posted July 10, 2013 08:06 PM
I have had some frustration with Decans.... so thanks for introducing this topic, IntenseCappy .... (And WELCOME to Lindaland, yay! *bounce* )
I went to the Elbert Wade website and saw "the problem" there too....
"DOES Degree ZERO really exist in ARIES??"
I realize 30-degrees is the FULL number of degrees in a zodiac sign.
0.00'00" to 0.59'59" Aries is considered the FIRST degree? All those arc-seconds belong to the 1st degree?
In DECANS, wouldn't 10 be located in the 2nd Deconate and not the first, based upon "rounding-up" in math?
ADD [I've heard the word 'deconate' used? Is this not correct? Is it only 'decans"?]
Would degrees in the 1st Deconate be 0.00'00" through 9.59'59"?
Would degrees of the 2nd Deconate be 10.00'00" through 19.59'59"?
So WHERE are the "walls" or boundaries in decan-world?
PISCES natal degree of 29.59'59" is not "Zero"? or IS it? That would be the 30th degree, right?
Does Solstice happen at 29.59'59" PISCES or Pisces 30/0 Aries?
arrgh! (And the moon right now is still in LEO and not VIRGO yet!! I feel that aura coming!! (I have VirgoMoon)
I've been messin' myself over this for days now! Your thread is right on time!