posted April 04, 2014 04:51 AM
1º Scorpio: A sight-seeing bus filled with tourists.
The perspective which leisure gives to everyday affairs. Appetite for larger things. Seeing life as whole. Social Intercourse.Saturn
11º Scorpio: A drowning man is being rescued.
Outreaching warmth of human character. Saving power of social restraint for too emotional souls. Humanitarian ideals.
23º Scorpio: A rabbit metamorphosed into a fairy (nature spirit).
Revelation of unexpected vital urges latent in all beings. Great creative potentialities. Capacity for self-maintenance.
Part of Fortune
28º Scorpio: The king of the fairies approaching his domain.
Necessary respect for symbolic values holding vital forces. integrated. Self-realization through devotion to the One.
8º Sagittarius: Deep within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed.
Irresistible determination to be. Infinite capacity for hard work. Crystallization of purpose and will out of experience.
10º Sagittarius: A theatrical representation of a golden haired 'goddess of opportunity'.
power of creative significance, as it transforms mere facts into universal symbols. Exteriorization of inner impulses.
12º Sagittarius: A flag that turns into an eagle that crows.
Development of consciousness from abstract to concrete, from general to personal. Mounting mastery. Extreme good fortune.
South Node
17º Sagittarius: An easter sunrise service.
Spiritual living in conformity to natural law. Coming out of doubt and despair. Unwavering faith in a near higher power.
19º Sagittarius: Pelicans, disturbed by the garbage of people move their young to a new habitat.
Inward re-emphasis of foundations. Recuperation by retreating within. The introvert's escape. Moving about in reorientation.
25º Sagittarius: A chubby boy on a hobbyhorse.
Growth through vicarious, imaginative experiences, which life might deny us. Detachment from reality. Self-conservation.
29º Sagittarius: A fat boy mowing the lawn.
Desire for fitness inherent in all living beings. Consciously built, thus dependable determination. Persistent endeavor.
30º Sagittarius: The pope blessing the faithful.
Wealth of spiritual resources which can be tapped for the glorification of every relationship. Concrete form of ideals.
20º Capricorn: A hidden choir singing during a religious service.
The unrealized fullness of life even in the emptiest hours. Preparation for activity. Ray of hope through all difficulty.
29º Aquarius: Butterfly emerging from a chrysalis.
Immortality of the real self. Graduation into a new realm of being. Confident projection of self; lack of self-confidence.
14º Pisces: A lady wrapped in fox fur.
Necessary superficial advertisement of inner worth. Certification of true merit. Schooled esteem. Embarrassing wealth.