Topic: Node rulers?
ReachingForTheStars Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 05, 2014 02:41 PM
What does it mean when the ruler of your NN is in detriment, 4 degrees away from your SN, and the ruler of the SN is exalted, but square the node axis, and the rulers of the NN and SN are square? Extra info if it helps: NN is in 2nd house cancer. Moon in capricorn conjunct 8th house cusp (placidus) trine venus in Taurus (1) square mars in libra (4) square saturn in libra (6) SN in capricorn Saturn in libra 5th house trine sun/ascendant (1,0) square moon (6)
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Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 5923 From: Mountain Gate Registered: Aug 2013
posted March 05, 2014 03:11 PM
Can I just do your chart?IP: Logged |
ReachingForTheStars Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 05, 2014 03:22 PM
My chart:[IMG] e_zpsbb6d2690.jpg[/IMG] IP: Logged |
ReachingForTheStars Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 05, 2014 03:26 PM
Just a little more info on what I'm asking...The NN, according to everything I've read, relates to your soul's purpose and growth in this lifetime. I just came across an article that recommended examining the rulers of your nodes for a better perspective of the nodes axis. So if the SN is what you've mastered and is comfortable with, and the NN is the opposite of that, how is a person supposed to grow or move forward in life if the ruler of the NN is conjunct the SN? Seems like you're being pulled backwards. Unless, I have unfinished business or something?! I guess I'm curious as to if this means there are negative patterns or behaviors I may be prone to, and need to look out for. Ruler of the NN conjunct the SN seems like a negative aspect. It seems I may be SN oriented. How do you outgrow something so integral to who you are!? Unless it's just something I need to integrate for future benefit. Besides the whole opposition aspect, I'd say capricorn and 2nd house fit fairly well together. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 5923 From: Mountain Gate Registered: Aug 2013
posted March 06, 2014 06:02 AM
It's a lot easier if I can see it at home.I really get zapped out trying to decipher these charts. Is that the Vertex Axis on the Jupiter/Venus? IP: Logged |
ReachingForTheStars Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 06, 2014 11:50 AM
Yes. Jupiter is at 0.58 Scorpio and my vertex is at 3.17 Scorpio. My venus is farther away though at 10.12 Taurus.IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 5923 From: Mountain Gate Registered: Aug 2013
posted March 07, 2014 06:08 AM
Yeah, that's one thing I hate about those charts, I can't tell how tight.When I do it myself, I have it all at hand. So, do you feel this is pertinent? Vertex -- Jupiter Can bring overall improvement into the life in work and in health. Influences promoters, judges, ministers, athletes, college people. Can be self-indulgent. Wants an idealistic or perfect partner. Stimulates aspiration, tolerance and understanding. It looks to me that you are working to the forward on things that needed improvement in the past. The Moon is actually posited in the Seventh, so you are going to take into account things of both Houses(although the House Cusp is the main focus), also it is in good Aspect to Domicile Venus, also posited in the Eleventh, but on the Twelfth House Cusp. Having Jupiter Opposite, and the Vertex Axis right on the Sixth/Twelfth Cusp emphasizes this area. Yes, you are definitely on the right track with your delineations, that is exactly how one deciphers these things. Now, Mars is not the happiest there, but Saturn is. Mercury helps to balance this, Sun Trine that Exalted Saturn, very much so. Angular as well. This is a very Powerful placement of the Sun, it is just at that Sunrise point, you know like when the Full Moon is rising all huge and magnified? That's the placement of your Sun. And it Trines Saturn. Which Rules the Moon. And the South Node. When you look to the things of those House placements, those are the things that help you. I have a visual for that on here: IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 5923 From: Mountain Gate Registered: Aug 2013
posted March 07, 2014 06:41 AM
I have an Exalted Planet as a Skipped Step.It can be a real pain in the butt. But you have help. IP: Logged |
ReachingForTheStars Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 07, 2014 12:37 PM
Thank you for your assistance on this Ellyn,Jupiter-vertex figures prominently into my most closet relationships. My husbands venus is conjunct my vertex exactly. I have a cousin who I consider more like a brother, and his ascendant is tightly conjunct my jupiter, and his NN conjuncts my vertex. Plus, he's a sag sun and mars. I just looked up the chart of my high school crush and his Juno is conjunct my vertex. I just met someone here on lindaland that I felt an immediate affinity for, and her Draco IC is conjunct my vertex by a few min. My husband's Draco vertex conjuncts my Draco vertex. The men I've attracted usually have a prominent jupiter. It usually rules or conjuncts an angle, or conjuncts their moon, venus, or the ruler of their descendant. If you notice my jupiter is widely conjunct pluto in my 5th house, and it describes my son and daughter. My son has a sag moon conjunct pluto, and jupiter is on his ascendant. My daughter is four years younger, and has a sag sun conjunct pluto, and most of her personal planets are in sag. Do I want the perfect partner? Hahah! I'm not going to lie, yes I do! Jupiter is the ruler of my 7th house where I have neptune too. I don't want perfect in an unrealistic way, but perfect in the sense that he understands me, and lovingly accepts who I am. Doesn't sound like too much to ask, right?!!! I have a strong personality though with that first house sun!!! This is so complicated! With so many important planets on the cusp of houses, I'm having trouble understanding how it all factors in, and what I have to work on. Sooo, I feel a strong Scorpio/pluto vibe to my personality. I'm not as superficial as some would assume with such prominent gem placements. I think it's understandable since saturn, the ruler of my 8th house, trines my sun/ascendant. Plus, jupiter in Scorpio is a water singleton. Not sure if you'll agree, but my chart seems pretty relationship oriented. One interp. I read on moon in the 7th mentioned that theses people marry early. I did, but it wasn't for love even with his venus on my jupiter/vertex. The article also says these people normally divorce, and I do want a divorce, but that mars of mine loves to hesitate. I've read about the skipped step, but the information is mostly general. Do you have any theories what my skipped step could relate to? So I have to work on what needs improvement from the past. I have to think about this a little more. Since it's SN, does that mean issues from a past life? What just struck me is if I did divorce, I would be back at 18 trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I am just way too old for that!!! It may be better this way. Had I pursued the things I were before my marriage, I would be just as unhappy. I think I need to study the houses more. Thanks again, Ellyn! IP: Logged |
ReachingForTheStars Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 07, 2014 01:03 PM
"It looks to me that you are working to the forward on things that needed improvement in the past."^^The more I think about it; the more this makes sense. Thank you so much!! I'm just so fixated on the term PAST that i didn't realize that it's a step forward, or at least it is for me anyways. Most of the things I've read about the node axis talk about moving away from SN behaviors or issues. This would be a good topic for the brown own school forum. IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Moderator Posts: 5923 From: Mountain Gate Registered: Aug 2013
posted March 07, 2014 01:16 PM IP: Logged | |