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  I'm really worried about tPluto square Venus

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Author Topic:   I'm really worried about tPluto square Venus

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posted January 07, 2022 02:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Timegoesby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey everyone, I have been reading up here for a few years now but am still very green in interpreting my own astrological experiences.

I have been going through some very tough times personally, and professionally, with saturn travelling through my 7th,and have been literally drained at home and at work.

I have venus and jup in 10th and pluto will be squaring them by transit in Feb/Mar this year, which will then be my reality for a long time to come.

I am worried. I don't think I have the strength to push any harder but constantly feel the need to. Can anyone have a look at my natal with transits and tell me anything good please?I know pluto brings depression but I'm genuinely worried about how things are going for me.


Thank you!!!

Time xx

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posted January 07, 2022 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted January 29, 2022 04:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted March 31, 2022 10:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Try asking this in Astrology 2.0 also.

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posted April 24, 2022 11:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Time, when I opened the link it took me to WeTransfer but didn't show me a file or anything. Can you upload the image to imgbb or imgur and copy the BB code, then remove the "s" in "https"? Instructions are always on the left when you go to post something, just click the link that says "UBB Code is ON".

How old are you and where is your natal Saturn?

tPluto has been in my 7th house squaring my natal moon/Venus in my 10th since April last year. This also sextiles my Mars in the 9th. I have also been going through my Saturn return in the 8th, squaring my sun in 11th and nPluto in the 5th, so I find it impossible to separate the two influences of tSaturn and tPluto.

When the tPluto square began, I was hit with an obsessive crush that I haven't been able to shake all year. A lot of things fell apart in my life which I attribute to Saturn clearing away what wasn't really working for me - including a sudden divorce.

Overall I think it is always for the better if you take the lessons of the transit. If you resist or fail to see the lesson (as I have done before) then it will be worse. It will be painful either way but Pluto and even Saturn are not here to punish, but to teach. It's hard to separate from the moon influence as well, but tPluto squaring my Venus has transformed my attitude towards relationships and made me much more self-aware, increasing my consciousness of self and others and how I have handled relationships, how people have handled me, and how I want to improve in the future. I've develop much deeper self-respect and self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. After a year of this transit square I already feel sooooo much wiser and better equipped to handle relationships, more discerning of healthy and unhealthy people, influences, and habits in myself. It affected me not only romantically but in my approach to career and reputation matters (10th house) too.

I won't lie, it's been an excruciating year, but I attribute that more to my Saturn Return than to Pluto.

My advice is to use every situation for soul growth. Ask of every situation what the lesson is and be rigorously honest with yourself. When you think you know, go deeper. That's what Pluto asks us to do. He wants transformation so we can reach the deeper truth, the truth under truth under truth.

When you post your chart I can tell you what positions and aspects I would look into. Once you begin to learn about them you will understand the lessons being presented to you, and you'll be able to navigate this period more gracefully and reach a greater height of wisdom.

Don't be scared. You are strong. Stronger than you realize. The universe won't give you more than you can handle. Sometimes the lesson is to take a break - that is what I had to do. It was hard on my ego, but that was the point. And I am already getting stronger for it.

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Posts: 7
Registered: Sep 2021

posted April 25, 2022 03:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Timegoesby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sashavittoria:
Hi Time, when I opened the link it took me to WeTransfer but didn't show me a file or anything. Can you upload the image to imgbb or imgur and copy the BB code, then remove the "s" in "https"? Instructions are always on the left when you go to post something, just click the link that says "UBB Code is ON".

How old are you and where is your natal Saturn?

tPluto has been in my 7th house squaring my natal moon/Venus in my 10th since April last year. This also sextiles my Mars in the 9th. I have also been going through my Saturn return in the 8th, squaring my sun in 11th and nPluto in the 5th, so I find it impossible to separate the two influences of tSaturn and tPluto.

When the tPluto square began, I was hit with an obsessive crush that I haven't been able to shake all year. A lot of things fell apart in my life which I attribute to Saturn clearing away what wasn't really working for me - including a sudden divorce.

Overall I think it is always for the better if you take the lessons of the transit. If you resist or fail to see the lesson (as I have done before) then it will be worse. It will be painful either way but Pluto and even Saturn are not here to punish, but to teach. It's hard to separate from the moon influence as well, but tPluto squaring my Venus has transformed my attitude towards relationships and made me much more self-aware, increasing my consciousness of self and others and how I have handled relationships, how people have handled me, and how I want to improve in the future. I've develop much deeper self-respect and self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. After a year of this transit square I already feel sooooo much wiser and better equipped to handle relationships, more discerning of healthy and unhealthy people, influences, and habits in myself. It affected me not only romantically but in my approach to career and reputation matters (10th house) too.

I won't lie, it's been an excruciating year, but I attribute that more to my Saturn Return than to Pluto.

My advice is to use every situation for soul growth. Ask of every situation what the lesson is and be rigorously honest with yourself. When you think you know, go deeper. That's what Pluto asks us to do. He wants transformation so we can reach the deeper truth, the truth under truth under truth.

When you post your chart I can tell you what positions and aspects I would look into. Once you begin to learn about them you will understand the lessons being presented to you, and you'll be able to navigate this period more gracefully and reach a greater height of wisdom.

Don't be scared. You are strong. Stronger than you realize. The universe won't give you more than you can handle. Sometimes the lesson is to take a break - that is what I had to do. It was hard on my ego, but that was the point. And I am already getting stronger for it.

Hey, thank you for your reply. The timing is impeccable.

Thank you for your guidance on img sharing. Does this work?

N Saturn is in 5th in Capricorn.

My career is in shambles and the romantic obsession is in place. I am feeling this quite strongly this week. Please note I have Venus conj Jup in 10th too.

I am still very much panicking over this. Any insight is more than welcome.

Thank you so much xx

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Posts: 7
Registered: Sep 2021

posted April 25, 2022 04:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Timegoesby     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Timegoesby:
Hey, thank you for your reply. The timing is impeccable.

Thank you for your guidance on img sharing. Does this work?

N Saturn is in 5th in Capricorn.

My career is in shambles and the romantic obsession is in place. I am feeling this quite strongly this week. Please note I have Venus conj Jup in 10th too.

I am still very much panicking over this. Any insight is more than welcome.

Thank you so much xx


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Posts: 502
Registered: Nov 2012

posted May 11, 2022 08:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Time, I'm so sorry it took me awhile to get back to you. (Haha... funniest sentence I've written today!) I had this open for a long time in a tab, then I had to close things, life happened, blah blah, but finally after some digging I found your thread again.

Okay, do not panic. My ascendant is actually Cancer, not too far off from your Leo, so my Moon/Venus conjunction falls in late Aries in the 10th as well (my Venus just barely in Taurus, but still). So we are going through this transit together, only you have Jupiter instead of my moon! I imagine that should be a little better.

Pluto is squaring your Venus/Jupiter FROM your Capricorn 6th house too, no wonder your career is experiencing a Tower moment. Are you having any health problems, or have you ignored your health for awhile? Pluto is asking you to transform your daily life/routine/habits in order to help your career and relationships. This is transformation on the body level. Capricorn, 6th house, that's double earth. As someone with my North Node here, I strongly recommend taking rest, as much as possible. It sounds like you are in danger of burnout if you haven't already burned out. If you do not stop, life will force you to stop, and it will be worse.

Pluto is amplifying your career ambition through Jupiter, so you may be putting too much pressure on yourself or importance on your career. Take a step back and put life in perspective. Pluto is enhancing your need/desire for control over these matters. The solution is to let go and surrender to the transformation. If you kick and scream the whole way, it will hurt more.

Pluto is here to transform your values especially, through Venus (what you value) and Jupiter (philosophy and beliefs). You're really being asked to dig deep into your subconscious and overturn and investigate what you believe and value in your career and daily life, but also in life more broadly. Chiron is also transiting your 9th house, which only amplifies the need to reevaluate your philosophical and spiritual beliefs.

I see that Saturn has also been running over your Mercury, so I imagine some of the issues you've encountered also have to do with communication and intellect, not only in partnership but at work and with any shared resources, including finances but also potentially sex?

tSaturn is also squaring your natal Pluto in the 4th, so you're getting a DW Pluto square (me too). I feel for you. No wonder you have been drained both at home and at work.

On top of that, Uranus is transiting your 10th as well. You are going through massive transformations in your career.

Yet your North Node is in Pisces in the 9th. Your entire karmic lesson in this life surrounds living a more spiritual and philosophical modality.

Pluto and Saturn are both bringing you these karmic lessons pointing you towards your north node, while Uranus at the same time upends your career. FOLLOW THE NORTH NODE.

My advice to you would be to take rest. Go on a spiritual retreat. Try psychedelics if you are open to that. Read the spiritual texts that call to you. Study with a spiritual teacher of whatever discipline you're drawn to. Tend to your body. Prioritize healing.


For obsession - I feel practically like an expert on this. Saturn and Pluto transits always hit me with obsessive crushes. Here's what has helped me:

1. Eliminate magical thinking
It's tempting, but don't indulge in the notion of twin flames, etc. I recommend this video if you've slipped into that, and if not, DO NOT look it up.

2. Identify and meet unmet needs (that your crush seemed to promise)
For example, I identified intimacy and the feeling of being “seen” as an unmet need my crush seemed to promise to fulfill, knowing that I also have a deep fear of intimacy. I developed methods of fulfilling this need for myself.

3. Identify and live out qualities/traits (both “good” and “bad”) of your crush that were repressed in you
For this I broke down the repressed qualities/behaviors into three categories:
A) what you admire and want to emulate - find ways to do these
B) what you dislike but actually do (areas of hypocrisy) - admit to this!
C) what you dislike but don’t let yourself do - actually indulge in this! (For instance, I don't normally let myself cut loose and "have fun" so something as innocuous as getting high and going to a movie by myself was a relatively safe way for me to live out this aspect.)

4. Rewrite painful stories (that your crush appeared to solve)
This is so complex, difficult, and painful to get into and everyone’s story is uniquely theirs even if it is extremely relatable, so I’m not sure how to discuss mine in a helpful way. But if you're curious about this just ask and I can go into detail.

5. Separate your crush from the Dream
Here's what that means.

6. Work on attachment style
I cannot express how much this has helped me. There are plenty of quizzes online to figure out what yours is.

7. Don’t repress - instead, accept
Repression doesn't work!

I don't know if you would characterize what you're experiencing as limerence, but IME the obsession is a SYMPTOM of deeper wounding, NOT the cause itself. In other words, it's not that you need to distract yourself FROM this person. The obsession itself is a distraction from a deeper pain (often family- or childhood-related) your mind is avoiding. The obsession is a kind of self-soothing.

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Posts: 502
Registered: Nov 2012

posted May 11, 2022 08:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I also just noticed that your moon is on your south node, squared by Chiron and loosely squared by Saturn/Uranus in your natal. Definitely investigate these - they are your "skipped steps." Neptune, ruler of your NN, is currently conjunct your NN, opposing your moon. The planets are DEMANDING that you tend to your spiritual needs (even if partly THROUGH the body if you are experiencing health issues).

Look at the axes at play in these transits:

responsibility axis (4/10, Cap, Saturn)
thought axis (9th and Jupiter)
existence axis (6th, Mercury and Pisces, Neptune)
all of these interlocking with the nodes, tied together by Pluto, both transit and natal
There is also obviously 8th house emphasis, between Pluto in Scorp and tJupiter in your 8th

Rip off the bandaid and lean full force into the transformation Saturn and Pluto demand of you. This is jet fuel to your North Node, your soul's growth. Don't let the ego get in your way by clinging (moon!) to your south node. There is a reason you have your sun on your NN and moon on your SN.

Also, let me know if you feel your North Node more in the 8th.

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