Topic: What planet are you from?
wilsontc unregistered
posted August 30, 2006 11:51 AM
Fellow astro-travelers,Astrology can SEEM complex, but once you understand the energy of your planets, you ARE an astrologer! And it is simple to learn your planetary energy: the planetary energy is made up of SIGN, PLANET, and HOUSE. This energy "fits" together in this way: SIGN modifies PLANET focused on HOUSE. This sign/planet/house combination is the planetary energy for any planet in the chart. To find this planetary energy, we only need 12 "keywords". The first step to understanding planetary energy is to understand the energy of the signs in your chart by completing the "What's your sign?" exercise: which takes you through learning the 12 keywords and finding the sign energy in your chart. After you have done the sign exercise, come on back because we are all going to become astrologers right before your very eyes! ![]( We now know the 12 keywords for signs. Let's expand this list to include planets and houses as well: being = Aries, Mars, 1rst house physical = Taurus, Venus, 2nd house thinking = Gemini, Mercury, 3rd house home = Cancer, Moon, 4th house self-expression = Leo, Sun, 5th house daily work = Virgo, Mercury, 6th house relationships = Libra, Venus, 7th house transformation = Scorpio, Pluto, 8th house expansion = Sagittarius, Jupiter, 9th house duty = Capricorn, Saturn, 10th house friends = Aquarius, Uranus, 11th house spirituality = Pisces, Neptune, 12th house (To see a picture of how this looks in a chart, see Step 5 in this link .) (continued on next screen) IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted August 30, 2006 11:56 AM
(continued from previous screen)And now...we're almost there! All we have to do is to pull out our "astro-sentence" (SIGN modifies PLANET focused on HOUSE) and create an astro-sentence for all 10 planets in our chart. From my chart: Sun energy = VIRGO modifies SUN focused on 1RST HOUSE Moon energy = VIRGO modifies MOON focused on 1RST HOUSE Mercury energy = VIRGO modifies MERCURY focused on 12TH HOUSE Venus energy = CANCER modifies VENUS focused on 11TH HOUSE Mars energy = CANCER modifies MARS focused on 11TH HOUSE Jupiter energy = TAURUS modifies JUPITER focused on 9TH HOUSE Saturn energy = PISCES modifies SATURN focused on 6TH HOUSE Uranus energy = VIRGO modifies URANUS focused on 1RST HOUSE Neptune energy = SCORPIO modifies NEPTUNE focused on 12TH HOUSE Pluto energy = VIRGO modifies PLUTO focused on 1RST HOUSE Now we take these astro-sentences and add in the "keywords": Sun energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies SUN (self-expression) focused on 1RST HOUSE (being) Moon energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies MOON (home)focused on 1RST HOUSE (being) Mercury energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies MERCURY (daily work - only ONE "keyword" is used, since Mercury rules Virgo) focused on 12TH HOUSE (spirituality) Venus energy = CANCER (home) modifies VENUS (physical/relationships - since Venus has TWO "keywords") focused on 11TH HOUSE (friends) Mars energy = CANCER (home) modifies MARS (being) focused on 11TH HOUSE (friends) Jupiter energy = TAURUS (physical) modifies JUPITER (expansion) focused on 9TH HOUSE Saturn energy = PISCES modifies SATURN (duty) focused on 6TH HOUSE Uranus energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies URANUS (friends) focused on 12TH HOUSE (spirituality) Neptune energy = SCORPIO (transformation) modifies NEPTUNE (spirituality) focused on 3RD HOUSE (thinking) Pluto energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies PLUTO (transformation) focused on 1RST HOUSE (being) And there we are! Now all we have to do is to try to make sense of these 10 different planetary energies! This is HIGHLY personal, so only the person whose chart it is understands how this works for THEM, but usually the "astro-sentencing" will give the person enough an idea to help them in understanding themselves. (continued on next screen) IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted August 30, 2006 11:56 AM
(continued from previous screen)Let's take a look at one of my "astro-sentences": Sun energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies SUN (self-expression) focused on 1RST HOUSE (being), indicates my Sun energy has to do with how I express who I am through my routines (daily work)...also notice (as mentioned in the "signs" exercise) that daily work is VERY important to my expression, home, transformation, friends, and (of course) in my daily work ! So now, once again, it is your turn. To review: 1 - Find your 10 planetary energies by creating 10 "astro-sentences" (SIGN modifies PLANET focused on HOUSE) based on your own sign/planet/house combinations in your chart. 2 - Add in the "keywords" to the "astro-sentences" 3 - Translate the "astro-sentences" into "real speech" And that's it! Let me know about any questions you have...for the rest of you, write out your "astro-sentences" here and let us see who you are! And then translate the "astro-sentences" into something that is a little closer to "regular english"! And now we are all astrologers! Congratulations! ![]( On another planet, Tim ------------------ For information on basic astrological chart interpretation see: IP: Logged |
Hexxie unregistered
posted August 30, 2006 03:06 PM
Hi Tim!LIBRA (relationships) modifies SUN (self-expression) focused on 4TH HOUSE (home) AQUARIUS (friends) modifies MOON (home)focused on 8TH HOUSE (transformation) VIRGO (daily work) modifies MERCURY (daily work) focused on 4TH HOUSE (home) SCORPIO (transformation) modifies VENUS (physical/relationships) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) LIBRA (relationships) modifies MARS (being) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) GEMINI (thinking) modifies JUPITER (expansion) focused on 12TH HOUSE (spirituality) LEO (self-expression) modifies SATURN (duty) focused on 2ND HOUSE (physical) SCORPIO (transformation) modifies URANUS (friends) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) SAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies NEPTUNE (spirituality) focused on 6TH HOUSE (daily work) LIBRA (relationships) modifies PLUTO (transformation) focused on 4TH HOUSE (home) ~~~~~ Let me see if I can translate the above. I get hung up on this... SUN = I can express myself best through relationships with people who are close to me, i.e. family & close friends. <<Hard for me to figure out how the 4th house/home part fits in sort of>> MOON = I like to make close friends so we can both help each other transform into better people. <<This was a very tough one for me>> MERCURY = I would love to work from home (doing what the Gods only know)! I do some of my best thinking there ![]( VENUS = Helping people transform their relationships, with others and themselves, is one way I express myself. MARS = Being in a partnership type relationship is another way I express myself. JUPITER = I always/constantly want to expand my thinking and knowledge in regard to spirituality! SATURN = <<This one is really hard for me!! I couldn't think of anything >> URANUS = (see Venus lol) p.s. I like doing the above mentioned in non-traditional ways. NEPTUNE = It is a daily quest of mine to constantly expand my knowledge and practices of spirituality. I also need to be able to have time every day to use my imagination! <<This one seems to tie in with the Jupiter one, hhmm>> PLUTO = (see Sun hehe) p.s. in regard to the above mentioned I also like to help transform these relationships & i seek their help in transforming myself too. ~~~ Ok Tim, I tried! It was actually pretty hard for me to translate. I felt my brains stretching (which is good heheh). I need mucho practice still. Do you think you could help and maybe revise or should i say modify the above sentences a bit (esp the Saturn one). Thank ye ![]( ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted August 30, 2006 04:42 PM
Hexxie,You asked: quote: Do you think you could help and maybe revise or should i say modify the above sentences a bit (esp the Saturn one).
Great job! You stuck to it and put all those "astro-sentences" together. Yes, it can be difficult to see what they all MEAN...but that is the challenge of being an astrologer! I suggest taking a look at the post "What's your sign?" in order to better understand where the "keywords" come from, if you haven't already: private&number=12&topic=000458 If you have, you are familiar with the TWO word "full" definitions of each sign. Sun example: You now know that the "home" keyword is actually about "emotional action". Since this is focus, this implies an emotional connection to energies in this house, in this case your Sun (self-expression). Moon example: You now understand that "friendly home" energy also implies an emotionally active connection to your friends. The focus on this "homey", friendly connection is to transform (8th house). Transform is about "emotional security" (the "expanded" definition of "tranformation"), which has to do with being comfortable with going through transformative emotional changes. Some times this is called a "death and rebirth" process...which can be very challenging. The result is a "death and rebirth" of the "feeling" (Moon) of friendship (Aquarius). Hopefully this makes more sense to you, who are familiar with this energy than it does to me, who can only talk about it! ![]( Saturn example: Saturn's duty energy is about taking "material action"...doing something practical and "right". The 2nd house focus is about "material security", being safe and secure from what you HAVE (material, parctical things). Notice the emphasis on maerial (practicality) here. So there is a strong need for expressing yourself in a practical safe and correct way. I really appreciate your hard work to put all this down. As I mention on my site, doing astrology using the astro-sentences is actually pretty easy...the tough part is trying to UNDERSTAND what it all means! ![]( Congratulating, Tim IP: Logged |
katipo unregistered
posted September 01, 2006 04:13 AM
Hi Tim --**This post has been added toSUN = TAURUS-physical modifies self-expression focused on 3rd thinking MOON = PISCES-spirituality modifies home focused on the 12th Spirituality MERCURY = GEMINI-thinking modifies thinkingfocused on the 4th home VENUS = TAURUS-physical modifies physical focused on the 3rd Thinking ** I can only think tactile learner MARS = GEMINI-thinking modifies being focused on the 3rd Thinking JUPITER = LEO-self-expression modifies expansion focused in the 6th daily-work SATURN = ARIES-being modifies duty focused in the 2nd Physical URANUS = VIRGO-daily-work modifies friends focused in the 7th relationships NEPTUNE = SCORPIO-transformation modifies spirituality focused in the 9th Expansion PLUTO = VIRGO-daily-work modifies transformation focused in the 7th relationships I want to post this so I can read it better. IP: Logged |
shirty unregistered
posted September 01, 2006 10:03 AM
SAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies SUN (self-expression) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) GEMINI (thinking) modifies MOON (home) focused on 11TH HOUSE (friends) SAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies MERCURY (thinking) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) SCORPIO (transformation) modifies VENUS (daily work) focused on 4TH HOUSE (home) PISCES (spirituality) modifies MARS (being) focused on 8TH HOUSE (transformation) PISCES (spirituality) modifies JUPITER (expansion) focused on 8TH HOUSE (transformation) SAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies SATURN (duty) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) SAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies URANUS (friends) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) CAPRICORN (duty) modifies NEPTUNE (spirituality) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) SCORPIO (transformation) modifies PLUTO (transformation) focused on 4TH HOUSE (home)------------ Sun energy = I express myself best when I’m learning about who I am and what I have to offer the universe. (Probably why I was drawn to astrology.) Moon energy = I spend a lot of my time thinking about other people. The conclusions I draw from these thoughts are what make me feel secure or insecure. (I had trouble with that one.) Mercury energy = I expand my ideas and views through my creativity and self-expression. If I don’t have some sort of creative outlet I go insane! Which is why I have a journal where I write all of my thoughts. Also, if you use Mercury as Daily Work: My routines are often interrupted by my need to express my creativity. I have trouble finishing things, following routines, I need lots of change to remain content. Venus energy = This one is tough, let me know if it makes any sense. My home is a place where I regenerate and change the most. I need at least an hour or two alone in my room at the end of the day to recuperate from my journey. I introspect at home, think, write, etc. This is essential to my survival, yet other aspects in my chart indicate my need for freedom, so my home doesn’t have to be MY home. Just a place where I feel emotionally and physically safe. Mars energy = My spiritual side is what helps me grow and change the most. The day I started looking into astrology is the day I felt comfortable in studying something. Sometimes I feel so connected to the universe I forget I even have a body! (That one was kinda tough and maybe has the wrong focus to it.. not sure.) Jupiter energy = Again, all of my spiritual learning is what changes me. I have literally become a completely different person over the past year, and its because I’m very much more in touch with my spirituality. This growth continues every day! Saturn energy = My need for self-expression and learning often overpowers any obligations I have to anyone. At the end of the day, I need the freedom to expand and grow as a soul and nothing will stand in my way. Uranus energy = I have a tendency to leave friends/close ones in the dust. This is because I learn about my self through other people. Once I’ve learned what I needed to learn from someone, I often move on. Which is hard to take for most people! I recognize this hurts some people I care about, but they usually learn to understand me. Neptune energy = Again a little difficult to interpret, but I’d say this reiterates my earlier points. I have a strong urge to express myself spiritually and share my knowledge with others. I don’t know how to explain this one.. Pluto energy = My home is ever-changing. I have trouble with the idea of home in general because I was always moving as a child. In reaction to this I keep most of my world inside of me.. so I can make any space my home. Hard one to explain too!! Thanks for this thread Tim, any advice would be great! I want to understand my energies better.
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cat71 unregistered
posted September 01, 2006 12:02 PM
1 - Find your 10 planetary energies by creating 10 "astro-sentences" (SIGN modifies PLANET focused on HOUSE) based on your own sign/planet/house combinations in your chart. Sun energy = LIBRA modifies SUN focused on 5TH HOUSE Moon energy = CANCER modifies MOON focused on 2ND HOUSE Mercury energy = LIBRA modifies MERCURY focused on 5TH HOUSE Venus energy = LIBRA modifies VENUS focused on 5TH HOUSE Mars energy = AQUARIUS modifies MARS focused on 9TH HOUSE Jupiter energy = SAGITTARIUS modifies JUPITER focused on 7TH HOUSE Saturn energy = GEMINI modifies SATURN focused on 1RST HOUSE Uranus energy = LIBRA modifies URANUS focused on 5TH HOUSE Neptune energy = SAGITTARIUS modifies NEPTUNE focused on 7TH HOUSE Pluto energy = LIBRA modifies PLUTO focused on 4TH HOUSE2 - Add in the "keywords" to the "astro-sentences" Sun energy = LIBRA (relationships) modifies SUN (self-expression) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) Moon energy = CANCER (home) modifies MOON (home)focused on 2ND HOUSE (physical) Mercury energy = LIBRA (relationships) modifies MERCURY (daily work) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) Venus energy = LIBRA (relationships) modifies VENUS (physical/relationships) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) Mars energy = AQUARIUS (friends) modifies MARS (being) focused on 9TH HOUSE (expansion) Jupiter energy = SAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies JUPITER (expansion) focused on 7TH HOUSE (relationships) Saturn energy = GEMINI modifies SATURN (duty) focused on 1RST HOUSE (being) Uranus energy = LIBRA (relationships) modifies URANUS (friends) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression) Neptune energy = SAGITTARIUS (expansion) modifies NEPTUNE (spirituality) focused on 5TH HOUSE (relationships) Pluto energy = LIBRA (relationships) modifies PLUTO (transformation) focused on 4TH HOUSE (home) 3 - Translate the "astro-sentences" into "real speech" Sun energy = LIBRA (relationships) modifies SUN (self-expression) focused on 5TH HOUSE (self-expression)- indicates my Sun energy has to do with how I express who I am through the relationships generally but specifically friends, children (love kids and work wth kids) and opposite sex; I also express myself through creative pursuits generally amateur theatre and writing. (TBC) ![](
------------------ have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever... IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 01, 2006 05:09 PM
shirty,I LOVE your interpretations! Only YOU know how your energies work for you, and you seem to have spent some time working this out. Look over your interpretations and the "keywords" again, and see what new, fresh insights come to you! ![]( Encouragingly, Tim IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 01, 2006 05:10 PM
cat,I KNOW this takes work, but I like what you have written so far! Keep up the great work! Encouragingly, Tim IP: Logged |
katipo unregistered
posted September 03, 2006 04:39 PM
OK, after *walking* around for a couple of days and drawing up a couple of flow charts, (to grasp the bigger picture) I might have a go at this.-------------------------------------------- SUN = TAURUS physical modifies self-expression focused on 3rd thinking I like to change my surroundings to suit myself (up to and including landscaping) I'm curious and like to know lots of information about people and places, I like to read my information. MOON = PISCES spirituality modifies home focused on the 12th Spirituality I don't understand my own feelings, I'm ambiguous in my emotional manner with others.
MERCURY = GEMINI thinking modifies daily-work/thinking focused on the 4th home Introspective, home/movement? (It's true I've moved homes alot) VENUS = TAURUS physical-relationships modifies physical focused on the 3rd Thinking Conservative, good manners. MARS = GEMINI thinking modifies being focused on the 3rd Thinking Assimilitive mind, manual dexterity, talkative, argumentative (maybe---ok *probably*) JUPITER = LEO self-expression modifies expansion focused in the 6th daily-work SATURN = ARIES being modifies duty focused in the 2nd Physical I think this points to my lack of self-discipline.
URANUS = VIRGO daily-work modifies friends focused in the 7th relationships ?????? NEPTUNE = SCORPIO transformation modifies spirituality focused in the 9th Expansion My mind has no concrete opinions, my thoughts can transform and expand into anything. PLUTO = VIRGO daily-work modifies transformation focused in the 7th relationships My relationships are constant power struggles, usually I transform (relinquish power) and then beat myself up about it. This was really hard, and I'm not sure I quite have a grasp of it all yet. Practising. ![]( IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 04, 2006 08:02 PM
hmmm Sun/Cancer/7th: home modifies self expression focused on relationships.----This one I've pretty much figured out now. It explains why I have never been able to relate to interps of 7th house suns like "Alway in a relationship" yadayadayada. Relationships have been awkward for me in the past but family/close relationships is a different story. Even now I have trouble expressing myself to complete strangers, but like another person said above, I can be outgoing with those that I'm close to.
Moon/virgo/8th house: daily work modifies home focused on Transformation.----This one I'm having trouble with. I don't know if I would want to work from my home-I would get bored. I do like to keep my place clean though and I always feel much better once I've "cleaned". Mercury/Cancer/6th house: home modifies daily work focused on daily work-----Hmmm, I sense a theme here. I wonder if a job at home would be ideal for me in the future? I don't think my actual major can allow that.(nursing) Venus/Gemini/5th house: Thinking modifies relationships focused on self expression.---This one I figured out quite easily. In relationships (not just love) I want to be able to think myself-I don't like anyone thinking (or speaking for that matter) for me. I try to stay away from the smothering and controlling types. 2 interesting things: my boyfriend is watery and he's been neither to me which goes to show you that water people are not always the 2 above. The second, my father's saturn opposes my venus which pretty much explains our "relationship". I left outjupiter, and mars because I'm still trying to figure those out. The next three also have some "theme" attached to them: Saturn/Sag/12th house:expansion modifies duty focused on spirituality.----This is probably why I'm here in the first place. I feel as if I must know more about astrology and other metaphysical stuff. Although I don't know how this would relate to duty.
Uranus/Sag/12th house: Expansion modifies friends focused on spirituality.----This could be another reason why I'm here. I've found more friends in a very spiritual place. But really, I like having friends to chat with about deep stuff sometimes. Neptune/Cap/12th house:Duty modifies spirituality focused on spirituality---Hmmm, duty keeps getting tied with spirituality. Ooooo, maybe this means I have some sort of higher purpose or something. ![]( Thanks Tim, I love the way you orgainze these things in astrology to make them easier to understand. Very Virgoan ![]( IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 05, 2006 02:25 AM
katipo and dolce,Keep up the good work! You are really beginning to make sense of all this astro-stuff! ![]( Encouraging, Tim IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 05, 2006 11:11 AM
katipo,You asked: quote: URANUS = VIRGO daily-work modifies friends focused in the 7th relationships ??????
This could indicate you like to have "friendly relationships"...close but not TOO close. It also indicates your friends could be a source of relationships. Keywording, Tim IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 05, 2006 11:16 AM
dulce,You said: quote: Mercury/Cancer/6th house: home modifies daily work focused on daily work-----Hmmm, I sense a theme here. I wonder if a job at home would be ideal for me in the future? I don't think my actual major can allow that.(nursing)
I just posted something about how to extend the basic keywords ( ). Cancer/Moon/4th house also has to do with "nurture" which fits in well with nursing! ![]( Extending, Tim IP: Logged |
amisha121877 unregistered
posted September 05, 2006 01:58 PM
Sun Energy - Sagittarius (expansion) modifies Sun (self expression) focused on 5th house (self expression)* My sun energy has to do with expanding my self expression by expressing myself Moon Energy - Aries (being) modifies Moon (home) focused on 9th house (expansion) *my moon energy has to do with being/feeling, at home, in order to expand Venus Energy - Sagittarius (expansion) modifes venus (physical) focused on 4th house (home) * my venus energy has to do with expanding my roles at home Mercury Energy - Capricorn (duty) modifies Mercury (thinking) focused on 5th house (self-expression) *my mercury energy has to do with my sense of duty in being free to embrace my self-expression in thought Mars Energy - Leo (self expression) modifies Mars (being) focused on 12th house (spritiuality) *my mars energy has to do with my being able to express myself, spiritually Jupiter Energy - Cancer (home) modifies Jupiter (expansion) focused on 11th house (friends) *my jupiter energy has to do with expanding by welcoming friends into my home Saturn Energy - Virgo (daily) work modifies Saturn (duty) focused on 1st house (being) *my saturn energy says that I feel it is my duty to be myself every day Uranus Energy - Scorpio (transformation) modifies Uranus (friends) focused on 3/4th house (thinking/home) *my uranus energy says that I think of my friends, when at home and in my thinking Neptune Energy - Sagittarius (expansion) modifies Neptune (spirituality) focused on 4th house (home) *my neptune energy says that I expand spiritually, at home Pluto energy - Libra (relationships) modifies Pluto (transformation) focused on 3rd house (thinking) *my pluto energy says that I think on my relationships / past, present, and future IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 05, 2006 02:58 PM
amisha,Very nice! Keep up the good work! Congratulatingly, Tim IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 05, 2006 04:21 PM
Yes! Substitute with the word "nurture". It all makes sense now! I don't know why I didn't think of that word before.(I am a Cancer). Thanks Tim! ![]( IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5880 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2006 01:38 AM
Tim,I noticed... well I noticed first what easy placements you have by sign. What I noticed second was in the section titled, "Now we take these astro-sentences and add in the 'keywords'." Your Neptune changed from Virgo (in the preceding section) to Scorpio. Admittedly not a big deal, but I just wanted to point that out to you, so that your Virgo perfectionism might be sated. ![]( And now I'm off to start a topic just because I have a question. AG EDIT: Pssst...the house too. ![]( IP: Logged |
wilsontc unregistered
posted September 08, 2006 12:32 PM
AG,Thanks for catching this! I have corrected the Neptune IS in Scorpio. Self-correcting, Tim IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted September 14, 2006 12:19 AM
Im going to think on this...thanks Tim.- friends modifies self expression and being and thinking focused on duty
- self expression modifies expansion focused on home
- spirituality modifies home focused on friends
- expansion modifies relationships and spirituality focused on relationships
- daily work modifies duty focused on self expression
- relationships modifies transformation focused on daily work
- transformation modifies friends focused on daily work
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wilsontc unregistered
posted September 14, 2006 12:39 AM
Dreamer,Very nice work! You've got the "astro-sentencing" work down! If you get stuck trying to understand how some of these keywords apply to you, you could also take a look at some "extended" keywords here: and see if these help make the meaning clearer. Encouragingly, Tim IP: Logged |
Hexxie unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 12:47 PM
Hey Tim ~How do you translate when someone has an Aries Asc? The 'modifier' is the same as the 'focus'... i.e. Sun energy = Aquarius (friends) modifies Sun (self-expression) focused on 11th house (friends) Thanks! P.S. Here you wrote: "Mercury energy = VIRGO (daily work) modifies MERCURY (daily work - only ONE "keyword" is used, since Mercury rules Virgo) focused on 12TH HOUSE (spirituality)" You say there is 1 keyword used since Mercury rules Virgo but in my mind since Merc rules 2 signs wouldn't you, or couldn't you, use it like this: Virgo (daily work) modifies Mercury (thinking and/or daily work) focused on 'house#'??!! I also have Mercury in Virgo (but mine is in the 4th) and it is my only earth sign & chart ruler ![]( ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll
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wilsontc unregistered
posted September 15, 2006 03:15 PM
Hexxie,Thanks for your hard work and your questions! ![]( The Ascendant in this case acts more like a planetary energy and it takes the place of the planet in the "astro-setence". So, instead of: SIGN modifies PLANET it becomes SIGN modifies POINT in this instance that means: Aries modifies Ascendant which becomes Aries (being) modifies Ascendant (self) indicates a person concerned about who and what they are (i.e, their "being"). My thinking on using one keyword instead of two in certain situations is that planets rule signs, so when signs modify a planet which rules that sign, the planet automatically takes on the energy of that sign. In my example:
Virgo modifies Mercury becomes Virgo (daily work) modifies Mercury (daily work and/or thinking) Virgo directs the Mercury to "switch to" its Virgo (daily work) side and "turn off" its Gemini (thinking) side which becomes Virgo (daily work) modifies Mercury (daily work). I leave out the middle part in order to keep the method consistent with the rest of my "astro-sentencing" description. I feel strongly that this is the way it works because I am a VERY Virgo person, and am aware of my Virgo modifying Mercury energy as being all about analysis...thinking is OK, but let's work on it again and again and again to find out what it all MEANS. To me, that is quality of Virgo modifying Mercury...needing to do the daily work, to look at things again and again until they make sense. And I see you, my fellow Virgo modifying Mercury person, also like to analyze! ![]( Answering and analyzing, Tim IP: Logged |
thebigeliza unregistered
posted September 20, 2006 03:27 PM
I found this fun but difficult to interpret.Sun-Libra(relationships)modifies Sun(self-expression)focused on 8th house(transformation) Moon-Scorpio(transformation)modifies Moon(home)focused on 9th house(expansion) Mercury-Scorpio(transformation)modifies Mercury(daily work)focused on 9th house(expansion) Venus-Virgo(daily work)modifies Venus(relationships)focused on 8th house(transformation) Mars-Virgo(daily work)modifies Mars(being)on 8th house(transformation) Jupiter-Aquarius(friends)modifies Jupiter(expansion)focused on 1st house(being) Saturn-Scorpio(transformation)modifies Saturn(duty)focused on 10th house(duty) Uranus-Sagittarius(expansion)modifies Uranus(friends)focused on 10th house(duty) Neptune-Capricorn(duty)modifies Neptune(spirituality)focused on 11th house(friends) Pluto-Scorpio(transformation)modifies Pluto(transformation)focused on 9th house(expansion) I think I had trouble interpreting because all of these placements sound alike.Like one right after another.Do you know what this could mean? Eliza IP: Logged | |