posted August 10, 2017 06:03 PM
My mother has always said that I was born at 1.29 am; I trusted her for 30 years, but a couple of weeks ago in the old closet of my childhood I found my original birth certificate and... I saw that I was born at 2.27!! So, basically, two or three important things have changed:
- my Moon slipped from the 9th house... to the 8th!! One of the most difficult positions for my poor Moon... actually nothing is changing, since I have always had it from the start but... this means a lot of time wasted learning other information, that was unuseful... sigh 😔
- my Venus-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio falls now in the 1st house, and not in the 2nd... the interpretation and meaning of this position in my chart has changed radically... Plus... since I have a 8th house Moon, semisquared by Pluto, there's even more Pluto and Scorpio in my chart..... and this "discovery" has not been easy
- and... where the hellll has gone my water grand trine?! I miss it now, I was soo proud of his trine...
Moon in 8th house so I'm still quite emotional for sure...
- and last but not least... my nodes... the nodal axis falls now in 12th-6th, with Nn in the 6th conjunct Dsc 0.0... so I've said goodbye to my 1st-7th axis.
The good news are, this chart feels more... me.
I wanted just to share, if this has ever happened to any of you...
Now that I have a new natal chart, it's like being born for the second time
I'm going to check all the synastries again... I'm lucky because I've been monogamous and committed for so long... there are just a few things to check
Greetings to you all!