posted May 06, 2013 10:20 PM
(looks like my first bf lol!!!) T______Tactually had to look him up, not surprised at all, Sag-Aqua...
my initial thought goes to him being a Gemini Rising, with Chart ruler cnj Sun in the 1st, Neptune square Mars and sxt Moon-Pluto... (geeze, their almost the same age, charts are very similar. gargh)
astrotwins and lookalikes. X___X;
I don't see a lot of water influence here, save for the Jupiter (Scorpio) singleton, Cancer NN. He seems quite fiery, Earth Mars to Neptune in Sagittarius, no doubt... it could be, really, I do think Gemini is plausible here... more I look at his chart. Mars in the 3rd-IC (Virgo), with Mars ruling his 11th, Neptune ruling MC but this aspect between the rulers (sharp square) and house arrangement seems fitting as an athlete and with his physical appearance.
Yup, betting on Gemini Ascendant for this guy. ^^;