posted September 06, 2012 08:54 AM
I am thinking about my Moon. It is a cancer moon conj the MC. It has 2 wide aspects, only.
It is conj Mars at 9 degrees, which is very wide. It is trine saturn at 8 degrees.The more I face myself, the more I think I have an unaspected moon, which is a hard planet to have unaspected but any unaspected planet confers great gifts.
However, the Moon unapected makes one very, very raw in the manner of a Pisces Moon, but worse, perhaps.
The Unaspected Moon person is said to give many gifts to other people, but feels very fragile, himself.
I do feel this. At any rate, please share about your unaspected Moon. If you don't know what that is, please ask and I will help you.
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