posted November 19, 2013 07:02 PM
Umm... so it's been a while since I've posted. I have a general question about compatibility. I have moon/mars/venus tightly conjuncted in pisces (11th house) but I have a sun in the 10th in aquarius.
Now if I meet a man who's moon or venus compliments my sun, I drown them... but if their sun compliments my moon/mars/venus they bore the crap out of me.
I don't know what to do, has this happened to anyone else?
More info:
I've known my latest guy for a super long time and he has just always been there for me and is a super communicator. He has a sun/venus in taurus (conjunct my ascendant), moon in gemini and Mars in scorpio (in his fifth), which is conjunct my scorpio saturn and DC in my 7th. His sun falls into my 7th too.
Not to mention his Mars is trine all three of my planets in pisces and his mars is conjunct my south node :/ Did I mention my pluto opposite his venus?
But there seems to be something really stable about it too... His saturn is trine my Venus.
Now there are a bunch of squares everywhere... The synastry chart looks like blood.
has anyone had a relationship anything similar to what I just described?
What do you guys know about moon-gemini venus-taurus men? Are they unfaithful?
Any comments would be appreciated.
This one is disturbingly fun. He has ZERO shame.