Topic: Part III - Venus in the Signs - Lesson 13 - Venus in Aries + Venus in Taurus
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 04, 2003 05:55 PM
Hi Everyone For this lesson, let's see if you can write your own scary is that Just's not scary - once you get into it you'll see how easy it can be First you need to use the list of keywords for Venus (that we listed on the other string). Now we need keywords for each of the signs. Put them all together and "hey presto" you have your interpretation We'll start with Aries and here's a list of keywords for Aries (see if you can add more words to the list)........... ARIES Lead Exert Force Action Act Take initiative Charges right in Fast Move on Movement initiate Energy Determined Impulsive Excitement Pursue Independant Strong "Do their own thing" First Personal Goals Personal Goals Personal Drive So now you have your list of Venus keywords and your list of Aries keywords. Write a short paragraph describing someone with their Venus in Aries. By way of example. Here's one I've done for someone (I've just called him Jack...but he's a made up person) with their Venus in Scorpio...... VENUS IN SCORPIO Venus in Scorpio produces a very intense (Scorpio) romantic (Venus) nature. Scorpio is the sign of physical magnetism & with Venus in Scorpio, Jack's most likely to be a very sexy (Scorpio) person & highly attracted to, & attractive to, the opposite sex. He’s likely to approach romance (Venus) with intensity & passion (Scorpio), tending to be an extremist (Scorpio) in this area of his life. His desire (Venus) could become so overwhelming that he may become very possessive (Scorpio) & sometimes jealous (Scorpio) of his partner, which can be expressed in various ways, but basically he’ll tend to want to control (Scorpio) & hold on to the love (Venus) of his life. His love (Venus) nature will be based on total commitment & he may dominate (Scorpio) & demand total involvement. Nothing short of this is acceptable as the obsessive (Scorpio) influence of Pluto (Scorpio) means it’s all or nothing. Ok, so now let's say Jack or Jill have their Venus in Aries. Write a paragraph explaining how that placement is likely to work for them. Put the planet (Venus) and sign (Aries) in brackets after the word you've used that illustrates that sign or planet's behaviour.
I really look forward to reading your interpretations. Don't be shy...just have a go and have fun with it Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 04, 2003 06:10 PM
PS: If you want to refresh your memory as to each sign's the link to the lessons Greg did at the beginning of this course. This link gives all Sign descriptions... For speed as it takes a while to click through the arrows on the above's the link to Aries..... IP: Logged |
MICA unregistered
posted June 04, 2003 07:03 PM
OK HERE IS MY TRY YIKES PLEASE DON'T BE TO HARSH ON ME Someone with thier venus in aries loves with abandon.They may sweep their partners away in the rush of excitment. They tend to be the pursurer rather then the pursued.Moving very quickly and sometimes impulsivly. Venus in Aries will decide what they want and go for it taking a position of leadership in the relationship.They are determined to get what they want and their realtionships are filled with excitment.You may find yourself enjoying the honeymoon and be wondering How did this happen? Venus in aries must be cautious however in considering partners feelings Aries tendencies exhibited on the negative side may bring out selfishness and a need to dominate the relationship, moving right along a force to be contended with. One might advise someone with venus in aries to look before they leap! Their tendency to move so quickly might get them into trouble. Someone with their venus in aries will be goal oriented in there relationship moving very quickly to a desired end. If your partner has his or her venus in aries look out ! Fast paced action packed, romance is heading your way! You are in for the rollercoaster ride of your life. IP: Logged |
lllog unregistered
posted June 04, 2003 09:38 PM
Speaking as someone with Venus in Scorpio, I can be very passionate, but I've never been possesive, I don't think. Lanny IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted June 04, 2003 10:02 PM
Speaking as another venus in scorpio, I don't know if it's so much possessive as it is jealous. I don't want anyone trying to wiggle in. As for the "possessive" issue... I'm not that bad. I give freedom to whomever I'm involved with to come and go without alot of questions. As long as it's not suspicous. Did I just reveal it all? It always sounds so horrible reading some of the scorpio traits. I'm working on it Cat. May take me a couple of days I always have a hard time coming up with just the right words. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted June 05, 2003 02:48 AM
Venus in Leo....We (Venus)charm you with (Leo)charisma, and make it clear that we are for the (Leo)connoisseur. We instincively pick up on what you want to be (Venus)associated with and learn to (Leo)emulate that. Venus in Leo is utterly (Venus)charming without being superficial. We genuinely aim to (Leo)please. We can almost seem to trip on ourselves to please you - we can't do it fast enough! We (Venus)love to shower you with (Leo)gifts and small tokens of (Venus)affection. And none is more (Leo)generous with (Leo)praise. The only drawback to Venus in Leo, is that they need alot of reassurence in order to (Leo)express themselves in true (Venus)fashion, which is worth the trouble to draw out, but it can be a tiresome endeaver. Some Venus in Leo types are very (Leo)self assured with or without your approval, but if you don't feed them with a steady stream of (Venus)adorations and sweet nothin's they could become supseptable to the (Venus)flirtations of othersIP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 05, 2003 05:49 AM
Hi Guys You brightened my morning Good job Micca Can you identify which words equal which influence? eg: Venus or Aries. See if you can edit your post and put either Venus or Aries in brackets after which words are relevent to which influence. Sue
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Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 05, 2003 06:00 AM
I should have known better than to use Scorpio as my example Hi Lanny Hi 1Scorpio and then...... scrolling down the page......I see Lioneye's post My Virgo brain does quick analysis....thinks....hmm but we're doing Venus in Aries......then solves the "puzzle" Leo wants to talk about Leo....naturally Good job Lioneyes. Don't you just love it when the elements/signs act how they're supposed to Sue PS: Look forward to reading everyone's Venus in Aries interpretation. IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted June 05, 2003 09:13 AM
Hiya Cat: I'm sorry. I may be the one who's always late with the homework. Hard for me to put it all in words I can give a few random thoughts, but putting it all together to make sense... IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 05, 2003 09:45 AM
Hey 1Scorp Don't be was a start to my day. Which is always great. Sue IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted June 05, 2003 02:19 PM
I'm sooo sorry, Cat. I saw Venus in Aries, then someone mentioned Venus in Scorpio, and I just assumed we pick a sign and let fly! I do have to improve my adeptness with details. (or lack there of) Either that, or learn to read! I'll try to stay on the same page from now on IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted June 05, 2003 02:32 PM
HA! HA! Lion... I caught what she meant I just couldn't resist replying on the scorpio bit. There, I told the truth! I better shut-up before Cat shoves me in the corner. I haven't turned in my home work yet. IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 05, 2003 06:24 PM
Lioneye 1Scorp Yes get that homework in or go stand in the corner Seriously though everyone...there's no pressure, let's just have some fun with it. I'm very happy "to go with the flow" if you'd all like to do you own placements first then that's ok Does everyone want to post their own Venus placement and we'll take it from there? Let me know. My Sagittarius Moon is always very happy to throw away any list my Virgo Sun makes Sue IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 05, 2003 06:57 PM
My Venus is in Sagittarius: I see myself as carefree, adventurous and in love with the pursuit of love. Like that song "I loved them, every one". There is something to love about each person and I enjoy finding that out, but get too close and the Sag Venus sees nothing but bars and cement. Don't put me in that box, don't fence me in, please just let me love them all. That doesn't mean we'll stray, we just love interactions, verbal, intellectual, but we also are loyal to you, if you trust us. Once you begin to make demands, we are like that child trying to squirm from mothers protective hand as she grasps ours. Give us a long leash, and we will always return, with gifts from our travels to making your favorite dish. We will be your cheerleader, your most passionate lover (even though we are breezy and carefree, we are still made of fire and need to be physically close) and a best friend. BUT....turn cold on a Venus in Sag, and we will look elsewhere. Constant criticism, accusations, emotional outbursts, possessiveness or excessive jealousy and we'll be out the door in no time. IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 05, 2003 07:09 PM
Hi Pidaua Great explanation I especially liked your comment... "even though we are breezy and carefree, we are still made of fire and need to be physically close" Very well put, I agree and I do think that because Sagittarius is so "breezy & carefree" ...the fact that it is a fire sign...which can always be passionate is sometimes overlooked. Sue IP: Logged |
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted June 05, 2003 10:23 PM
Another Venus in Scorpio here. Jealous sometimes, yes, but I wouldn't say possessive. Though the line between those two characterists can be abit blurry..I'll become Intensely attracted to someone, to the point where it's nearly all-consuming of me. If it weren't for my freedom loving, sane Sagittarius stellium, I fear I would be frighteningly obsessive.
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clover Newflake Posts: 0 From: Horseheads, NY Chemung Registered: Sep 2009
posted June 05, 2003 11:57 PM
a person with venus in aries will want to persue(aries) the other person. they will want instant gratification(aries) and will become confused when their partner doesn't act as quickly as they do. they are inclinded to be the aggressor(aries) and ask the other person out. they will feel as if they are totally in love (venus) only a few hours after meeting a person. they will feel as if this is the first time anyone has felt this strongly about another person and idealisticlly expect their love (venus)with this person to last forever. more often than not, the love (venus) cools after the venus in aries gets the person they want. it is possible for them to become bored after successfully completing the chase, which is really what they live for (aries). venus in aries is all about flashy convertibles, sudden trips, firey intensity, and the chase!ok. - that's as good as i can do for now!! IP: Logged |
trippysht unregistered
posted June 06, 2003 12:28 AM
Venus here seeks pleasure (venus) aggressively (aries). It pursues (aries) relationships with others (venus) energetically and somewhat innocently (aries). Love (venus) is given quickly and impulsively (aries) here, and venus can be demanding (aries) for affection (venus) in return. The native needs to lead others as well as actively seek his or her goals (aries) to have a positive self-worth (venus). They value and judge (venus) the world around them impulsively (aries), though i would believe that they don't have much trouble changing their minds at a later time. Aries helps Venus be more independent and decisive but less tactful and diplomatic; it emphasizes Venus' tendency to be careless and indulgent, but also her ability to be friendly, sociable and romantic. I think Aries in Venus may emphasize a concern for the physical appearance, though not lead to vanity. Here Venus is attracted (venus) to people, places and things that are energetic and exciting (aries).this is a pretty good idea cat IP: Logged |
sisterchasingmoon unregistered
posted June 06, 2003 01:46 AM
Hi Cat If my work load lightens, I am going to give this lesson a shot. I may be behind 1scorp I wonder why it is that 1scorp and I sometimes take days pondering before we can come up with "just the right words?" ------------------ Love & Light, Melissa IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 06, 2003 04:11 AM
Hi Clover Hi trippysht Excellent Very well done by both of you I'm a big believer in the fact that once you understand how the planets, signs etc work then you can interpret any chart Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 06, 2003 04:22 AM
Hi Harpyr Yes I agree that the line between jealous & possessive can be a bit blurry. The English dictionary says... Jealous "suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival". "possessive & watchful in the maintenance of protection" "demanding exclusive loyalty"Possessive "relating to possession or ownership" "showing an excessive desire to control or dominate" Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 06, 2003 04:24 AM
Hi Melissa Looking forward to your interpretations. Sue IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted June 08, 2003 04:47 AM
Where's everyone hiding IP: Logged |
SunShyne unregistered
posted June 08, 2003 09:46 AM
Venus in Aries people would be very hung up on GETTING you once they have their hearts set on you(Aries). They will push and push and push till either you give in or you run a hundred miles. Better make that a thousand...their energy levels are kind of high, these Venus in Aries creatures. In relationships they can romance you (Venus)with all the intensity and fire of Mars, but they might start to take you for granted if you don't keep them on their toes...I imagine they would need a relationship (Venus) to provide them with constant action(Aries). They can be selfish and immature if they think you're ignoring them......or if you think you know how to do something better than they do (Aries), but it's not difficult to soothe their egos if you understand their fiery (Aries) love natures(Venus). No self-respecting Venus in Aries person would decline an invitation to take the day off work and take you to the beach or stay home and make love(Venus) all day (Aries). You'll never be bored with Venus in Aries if you are grown up enough to understand that they're like little babies.....all they need is lots of love and a ridiculous amount of attention. SunShyne IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted June 08, 2003 05:16 PM
>ahem< *clears throat*Venus in Taurus (to get it out of my system) The sensual [Taurus] side of Venus is really brought out in this placement. A pleasing scent or the right, well-timed and -placed caress [Taurus] can send them into earthy [Taurus] ecstacy [Venus]; as can considered "special attention" paid to every inch of their body - each having its own needs [Taurus]. They may take some time to warm to the prospect of a new paramour [Taurus][Venus], but once in love [Venus] they're hard-pressed to stray from their course (being, you) [Taurus]. As a corallary to that devotion [Venus], they'll expect the same steadfastness from a partner, perhaps even getting stubbornly possessive in the face of circumstances and facts that would tend to countermand the above [Taurus]. However, once the measured beat of their love for a person is silenced, they will turn resolutely from the situation [Taurus]. The Venus in Taurus individual will appreciate beauty for the sake of beauty [Venus], as long as it is pleasing to their senses - love of dissonance in music or art is going to have to come from some other chart factors [Taurus] - and they are likely to take great pleasure [Venus] from natural and/or designed "serene" environs [Taurus]. The natural, unvarnished (read: nekkid) human form also goes further in eliciting their attentions than any amount of (personal) trappings could ever manage - although they are far from prone to turning a blind eye to plush and comfortable, even indulgent, surroundings [Taurus][Venus], especially if they afford them the opportunity to slowly enjoy [Taurus] the pleasures [Venus] given [Taurus - b/c it's accepted rather than "seeking"] them. IP: Logged |