled with excitment(Aries).You may find yourself enjoying the honeymoon(VENUS) and be wondering How did this happen(ARIES)? Venus in aries must be cautious however in considering partners feelings(VENUS) Aries tendencies exhibited on the negative side may bring out selfishness (ARIES)and a need to dominate (ARIES)the relationship, moving right along a force to be contended with. One might advise someone with venus in aries to look before they leap! (ARIES)Their tendency to move so quickly might get them into trouble. Someone with their venus in aries will be goal oriented (ARIES)in there relationship moving very quickly to a desired end(ARIES). If your partner has his or her venus in aries look out ! Fast paced action packed (ARIES), romance(VENUS) is heading your way! You are in for the rollercoaster ride of your life.
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Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 10:07 AM
Hi Melissa Please don't worry about the length of interpretations. It doesn't matter if they are long or short - it's the content that counts. You did a great job Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 10:08 AM
Hey Micca Way to go...great job Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 10:16 AM
Hi Everyone Lunargirl's great James Bond comparison got me thinking I thought it may also be interesting to see which different celebrities have their Venus in the different signs as we go through the interpretations.....So I did a very quick check on one of the celebrity birthday site links I posted and here's something you may find interesting. Just looking at Venus in Aries for now as that's the one we've just covered. Here's a couple of people who have Venus in Aries......... Tony Blair (British Prime Minister) has Venus in Aries in his 11th house. Saddam Hussein - Venus in Aries - 9th house Jack Nicholson - Venus in Aries - 9th house Marilyn Monroe - Venus in Aries - 9th house That's a bit of a mix hey? Obviously house positions, aspects and the rest of their charts will add up to the complete person. Sue PS: If you can think of an other celebs with Venus in Aries please post them. IP: Logged |
sisterchasingmoon unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 03:44 PM
Taurus in VenusThis person will most often have a silent attitude(t). Passivitity(t) is typical behavior, however, a bull who is determined(t) to court will be oh so romantic(v). Not the kind of romancing(v)that will keep your head in the clouds(v) or butterflies in your tummy. Simply(t)put, the Taurus will court(v) a person with sentiments(v) and will be very sensual(v). The pursuit(t) will seem steady(t) and practical(t). He/she will want to be surrounded with luxury(v), but will make sure that the finances(t) are in solid(t) order ! This person tends to attract(v) a more passive(v) partner. For the most part they will be reserved(t) with strangers. Soft(v) and self confident(t) with people who have the pleasure(v) of being condidered a friend/lover (v). ------------------ Love & Light, Melissa IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 03:58 PM
Good job! (we need a clapping smilie)Oh, where's your famous person comparative... give me a visual Sister! I loved your description of the Scorpio/Libra turmoil So true. IP: Logged |
sisterchasingmoon unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 05:39 PM
Thanks 1Scorp Okay Okay....Sigmund Freud Alright where is yours Girl I can imagine you have it written on several different pieces of paper with only a few of the words moved around...LOL ------------------ Love & Light, Melissa IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 06:19 PM
Wooo Hooo Melissa Now you're really "trucking" And lookie what smilie I've found..... Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 06:26 PM
Oh noooooooo the smilie didn't work..... and it was a clapping one I must be doing something wrong...rats IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 06:36 PM
LOL @ Freud I gotta find out his birth data now. I study psychology etc and he was sooooooo obsessed with sex.....from memory he has a few planets in his 8th house but I can't remember which or where his Venus is...... Now checking and will report back I kinda want to put him in the Scorpio camp .... waiting for Scorp replies to that comment Sue IP: Logged |
sisterchasingmoon unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 06:42 PM
Why Sue Im not sure what you mean <sly grin>------------------ Love & Light, Melissa IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 06:54 PM
Hey Melissa Just did a search on here's interesting..... He's a Taurus Sun with Scorpio Rising Hmmm doesn't recognise his birth town though So I have to check some more.......Sigmund Freud May 6th 1856 6:30pm Frieberg, Czechoslovakia Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 07:23 PM
Ok....they moved "the goal posts" re his birth town..... Ewww that's sooo confusing when they rename places..... Anyway he has Venus in Aries in the 6th house Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 07:27 PM
Hey 1Scorp IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 08:16 PM
I'm working... I'm working You slave drivers! Sister nailed it! Except I keep it all on the same piece of paper I have arrows and circles pointing in all different directions. Yet, oddly enough... it's only a couple of words that get changed. Freud! I "think" I know what she meant by it (???) The image. Sort of a Frasier thing. I don't know anyone with venus in Taurus. (can't you tell) HA! Leave it to the Virgo to hunt us down a clapping smilie Good job! Even if we can't see it. You didn't have to do it. Yet you did. You Virgo you
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Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 08:33 PM
1Scorp Yea and a Virgo with Scorp ruling her 3rd house...with Pluto in the 12th....I'm going find anything Bissie always calls me Inspector Cat Here's some celebs with Venus in Taurus.... Well ya knew I'd find some Warren Beatty - Venus in Taurus - 8th house Michael J Fox - Venus in Taurus - 3rd house Adolf Hitler - Venus in Taurus - 7th house Sue IP: Logged |
sisterchasingmoon unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 08:36 PM
Dennis Hopper May 17, 1936 Dodge City, KS
------------------ Love & Light, Melissa IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 08:50 PM
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Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 12, 2003 08:51 PM
Yea........ Did it (clapping smilie) now I can go to bed IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted June 12, 2003 09:11 PM
You are hilarous. Had me cracking up! That's a good clapper. Hitler?! Jeez ... I get it... calm, cool and collected. Now I can come up with something! Hopefully. I've realized something... I know Your name (Sue) and Sister's (Melissa)... guess I could give you mine... Leigh That's just between us... IP: Logged |
hrj777 unregistered
posted June 13, 2003 04:55 AM
Cat I haven't forgotten my homework, just still struggling with Venus concept. My ex was an Aries, with Venus in Aries. The only way I can describe his venus was the word "NARCISSISTIC". Maybe I'll try this excercise again tomorrow. Heidi
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Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 13, 2003 08:12 AM
Hi Heidi How long has he been your ex? Just wondering as maybe if it's still fairly recent your own emotions could be re his Venus traits? Just a thought Maybe if you read through everyone elses Venus in Aries interpretations it will help you to say yea or nay to the traits he has? Try to separate his Sun from his Venus Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 13, 2003 08:19 AM
Hey Leigh Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 13, 2003 01:24 PM
Where's everyone hiding You all did such a great job with Venus in Aries.....I can't wait to hear your Venus in Taurus interpretations. Sue PS: Remember.....Taurus is ruled by it's kind of a double whammy... and Venus will love being there. Think luxury, pampering, massage food, chocolate but don't forget that Taurus is a fixed earth sign..... I have visions of hmmm was it Caeser or Nero or somebody else ...lying on a bed being fed grapes surrounded by luxury....... Taurus likes to take things slow - not at all like Aries who likes things fast. IP: Logged |