Topic: Star of David pattern in natal chart
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted September 29, 2014 12:09 PM
Does anybody know how this could possibly manifest itself in a natal chart? IP: Logged |
Virgo28 Knowflake Posts: 600 From: Mercury near the Sun(Florida) Registered: Nov 2013
posted September 29, 2014 12:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by ReeseC: Does anybody know how this could possibly manifest itself in a natal chart?
Three oppositions within two grand trines. Blessing and a curse.
------------------ "If a man does not work passionately - even furiously - at being the best in the world at what he does, he fails his talent, his destiny, and his God." IP: Logged |
Ellynlvx Knowflake Posts: 10490 From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 29, 2014 12:50 PM
Grand HexagonThis Chart Type is very rare and very gifted at that: having both high-level management skills; built-in savvy and a profound practical sense. It does not get much more gifted than this. And independent too. They do not need relationships to complete themselves, which does not mean to suggest that they do not have and enjoy them, just that this Chart Type does not depend on them as much as most people do. This is a very complete Chart Type, as mentioned, having extreme mental and care-giving faculties (great compassion,) plus the warmth, people skills, and practical sense of how to get things done. Working together, these qualities are unbeatable—the whole enchilada, the most comprehensive vision, brought to bear in the most seminal way in the practical world. Very rare and very auspicious. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 9026 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted September 29, 2014 02:01 PM
Star of David or Grand SextileA configuration of aspects formed when two Grand Trines are present in a horoscope, connected with each other by sextiles. In the ideal case they form a hexagon. As this configuration is very rare, some will consider that a Star of David occurs even with two unconnected Grand Trines. P. Globa states that the Star of David shows a native protected in all he does, but one who does not avoid internal reorganizations; he or she will change in form to adapt, but the inner essence remains constant: "as he was in the cradle, such will be and in the grave". M. March and J. McEvers remark that the Hexagon configuration offers natives exclusive opportunities, and a brilliant ability to communicate with other people. The danger of a Star of David consists in expenditure of energy, because of the increased many-sided, various interests and the numerous opportunities. Intense (hard) aspects can help with this difficulty. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 96520 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2014 11:25 AM
Thanks for the great info!IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 05, 2014 05:55 AM
Yay!!!! Thank you all for the great info. I was looking everyone on LG for anything about it, but I found this on a biblical astrology(lol, yeah I know). A Star of David is a hexagram in the chart. It is the most propitious sign that is possible in an astrological chart. The Star of David is formed from two Grand Trines, and it contains six kites and three Mystic Rectangles. The Star of David indicates a higher level of quality than the norm. A person with a Star of David in the Birth Chart would demand the highest quality and not settle for anything less. The person would think with a different paradigm and could be very high minded with many things only making sense in the spiritual realm. The Star of David has characteristics like the Pentagram Star. The Star of David configuration, however, is like a superstar, or nova. It surpasses the Pentagram Star. The Star of David, like the Pentagram is an unstable configuration. It is like the spokes of a wheel without a rim, which would give a bumpy ride and be full of contradictions. Or it could be like a person stepping from piling to piling of a washed out pier. The person would always be concentrating on the next step and forgetting the previous one. This could give the appearance of being absent-minded. Further, those people in the past would easily be forgotten along the way. Thus, the person might appear to be neglecting relationships or previous commitments. The six points of the star are in six signs, which further define the main issues of the person's life.The Star of David is a sign of great blessing. The person with a Star of David in the Birth Chart would have special blessing from God. He would be the recipient of special grace. God would be looking out for him. And he would have great balance because of God's protection. It would be a good guess that Solomon had such a sign. Having said all this, just because a person has the Star of David does not mean the person would use his gifts. He would have talents and blessing available, but he might not be motivated to take advantage of them. Many of the blessings, however, would be unconditional and not related to personal volition at all. The Star of David with its six points corresponds to the Seraph with its six wings. Seraphs are throne angels like Michael, Gabriel, and Satan. Because the person with the Star of David configuration is associated with such high-level company, he could be subject to more sophisticated attacks from Satan. Brilliant minds would likely have more problems with Satan than the inept. To be blunt, those with a Star of David would tend to be smart ***** , while others would be like dumb ***** . Smart ***** would generally have many more problems than dumb ***** . NASA has found the Star of David on the God of the Covenants Planet.3 I believe I have a Star of David in my Chart, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it, how to "activate" it, or of it changes what I want to do with my life.
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PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 05, 2014 01:01 PM
I know that it is sometimes difficult for these natives to realize their own potential to the fullest. IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 05, 2014 04:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor: I know that it is sometimes difficult for these natives to realize their own potential to the fullest.
That's my problem. I feel like I'm supposed to do something big with my life, because idk, it feels like my destiny, but I don't know how to unlock it all. IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 09, 2014 02:03 AM
It's so easy to live a life waiting for something big to just happen with this Star of David pattern. The key to understanding the Star of David is to look at the Sextiles. They form a Hexagon, six angles, a sacred geometry shape commonly found in nature, especially in the Honeycomb pattern of the beehive. Bees are cooperative and hard working. The key to the Star of David is interacting with many many people, cooperating fairly and in a balanced way at all times, and working hard at whatever you choose, just like the bees. Is it no wonder the bee's honey remains unspoiled when stored indefinitely? It's as though you came here unspoiled, from a state of perfection. No sitting around just thinking about what you want to do with your life. You must have the courage to consciously choose and put forth effort when you take advantage of opportunities as they arise. The Star of David truly embodies the saying "Mind over Matter" and you must truly be consciously aware of your opportunities, choices, actions, and the exchange of ideas with others as you exercise your potential. You have the potential to become anything, achieve anything. IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 09, 2014 11:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor: It's so easy to live a life waiting for something big to just happen with this Star of David pattern. The key to understanding the Star of David is to look at the Sextiles. They form a Hexagon, six angles, a sacred geometry shape commonly found in nature, especially in the Honeycomb pattern of the beehive. Bees are cooperative and hard working. The key to the Star of David is interacting with many many people, cooperating fairly and in a balanced way at all times, and working hard at whatever you choose, just like the bees. Is it no wonder the bee's honey remains unspoiled when stored indefinitely? It's as though you came here unspoiled, from a state of perfection. No sitting around just thinking about what you want to do with your life. You must have the courage to consciously choose and put forth effort when you take advantage of opportunities as they arise. The Star of David truly embodies the saying "Mind over Matter" and you must truly be consciously aware of your opportunities, choices, actions, and the exchange of ideas with others as you exercise your potential. You have the potential to become anything, achieve anything.
Thank you sooooooo much PlutoSurvivor. I have never heard that theory, though it makes a LOT of sense, especially the parts about working hard, and being of service to others. I am constantly told that I need to counsel others, be of service to others, help others, but I always thought it was due to my NN in Aquarius in 5th. It's hard though, for me, because I have a hard time connecting with others(Chiron in 11th)
However, hearing that puts everything in perspective, and makes me think about finding ways to find that drive and push past being complacent(I've let perfectly opportunities slip through my fingers because I told myself "it's not like it won't be offered again". I'm going to be more mindful to work harder from now on. My sextiles are : Mercury sextile Jupiter 9th/10th Jupiter sextile ASC 10th/1st ASC sextile Pluto 1st/3rd Pluto sextile Neptune 3rd/5th Neptune sextile DSC 5th:7th DSC sextile Mercury. 7th/9th. Also, everything is confusing because in addition to the Star(1 Water trine, 1 Earth trine), I have another Earth Trine, and a yod so I'm like ok, you want me to help others, BUT find my own place in the world and be an individual too? (Sun/MC, Uranus, SN) It's too much, and I get overwhelmed so I shut down, stop trying, and rely on fate sometimes. IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 09, 2014 03:32 PM
Could you list the houses and signs using equal house please? Or post a picture of your chart? I can't really relate to other house systems at this point and that would help me understand your chart better. thanks.Glad to be of help. I wrote a long explanation of the nature of aspects found in the Star of David, for my own consideration, and did not post it, but I think I will do that now. My chart has very easy aspects and the few square or oppositions are wide orbs, so I know first hand how everything goes around and comes around. IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 09, 2014 03:36 PM
The Star of David pattern is a great study of aspect patterns. When you look at just the triangles forming the 6-pointed star, the Grand Trines, you will see a very fiery essence, where individuality and creativity stands out. It's very self sufficient, so that the energy is supplied from within. It takes a lot of Faith to utilize even one Grand Trine to full potential because of the easy flow of self-generating energy. The same Element is involved with each 3 planets, so this will show how you are self sufficient, and all 6 planets will have the same Polarity. Either Feminine or Masculine will be dominant which would indicate whether you are futuristic or tied to the past. This is, of course, based on the perfectly symmetrical Star of David. Anyway, with the Star of David, draw this six-pointed geometric star pattern in the context of the horoscope and you connect all the points around the chart to yield 6 Sextiles. To me, this is the key to understanding the nature of this configuration. The Sextiles will make things confusing. Not only do they create a beautiful Hexagon shape, but they combine to create many more aspect patterns and configurations: the Cradle, the Mystic Rectangle, the Sacred Kite... how special is that? Well, the Sextile aspect truly embodies the saying “Mind over Matter”, a very intellectual aspect, utilizing a busy mind, and it will present many opportunities for decisions to be made, for choices to be made. It's also very social, lots of socialization. In fact, the Hexagon (six angles), corresponding to love and enlightenment, and represents balance, union, communication, similar to the essence of Libra, in the form of the Sextile aspect. The Hexagon is a sacred geometry shape commonly found in nature and specifically in the honeycomb of the beehive. The bees are so cooperative and hard working. With 6 Sextiles, this could manifest as someone who would think a lot, interact with all types of people, cooperating harmoniously like the bees. There are automatically six different signs involved so that makes you diverse and able to have something in common with half the population right there, and that's not taking into consideration your other planets which could also be in different signs. You are made to interact and connect with many. Its so easy to just have fun and wait around for something to happen your whole life, because you live in your thoughts, so easy to get stuck. The bees are here to remind you to put some effort into working hard and this will help actualize your potential. Just in case you aren't sure how to do that, Opposition aspect sneaks in there and cause a crisis, times 3. The Opposition causes anxiety because you can only see the problem, not the solution. This is where the Faith factor has to enter in again. There's always going to be worry because something is going to be forming and separating at the same time, like a teeter-totter (see-saw). The same Quality is going to be involved, either two Cardinal planets, two Fixed, or two Mutable. If it's Cardinal, how do you know what to start? You can't have two leaders. Fixed, how do you decide what to follow up with? Can't do two opposing things at the same time. What about Mutable, how do you decide what to change. Always ways to improve, new ideas to consider. The opposition brings in tension, but the opposition always brings about change or some unexpected development. Put this into the mix with all those Sextiles and the Oppositions often represent a crisis, because there you are, buzzing around and waiting for something you know is going to happen...some day. The Star of David, although self-fueling, can easily become a trip without a destination. Conscious effort and hard work must take place in order to utilize full potential. If your remaining planets form a T-Square or any type of Square aspect, then this will help push you to achieve. There is always some tension, some disconnect with a Square, as it is a past vs. future dynamic, with the same Quality involved as explained above. If you misuse the square it will show up as power and authority,, because the Square is aggressive, defiant, inconsiderate, and you will always need to reevaluate your goals with a Square that is activated. A lot of times you must slow down and wait and see what happens with the square. Timing is important. You can let things ride to avoid the pain. But basically you have to possess it or suppress it. IP: Logged |
PlutoSurvivor Knowflake Posts: 2406 From: USA Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 09, 2014 03:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by ReeseC: I've let perfectly opportunities slip through my fingers because I told myself "it's not like it won't be offered again". I'm going to be more mindful to work harder from now on.
Absolute best way to handle things, imo, before you get too old to make a difference, although it's "never too late" I wish I had this conscious awareness and acted on it earlier in life. IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 09, 2014 05:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor: Absolute best way to handle things, imo, before you get too old to make a difference, although it's "never too late" I wish I had this conscious awareness and acted on it earlier in life.
Pluto, I am somewhat new to this, and you are really teaching me a lot so thanks . As far as the awareness, I guess it's a gift and a curse in a way: I want to work for everything I have, but things keep being handing to me so after a while I stop caring, and chalk it up to "don't stress, it'll come back,". It's like a weird mix of realism and optimism. I think my moon is wrong because on etarrochi, and Solarfire my moon is 29°21'24
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ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 10, 2014 09:49 PM
Oh, and thank you to Virgo28, Ellynlvx, Hypatia238, and Randall for your analyses and information.  IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 13, 2014 03:01 PM
Bump. Chart will be posted soon IP: Logged |
ReeseC Knowflake Posts: 1207 From: Elysium Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 30, 2014 03:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by PlutoSurvivor: The Star of David pattern is a great study of aspect patterns. When you look at just the triangles forming the 6-pointed star, the Grand Trines, you will see a very fiery essence, where individuality and creativity stands out. It's very self sufficient, so that the energy is supplied from within. It takes a lot of Faith to utilize even one Grand Trine to full potential because of the easy flow of self-generating energy. The same Element is involved with each 3 planets, so this will show how you are self sufficient, and all 6 planets will have the same Polarity. Either Feminine or Masculine will be dominant which would indicate whether you are futuristic or tied to the past. This is, of course, based on the perfectly symmetrical Star of David. Anyway, with the Star of David, draw this six-pointed geometric star pattern in the context of the horoscope and you connect all the points around the chart to yield 6 Sextiles. To me, this is the key to understanding the nature of this configuration. The Sextiles will make things confusing. Not only do they create a beautiful Hexagon shape, but they combine to create many more aspect patterns and configurations: the Cradle, the Mystic Rectangle, the Sacred Kite... how special is that? Well, the Sextile aspect truly embodies the saying “Mind over Matter”, a very intellectual aspect, utilizing a busy mind, and it will present many opportunities for decisions to be made, for choices to be made. It's also very social, lots of socialization. In fact, the Hexagon (six angles), corresponding to love and enlightenment, and represents balance, union, communication, similar to the essence of Libra, in the form of the Sextile aspect. The Hexagon is a sacred geometry shape commonly found in nature and specifically in the honeycomb of the beehive. The bees are so cooperative and hard working. With 6 Sextiles, this could manifest as someone who would think a lot, interact with all types of people, cooperating harmoniously like the bees. There are automatically six different signs involved so that makes you diverse and able to have something in common with half the population right there, and that's not taking into consideration your other planets which could also be in different signs. You are made to interact and connect with many. Its so easy to just have fun and wait around for something to happen your whole life, because you live in your thoughts, so easy to get stuck. The bees are here to remind you to put some effort into working hard and this will help actualize your potential. Just in case you aren't sure how to do that, Opposition aspect sneaks in there and cause a crisis, times 3. The Opposition causes anxiety because you can only see the problem, not the solution. This is where the Faith factor has to enter in again. There's always going to be worry because something is going to be forming and separating at the same time, like a teeter-totter (see-saw). The same Quality is going to be involved, either two Cardinal planets, two Fixed, or two Mutable. If it's Cardinal, how do you know what to start? You can't have two leaders. Fixed, how do you decide what to follow up with? Can't do two opposing things at the same time. What about Mutable, how do you decide what to change. Always ways to improve, new ideas to consider. The opposition brings in tension, but the opposition always brings about change or some unexpected development. Put this into the mix with all those Sextiles and the Oppositions often represent a crisis, because there you are, buzzing around and waiting for something you know is going to happen...some day. The Star of David, although self-fueling, can easily become a trip without a destination. Conscious effort and hard work must take place in order to utilize full potential. If your remaining planets form a T-Square or any type of Square aspect, then this will help push you to achieve. There is always some tension, some disconnect with a Square, as it is a past vs. future dynamic, with the same Quality involved as explained above. If you misuse the square it will show up as power and authority,, because the Square is aggressive, defiant, inconsiderate, and you will always need to reevaluate your goals with a Square that is activated. A lot of times you must slow down and wait and see what happens with the square. Timing is important. You can let things ride to avoid the pain. But basically you have to possess it or suppress it.
You know, I had to read this later again to fully understand what this meant, and it must say, this is my life in a nutshell. I had a look at my chart again, and both Destinn and vertex are conjunct my NN by one degree on each side in Aquarius making a mystic rectangle with my Sun/MC, SN, and POF/IC. My life is heavily fated, and meant for a specific direction, but it's up to me not to become complacent and work hard as well. And you're right, finding a purpose is crucial otherwise you can't really develop a real plan because there is no direction. I IP: Logged |
two-headed-she Newflake Posts: 16 From: LA Registered: Mar 2013
posted June 02, 2018 01:41 PM
I just looked at my marriage chart and was shocked to find a version of this pattern in it. Two overlaid trines, though their distance does not make perfect sextiles from point to point. What to make of it in a chart for a marriage? The first grand trine in an air trine with neptune in aquarius, saturn in libra, and venus in gemini. the second is in earth, though the air degrees are at the end of the signs, and the earth trine involving mercury in taurus, mars in virgo, and pluto in capricorn, the degree distance between points is more like 45 and 70 degrees. So I guess my question is more about variations of this pattern, what can be made of them?IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 96520 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 04, 2018 06:46 AM
Welcome!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 96520 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 05, 2018 02:56 PM
Post it.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 96520 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 06, 2018 10:20 AM
The chart, I mean.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 96520 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 07, 2018 04:32 PM
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