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  Soul Mate Question

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Author Topic:   Soul Mate Question

Posts: 6048
From: Mountain Gate
Registered: Aug 2013

posted March 10, 2014 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Friends and Lovers The Relationship Between
JLuckyStar Knowflake
LuckyStar Knowflake
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
The Astrological Charts
JLuckyStar Knowflake

Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Virgo 17°Vi53' 10th 01 23°Sc08'
Moon Cancer 24°Ca15' 08th 02 23°Sg43'
Mercury Virgo 06°Vi59' 10th 03 29°Cp52'
Venus Leo 16°Le08' 09th 04 06°Pi50'
Mars Virgo 00°Vi23' 09th 05 08°Ar15'
Jupiter Aquarius 07°Aq57' R 03rd 06 03°Ta00'
Saturn Scorpio 23°Sc11' 01st 07 23°Ta08'
Uranus Sagittarius 14°Sg07' 01st 08 23°Ge43'
Neptune Capricorn 00°Cp51' R 02nd 09 29°Ca52'
Pluto Scorpio 02°Sc55' 11th 10 06°Vi50'
Midheaven Virgo 06°Vi50' 11 08°Li15'
Ascendant Scorpio 23°Sc08' 12 03°Sc00'
LuckyStar Knowflake

Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Pisces 13°Pi01' 02nd 01 25°Cp16'
Moon Virgo 09°Vi54' 07th 02 12°Pi07'
Mercury Aquarius 16°Aq14' 01st 03 22°Ar07'
Venus Aries 26°Ar34' 03rd 04 20°Ta15'
Mars Capricorn 06°Cp43' 12th 05 12°Ge01'
Jupiter Aries 28°Ar55' 03rd 06 02°Ca06'
Saturn Capricorn 01°Cp21' 11th 07 25°Ca16'
Uranus Capricorn 00°Cp36' 11th 08 12°Vi07'
Neptune Capricorn 09°Cp46' 12th 09 22°Li07'
Pluto Scorpio 12°Sc29' R 09th 10 20°Sc15'
Midheaven Scorpio 20°Sc15' 11 12°Sg01'
Ascendant Capricorn 25°Cp16' 12 02°Cp06'
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Introduction Page 2
Astrological Compatibility
Astrologically, each individual is represented by a chart of the planets and houses at the
moment of his birth. By comparing and contrasting the interrelationships of two separate charts,
the astrologer can reveal the many ways and many levels that two people relate with each other.
This is the astrological art of synastry as it has been practiced for several thousand years.
This report analyzes each of the two selected charts and interprets the astrological
connections between them. The charts' data, along with planetary positions and house cusps, are
printed on the previous page. There are four possible sections to this report, two for each of the
charts. Any one of them, or all four of them, will be included here depending on which were
requested. For each individual the two possible sections are: 1) How this person approaches
relationships. This section considers only the one chart, and is appropriate for all relationships
this individual makes. 2) How this person relates specifically with the second person. Here each
paragraph interprets a contact between the two charts from one chart's point of view. The text
here pertains to this one relationship only, and should be understood in light of the actual nature
of the relationship.
Remember that every relationship contains points of similarity and harmony as well as
points of conflict and discord. Through understanding, it is possible to cultivate and encourage
the positive and harmonious, and keep relationships growing and fruitful through the highs and
lows of the passing years.
Introduction Page 3
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
How You Approach Relationships
You, who are so power oriented and commanding in tone, have a greater need than most for
love relationships. Who would guess that you like your lovers anything but aggressive? You
need your lovers to be accepting, even at the risk of being on the dull side. Your relationships
tend to be long-term, conservative, and quite stable. Your partners often have money, property,
and tend to be quite possessive of your attention. Your emotions run deep and you can be
fiercely jealous. You bury yourself in your relationships. Only your lover knows how
vulnerable you really are.
Taurus on 7th Cusp
With you, good looks count a lot. You like partners who are charming, refined, and
appreciate the better things in life. You may depend on them for appreciation and love, and you
probably share the same set of values. They tend to dote on you, and you like it that way.
Venus Ruler of 7th
How You Approach Relationships Page 4
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
Strengths in your relationships
You are, from time to time, really inspired to the point of moving others with your
enthusiasms. You exercise an almost hypnotic quality over those who listen in when your
imagination takes over. Dreams, psychology, and all things occult and metaphysical are your
especial province. You're never afraid to take the plunge when matters of idealism or
imagination come to the fore. You feel and experience the unity of life -- that we are all in some
way, one. Others sense this about you.
Mars Trine Neptune (orb: 00 28')
Others soon learn how responsible you are, and that they can depend on you for real
support. Sure, you are perhaps a little too organized and run more cool than hot, but you really
do care and never let your friends down. Whatever you do is built upon a solid foundation, and
that includes relationships. Too serious? Aloof? Perhaps, but you are loyal, dependable, and
don't enter into relationships lightly.
Moon Trine Saturn (orb: 01 04')
You value independence in others, especially a lover. They must have some unique quality
for you to take an interest. Your taste in friends runs to the unconventional. You appreciate
variety in all things and are delighted when a partner comes up with a new and different way to
get your attention. You don't like to be tied down. You probably have a penchant for inventions,
electronics, and new-age technology.
Venus Trine Uranus (orb: 02 02')
You have always had a drive to delve into the unknown. The cosmos has real trouble
keeping secrets from you once you have made your mind up to investigate. You have great
perseverance and staying power. You work well in a crisis; emergencies of all kinds find you
on the spot, ready to test your mettle. You are brave -- and unafraid of death or people. You do
well with investments, property, and other people's money. You have very little sense of
propriety and tend to call a spade a spade. You like to get your hands in the real stuff of life,
blood and all.
Mars Sextile Pluto (orb: 02 32')
Very sensitive areas of conversation that might intimidate most (taboo subjects, etc.) don't
bother you at all. You always persevere and keep right on investigating. You are expert at
getting straight to the heart of things, and would make a super sleuth, or researcher. The deeper
a secret is buried, the more likely it is that you will turn it up. And when it comes to money,
sex, and other highly charged issues, pity anyone who tries to manipulate you. That's your
bailiwick, and there are very few who can stand to argue with you.
Mercury Sextile Pluto (orb: 04 04')
A real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless worker with absolute
Strengths in your relationships Page 5
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
determination and the ability to carry great projects through to completion. Always the
protector to all those you come to know, you tend to have long and secure relationships. Since
you are a natural conservative, those older than yourself (authority figures) tend to benefit you.
Sun Sextile Saturn (orb: 05 18')
You have a fantastic imagination and are somehow tuned into what we all dream of at the
deepest levels. The dream worlds, the more eternal thoughts of mankind, come easy for you,
and you would be a convincing speaker on occult, metaphysical, and religious subjects. The
way you talk about the intuitive and imaginative realms is very moving to others. You are able
to put into words the sense of unity that we all know exists in the world but can't always keep in
mind. You could be a fine poet or musician, especially a composer.
Mercury Trine Neptune (orb: 06 08')
When it comes to self-expression, you are a natural and can always put what you feel into
words. Your mind is quick and tends not to get bogged down in emotional issues. You would
do well in any of the communication fields, and are an excellent speaker. People find it easy to
get a sense for a subject when you put it into words. You write well.
Mercury Conjunction Mars (orb: 06 36')
Strengths in your relationships Page 6
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
Challenges in your relationships
You may be somewhat of a rebel, with a history of going up against authority. You like to
stand alone -- an outrider at the fringe of society -- like the old-time outlaws. You have a knack
for separating yourself from the herd. You end up as the loner, although this is not always what
you want. You need a partner in this life, a go-between for you and the status quo.
Sun Square Uranus (orb: 03 46')
You find yourself hampered by authority and elders. Too many rules and regulations may
inhibit or put a damper on what your heart feels like doing. You may procrastinate and put off
attending to the necessities, with the result that duties tend to pile up. You might be somewhat
defensive about expressing your real likes and dislikes for fear of being criticized or cut down.
You don't always play by the rules.
Venus Square Saturn (orb: 07 03')
Everyone can testify to your brilliant mind, but most would also find you somewhat erratic
and unpredictable. You don't always have the follow-through you pretend to have. You tend to
change your mind in the middle of a project and go rushing off in some new direction. You are
to some degree the victim of your own whims. You have trouble finding practical uses for your
plentiful insights.
Mercury Square Uranus (orb: 07 08')
You may have difficulty expressing your feelings, with the result that tension accumulates
to the boiling point. You may get the feeling sometimes that situations and other people unite to
repress you, to hold you back. You probably have had some really harsh experiences, hard
feelings. You feel you must push and strain to get anywhere at all. You would do well with a
partner who can help you through the process of getting your feelings out without exploding.
Mars Square Saturn (orb: 07 12')
You have always felt vulnerable when deep emotional issues are brought up, and may have
a history of avoiding confrontation and self-examination. You are ever so sensitive to ideas of
death, helplessness, and vulnerability in general. You see them only too well, and they haunt
you. There may well be some childhood experiences that were rough or harsh for you to accept.
Any partner will have to tread very gently when it comes to matters of feelings and security.
You may tend to dominate a relationship, but without success.
Moon Square Pluto (orb: 08 40')
Challenges in your relationships Page 7
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
Your Relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake
You find LuckyStar supportive when it comes to matters of your career. She understands
where you are headed and how it is best to go about developing your practical and vocational
side. With her help, you can make great strides in your managerial ability. She has an
instinctual sense of your capabilities (of what you would do best) and she can't help but nurture
you in these matters. She might be instrumental in getting you out of the closet and into the
public eye.
Her Moon in Your Tenth House
Meeting LuckyStar has had a grounding effect on you. Knowing her has been a real
experience, and you have had to let yourself feel that experience. There is this sense of the two
of you feeling through life together -- living it. Not a whole lot of reflection perhaps. This is a
relationship that you could build upon. It marks the start of something solid in yourself.
LuckyStar brings out the homing instinct in you, or you could benefit materially from knowing
Her Sun in Your Fourth House
She is a talker, and you're no slouch yourself. When the two of you get together there is
little room for anyone else in the conversation. You both connected intellectually and mentally
from the very beginning and seem to have a world of things to discuss. When you can't get
together, you may talk on the phone or write voluminous letters to one another. Communication
is so strong between you that it is possible for you to team up and collaborate on writing or
speaking projects. Take the show on the road.
Her Mercury in Your Third House
LuckyStar appreciates your sense of self -- the way you feel and express yourself. She is
proud of you and always urges you on to greater heights of creativity and self-expression when
you are with her. Through her you may discover that you are more of an artist or performer than
you had imagined. There is much affection and plain old good feelings. Great love potential. A
healthy relationship. You also may have similar views when it comes to ideas about animals
and children.
Her Venus in Your Fifth House
LuckyStar could be a positive asset when it comes to business and financial concerns. She
can provide drive and may push you to improve yourself, make more money, etc. There is
incentive here for you to respond to whatever opportunities may be latent in your situation. You
may become more active in this regard as a result of this relationship. Money and possessions
get a boost. The relationship may involve some jealousy and possessiveness.
Her Mars in Your Second House
LuckyStar tends to lead you out of yourself, and urges you to make greater efforts, to reach
Your Relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake Page 8
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
out and express yourself. You may overdo. Certainly she is a key person as regarding how you
view and feel about yourself. Through her you have come to experience more confidence and
happiness. You are proud to be with her and, most of all, she is just fun to be with. Children and
animals are two things you share. There may be a tendency to spend all at once. You feel
creative and artistic around her.
Her Jupiter in Your Fifth House
This could be an expensive relationship, for LuckyStar can't help but put your resources to
the test. She may not value you to the degree that you would like her to, or she may not respond
to what you feel are your better qualities. This can leave you feeling cold and disappointed. The
charm that others may find intriguing is wasted on her. This is not to say that this will not be a
worthwhile relationship, but it will not be supportive in any normal sense of that word.
Her Saturn in Your Second House
LuckyStar has an unusual, original, way of appreciating or caring for you. The way she
shows affection is different, and this could make for an interesting love life. Or she might
introduce you to alternative ways of financing or making money. Her ideas on handling your
resources and providing for yourself may be just the ticket. Whatever else, they won't be just
more of the same.
Her Uranus in Your Second House
No matter how dreamily romantic this relationship feels, it could have a very real quality if
it extends to your finances or resources. LuckyStar is an idealist of the first water and may not
have the practical experience needed to make decisions involving money and property. She has
the very best intentions, but you could experience a sense of loss through her. Better to enjoy
her company and let the loss be all the petty details of life, rather than some real investments.
Her Neptune in Your Second House
She may exercise an enormous influence on how you view your role in life. Your whole
idea of what you are here for and what it is to be human may be transformed. LuckyStar has a
way of separating the wheat from the chaff and getting right to the heart of things. Through
knowing her, you may find yourself going through deep changes in attitude, discovering more
compassion, self-sacrifice, and patience. She will put you in touch with the saint in yourself.
Her Pluto in Your Twelfth House
Your Relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake Page 9
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
Strengths in your relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake
LuckyStar Knowflake always seems to come up with a new feeling for life when you get
behind her. You seem to push her to break through the humdrum and have new experiences.
You understand how to move her to get out of herself and experience new things.
Your Mars Trine Her Uranus (orb: 00 13')
She is a real driving wheel for you when it comes to your writing and speaking skills. She
can push you to be more articulate, even eloquent, than would otherwise be the case.
Conversations with LuckyStar are always wordy and animated, at least from your end. You
may find it easy to put her feelings into words.
Your Mercury Trine Her Mars (orb: 00 16')
She manages to exert a good influence on your drive to succeed, bringing discipline and
order that you may lack. There could be a long-term and hard-working relationship. She
manages your talents with skill and understanding.
Your Mars Trine Her Saturn (orb: 00 58')
This might turn out to be a great working (business) relationship. You have no trouble
getting behind her, and can urge her to greater success. There is a natural sense of harmony and
flow to the relationship.
Your Mars Trine Her Jupiter (orb: 01 28')
You somehow are able to put LuckyStar's dreams and ideals into words. She finds you very
imaginative, even eloquent, and may love poetry and music that you write. There is a basic
sense of shared ideals, and you have long dreamy conversations.
Your Mercury Trine Her Neptune (orb: 02 48')
LuckyStar likes talking and communicating with you. You have a knack for bringing out
the best in her, making it easy for her to say what's on her mind. She feels your genuine support
and enjoys what she finds herself saying and thinking in your presence. She knows that she can
speak her mind when she is with you.
Your Mercury Conjunction Her Moon (orb: 02 56')
She loves the way you act and come on. Your basic energy and motivation appeals to her.
You may find yourself on stage and performing for her. This makes for lots of fun and great
Your Mars Trine Her Venus (orb: 03 49')
You understand her need for analysis and self-examination, and probably have helped her
thru many deep changes. You are really tuned in and sympathetic with this need for
transformation on her part. She puts you through a lot of changes too, but you love it.
Your Sun Sextile Her Pluto (orb: 05 23')
Strengths in your relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake Page 10
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
LuckyStar may be a real help when it comes to disciplined thinking, mental organization, and
study in general. You are able to talk about her problems easily. You are able to put into words
situations in which she finds herself.
Your Mercury Trine Her Saturn (orb: 05 38')
This could be a very physically satisfying relationship, one with lots of action and good
emotional exchange. Work hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of competition, since
you both tend to urge the other to greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.
Your Mars Trine Her Mars (orb: 06 20')
Conversations with LuckyStar are always interesting, and she stimulates you to new and
different ways of seeing things. She finds your mind fascinating and unusual. You may
introduce her to new ideas and concepts.
Your Mercury Trine Her Uranus (orb: 06 23')
You understand how she feels, and you find it is easy to cheer her up and generally
facilitate her emotionally. She is very supportive, even protective of you. This is a healthy
Your Sun Conjunction Her Moon (orb: 07 59')
You understand, and are in sympathy with, her dreams and ideals, which is very important
to her. There is a sense of shared vision, and you probably both like the same movies. Her
imagination complements yours. She may tend to idealize you.
Your Sun Trine Her Neptune (orb: 08 06')
LuckyStar is very supportive of your ambitions and drive. She urges you on to perform at
your very best. There is a lot of energy between you, and this could be a very productive
relationship for you both.
Your Mars Conjunction Her Moon (orb: 09 31')
Strengths in your relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake Page 11
Friends & Lovers JLuckyStar Knowflake
Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
Challenges in your relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake
You don't like the way she thinks and expresses herself. You just don't appreciate many of
the things she says to you. This bugs her, and she may insist on going against your own set of
Your Venus Opposition Her Mercury (orb: 00 06')
She may not appreciate your feelings and emotions, and may not like your moods. You may
tend to ignore her values and ideals and take them too lightly. She senses that you may not
support her sense of values. There could be a kind of cold war going on.
Your Moon Square Her Venus (orb: 02 19')
You can't appreciate her continual need for self-analysis and confrontation. She never seems
happy unless she has reduced every meeting to its lowest common denominator. She may go
against all that you hold dear, and drag you through scene after scene. A problem.
Your Venus Square Her Pluto (orb: 03 39')
LuckyStar may feel that she doesn't have your support when it comes to matters of career
and life direction. There may be hard feelings. You may find the decisions she makes upsetting
to you emotionally. Her basic philosophy of life can sometimes be at odds with the way you are
Your Moon Square Her Jupiter (orb: 04 40')
Although you feel plenty of natural affinity to LuckyStar, there is also a tendency to bang
heads once in a while. She may head off in one direction; you, in another. You will have to
cultivate a sense of cooperation and understanding.
Your Sun Opposition Her Sun (orb: 04 52')
There may be some problems in communication. You may find it difficult to talk with
LuckyStar, or attempts at communication end up in a standstill. Her attitude and manner may
leave you feeling frustrated, unable to communicate.
Your Mercury Opposition Her Sun (orb: 06 02')
Challenges in your relationship with LuckyStar Knowflake Page 12
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
How You Approach Relationships
Who would expect from your dignified and staid manner that you require so much
mothering from a partner? Your natural business sense and conservative nature in general might
point to your hooking up with a real no-nonsense and even cool type. Not the case. You are
attracted by feeling and emotional types, and a good strong display of emotion never put you
off, although you may prefer it in the privacy of your home. You find it hard to be
demonstrative, yet you love to be cared for and even babied.
Cancer on 7th Cusp
You need lots of love and attention, and you don't mind being mothered a bit, either. You
like partners who are emotionally sensitive, supportive, and nurturing. A bit of mothering goes
a long way with you.
Moon Ruler of 7th
You really depend on relationships for growth and support, and you tend to find yourself in,
and by means of, other people. Others find you very supportive. You may be a bit of a "mother
hen" when it comes to watching over your friends and partners.
Moon in 7th House
How You Approach Relationships Page 13
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
Strengths in your relationships
You are enchanting, and can transport a group of people with your mesmerizing words,
action, or music. Through you, others catch a glimpse of a world more unified than the one they
find themselves in, and hear from you of the life they know exists beyond the mundane. Once
under your spell, you could motivate them to do almost anything. You owe much to your
upbringing, which tolerated and gave support to your dreamier side. You can be very
compassionate, and understand the feminine side of life.
Moon Trine Neptune (orb: 00 08')
You manage to cram many lifetimes into one, for it seems like you're always being reborn
and starting life over again. Others may have a hard time keeping up with your changes. You do
well in face-to-face and gut-level situations that would exhaust most people. You really come
into your own when the going gets tough or when it's time to "get down" and face facts. Good
leadership potential for emergency situations
Sun Trine Pluto (orb: 00 31')
Good things tend to come your way, and you could end up with a lot of money, property --
possessions of all kinds. You are by nature generous, and probably give as much as you get.
There could be a love of travel and exploring, finding your own way through life. You tend to
appreciate authority, your elders, and conservative values. Others will value you for your
warmth and openness. You are quite fortunate.
Venus Conjunction Jupiter (orb: 02 22')
You have always had a sense of being special, and of having experiences perhaps others
have no memory of. You can handle even the most sensitive areas of your (or another's) mind,
and have no problem with controversial and upsetting topics like death, dying, sex, and the like.
You can't help being a psychologist of sorts. Sometimes it seems like the universe delights in
showing its secrets just for you. You have a sixth sense for values, money, property --
Moon Sextile Pluto (orb: 02 35')
You are, from time to time, really inspired to the point of moving others with your
enthusiasms. You exercise an almost hypnotic quality over those who listen in when your
imagination takes over. Dreams, psychology, and all things occult and metaphysical are your
especial province. You're never afraid to take the plunge when matters of idealism or
imagination come to the fore. You feel and experience the unity of life -- that we are all in some
way, one. Others sense this about you.
Mars Conjunction Neptune (orb: 03 04')
You are attractive and tend to be physically active. You just might participate in or manage
some athletic endeavor. You are in tune with your feelings and really know how to play a
Strengths in your relationships Page 14
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
crowd for the maximum response. You can always count on support from those around you.
You seldom hide how you feel and therefore are no stranger to an occasional argument. You
probably got a lot of emotional support as a child, especially from your mother.
Moon Trine Mars (orb: 03 12')
You have a sense of the extraordinary and wonderful about you. People sense that you have
an insight into the larger picture, and you can communicate this idea of unity to a group. You
are great at working with images, whether psychological, artistic, or cinematic. You probably
love movies and music, anything with a grand theme or gesture. You are not just another
dreamer. You can put your imagination to work. Your partner may have to work overtime to
live up to your ideal of him/her, and to keep you down to earth and away from woolgathering.
You need someone who loves to explore the dreamy psychological underside of life. You see
beneath the surface of things.
Sun Sextile Neptune (orb: 03 14')
You value independence in others, especially a lover. They must have some unique quality
for you to take an interest. Your taste in friends runs to the unconventional. You appreciate
variety in all things and are delighted when a partner comes up with a new and different way to
get your attention. You don't like to be tied down. You probably have a penchant for inventions,
electronics, and new-age technology.
Venus Trine Uranus (orb: 04 02')
You dote on responsibility, and love to bring order and discipline to anything (or anyone)
you are involved with. You wouldn't be caught dead in an extravagant display, not because you
are a cheapskate, but because of your natural love of thrift and economy. Family and loved ones
get first class care and service. Others will value you for these qualities. You probably love to
Venus Trine Saturn (orb: 04 47')
You are very skilled and exhibit great artistry in whatever you do. Your work is always well
organized and efficiently produced. You are driven to accept more and more responsibility,
which is not a burden to you. This is a sign of excellent managerial ability. You're in it for the
long haul and are a good example of what real discipline looks like.
Mars Conjunction Saturn (orb: 05 22')
You have a real drive to discover or invent things. You are always pushing the envelope,
going the limit. You know it is at the leading edge where all the real breaks occur. You are
fascinated by what is happening in technology and communications. Others find you original
and nonconventional, especially in your love life. You have your own very original idea of
love, emotions, and marriage. You march to a different drummer when it comes to relationships.
Mars Conjunction Uranus (orb: 06 07')
You really know how to pace yourself and seldom waste a moment or a move. It would be
difficult for you not to be a success at anything you choose to do. Career problems seldom last
long or prove very difficult. Others remark on your creative energy, great drive, and the fact
that you never seem to let up. It all runs so smoothly. You may be moved to work with the law,
publishing, education -- any field where you have an opportunity to guide and educate others.
Mars Trine Jupiter (orb: 07 47')
Strengths in your relationships Page 15
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
Others soon learn how responsible you are, and that they can depend on you for real
support. Sure, you are perhaps a little too organized and run more cool than hot, but you really
do care and never let your friends down. Whatever you do is built upon a solid foundation, and
that includes relationships. Too serious? Aloof? Perhaps, but you are loyal, dependable, and
don't enter into relationships lightly.
Moon Trine Saturn (orb: 08 34')
You have a knack for coming up with just what the crowd wants. You are nothing else if
not an original. You can take an ordinary event and turn it into something brand new, really
special. You may have had a somewhat unusual upbringing, and you like a partner who is
independent and also a bit unusual. Things are seldom boring with you, for you always have
just the right idea of what to do.
Moon Trine Uranus (orb: 09 19')
Strengths in your relationships Page 16
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
Challenges in your relationships
You are torn between the impulse to stand on your own feet, and a need to be cared for and
nurtured. Your independent streak may be ashamed of the need on your part for love and
affection. It's a no win situation. This could also be re-enforced by a mother and father who
may have worked at cross purposes. The resulting tension will have to be dealt with gradually
and methodically.
Moon Opposition Sun (orb: 03 07')
You may have a tendency to poke your nose into others' business. You can't resist, and yet
you're often afraid of what you'll find. Skeletons in the closet and sensitive areas of people's
lives both fascinate and terrify you. You have trouble just coming right out and dealing with a
touchy subject. It puts you through too many changes. You would rather snoop around.
Mercury Square Pluto (orb: 03 45')
Challenges in your relationships Page 17
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
Your Relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake
The two of you may end up working with the public on some health or service-related
project. That may even be how you met. JLuckyStar personifies, and brings to your attention,
concerns that you have known about for a long time but perhaps never acted upon. Things like
diet, smoking, exercise, preventetive medicine...anything that exemplifies a caring attitude. He
is very supportive, and when you are with him it seems that all these endless details are easy
and even fun to care for.
His Moon in Your Sixth House
Whether he has conventional good looks or not, JLuckyStar has true sex appeal for you.
Conventions go out the window and there it is, right in front of you. He has a way of cutting
through any reservations you might have and exposing even your most secret thoughts. There is
no use pretending you are anything other than you are. There can be no secrets between you.
All this can be terribly exciting. He may be able to serve as a key to some important investment
or other financial arrangement. You might inherit money through him.
His Sun in Your Eighth House
The two of you have a great rapport. There is mental kinship. In fact a talk session with
JLuckyStar almost amounts to therapy for you both. There is a real sense of mutual reflection. It
would be hard for you to find a more productive intellectual companion. It is possible that you
may work together in some public way through speaking, writing, investigating. A real meeting
of the minds.
His Mercury in Your Seventh House
Here is a natural partner, one you find both charming and attractive. JLuckyStar shares your
social values and has similar needs when it comes to relationships. He values your particular
social qualities and the way you relate and feel about others. You both tend to respond to
situations in similar ways. Something special seems to happen when you two get together. It's
as if you both are in love with love.
His Venus in Your Seventh House
He can be a real go-getter when it comes to the social scene -- always on the move. This
may have the effect of moving you to get out and be sociable. The two of you could do a lot
together. It is possible that your friends may see him as just a little pushy or too game. Relations
may take on an emotional tone that could be unneeded or unwelcome. He may tend to be the
life of the party.
His Mars in Your Seventh House
JLuckyStar is your good luck charm. He leads you out of yourself and makes it possible for
you to come across looking better in situations than you might without him. People experience
you as more expansive and outgoing when you are with him. Your relationship could become a
Your Relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake Page 18
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
highway to much greater things. There may be a tendency to spend everything and get carried
away with projects and ideas.
His Jupiter in Your First House
He may help to crystalize your career goals. His no-nonsense approach could make or break
you. He has a natural sense of authority that you respect and might confuse with a parental
figure. If you need discipline in career direction, good. If not, you may find this relationship
disappointing and even depressing. You will always get good advice, perhaps not warmth and
His Saturn in Your Tenth House
JLuckyStar has the capacity for introducing you to radically new goals and groups of
people. Perhaps through him you will meet a whole new set of friends, or be part of a group
working on a new-age project. You may come to have a completely new idea of your fellow
man, of brotherhood, and all of that stuff. He has radical ways of seeing things. All this may
come as quite a surprise to you and may upset the traditional apple cart. He is anything but
His Uranus in Your Eleventh House
Your friends may find JLuckyStar enchanting. He brings an almost otherworldly quality
into your friendships, partly due to his strong idealism and eloquence. He could have the effect
of uniting a group around their common center of interest. Music and the arts come to the fore.
At times you may feel this relationship has an unreal quality to it, that it lacks all sense of
His Neptune in Your Eleventh House
A different kind of teacher. JLuckyStar tends to view life and philosophy just the way you
do. He may take the lead when it comes to introducing you to new ideas and getting rid of
worthless pipe dreams. He is an intellectual challenge, and does not hesitate to throw ideas of
yours out the window that he finds not to the point. You will seldom find someone who is as
intellectually aggressive, a kind of mental purgative. He can change your basic philosophy of
His Pluto in Your Ninth House
Your Relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake Page 19
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
Strengths in your relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake
JLuckyStar is probably adept at putting some of your ambitions into words. You can see
that he understands your feelings and what motivates you. This makes for many highly spirited
Your Mars Trine His Mercury (orb: 00 16')
Conversations with JLuckyStar are always interesting, and he stimulates you to new and
different ways of seeing things. He finds your mind fascinating and unusual. You may
introduce him to new ideas and concepts.
Your Mercury Sextile His Uranus (orb: 02 07')
He finds you very supportive and easy to talk to. JLuckyStar has a knack for understanding
how you feel about something, putting your feelings into words that make sense to you. You
might find yourself encouraging mental pursuits on his part -- writing, speaking,
Your Moon Conjunction His Mercury (orb: 02 56')
This could be a very passionate and intense relationship. You find that you are always
pushing him to face himself, putting him through changes. He probably finds this exciting.
There is a strong sexual attraction to all of this. This could be a good business combination, if
caution is exercised.
Your Mars Sextile His Pluto (orb: 03 48')
This is a very romantic relationship. JLuckyStar senses your appreciation for his energy and
basic sex appeal. He really moves you to new heights in the love department. There is a sense
of healthy fun and good energy.
Your Venus Trine His Mars (orb: 03 49')
You value his dreams and idealistic nature. There is an almost otherworldy sense that
develops when the two of you get intimate -- your own magic bubble. He enchants you.
Movies, music, and moods are something you can enjoy together.
Your Venus Trine His Neptune (orb: 04 17')
The two of you may have a strong interest in the arts, music, and film. This could be a
business relationship. Your emotional rapport may have an almost otherworldly quality about it.
You could be a very moving force as a team when it comes to matters pertaining to the
imagination, psychology, metaphysics, etc.
Your Mars Conjunction His Neptune (orb: 05 52')
This could be a very physically satisfying relationship, one with lots of action and good
emotional exchange. Work hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of competition, since
you both tend to urge the other to greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.
Your Mars Trine His Mars (orb: 06 20')
Strengths in your relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake Page 20
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
You are always 100% behind JLuckyStar. You would make a great campaign manager, and this
could also be a good business partnership. You can't help but be supportive of his needs, and he
feels that he can always count on you.
Your Moon Conjunction His Sun (orb: 07 59')
You both probably love music, theater, and -- above all -- the movies. He finds you very
supportive when it comes to his dreams and fantasies. You probably find it easy to get lost
together in any of a number of imaginative activities. You tend to get emotionally very clear
and high when the two of you are together.
Your Moon Trine His Neptune (orb: 09 03')
Emotions run high with the two of you, but mostly it's very healthy. There is a strong sexual
rapport. He finds you very supportive when it comes to his feelings and emotions. This is
probably a very active relationship. He tends to push you on to be a real provider.
Your Moon Conjunction His Mars (orb: 09 31')
Strengths in your relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake Page 21
Friends & Lovers LuckyStar Knowflake
Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
Challenges in your relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake
He doesn't appreciate the way your mind works. Your words are wasted on him. You may
find yourself being mentally critical of his ideals and sense of values. He doesn't like the way
you think.
Your Mercury Opposition His Venus (orb: 00 06')
You never know what to expect with JLuckyStar. His need for variety and the unusual may
conflict with your own more conservative trends. He may tend to be a rebel, with you always
playing the authority figure. Sometimes hectic; seldom boring.
Your Sun Square His Uranus (orb: 01 06')
There may be some hurt feelings on JLuckyStar's part because he feels unappreciated by
you. You don't always give him the credit that he feels he is due. He may refuse to give you the
kind of support and nurturing that you're looking for. You both tend to be at loggerheads over
Your Venus Square His Moon (orb: 02 19')
JLuckyStar's feelings of independence, and his unusual ways, tend to rub you the wrong
way at times. You refuse to support his oddball ideas. He may find you restricting and
unimaginative. There is definite disagreement here.
Your Moon Square His Uranus (orb: 04 12')
Although you feel plenty of natural affinity to JLuckyStar, there is also a tendency to bang
heads once in a while. He may head off in one direction; you, in another. You will have to
cultivate a sense of cooperation and understanding.
Your Sun Opposition His Sun (orb: 04 52')
He may not always think highly of you and is not afraid to let you know when this is the
case. You may sometimes tend to discount what he says and squelch communication. You don't
always like what he thinks.
Your Sun Opposition His Mercury (orb: 06 02')
You can't appreciate his continual need for self-analysis and confrontation. He never seems
happy unless he has reduced every meeting to its lowest common denominator. He may go
against all that you hold dear, and drag you through scene after scene. A problem.
Your Venus Opposition His Pluto (orb: 06 21')
He is critical of your ideas, and you may feel somewhat tongue-tied when you are around
him. He may feel that you refuse to consider his problems or that you dismiss them with a few
Your Mercury Square His Saturn (orb: 06 57')
Challenges in your relationship with JLuckyStar Knowflake Page 22

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posted March 11, 2014 09:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Synastry Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
LuckyStar Knowflake

JLuckyStar Knowflake

Report For LuckyStar Knowflake
LuckyStar's Moon in JLuckyStar's 10th House
You may be called on to help promote JLuckyStar either socially or
professionally, and you could do well in business together. You are likely to be a
good sounding board that JLuckyStar feels comfortable bouncing ideas off to
mutual benefit.
LuckyStar's Moon Conjunction JLuckyStar's Sun
When JLuckyStar puts out, you receive, and you know what's coming just like a
good catcher reads a star pitcher. Just give the signal, and JLuckyStar puts it
right into your glove. This is a classic marriage aspect, in case that's what you're
up to.
LuckyStar's Moon Conjunction JLuckyStar's Mercury
You can probably intuit what JLuckyStar is going to say before the first word is
said, and heart meets head quickly and easily (your heart, JLuckyStar's head).
Conversely, JLuckyStar can probably put your feelings into words better than
you can.
LuckyStar's Moon Conjunction JLuckyStar's Mars
Your reactions may tend to stir up JLuckyStar, sometimes a little more than you
would like when your own sensitive spots are hit on a little too hard. It's not
meant to harm, but you may need to learn to duck when JLuckyStar gets a little
too enthusiastic.
LuckyStar's Moon Conjunction JLuckyStar's Midheaven
You naturally promote JLuckyStar without necessarily meaning to. What you
hear you like and you pass it on. JLuckyStar should be glad of that and listen to
what you have to say for general self-benefit. And, of course, you'll be the first to
say that.
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LuckyStar's Sun in JLuckyStar's 4th House
You can be both rising and setting sun for JLuckyStar if given the chance, which
may well happen. You don't need to give advice to be leaned on, just be yourself
and you will find yourself part of JLuckyStar's home, a bottom line necessity.
LuckyStar's Sun Opposition JLuckyStar's Sun
Your personality styles don't always mesh, and it can be easy to let your egos
get at cross-purposes. If you look at each other as mutually covering all the
bases, you can turn differing styles into reciprocal support and trust.
LuckyStar's Sun Opposition JLuckyStar's Mercury
If you feel that JLuckyStar doesn't sum you up very well, you may be right.
You're not totally beyond description, by may be beyond JLuckyStar's.
Nevertheless, you can learn a lot from what you hear, as there's more out there
than meets your eye.
LuckyStar's Sun Opposition JLuckyStar's Midheaven
It's probably best to let JLuckyStar take care of self-promotion while you provide
support on a more personal level that's less out in the open. When asked for an
opinion on what JLuckyStar's up to, just refer people to the source, don't
volunteer too much.
LuckyStar's Mercury in JLuckyStar's 3rd House
Words, words, words. You and JLuckyStar will likely not get enough of them,
and there will always be more to say. When there's a lull, you'll be expected to
launch the next round, so if you want a rest, just keep quiet.
LuckyStar's Mercury Opposition JLuckyStar's Venus
You can't get what you want if you can't say what you want, and you may not be
the right person to articulate JLuckyStar's needs. No need to argue about it, just
don't insist you know what's going on or that you can help when you can't.
LuckyStar's Mercury Square JLuckyStar's Saturn
JLuckyStar is not a person you want critiquing your well thought-out solutions, or
they'll likely just get pulled apart. It's easy to find faults but not easy to correct
them, as they may be overstated or not even there. If you disagree, drop it.
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LuckyStar's Mercury Square JLuckyStar's Ascendant
A critique of JLuckyStar's image by you is not going to go very far, so don't
waste your words. That's partly due to your own misunderstanding and partly
due to JLuckyStar's reluctance to be understood. So just let it slide -- it won't hurt
either of you.
LuckyStar's Venus in JLuckyStar's 5th House
Pleasure and creativity, not to mention occasional passion, should be a
watchword for the both of you. Let JLuckyStar know what you want, and
chances are it will be just the ticket for both of you. Have fun with this one.
LuckyStar's Venus Square JLuckyStar's Moon
When you get a rise out of JLuckyStar, it may not always be the one you're
looking for, so don't go pushing too hard. There's no hostility here, just confused
intentions that may seem deceptive at times when you're not getting what you
LuckyStar's Venus Trine JLuckyStar's Mars
JLuckyStar puts out a kind of relaxed attraction that doesn't exactly excite
passion but feels very comfortable, something you might miss if it weren't around.
Something you could equally share together or with others, as it doesn't cling.
LuckyStar's Mars in JLuckyStar's 2nd House
You can kick a reluctant JLuckyStar into spending, but also into overspending.
Encouragement will get you everything, but insistence brings resistance. Where
moral issues arise, be particularly circumspect, give gentle advice.
LuckyStar's Mars Trine JLuckyStar's Mercury
JLuckyStar's plans manifest in your actions easily, and your work encourages
JLuckyStar's organizational efforts just enough to be helpful without being pushy.
Neither is looking for credit, as it all comes naturally without much effort or
purposeful investment.
LuckyStar's Mars Trine JLuckyStar's Mars
Your energies are similar yet different enough to work comfortably on the same
or parallel projects without ever getting in each other's way. When runs out of
steam, a hand-off to the other comes with ease without missing a step.
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LuckyStar's Mars Trine JLuckyStar's Midheaven
Your efforts will probably serve to enhance JLuckyStar's reputation, and vice
versa, without necessarily meaning to. You just happen to be on the same page.
It's something to remember when you are totaling up your resources.
LuckyStar's Jupiter in JLuckyStar's 5th House
You're the one to suggest new ways to play -- in school, the boardroom, or the
bedroom. Be a fount of creative new ideas and approaches and JLuckyStar will
be the first to enthusiastically redesign the game. Make the suggestion, then be
carried along.
LuckyStar's Jupiter Square JLuckyStar's Moon
Be careful that emotional situations don't get blown out of proportion by pursuing
issues further than they should naturally go. It can be easy to get tangled in everspiraling
change that exhausts JLuckyStar's clarity of judgment.
LuckyStar's Jupiter Trine JLuckyStar's Mars
Fresh new directions always seem to provide the energy demanded to attend to
them. You don't really need to schedule it, just let it flow and the strength and
endurance will be there for both of you. Novelty provides its own fuel.
LuckyStar's Jupiter Trine JLuckyStar's Midheaven
Your concern for JLuckyStar's support, health, and welfare make you a natural
career support without particularly trying. You'll always have a good word about
JLuckyStar, even without speaking it, as your sincere concern is a compliment in
LuckyStar's Saturn in JLuckyStar's 2nd House
You can be an economizing influence on JLuckyStar's spending habits, but don't
throw cold water on gathering or disbursing necessary resources. You can lose
as much by not springing for a good deal as getting taken in by a bad one, and
so can JLuckyStar.
LuckyStar's Saturn Trine JLuckyStar's Mercury
Your experience can go far in support of JLuckyStar's ideas, helping winnow out
relevant from irrelevant not through criticism but by quiet suggestions and
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compliments. In return, you may find the JLuckyStar has an easy way of putting
your inner principles into words.
LuckyStar's Saturn Trine JLuckyStar's Mars
A few wise tips and a little free help in energy management will go a long way in
making JLuckyStar's daily life more personally "fuel efficient." Just knowing that
you're supportive and there to be called upon for advice is a major part of it.
LuckyStar's Saturn Trine JLuckyStar's Midheaven
Your stability may do much to enhance JLuckyStar's reputation, although neither
of you may have a clue as to exactly why or how. Your presence would appear
to add some kind of credibility, with JLuckyStar's success only adding to it.
LuckyStar's Uranus in JLuckyStar's 2nd House
You can have a somewhat unsettling effect on JLuckyStar's personal resources,
perhaps without meaning to. When you need to make demands, however correct
or necessary, try to give warning -- and do it in increments, not suddenly and all
at once. Sudden overloads are not helpful.
LuckyStar's Neptune in JLuckyStar's 2nd House
You may not have a really tight grip on JLuckyStar's finances and resources, so
be careful about what conclusions you draw. There may be lots more or lots less
there than you think, and you have the ability to even make JLuckyStar unsure
about it.
LuckyStar's Pluto in JLuckyStar's 12th House
When it comes to sensitive issues, you may be able to strongarm JLuckyStar
more than you might expect. Tweaking hidden agendas may allow temporary
control, but in the long run could escort you to the door. It's hardly worth it.
LuckyStar's Midheaven Trine JLuckyStar's Moon
JLuckyStar's feelings about your public life are fundamentally supportive and
can be counted on to back you up whenever asked. However, that won’t be
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often as usually there's really no need to ask -- it's quietly taken for granted.
LuckyStar's Midheaven Sextile JLuckyStar's Sun
Anything JLuckyStar has to give in the way of professional or public support
should be welcome, but it's likely to be quiet backing rather than vocal
cheerleading. Similarly, JLuckyStar may enjoy your status without making a big
deal out of it.
LuckyStar's Midheaven Square JLuckyStar's Venus
You may find that JLuckyStar is never quite satisfied with what's said about you,
but it's something that's not worth spending too much time correcting. On the
other hand, on the personal side of things JLuckyStar can be much easier to
LuckyStar's Midheaven Conjunction JLuckyStar's Saturn
JLuckyStar could throw and wet towel on your public life without meaning to, so
it might be wise to keep your distance in that area. Bringing the public back to
bottom-line reality where you are concerned may not be what you want.
LuckyStar's Midheaven Conjunction JLuckyStar's Ascendant
Somehow, when people see JLuckyStar, you come to mind, at least if there's
any reason at all to associate the two of you. This can be because JLuckyStar
tends to bring you into the conversation a lot, for which you should be glad, as
long as it's complimentary.
LuckyStar's Ascendant Opposition JLuckyStar's Moon
JLuckyStar may be the perfect foil for you, a mirror off which to bounce your
ideas or personal moves and get instant feedback, sometimes more than you
want. However, because of this sensitivity, it's a good idea to go gently, as what
is reflected will always be a bit magnified.
LuckyStar's Ascendant Trine JLuckyStar's Sun
You'll likely find enthusiastic support from JLuckyStar when making your
personal appearances. The similarity of your image and JLuckyStar's personality
complement each other sufficiently that your mutual styles will benefit you both.
LuckyStar's Ascendant Sextile JLuckyStar's Saturn
Look to get the OK from JLuckyStar about how you're doing, and chances are
you'll be greeted with quiet approval. If the effect such approval is to make you a
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bit more tastefully conservative, so much the better. Establish a baseline before
you self-decorate.
LuckyStar's Ascendant Sextile JLuckyStar's Ascendant
When one of you is looking good, usually the other is, too, and one hand washes
the other when it comes to keeping up your appearances. Free exchange of
advice and support will keep you both in trim, if you remember to do it.

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Posts: 6048
From: Mountain Gate
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posted March 11, 2014 09:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Synastry Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
JLuckyStar Knowflake

LuckyStar Knowflake

JLuckyStar's Moon in LuckyStar's 6th House
Your feelings may inspire in LuckyStar more of a sense of order and duty than
you might imagine or want. On the other hand, you're a good encouragement to
make improvements in health and well-being -- playing nurse or doctor may be
your role.
JLuckyStar's Moon Square LuckyStar's Venus
It may be somewhat difficult for you to intuit what LuckyStar wants at any
moment, and you may first learn that fact by making assumptions that turn out to
be wrong. The answer is, of course, don't make assumptions, ask first and go
with the reply.
JLuckyStar's Moon Square LuckyStar's Jupiter
LuckyStar's larger ambitions may grate on you from time to time, as when you
go along with them they can tend to get out of hand. So feel free to back off and
leave well enough alone when you think spiraling entanglement might not suit
JLuckyStar's Moon Trine LuckyStar's Midheaven
The first comments out of your mouth about LuckyStar will generally be
supportive ones, and you can be counted on for compliments that are sincere
and unprompted. You will likely benefit from LuckyStar's thanks as a result,
though you wouldn't actively promote it.
JLuckyStar's Moon Opposition LuckyStar's Ascendant
You may have some difficulty at first picking up on LuckyStar's physical moves,
so that you wind up stepping on each other's toes. To keep in step, learn the
steps, don't just assume you know them. It will take a little more time.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
JLuckyStar's Sun in LuckyStar's 8th House
In some kind of strange fashion, it may seem to LuckyStar that you are
something lost, to be reclaimed, perhaps even to go into debt for. Just make
sure you are not also the one LuckyStar borrows from, unless you truly want to
JLuckyStar's Sun Conjunction LuckyStar's Moon
Lay it down and you can expect LuckyStar to be right there to pick it up. When
your personality shines, LuckyStar will be the first person to soak up the rays
and reflect them back to you with agreement and appreciation. A classic
marriage contact, if that's where you want to go with it.
JLuckyStar's Sun Opposition LuckyStar's Sun
Your personality styles don't always mesh, and it can be easy to let your egos
get at cross-purposes. If you look at each other as mutually covering all the
bases, you can turn differing styles into reciprocal support and trust.
JLuckyStar's Sun Sextile LuckyStar's Midheaven
Anything you say about LuckyStar can and likely will be seen as favorable. Even
passing praise is looked upon as solid support and background underpinnings
for LuckyStar's reputation. It's not something to strive for, as it's honest and
comes naturally.
JLuckyStar's Sun Trine LuckyStar's Ascendant
Your personality provides good support for LuckyStar's live appearances, and
you will be acknowledged for the fact. You are able to sit back and let LuckyStar
take the spotlight and be content to give sincere rave reviews.
JLuckyStar's Mercury in LuckyStar's 7th House
LuckyStar is likely to look upon you as an intellectual equal, no matter what other
factors may enter in to the relationship. So feel free to agree or contradict, and
play ball in general, as long as you can hold up your half.
JLuckyStar's Mercury Conjunction LuckyStar's Moon
When LuckyStar is at a loss for words to express the feelings of the moment,
you can probably provide them. Conversely, LuckyStar likely intuits what you are
going to say before the words leave your mouth. It's a mind/emotion link that
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may sometimes amaze.
JLuckyStar's Mercury Opposition LuckyStar's Sun
You may be hard-pressed to put a finger on what makes LuckyStar tick, but you
should avoid any arguments that might spring up in the attempt. Words are not
the only channel of communication open to you, so when words fail, try
something else.
JLuckyStar's Mercury Trine LuckyStar's Mars
Suggestions for things to do or say are few and far between; because you both
already are pretty well clued-in and so don't have to debate it. You don't have to
critique LuckyStar's efforts, just give the nod, and your approval will be noted.
JLuckyStar's Mercury Trine LuckyStar's Saturn
If you want solid long-term support for your ideas, LuckyStar is likely to provide it,
or at least will always be there to give you the A-OK sign when you need it. A lot
of things just go without saying between you, which is as it should be.
JLuckyStar's Venus in LuckyStar's 7th House
This could be a most desirable partnership, or at least seem so on the surface.
Squaring off equally creates more pleasure than rivalry, but only time will tell if it
goes beyond skin deep. Definitely worth finding out.
JLuckyStar's Venus Opposition LuckyStar's Mercury
If it seems that LuckyStar says things just to put you off, get over it and get on
with it. It's not intentional, just off on another trip that may not be the one you're
looking for at the moment. Try more non-verbal communication to touch base.
JLuckyStar's Venus Square LuckyStar's Midheaven
Chances are you like the private LuckyStar better than the public one. That has
the making of a good personal relationship, but you might avoid letting out your
distastes (such as they are) for the public LuckyStar come out too vocally.
JLuckyStar's Mars in LuckyStar's 7th House
You can be a most stimulating and exciting partner for LuckyStar, but
occasionally an aggravating one. Learn the difference between an encouraging
jolt and a kick in the head. Mock combat can be fun, but it should never lead to
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JLuckyStar's Mars Conjunction LuckyStar's Moon
You may find you have an innate ability to get a rise out of LuckyStar, even
when you don't mean to. You can make the juices flow for better or for worse, so
be gentle, so as to be just stimulating rather than positively jarring or irritating.
JLuckyStar's Mars Trine LuckyStar's Venus
Your efforts are appreciated by LuckyStar, without actually having to set the
woods on fire. Activities and pleasures go hand in hand in a fairly pressureless
environment, which can make this relationship something to vacation with.
JLuckyStar's Mars Trine LuckyStar's Mars
Your energies are similar yet different enough to work comfortably on the same
or parallel projects without ever getting in each other's way. When runs out of
steam, a hand-off to the other comes with ease without missing a step.
JLuckyStar's Mars Trine LuckyStar's Jupiter
You can lend welcome yet unobtrusive force to help manifest plans and
developments that LuckyStar is hatching. Conversely, LuckyStar's latest
schemes will provide needed and profitable outlets for energy you might have
wasted elsewhere.
JLuckyStar's Mars Trine LuckyStar's Saturn
LuckyStar can be a good influence on your work habits and energy expenditures
in general, teaching you how to conserve your resources and get the most
results out of the least efforts. A calming and sustaining influence.
JLuckyStar's Jupiter in LuckyStar's 1st House
You can be a tremendous boost to LuckyStar's self-image, even to the point of
creating a swelled head. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated, and if you
cross the borderline between compliment and flattery, so much the better for you.
JLuckyStar's Saturn in LuckyStar's 10th House
Feel free to offer constructive criticism where LuckyStar's professional life and
reputation are concerned, but keep it between the two of you or you could
become a liability. Help provide stability and consistency, but don't be a wet
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JLuckyStar's Saturn Square LuckyStar's Mercury
If you must be critical of what LuckyStar has to say, don't be nagging and don't
repeat yourself. If a word to the wise isn't sufficient, a paragraph won't do any
better. And if LuckyStar tries to spin you as a control freak, just back off.
JLuckyStar's Saturn Conjunction LuckyStar's Midheaven
You may not be the best person to promote LuckyStar's professional reputation,
except to say that it is solid and dependable. This may be because benefit to
one may not benefit the other in this regard, so watch out for unavoidable
conflicts of interest and step around them whenever possible.
JLuckyStar's Saturn Sextile LuckyStar's Ascendant
If you think LuckyStar's looking good, you probably don't have to gush about it. A
simple smile and a nod will go a long way to build confidence and express
approval. If it passes your test, it must be OK, and chance are, it is.
JLuckyStar's Uranus in LuckyStar's 11th House
Sudden realizations about the true nature of LuckyStar's heart and intimate
friendships may not be appreciated the way you mean them. Where sensitive
relationships are concerned, move more slowly and with care. Abrupt
movements alarm.
JLuckyStar's Neptune in LuckyStar's 11th House
It can be easy to imagine close friendships and lasting warm relations here. That
can happen, but probably not in the way that either of you imagine it. Before you
decide upon true friends, find out who the false ones are...
JLuckyStar's Pluto in LuckyStar's 9th House
Pushing new ideas to the fore is great, but shoving them down LuckyStar's
throat might be counterproductive. Allow LuckyStar the freedom to develop
whatever comes up without trying to censor one idea in favor of another. Be an
enabler, not a controller.
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JLuckyStar's Midheaven Conjunction LuckyStar's Moon
Your reputation and status may directly affect the way LuckyStar feels about you.
So to a certain extent your personal fortunes here may wax and wane along with
your professional ones elsewhere. For this reason also, however, LuckyStar may
also passionately promote you.
JLuckyStar's Midheaven Opposition LuckyStar's Sun
When you let LuckyStar participate in your public or professional side, you may
find that things get a bit more complicated than you might have imagined. If you
want to keep it simple, enjoy LuckyStar's personal support but do your own
JLuckyStar's Midheaven Trine LuckyStar's Mars
Expect LuckyStar to support your career efforts and back you up in public, but
not always in the most obvious ways. It may turn out to be quietly picking up
tasks without being asked, which affords you more time to do what you have to.
JLuckyStar's Midheaven Trine LuckyStar's Jupiter
Ideas from LuckyStar about your finances or creative work-flow can have
positive repercussions on your reputation. They may not be all that obvious, just
quiet suggestions, so keep your ears open and don't neglect a prime source of
JLuckyStar's Midheaven Trine LuckyStar's Saturn
Your professional reputation can be a source of security for LuckyStar, and for
that reason you'll find support and reinforcement in areas that help stabilize your
status. When you want to know the best fallback line, LuckyStar's the one to
JLuckyStar's Ascendant Square LuckyStar's Mercury
You may stimulate much conversation in LuckyStar, but don't expect it to always
be a lovefest. You may find that LuckyStar has a variety of alternate plans for
your brain that may be stimulating but sometimes tiring. If it gets to much, it's OK
to excuse yourself.
JLuckyStar's Ascendant Conjunction LuckyStar's Midheaven
Your personal appearances can go a long way in increasing LuckyStar's
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reputation, and the two may wind up being bound together if you let it happen.
That makes you a good PR rep for LuckyStar, whose good name will bring you
personal benefits.
JLuckyStar's Ascendant Sextile LuckyStar's Ascendant
When one of you is looking good, usually the other is, too, and one hand washes
the other when it comes to keeping up your appearances. Free exchange of
advice and support will keep you both in trim, if you remember to do it.

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Posts: 6048
From: Mountain Gate
Registered: Aug 2013

posted March 11, 2014 10:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Natal Report for JLuckyStar Knowflake
JLuckyStar Knowflake

Moon in Cancer
You can sense and understand the mood and feelings of others, and are
excellent at counseling and nursing. You are quite emotional, and have a natural
sense of that which pleases, knowing the mood of the crowd. You can be overly
protective (or protected), but are good at parenting and creating a home. Quite
Moon in 8th House
Your keen business sense is never sharper than when you are working with or
for others -- a group, corporation, and so on. You are great at finding excess and
rooting it out, and your actions receive support from those around you. Initiating
Moon Trine Saturn
Your sense of responsibility is so well developed that you always end up
managing any situation you become involved in. You are disciplined, work hard,
and are good at getting others to work with and for you. Perhaps a little too
serious and frugal, you enjoy getting along on less. Essentials are what count.
You like to keep to yourself and tend to avoid too much socializing. Others may
prefer keeping some distance too.
Moon Square Pluto
You keep your feelings and emotions to yourself and resent any attempt to
analyze or probe them. Your home and surroundings are tidy and air-tight, as
well. However, you don't mind probing and dissecting the lives of others. This
can't help but produce a strain in your relations with others, and you probably get
very little support for your detective work. These two parts of you which seldom
meet cause constant tension, resulting in periodic explosions.
Sun in Virgo
You are nothing if not compassionate. Interested in serving others, you worry
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about their welfare. You like to take care of everything, and are always
redeeming, salvaging, and restoring. You believe in conservation in all things.
You find yourself through response and service to others, to life.
Sun in 10th House
You are very career-oriented, and your personal reputation and honor are of the
utmost importance. You possess a natural sense of organization and practical
insight and may excel at managing or supervising others..
Sun Sextile Saturn
There is a real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless
worker, with absolute determination and the ability to accomplish great projects
with ease. You are fiercely loyal to your friends. Also, very integral... perhaps too
Sun Square Uranus
It may be difficult for you to break with convention and head out on your own.
Your ambitions may well prosper, but often at the expense of any real
independence and freedom. There is a switch effect: you may alternate between
very conventional behavior and sudden rebellious lapses. At these times your
nonconformity and refusal to go along works against your own best interests,
making it difficult to get ahead.
Mercury in Virgo
You have a fine mind and a great appetite for detail. You appreciate minute
differences and distinctions. A craftsman with an innate critical sense, you are
always full of suggestions. Your careful, conservative mind wants to salvage
every last thing. You possess a love for detail and trivia. Quick-minded.
Mercury in 10th House
When it comes to business and career, you have a mind that just can't help but
taking care of business. Your thoughts and ideas are nothing if not practical, and
your clear-sightedness makes some form of management or supervision almost
Mercury Conjunction Mars
You are a very forceful speaker and communicate with great enthusiasm. Words
just flow out and are always followed by an emotional impact that brings them
home to your listeners. You have no trouble putting your feelings into words; in
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fact, you may have to exercise some control over your tongue, for you are quick
to say things and everything you communicate packs a wallop. Things you say
mean a lot. You have a great mental drive and lavish great energy on mental
pursuits of all kinds. Ideas, words, books, and the like are pursued with great
Mercury Square Uranus
You may have trouble with any ideas that are new and different. Your more
conservative way of thinking and expressing yourself goes against all that is
radical and new. Thoughts and concepts that break with tradition may be a
hassle for you -- a constant headache. You prefer that conversations and
communications stay on the accepted paths and become irritated when they
stray from what you expect. You have a tendency to lose your temper with little
Mercury Trine Neptune
You are expert at working with words that communicate mystical and
mythological ideas. You are at home in these realms and can always manage to
bring other-worldly ideas into the practical realms. You would make an excellent
teacher of philosophy or religion, for you can't help but communicate these
subjects and enchant all who come to know you. Your understanding of the unity
behind appearances, along with the ability to put these thoughts into words, is a
rare and valuable gift. You would make a good director, for you like working with
mental images.
Mercury Sextile Pluto
Penetrating, probing mind that is good for research. Can see far beyond normal
concepts in areas of religion and psychology. Always want to get to the bottom
of things, get under or beyond the superficial. A sense of the eternal.
Venus in Leo
Big heart, big love, you are seldom petty. Given to grand gestures and dramatic
scenes, you love independence and greatness in all forms and are very regal.
You can be generous to a fault. Children and animals are high on your list of
priorities. Fervently loyal, you are courageous and demonstrative.
Venus in 9th House
Your love of truth makes philosophy and religious ideas a life-long habit. You
appreciate things of a global or universal level and could love to travel.
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Appearances mean little to you, and you value honesty and candidness in
friends and partners.
Venus Square Saturn
You have trouble accepting responsibilities. You don't like them. You would
rather enjoy yourself at the expense of any obligations, letting them accumulate
as they will. This struggle with authority and simple duty makes for great tension
and diminished good times. It is hard to have fun when you are ignoring your
responsibilities. What we have here is a stalemate.
Venus Trine Uranus
Your ability to discriminate real breakthroughs and to spot new trends makes
you able to work in areas at the very fringe of technology. You love all that is
new and different and are expert at sharing your feelings with others. Electronics,
computers, communications (in fact, everything electrical) are right up your alley.
You value independence in partners, friends, and love. You are what is called a
"free spirit".
Mars in Virgo
You have an innate urge to save, salvage and conserve, and can make a silk
purse from a sow's ear. You always want to help and to be of service -- be fully
used. You hate waste and are very thorough and precise. For the most part, you
are understanding and accepting, but this can turn into criticism and pettiness.
You are careful and a perfectionist.
Mars in 9th House
You may end up traveling the world. An inner urge to find the very heart of truth
in all things may propel you endlessly. You are very motivated when it comes to
philosophies, religion, and all things essential and lasting. No superficiality.
Mars Square Saturn
You waste a lot of energy sailing into the wind and clashing against authority or
reality for no good reason. You resent having to get serious, go to work, and
take on responsibilities. Your efforts tend to lack the determination and
organization necessary for real accomplishment. Very little can be accomplished
without some sort of discipline and training, and you resist these like the devil.
You avoid work.
Mars Trine Neptune
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You have an ability to work with the imagination, reaching beyond the mundane
to the potential beyond. Your enthusiasm for mystical and religious experience
makes you an excellent teacher in artistic and creative matters. Your sense of
the unity behind things spiritual and psychological is clear and felt by those
around you. You are, no doubt, a romantic, at home in the world of dreams and
images. You enjoy working in these areas.
Mars Sextile Pluto
Great intensity of emotions and purpose. Could be a spokesperson for a cause
or a generation. Fearless in action and not afraid to use power. Will have your
way. Know how to get what you want. A very magnetic and perhaps
controversial personality.
Jupiter in Aquarius
A true progressive, especially in community or group work, you are democratic
to the point of being radical -- an idealist. You are cool and impersonal when it
comes to being fair or just, with a great interest in new trends and world affairs.
You are future-oriented. Application-minded.
Jupiter in 3rd House
A born investigator and researcher, always inquiring, searching, following things
to their logical conclusion. Your career will probably be built around these
qualities of yours -- communication, making connections, thoughts and ideas,
and so on.
Jupiter Square Pluto
You can get stuck in jobs that go nowhere from the point of view of personal
growth and change. You tend to wall yourself into a position until nothing can
reach or touch you. A lot of tension results, a blow-up occurs, and the whole
thing happens again. While it is difficult for you to approach your sensitive areas,
it is of great importance that you be able to do so. Here is a situation where one
good therapy or another can be of real help.
Saturn in Scorpio
You have difficulty owning up to any selfishness, sexuality or mental
undercurrents of any kind. You may attempt to deny your passions, but you need
to accept instincts, attachments, and all things natural. Allow your desires to
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function unhindered. Take off the straight-jacket. Feel it.
Saturn in 1st House
You are very conservative when it comes to your personal appearance and
communications with others. You are impartial and don't play favorites or get
overly personal. You probably don't waste words.
Uranus in Sagittarius
You have new philosophies ideas for the future and new approaches to travel
and exploration (of all kinds). Long journeys interest you. You may startle others
with your direct conversations, always getting right to the nitty-gritty. You enjoy
being alone, free, and on the move. The original optimist.
Uranus in 1st House
A tendency to be eccentric and unconventional in appearance and mannerisms.
Perhaps your approach to life -- the way you come on -- is unusual or different.
You may be spontaneous, witty, and unpredictable.
Neptune in Capricorn
The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in
control -- the puppetmaster. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be
dignified and conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent
monarchs -- those who can see what to do.
Neptune in 2nd House
You are very idealistic when it comes to possessions, finance, and how you
choose to make your living. Your response to what life offers you is always very
elevated, although not always practical. This could lead to some
Neptune Sextile Pluto
A searing vision that cuts through what passes for conventional religion. A vision
of the endless process of life ever being born afresh. Great acceptance and faith
in the natural process and next generation. Love of children and animals.
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Pluto in Scorpio
You tear through appearances in an effort to get beneath, behind, and at the
heart or essence. You may find psychology, initiation, and mysticism, and the
occult of great interest. Intense personal change and inner growth are lifelong
Pluto in 11th House
Your burning zeal for the ideal world and your need to be part of a group of likeminded
souls are major factors in your makeup. You learn and grow through
your efforts to help others and to make your inner vision into a reality.
Node in Taurus
When you take something on, be prepared to stick with it long term. Personal
responsibilities can become more substantial than you may imagine, so take
care how much you put on your plate, because you must clean it. Rewards, on
the other hand, are equally intense and all-encompassing, and once in motion
keep on coming.
Node in 6th House
The intricacies of the daily routine can become your stock in trade, to the extent
that you are more married to them than you might choose, so choose only as
much as you have time for. Nevertheless, it is through the gates of the obvious
that the most hidden material walks, as if unseen, except by you.
Midheaven in Virgo
You’re probably not as picky as some people claim, but when they label it
'discriminating' and 'tasteful to the max',why fight the good press? Your life
demands you be watchful, but make sure to play with it along the way.
Ascendant in Scorpio
You appear intense and passionate and probably tend to gravitate to positions of
power and control. You come across as somewhat secretive, penetrating, and at
all times very sensitive. You can get to the heart of things.
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Vertex in Cancer
It's what you most carefully protect and keep to yourself that determines the road
not taken, and the one you fatefully took. What you are especially sensitive
about and are reluctant to share becomes magnified not by its intrinsic
importance but by how it influences your small, but critical decisions.
Vertex in 8th House
When you wander onto another's property, what you find there can change your
life. Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it certainly can be an eye-opener, and
when you tap into others' resources, especially historical ones, there you may
find forks in your own road you were least expecting -- and don't fully recognize
until you've made the choice.

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Posts: 6048
From: Mountain Gate
Registered: Aug 2013

posted March 11, 2014 10:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Natal Report for LuckyStar Knowflake
LuckyStar Knowflake

Moon in Virgo
You are concerned and caring when it comes to the welfare of others. Not
dynamic or too emotional, you are attentive, observant, careful, and above all
responsible -- able to respond. Always competent, you are in fact quite loving,
although others could feel scrutinized or inadequate when in your presence.
Moon in 7th House
Your friends, partners, and relationships mean a lot to you. They are a primary
source of strength, and you always look to them for support and encouragement.
You are indeed a social being and will no doubt weave this fact into your lifestyle.
Sun Opposition Moon
You will find yourself torn between an environment that is very comfortable and
supportive versus a real need to grow, progress, and push out on your own. You
are always being caught in the middle, forced to choose between surroundings
that are supportive (but not progressive) and new directions that bring
advancement that may be at the expense of your comfort. Getting these two
opposing directions to work together may require some real compromising skills
on your part. This could manifest as a love of history versus future trends, older
persons versus younger, and so on.
Moon Trine Mars
You find it easy to work with other people and tend to pour a lot of energy into
those around you. Your home and surroundings reflect this. When it comes to
teaching or coaching younger people, you are a natural, always able to motivate
and inspire others. With your powerful spirit, you enjoy your strong emotions and
have an active social life as well.
Moon Trine Saturn
Your sense of responsibility is so well developed that you always end up
managing any situation you become involved in. You are disciplined, work hard,
and are good at getting others to work with and for you. Perhaps a little too
serious and frugal, you enjoy getting along on less. Essentials are what count.
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You like to keep to yourself and tend to avoid too much socializing. Others may
prefer keeping some distance too.
Moon Trine Uranus
You are very original when it comes to home and surroundings -- the
environment you build around you. This could also manifest in unusual ways of
supporting yourself. Your mother may have been quite eccentric or your
upbringing somehow different. When you have breakthroughs, they often come
as insights into your immediate surroundings, home, and environment -- your
support system in general. This could also manifest in your finding new and
different ways to make a living. You may have new ideas about the past, history,
and younger people, find it easy to create an unusual environment, and enjoy
surrounding yourself with what is new and different.
Moon Trine Neptune
You have a built-in sense of what the public wants and can always come up with
just the right image. You find it easy to work with the emotions and feelings of
others, and with great imagination. Your sense of the ideal springs to life
whenever other people are involved. A born arranger of atmospheres, you enjoy
working with groups of people. You are also very creative when it comes to your
home and surroundings.
Moon Sextile Pluto
A born psychologist. Able to understand and handle a crowd and the public in
general. Devoted to children and the idea of future changes. Not much given to a
misuse of personal power. Always this sense of vision and purpose. Intense.
The long haul.
Sun in Pisces
You are long-suffering and able to take a lot for the sake of your beliefs and
ideals. In this sense, you are very future-oriented. You are intuitive and at home
with the psyche and psychological. A sense of the mystic too. You are able to
carry ideas and dreams into reality, to make the spirit matter.
Sun in 2nd House
You are very responsive and probably not a little possessive. You tend to collect
things, and material success -- money, home, security, possessions, -- is very
important. You tend to be very supportive of others.
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Sun Sextile Neptune
A born mother to any and all forms of life. Very compassionate and attentive
(aware of) the needs of others. Spiritual ideas and concepts are a way of life
here. There is deep appreciation, even love for, movies, big ideas, themes.
Visionary director.
Sun Trine Pluto
You find it easy to work with sensitive material, touching upon the more
vulnerable areas of the mind or self. You are able to handle these delicate
matters without ever breaking stride, for emotional and tender areas of the
human psyche don't phase you. You enjoy getting beneath the surface and have
an innate savvy for handling touchy subjects. This is perfect for any research
investigation or plain old detective work.
Mercury in Aquarius
You are an impartial thinker, democratic to the point of being impersonal.
Fascinated by the latest technology, you have very original ideas, an inventor.
Always thinking of the world as a unity, you are idealistic and believe in putting
into practice what is preached. You are group-conscious, community-oriented.
Mercury in 1st House
You think a lot about appearances -- how things come across or might appear to
others. You are very personable and aware of personalities.
Mercury Square Pluto
Getting personal with you is a real mistake, for it always manages to plunge you
into turmoil. You resent probing on the part of others, yet are fascinated by
behind-the-scenes and so-called "secret" information. You may prefer not to
think about anything below the surface, but even this is not a constant, and this
inner conflict produces more than its share of tension.
Venus in Aries
You exhibit great appreciation, intense love, and always wear your heart on your
sleeve -- always! Not too sensitive with others, you tend to be rough and ready
and can sometimes demand a lot of attention. Shy flowers, stand back! You are
independent and single-minded, demonstrative and very loving.
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Venus in 3rd House
You love to communicate and pursue conversations. The mental world appeals
to you, and you are very discriminating (but appreciative) when it comes to
concepts, ideas, thoughts, and the like. You value good research and real
Venus Conjunction Jupiter
You value fairness in all things and go out of your way to be just. You appreciate
others who have been successful and may surround yourself with those in power,
be they politicians, officials, what-have-you. Your sense of quality and
discrimination may amount to some sort of livelihood for you. You could make
your living with your good taste. In addition, you have an innate sense of how to
work with and guide others in making decisions. You understand the choices
and can spot the right ones.
Venus Trine Saturn
You could be an excellent teacher in areas requiring discipline and organization.
You value order and place a high premium on hard work and effort. You like to
get down to the bare bones, to what is essential. Whatever is most practical is
best, and you appreciate things that are durable and long-lasting. You love truth,
philosophy, law, and the like.
Venus Trine Uranus
Your ability to discriminate real breakthroughs and to spot new trends makes
you able to work in areas at the very fringe of technology. You love all that is
new and different and are expert at sharing your feelings with others. Electronics,
computers, communications (in fact, everything electrical) are right up your alley.
You value independence in partners, friends, and love. You are what is called a
"free spirit".
Mars in Capricorn
You are a very hard worker and are driven to accomplish, manage, and be in
control. You like to manipulate a situation for its own benefit and would make a
natural supervisor. You have an inner urge for order and organization and a
great sense of responsibility. You are competent, ambitious, and cool.
Mars in 12th House
You have a high degree of motivation when it comes to giving and to personal
sacrifice. You feel understanding and accepting and are easily moved by the
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problems of others. Psychology in all of its forms is a driving force in your life.
Mars Trine Jupiter
You are a great doer, an accomplisher. Your outgoing nature, coupled with
extremely skillful ways of handling other people, make you a natural for working
with or for the public. You would make an excellent teacher or coach, and
helping others to make career decisions is a skill you possess. Your career is
never a problem, for you have the kind of drive that others can only dream about.
Everything works out well for you.
Mars Conjunction Saturn
You are responsible to the extreme, always taking on obligations and pushing
yourself to the limit. You pursue your obligations with much emotion and obvious
enthusiasm. You are spartan when it comes to your needs and surroundings.
Small and less are beautiful for you. If anything, you try too hard and tend to
force things. Others may find your approach severe and hurtful at times. You can
be too sober and frugal.
Mars Conjunction Uranus
You are probably hard to control and very unpredictable. Your drive for
independence is obvious, and it is clear that the common and the traditional are
not for you. Anything else but that! You pursue alternate or nonconformist
solutions to life with great energy. Your temper is hot and sharp and tends to
snap out like a lightning bolt. You are aggressive in the pursuit of gaining insight
into all that is new, different, and out of the ordinary. Electronics, computers, and
communications could be a big part of your life.
Mars Conjunction Neptune
A desire for unity and atonement. You have an urge to put out to sea and to
somehow get past what separates and into that which unites or ties things
together. Your drive to make dreams real keeps you working for your vision. The
ideal should be made real. You put your whole heart into making your dreams
and ideals a reality.
Jupiter in Aries
You could pursue a career as a leader or pioneer. You tend to be the one who
takes the initiative and are courageous and often fearless to the point of being
foolish. Success for you in most things is second nature. Always "walking point,"
you tend to be a loner, a warrior. Confident, single-minded, you are sometimes
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rash but are always direct -- straight out.
Jupiter in 3rd House
A born investigator and researcher, always inquiring, searching, following things
to their logical conclusion. Your career will probably be built around these
qualities of yours -- communication, making connections, thoughts and ideas,
and so on.
Jupiter Trine Saturn
You are a natural architect and builder, able to use your mind to make decisions
in matters of form and function. For you, the goal and the way to get to it are the
same thing. You like to build each step and have each decision be an end in
itself. Things must be done right. You also have great skill with the law, whether
man-made or those of nature, and you can put all of this into words. You could
well teach others in these areas. You understand how to handle authorities and
have a natural gift at solving problems.
Jupiter Trine Uranus
You are independent and value freedom and nonconformity. A great problemsolver,
you enjoy working out new solutions, trying new things. Your career will
be anything but ordinary, and leave it to you to find unusual ways of supporting
yourself. You bring a lot of mental skill and understanding to whatever you do,
and could teach or help others to take a more independent approach to their life
or career. You pursue electronics, computers, and the like.
Saturn in Capricorn
Organizational problems. You have a tendency to avoid taking charge or
responsibility and may need to accept a more disciplined and serious approach
to life. Learn to enjoy hard work. Persevere. Learn how to manage. You may feel
uncomfortable when in the public eye.
Saturn in 11th House
You work hard to make your dreams and ideals a reality. You work hard at
community or group work. You spare no effort here. Humanitarian goals are
central to your life's work.
Saturn Conjunction Uranus
You find it difficult to be spontaneous, to get away from routine and do
something different. Others see in you a creature of routine. Travel may also be
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hard for you. It is not easy for you to change or to accept changes. When you do
enact a change, it is always at the deepest or core level and affects everything
else in your life. Once a change is made, it at once becomes a part of you, solid
and immovable. Those near you may feel that you inhibit the proverbial "life of
the party." Code, computer programming, and the like should interest you.
Uranus in Capricorn
You are innovative in the political and business arena. You find new ways to
manage and control things and people. Ever practical, you come up with new or
alternate forms of management -- breakthroughs in top-level management and
corporate styles. You bring new life to conservative traditions. Your emotions are
very staid.
Uranus in 11th House
You may enjoy eccentric or unconventional friends, and groups with some kind
of humanitarian flavor will appeal. You have very original ideas when it comes to
community, making our collective dreams into a reality.
Neptune in Capricorn
The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in
control -- the puppetmaster. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be
dignified and conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent
monarchs -- those who can see what to do.
Neptune in 12th House
You have very high ideals and a vision of unity and togetherness that allows you
to be long-suffering and put up with a lot. You tend to be self-sacrificing,
understanding, and always interested in whatever is psychological, mystical, and
the like.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
A searing vision that cuts through what passes for conventional religion. A vision
of the endless process of life ever being born afresh. Great acceptance and faith
in the natural process and next generation. Love of children and animals.
Natal Report: LuckyStar Knowflake Page 8
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Pluto in Scorpio
You tear through appearances in an effort to get beneath, behind, and at the
heart or essence. You may find psychology, initiation, and mysticism, and the
occult of great interest. Intense personal change and inner growth are lifelong
Pluto in 9th House
You are passionate in your search for truth and essence. Nothing superficial or
ephemeral holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts
through to the heart of things. This directness may not always endear you to
Node in Pisces
To undertake a dream is to move water without a bucket, to row with only one
oar. It's not magic, but it seems like it from afar, and you can drown if you don't
learn the tricks of the trade. When you have served as apprentice, your reward is
to become the sorcerer, and teach the one who comes after.
Node in 2nd House
The basic stuff of life is where your load lies, when you choose to pick it up. To
have it, you must pay for it, in real terms, not metaphors. God bless the child
who has his own, and when you do, the treasures in the attic suddenly become
yours. If only it were that simple and equal, we'd all be equally rich.
Midheaven in Scorpio
Keeping your game plan to yourself may have some jealous of your position, but
hey, that’s the way you play the game. You can actually hand out secrets like
candy and no one will know, because they will assume otherwise.
Ascendant in Capricorn
You present yourself in a very practical and conservative manner. Always
objective, you come across as very much a sharp business and career person.
Others may interpret your clear-mindedness as emotional coolness.
Natal Report: LuckyStar Knowflake Page 9
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Vertex in Leo
In the stray moment of creativity, when you're doing it just for fun and play,
events happen and people show up who spin your life off into entirely new
directions. You probably won't even know it at the time, as you'll be thinking of
the moment, not the future, but you'll look back and see where the roads
diverged from there.
Vertex in 7th House
Your most life-altering events will be directly linked with the partnerships you
make, and not always in the most obvious fashion -- in fact, it may be those
relationships which you most ignore or overlook. You have the rest of your life
awaiting you on a plate you didn't know was already served and at your disposal.

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