posted November 07, 2004 02:10 PM
The minor aspects that we will be using are
semi-sextile (30)
semi-square (45)
inconjunct (150)
sesquiquadrate (135)semi-sextile (30)- deals with the utilization of past experience and the accumulation of resources necessary for further growth and unfoldment. This confers artistic ability. A 3 degree orb is allowed.
semi-square (45) This shows frustration and irritations in relation to possesions, earning ability, resources, and the pursuit of goals and objectives. A lack of resources and money can make these people feel thwarted in their attempts to achieve goals and objectives. If exact, its influence will BE STRONGER THAN A LOOSE SQUARE OR OPPOSITION.
Inconjunct/quincunx (150) Concerned with the perfection of work, procedures and methodologies,health and simultaneous termination of old conditions and creation of new ones. This is also related to cooperate business affairs. Inconvienant situations that seem to be beyond ones personal control. These difficulties often arise from sudden, unexpected occurences. Sudden change can also come about through work or health related situations. Patience, thoroughness, and attention to detail are needed to surmount and benefit from such situations.
Sesquiquadrate (135) This shows irritation, frustrations, and diffuculties in childrearing and in seeking creative self expression, romantic fulfillment, and pleasure. This aspect can give rise to diffuculties in business, joint finances, insurance, taxes, inheritance, and goods of the dead. There is also the danger of misuse or misapplication of sexual or occult practices.
Aspects that we won't be using, UNLESS THEY ARE EXACT, but that you should be aware of are;
vigintile (18) shows subtle self refinement and utilization of past experience.
decile (36) deals with the expression of the will and developement of group resources. It confers special insight and intuitive ability. Here you are able to grasp ideas and relationships that are not readily apparent. This aspect will allow you to relate seeming unrelated sets of information and combine them to achieve a definate purpose or result.
Quintile (72) Shows special talent in the utilization of ideas to further professional goals. Like the decile aspect it gives the ability to interrelate and combine many seemingly isolated sets of information that can help to realize goals and objectives. IT IS AN ASPECT OF SPECIAL TALENT OR GENIUS.
Tredecile (108) This can confere intiutive insight, imagination, profetic ability, and a capacity to understand the subtle forces shaping culteral destiny.
Biquintile (144) Shares qualities with the quintile aspect (72) Confers special insight into utilizing creative self expression and improving existing conditions.