posted September 16, 2012 03:07 PM
please notice some of these interpretations are vedic and so are filled with doom and gloom...wstern astrologers shouldnt take notice..."Sun opposition North Node: This conjunction (to the South Node) refers to a
condition in which major circumstances in the native's environment deny him
opportunities and resources for self-expression, limiting especially his leadership and
power potential. Obstacles are thrown in his path, making it difficult to achieve what
he desires, even to the extent that he is denied the fruits of his efforts.
Natives are not swept along in the mainstream of events, as in the case of the Sun
conjunct North Node. This conjunction indicates a karmic situation in which
individuals in previous incarnations selfishly promoted their own ambitions at the
expense of the self-expression of others. This time around, they experience what it is
like to be thwarted by the actions of others. However, this aspect can bring a
thorough mastery of that which the native is able to command."
"Sun opposition North Node: This gives greater difficulty in establishing the new
growth at the North Node because the ego wants to stay at the opposite South Node
area with the Sun. The ego feels beter associating with South Node affairs; and inorder to grow and learn, the person must buck a strong ego."
"Sun opposition North Node: This aspect indicates lack of physical vitality and general
suppression of ego. It is more of a counter-balance from the previous life which tells
the person to slow down regarding the ego-ambition-recognition, etc. in this life. If
this is not done consciously, then it will be forcefully achieved by proper
circumstances. Conversion of normal energies of 'individuality' into evolution of that
soul will be noticed in this aspect in that particular life. This often indicates some
Karmic connections with the 'father-figure' that need to be balanced in this life. Often
a conflict from a previous life with the father has brought about this condition and
"Sun opposition North Node: A craving for companionship or an overwhelming need to
be part of a crowd can lead to stagnation. Lack of vitality can encourage stagnation.
Shyness can inhibit growth, especially if angular houses are involved"
"Sun opposition North Node: In the opposition, negative ego-forces often come into
play. The natives are full of self-admiration and believe they have full control of
everything represented by the axis concerned. Many of them are conceited and
proud, and lay claim to being unique when (in most instances) they are not. They
refuse to admit that they possess the weaknesses of the sign involved, and believe
that, being already sufficently developed, they have no need to work on themselves.
Often, these people feel that they are being neglected, and imagine that they are
tremendously important, although usually this is mere self-deception. They have a
tendency towards monomania."