posted July 06, 2005 12:53 PM
hi archer, that is a lot to absorb, so I'm going piece by piece.
first this part quote
he expalined me that mars, rahu (NN) and ketu (SN) are mostly malefic irrespective of their position in indian astro. so is saturn but saturn in libra in my 3rd is well placed. going according to the scriptures he said that my rahu had eclipsed my sun and moon causing great mental problems most of my life. he said i have a weavering mind which keeps on thinking many things at atime and has concentration problems. my dad has been telling this to me since childhood.
ok Mars is malific but the NN is not. The nodes are not planets but ecliptic points that show us where the earth is in relation to the cosmos. The North Node shows the direction in life you want to follow to reach your potential (evolve) the South Node shows where your coming from (past incarnations) this is where it is easy to stay but you don't evolve.
Your 3rd house Saturn is like having a Gemini Saturn. Where as your Saturn is at its zenith in Libra in the 3rd it causes communication problems.
In my youth I followed my Sun/Ascendant to T but as I got older that changed and I now follow my house placements and Moon more. I think the changes you are feeling are from maturity and not neccesarily from a different ascendant. I'm not as familiar with Indian Astrology but it goes hand in hand with Astrology as we know it.
(I'm running late Nerav so I'll continue your questions a little later, if you can ask your Indian Astrologer what are the main differences between the 2 astrologies)