posted November 12, 2015 08:45 PM
Hello! This is my first topic so bear with me please! Hopefully this is being posted in the right forum...I was wondering what the best way to go about finding your strongest planet is. Normally it's your rising sign, but in my chart I have a few other planets that have a strong emphasis and I'm not sure which I should keep in mind when watching transits, etc.
My ASC is Sagittarius, which rules the 1st/12th houses. Jupiter is in Sag and by itself the 12th house. This planet also happens to be my only planet in a fire sign and makes no major aspects to any other planets (sextile the MC though). So at first I figured this was a no brainer, right?
However I also have a strong Libra/Venus influence; MC, North Node, Mercury, and Venus are all in Libra. Mercury is conjunct MC, Venus is conjunct my sun. Taurus also happens to rule my 5th house so I thought, having my 5th house ruler conjunct the natural 5th house ruler is important, right? So maybe Venus has more influence. Oh and wait for it...Venus and the Sun are both in the 9th house---the house of Sagittarius.
BUT then there’s moon in Cancer, in the 7th house (the house of Libra). My moon is the "handle" in a bucket configuration, being the only planet on the right side of my chart. near no other planets. My moon also happens to be square....Venus.
Should I consider all three of these planets super important, or is there one that stands out? And I apologize if this comes off as a "READ MY CHART", that's not my intention.