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  moon in the 12 house

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Author Topic:   moon in the 12 house

Posts: 1326
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted August 12, 2012 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

moon in the 12 house

You may encounter various difficulties related to oversensitive emotions and feelings.
There are close connections made to your unconscious mind, and these influence
your moods and sense of well-being. There may be unresolved experiences from
childhood and parental relationships that have had a powerful impact on you,
especially those involving your mother. The approval of your parents may still be
important in your adult life; and your life-style may reflect their wishes and desires
for you. You may follow a path first indicated by them; or, alternatively, your life-style
may be a deliberate reaction against and rejection of their influence. You may
consciously pursue a different path designed to display your independence.
Look at your parental relationship and see how it has affected your life. Determine
what it now means to you, and see how this has shaped your choices and decisions.
This may not be easy, as the roots of some of these patterns lie deep within your
unconscious mind and may not be easily accessible. But if parental shadows still loom
large, insights can be found from such an exploration. Your mother's role is especially
crucial in this context.
You often feel very vulnerable, and are sensitive to others and empathic to their innersuffering. You may attempt to veil this heightened feeling nature from others, and
may also repress it from yourself through self-control and emotional denial. You may
be afraid that your emotions could be too powerful to contain, unlessvyou restrict
their release. This can create reluctance to enter emotional intimacy and
relationship. As a form of protection, you may lock emotions away, refusing to open
and embrace life. You can feel uncomfortable dealing with feelings, afraid that, by
expressing them to others, you may reveal your vulnerability.
You may erect a 'shyness barrier', or develop an atmosphere around you of distance
and disinterest in social relations. Your identity boundaries can be extremely
diffused, lacking a stable inner center. You may feel inwardly exposed to the
presence of others and fail to establish your identity. Ofte, you will simply react to
the influence of others, instead of to your own inner messages.
Psychic and intuitive perceptions are likely, and you will be highly sensitive to the
intangible realms of life. The nature and quality of your environment is important,
and will also influence your feelings of well-being.
You may experience some difficulties in coping with the demands of daily life; city life
may be particularly challenging and stressful. You tend to withdraw into the privacy
and seclusion of your home, seeing it as a personal sanctuary and retreat from the
world. You hope to relax into the vibrancy of an inner life that appears more
attractive than does the outer world.
This preference can have either positive or negative effects. It can become a world of
evasion, fantasy, delusions, and neuroses if the emanations from your unconscious
are not resolved throush self-healing. In extreme cases, this could eventually
precipitate a descent into mental imbalance. Or, used positively, this can become a
valuable resources for greater life enjoyment, perhaps even for creative inspiration.
Dreams may become prolific and meaningful; new ways of living may be intuited; you
could become a channel for inner guides, able to unlock the doors to an inner
storehouse of wisdom through a contact with your spiritual self.
What is likely is some type of inner crisis, created by the clash of inner and outer
energies, between inner messages and impulses and the necessity of coping with
daily life. This could be triggered by any transiting planets (especially Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) moving through your 12th house toward the Ascendant
and your image of identity. You need to ensure a positive conclusion to such possible
experiences, so that results are transformative, beneficial, and integrative, rather
than disintegrating your sensitive personality. You may need inner healing, which
releases unresolved patterns and blocked energy and cleanses the accretions of the
past. This would enable you to face your future with renewed confidence and
personal stability.
(Stephanie Camilleri)
This placement is similar in many ways to the Moon in the first house. People with
the Moon in the twelfth are highly impressionable and sensitive; the mind floods with
ideas and images, and is open to inspiration. However, there is usually some
constraint. Either they do not feel free, for some reason, to translate their
inspirations into meaningful efforts, or these efforts meet with little or no success.
The early life may be so turbulent with emotional crises of various kinds that they
can't stick to anything long enough to bring it to completion. When there is success,
it is often tinged with loneliness.
This is a rather lonely position in general. Men with this Moon placement often havea hard time maintaining a close relationship with a partner, or with anyone. If they do
have a good relationship, the partner will often have to carry the burden of
responsiveness as the man will cloak himself in self-isolation from time to time, and it
will be up to the other to penetrate it. This usually comes from a painful relationship
with the mother, the loss of the mother early in life, or the lack of her nurturing love.
Women with this position also find it hard to maintain a close and constant
relationship over a long period of time. They have a great need for privacy. They are
inclined to break off a relationship that threatens to become too intimate without
explanation; to move, or take a job in another town and leave no forwarding address.
Both sexes are often sentimental about love, but deep down they don't enjoy
intimacy, and many times would rather do a disappearing act and keep the memories
than go through the aches and pains of maintaining a long-term relationship.
This Moon gives deep insights into people and the truths that lie below the surface of
appearances. It is good for creative efforts, especially the kind that are accomplished
alone, or partly alone. There is an ability to appeal to an audience at a subliminal
level. Often they cannot explain how they do it or even understand themselves why it
works. This is a good position for detectives or for anyone who must seek answers
below the surdface. It is good for politicians because it gives the ability to appeal to
the deeper needs of the public, although the public life may be marked in some way
by tragedy or failure. They may have secret love affairs that bring sorrow or disgrace.
With a twelfth house Moon the public may be painful in some way. These people may
be excessively shy, suffer from claustrophobia, or have a fear of crowds. THeir
freedom may also be restricted in some way.
They do not like to be stuck in one place, and will go from job to job until they find
one in which there is a lot of mobility, where they must drive a lot, or can travel. If
their job won't let them do this, they will save up for vacations in faraway places.
They usually enjoy school, particularly the social facet, and continue to learn and
study one thing after another all their lives, though the formal side of learning, with
its degrees and so on, is usuaully of little interest (unless the Sun or its dispositor is
in Capricorn). They generally relate well to children and have a way with them. They
keep a youthful, eager approach to life, and rarely get overweight or out of shape.
(Bill Herbst)
Imagination: You are not entirely comfortable in your body; you need time every day
to relax the ordinary effort of self-awareness. Immersion in fantasy provides you with
a way to rejuvenate your willingness to be human. It's necessary; and if you don't get
it, you break down emotionally. Imagine being in the womb, completely safe, with no
troubles. You may not be aware of your need for release from the pressures of
ordinary life, and as a result could go on autopilot, dreaming unconsciously without
emotional benefit. The challenge is to nourish yourself with conscious fantasy.
Dreams are the background source of manifestation, so go to the well often. Just
don't fall in and drown.
Unfocused intuition: Intuition is instinctive; how you use it is the question. Early
imprints with your mother or other maternal figures fostered a high sensitivity to
intangible information. Now your intuitive radar is second nature. Channelship can
replace fear and confusion with safety and certainty. The pitfall involves boundaries.
Your own emotional opinions often intertwine with intuitive messages. You may
identify with feelings not really your own, or presume your feelings to be messages.
The challenge is to identify what is truly yours in the realm of emotion, to separate
personal feelings from intutive information.Withdrawal or isolation: No matter how vibrant your personality nor energetic your
life may be, you become more softly translucent in solitude away from the world. You
float with the emotions that surfeace in withdrawal; they take you somewhere else,
other than here, other than now. You need to slow down and pull off the side of the
road to let yoruself cool, so you can remember the mystery of things. This placement
requires sleep to 'knit up the ravelled sleeve of care'. Rest is exquisite when you're in
your natural flow; but if you encounter periods where sleep is troubled or denied, you
suffer terribly, becoming run down almost immediately. Then you must consciously
pull away from life.
Selfless giving: Your maternal feelings are easily aroused, so much so that you may
be regarded by others as a 'soft touch', someone whose sympathies are easy to gain.
And this is as it should be. Strength does not arise from a hard edge or steely
demeanor. On the contrary, your greatest strength is your deep willingness to feel
the predicaments of others' lives, and to respond gently. Avoid being overly selfeffacing; false humility serves no-one. Sheltering the poor, comforting the sick, and
calming the disturbed are all acts of compassion. But don't be swept away by
sympathy. Remain a safe harbor in the storm, an emotional beacon, like a lighthouse,
guiding others to shore. It is not your task to rescue, but to provide sanctuary, so
others can save themselves.
'Past lives': The pattern of your emotions and needs is strongly connected to other
realities, which have bled into this life to be understood and resolved. There are
significant and deep karmic connections between you and your mother, as well as
other individuals who touch maternity and nourishment from your life. Examine these
relationships carefully to discern any patterns 'from the past'. There was a tendency
toward unconsciousness or habitual behavior in prior incarnations, as if you didn't
really see what was unfolding as your created it. Those rhythms have been brought in
this life so you can let go of them and get on with the full development of conscious
(Robert Pelletier)
You are well aware that you must learn to stand on your own, but your overactive
imagination plays tricks and creates fantasies out of ordinary circumstances, which
distracts you from this task. Certainly some of your reatiosn to external conditions
are inaccurate, and that keeps you from developing resistance to people who try to
intimidate you. You don't have to take a submissive role, as you will discover if you
invest in yourself and learn the skills you need to deal successfully with challenges.
The public will gladly pay for your services when you are well-trained. Perhaps your
feelings of obligation to your parents kept you from developing your own ideas about
what you should do with your life.
You should try to prepare a program to guide you in your affairs, and be sure to
include a plan for increasing your financial resources. You can lessen your feelings of
inadequacy by freeing yourself from anxieties about security. Take enough time to
decide on a career that will give you satisfaction and make you feel that you are
providing a worthwhile service. Stop comparing your skills with other people's,
because that will only intimidate you further.
You may need professional help in choosing a career that will be rewarding and give
you a comfortable living. If possible, get a formal education so you can more
effectively meet the challenges presented by your competitors and thus enjoy the
more abundant lifestyle that they have. A service-oriented profession seems best
suited to you, but that decision is yours to make. You are well qualified to be aspecialist in any field in which you feel comfortable. Your feeling of inadequacy
makes you overreact to the challenge of your competitors, and you will probably
become more qualified than anyone else.
By applying some discipline in developing your creative potentials, you can derive
many benefits; you cannot afford to neglect this task. You must be aware that you are
qualified to provide unique services to the public. Finding an appreciative patron will
give you greater self-confidence. Be careful not to overindulge your children so that
they expect you to sacrifice your needs to satisfy theirs.
Don't feel obligated to 'friends' who try to take advantage of you. You are always
willing to help those in need, but that doesn't mean you should play host to every
parasite who wanders into your life. You have the rare gift of sincere compassion for
people in need of help, which you might utilize by following a career that requires
close contact with people. You deserve a fair return for your efforts, and you must be
firm in demanding to be paid accordingly. It is a waste of time to doubt that you can
achieve your goals as well as others do. All you need to do is establish goals that are
within your abilities and right for you. You have all the resources you need to get
everything you want out of life, and at the same time you are willing to commit
yourself to serving others.
(Howard Sasportas)
Like the Moon in the other Water houses, this placement suggests an innate
psychological openness and vulnerability. A thin line exists between what they are
feeling and what others around them are feeling. Like psychic vacuum cleaners, they
'suck in' what is circulating in the atmosphere. They may believe they are
experiencing their own emotione, when, in actual fact, they have absorbed those of
someone else. Without foregoing their inborn receptivity, they would be wise to
develop ways of strengthening their ego-boundaries in order to protect themselves
from being too invaded. They need to master and use their sensitivity rather than be
overwhelmed by it. Some may require periodic seclusion to re-establish their inner
peace and equilibrium.
The root of emotional problems is deeply embedded in the unconscious and not easily
accessible to the conscious memory. Psychological difficulties could stem from very
early infancy or even pre-natal experiences. Reincarnationists would maintain that
hard aspects to the Moon in the 12th suggest that present life problems are directly
connected to unfinished emotional business from past lives. These could manifest in
difficulties with the mother, children, and women in general, or may reveal
themselves in the house with Cancer on the cusp or contained within it.
In any case, the Moon in the 12th often indicates a complex or unusual relationship
witht he mother. The 12th house knows no boundaries: the child woulld have been
very receptive to the mother's feeling life and would continue to be so even when
physically separated. Through dreams, mediumship and visions, many people with
12th house Moons are still closely linked with mothers long departed from the world.
While those with this placement have vivid feelings and dreams, they may carefully
conceal their emotions and exude an air of mystery. In certain cases, there are secret
love affairs or emotional liaisons which are kept hidden for any number of reasons.
There is a natural capacity to care for those who are limited or afflicted in some way.
As with the Sun in the 12th, some may be so overwhelmed by deep-seated phobias
and complexes that they have great difficulty in leading an ordinary day-to-day
existence. In some cases, an institution may have to 'mother' them. Sometimes earlyexperiences in hospitals or childrens' homes would have affected the character
In general, the Moon in the 12th indicates a fairly prevalent desire to regress back
into the bliss of a womb-like existence. Those who had difficult pre-natal experiences
or who were deprived of the mother at an early age may need to heal these wounds
before they can accept incarnation and say 'yes' to life.
More positively, the Moon in the 12th often indicates direct access to a storehouse of
wisdom available to the individual at those times when insight and inner resources
are most needed. Some will act as vessels to mediate mythic and archetypal images
for others. The Gauquelins also found a correlation between 12th house Moons and
careers in writing and politics.

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Posts: 11
Registered: Aug 2012

posted August 13, 2012 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for msfullroller     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you! In these articles I've discovered some new insight into to this challenging placement.

Strong individuals make for strong communities which in turn make strong nations. To be strong, one must be whole. To be whole, one has to go down in the hole and find out who you are.

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Ami Anne

Posts: 37379
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted August 13, 2012 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Love your articles DL

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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Posts: 8
From: wilson, nc, usa
Registered: Sep 2012

posted September 19, 2012 12:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for crabbycancer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't even know what to say about this. Absolutely everything in the OP is true about me. EVERYTHING! And the part about the struggles w/ Mom are completely accurate- dead on!! Just as an FYI, I am:

Cancer Sun, 11th house
Leo Moon, 12th house
Virgo Rising, (don't know what house)

Thank you so much for the info. It has shed a lot of light into my life and my emotions and feelings that I deal with everyday.

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Posts: 1326
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted September 19, 2012 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by crabbycancer:
I don't even know what to say about this. Absolutely everything in the OP is true about me. EVERYTHING! And the part about the struggles w/ Mom are completely accurate- dead on!! Just as an FYI, I am:

Cancer Sun, 11th house
Leo Moon, 12th house
Virgo Rising, (don't know what house)

Thank you so much for the info. It has shed a lot of light into my life and my emotions and feelings that I deal with everyday.

welcome to LL btw
glad to help

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Posts: 8
From: wilson, nc, usa
Registered: Sep 2012

posted September 19, 2012 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for crabbycancer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by doommlord:
welcome to LL btw
glad to help

Thank you very much!

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Posts: 308
From: Brooklyn, NY USA
Registered: May 2011

posted September 20, 2012 06:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AriesKat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
On point!! thanx

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Ami Anne

Posts: 37379
From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
Registered: Sep 2010

posted September 20, 2012 06:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
DL is awesome, isn't he

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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Posts: 1326
From: israel
Registered: Dec 2011

posted October 11, 2012 11:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for doommlord     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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