Topic: Compilation of Soulmate/Twinflame Connections
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 25, 2014 06:50 AM
About my parents... I'm not saying they're probably twinflames because they are my parents, but because they displayed the signs of a "final pair". They lightened up every time they saw each other and were together, despite my mom being a Venus in Cap who hardly expresses feelings. And they displayed being in love with each other until the end. Anyway, the point is they are a long term couple who were in love with each other all the time.About the friend connections, Tulipe... I think another research is needed for that, probably long term friends have a lot of connections too, to angles nodes vertices etc, and those between planets not necessarily the same as the romantic ones, I suspect Jupiter might be involved a lot, and many aspects to Moons, for intimate friends. This should be another topic for hopefully many threads on the new baby forum About Juno Alma... I want to thank Ceri for that. I was looking for Juno/Psyche and indeed there are sometimes important connections between them, but then I had a conversation with Ceri on the Twinflame thread and she pointed out Alma for me, so I went back to my couple database and bam! there it was: Juno/Alma as a definite marker so far. Thanks again, Ceri!
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 25, 2014 07:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: Great thread, guys.
Thank you, Doux. Please join with couple stories, if you like  IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 59237 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 25, 2014 10:57 AM
Moving to Interpersonal Astrology. IP: Logged |
meissieri Knowflake Posts: 1418 From: Neptune with Faith, Bella, Muddy and Doux. Commuting between that and Chiron. Registered: Feb 2013
posted May 26, 2014 02:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I'm sorry to hear that, meissieri. Maybe it's just a transitional phase between you two. Anyway, I wish for you to find the love you deserve 
Thanks, both you and Doux. I hope it's a phase, but I've started to wonder if it's even worth it. Still don't know how he feels about me. If. We got into a bit of a fight earlier today, so I guess it's wait and see if this is going to be worked out. Despite feeling sad about it, I'm relieved he did say something and was so open to me, even if it was negative. I told him that if he wanted to explain, he should go ahead and I'd listen.
That's the story so far. No word from him yet. It's almost funny how it happened right when I said I was sick of it and mentally basically gave up on him. I hope I'll find someone who appreciates me, too. Whether that's him or someone else. Tullipe, Thank you as well. Sorry to hear you can relate to my situation. Oh... right now I am disheartened, but I hope there will be someone for me - and then you'll see me check back in here, of course. *sigh* This is just a synastry that looks a lot better on paper than in real life, I'm afraid. IP: Logged |
Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1707 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 26, 2014 02:52 PM
I really hope it works out for you, Meissieri. When I find someone else right for me, I'll check in here for sure .
------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 374 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted May 27, 2014 04:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: It seems to me this is a stable configuration, involving otherwise unpredictable aspects such as Venus/Uranus, Mars/Uranus, Chiron, gathering them in a "fortress" as the Grand Cross was described in synastry and composite. The stability comes from the fixed cross and the 2nd/8th axis. It is very sexual in nature, a cross of attraction with all the planets involved and with the 2nd/8th overlay. Still, it is a tense and powerful cross, immense energy is held in this "fortress", with all those dynamite aspects combined.Lilith enhances this passion between you, brings compulsion. Compulsion is already there, in the previous aspects as well, such as that fixed cross. All the connections described here are very binding. Ceres/IC especially or Ceres on any angle seems to be a common aspect I find in my synastries, I've noticed that lately. I think it enhances the aspect of "caring" and"nurturing" inherent in any profound love relationship. Ceres resembles Moon - mothering. Moon Ceres Lilith is very deep, passionate, with a Moon Pluto vibe. It has a connotation related to the Ceres/Demeter myth, especially: scorching the earth in grief, everything in bloom and rich harvest in joy: deep caring and bonding in happy times between the couple, denying love and care in troubled times, very much in tune with a Moon Pluto archetype. Especially since you already have Pluto/Persephone, all the connotations of this myth should apply. It speaks of a very deep connection, both in terms of darkness (the unconscious) and light (the conscious). I advise you read about this myth. Anyways, a powerful bonding on all levels.
Yes, the Pluto/Persephone theme is most certainly strong and is one we identify heavily with (like you wouldn't believe)...Here are more aspects relating to this theme: My gt-Natal: Persephone conj. Sun and AVx (both at 2). Proserpina conj. MC-Pallas-Lilith (1), opposite my Moon (exact/within 1 second...). *His Moon conj. this stellium (exact @ Pallas-MC). Zeus is also close to that MC-Pallas-Lilith-Proserpina conj; 3 degrees from the first (Pallas) of this conj. Zeus also makes exact aspects to these planets; sext. Jupiter, squ. Uranus, and trine Saturn. All on the 12th degree. It's also semi-squ. Pholus. *My Zeus sits between his Moon and AC; loosley conj. his Moon @ 3 and AC @ 2. Demeter-Vesta conj. my AC (1). Hera is conj. Ceres (2) and Pholus (exact). This conj. is trine a Narcissus-Union conj. (1), and sext. Alma (1). Narcissus conj. Union (1). This conj. is squ. both Sun-Persephone-AVx and Mars-Vx (forming a T-squ.), and it also happens to be semi-squ Demeter-Vesta (exact). *His Chiron, Mars and Venus completes/falls into a G-Cross with the T-squ. mentioned above; his Chiron opp. my Narcissus-Union conj, his Mars conj. my Sun-Persephone-AVx, and his Venus conj. my Narcissus-Union in our gt-synastry. His Chiron is also exactly conj. my 9th cusp. *His Saturn trine my Narcissus-Union (2), qux. my Sun (1). *His Psyche also makes loose contact(4 degrees) to this config, it sits between my Mars and Saturn (in Scorpio, my 5th, his 8th), opp. the Sun-Mars-Persephone-AVx aspect. It also falls in my 8th. *His Vx-Valentine contacts this config; it's trine my Sun-Persephone-AVx (exact-1-3), sext. my Mars-vx (exact-1), and semi-sext. my Narcissus-Union (with his AVx semi-sext. my Sun-Persphone-AVx and trine my Mars-vx). Cyane and Helios; Cyane is trine Chiron (exact, from the 4th house to the 12th), and Helios (in the 12th) is sext. Mercury (exact). Helios is also conj. Alma and Juno (2.5 both ways). Eros conj. Neptune, which is a part of that G-trine previously mentioned: trine Valentine and Amor. Also sext. Juno and Pluto. *His Pluto conj. the above config. via my Valentine. Hekate is also in the 12th @ 1 Gemini. His gt-Natal: Pluto conj. Sun (4). Persephone in a Union-Persephone-Alma-Amor stellium, opp. Pholus (1), sesqu. Proserpina (2) and a Narcissus-Helios conj. Proserpina in Pisces/1st squ. Narcissus-Helios (2). Zeus in Lib/7th squ. a Hera-Vesta conj. (2). Demeter in Virgo/7th conj. DC (1). Ceres (also in Virgo/7th) opp. Moon (exact), sext. that Hera-Vesta conj. (1) *My Moon-IC conj. his Ceres (exact). Hera-Vesta conj. in Cancer/5th (which falls in my 1st, 10 degrees away from my Demeter-Vesta conj). Narcissus (flower)-Helios conj. (1). This conj. forms a G-trine with his SNode-Lilith and Mercury-Pallas-Hekate, and it's squ. his Vx (2). *My Ceres and Pholus (Aries/11th) conj. his SNode-Lilith in his 1st; my Ceres conj. his Lilith (exact) and SNode(3), my Pholus-Hera conj. his SNode (1) and Lilith (2). *My Mercury (Aries/11th) is also conj. his SNode (2) in his 1st. Mercury rules both our charts(in my chart it's Moon and Mercury) and his Merc. trine mine in synastry. Cyane (Taurus/2nd) opp. Neptune (exact), trine Pluto (exact). *His Cyane is opp. my Pluto (2), and conj. my Amor (1). The Amor conj. means that his Cyane is also a part of my Valentine-Amor-Neptune/Eros G-trine. *We also have a dw Pholus-Node in the gt-synastry: my pholus conj. his SNode, his Pholus trine my NNode. The asterisk denotes some of the gt-synastric aspects involving this theme. If you want to see the chart, I can e-mail it to you. Re. Narcissus: I thought I'd experiment with it here to also represent the flower that enchanted Persephone/Proserpina. It doesn't do much in our charts otherwise. gt-Composite: Amor is @ 22 Gem 34 Hekate is @ 13 Can 54 Valentine @ 10 Vir 37 Eros @ 18 Aqu 19 Psyche @ 0 Cap 20 Karma @ 21 Leo 16 Unitas @ 19 Gem 37 Helio-Composite Amor @ 11 Gem 16 Hekate @ 14 Can 19 Valentine @ 22 Vir 26 Eros @ 26 Cap 52 Psyche @ 28 @ Sag 42 Karma @ 23 Leo 48 Unitas @ 12 Gem 53 I can share the draconic composite as well, if you're interested. I'm going to have to come back another time and do a separate post for the draconic synastric aspects related to this theme, but here are a few to get started: My d-Pluto conj. his d-Moon, his natal Venus and Mercury-Pallas. My Sun-Persephone sext. his Persephone-Union-Alma My Vx trine his Persephone-Union-Alma My Pholus-Hera conj. his DC (exact) His Pholus sext. my Vx My Ceres sits between his and Sun-Juno (conj. both by a degree). His Ceres sits between my Amor and Mercury. My Cyane conj. his Chiron (exact). His Chiron trine mine. Anyway, you also have the same take on Lilith as I do; that she is like a feminine Pluto. My question about Lilith in our charts actually originated from thoughts I'd been having on the way my own Moon "behaves" and how Lilith is connected to that... quote:
Moon Pallas conjunction is said to be a sign for telepathic, dreams etc. connections between the two, do you have those? A powerful connection as well.
Absolutely. It's the kind of telepathy that includes being able to talk and carry on conversations as if we were on the phone (though there could be other aspects that are also supportive of this)...Clear communication, visions/insights, etc., and it's pretty much unwavering. Solid and powerful...It has an acuity like that of Uranus-Mercury or Moon... quote:
Juno with Sun and Moon squaring the nodes is another very binding aspect in terms of fateful partners and soulmates.The fact that all these pairs are interconnected in numerous aspects and complex configurations on the angles, nodes, Vx/Avx shows an underlying weaving of this synastry. You've got yourself a powerful synastry there, just by these aspects alone.  I would be curious to know if you have aspects for all the 13 points described in the OP, also, what are your LA pairs in synastry and composite?
Thank you so much for your time and interpretations. I'll e-mail you re. the list of aspects/connections on the front page of this thread. You mentioned an interest in Atlantis links in the other thread, so I'll share this with you as well: We both have Moon-Atlantis conj. (exact for him, 2 degrees for me) in our gt-natals, and you remember our Moon config...It's interesting that I have that 2 degree separation with mine, as it leaves my Atlantis exactly opposite his Moon-Atlantis, while our Moons are opp. by 2 degrees (which allows for other interesting contacts). We have Moon-Atlantis exactly conj. in the 8th of our gt-Composite. I've yet to find this link between me and others. Likewise with him and other significant connections he had. Of all the charts I've run for us thus far, it's the only aspect that we share only with each other...Whereas I can typically find Eros-Psyche, Osiris-Isis, etc. with others. Granted, those other SM asteroids also tend to stand out in our charts because of the kind of aspects they make to planets/angles/configurations. Siva-Parvati is another big one with us. I also want to give a shout-out to Ceridwen, as I know you expressed an interest in the Pluto-Persephone myth...You were the one to point this out, and it was also one of your threads on this subject (from back in 2009) that lead me to further investigate this in our charts...This is pretty cool. Sorry if this is a mess, I have a habit of jotting things down in "Notepad" and it doesn't always come out right when I get to posting it here. Thus, lots of editing 
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 27, 2014 10:37 AM
Famous long-term couples and the "dreaded" Saturn lol (number 7)Liz/Richard Burton Sun/Saturn conjunct Moon (1) Sun trine Saturn (9) Sun quintile Saturn (0) Composite Moon quintile Saturn (1) Davison Moon sextile Saturn (3) Princess Lillian/Prince Bertil
Sun trine Saturn DW Moon conjunct Saturn (0 and 2) Composite Sun/Moon conjunct Saturn (6 and 1) Davison Sun/Moon opp Saturn (8 and 2) Elizabeth/Robert Browning
Moon square Saturn (2) Napoleon/Josephine
Moon square Saturn (5) Moon trine Saturn (7) Lauren Bacall/Bogie Sun square Saturn (2) Sun sextile Saturn (2) Moon trine Saturn (1) Composite Moon trine Saturn (7) Davison Sun conjunct Saturn (5) on DSC trine Moon (2) Linda/Paul McCartney
Sun trine Saturn (3) Sun semisextile Saturn (1) Composite Moon trine Saturn (1) Davison Sun square Saturn (5) Moon trine Saturn (7) Joanne Woodward/Paul Newman Sun trine Saturn (4), also Saturn on ASC/Venus Composite Sun quintile Saturn (1) June Carter/Johnny Cash (TOB unkn June)
Sun quincunx Saturn (1) Composite Sun trine Saturn (8) Davison Sun sextile Saturn (4) Brangelina
Sun trine Saturn (4) Moon opposite Saturn (4) Composite Moon sextile Saturn (1) Davison Moon trine Saturn (4), Sun trine Saturn (8) Wallis Simpson/Edward Windsor
Moon conjunct Saturn (2) Moon trine Saturn (8) Composite Sun trine Saturn (0), Moon sextile Saturn (2) Davison Sun conjunct Moon trine Saturn (0 to 4) Camilla/Charles
Moon sextile Saturn (3) Moon square Saturn (8) Davison Sun sesquisquare Saturn, Moon semisquare Saturn (0) Eva/Juan Peron
Sun opp. Saturn (7) Composite Sun sextile Saturn (1) Davison Sun trine Saturn (2) Rita Wilson/Tom Hanks
Sun sesquis Saturn (0) Moon trine Saturn (5) Moon trine Saturn (7) Composite Moon trine Saturn (6) Davison Moon trine Saturn (5) Goldie Hawn/Kurt Russel
Sun sextile Saturn (0) Sun trine Saturn (1) Moon square Saturn (2) Moon conjunct Saturn (6) Composite Sun quincunx Saturn (1) Davison Moon sesquis Saturn Marie/Pierre Curie
Sun opp. Saturn (1) Sun square Saturn (6) Composite Moon square Saturn (8), in Davison too, plus Sun semisquare Saturn (0) BTW, a majority of couples from the previous post have Saturn square NN in synastry.
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 27, 2014 10:42 AM
Morph,I don't know why the message keeps disappearing, I wrote it three times. I was saying, please send me the other charts on email if you want, and the list of aspects, I'm mostly interested in the 13 points. I will study your aspects in more depth in the following days. I was also saying that I think this is a wonderful love Kite:
Eros conj. Neptune, which is a part of that G-trine previously mentioned: trine Valentine and Amor. Also sext. Juno and Pluto. *His Pluto conj. the above config. via my Valentine. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 3329 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted May 27, 2014 04:00 PM
LovelyLo,i just discovered that our each DNA's asteroids are conjunct in our sysnastry, your 8th house, my 7th. Even though we're born 4 years apart. It's official, we are each other's flesh.....  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 27, 2014 04:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: LovelyLo,i just discovered that our each DNA's asteroids are conjunct in our sysnastry, your 8th house, my 7th. Even though we're born 4 years apart. It's official, we are each other's flesh..... 
wow...this is amazing, Orange Sunshine...something's really going on here  IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted May 27, 2014 04:32 PM
Stay away from my woman!  ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 374 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted May 30, 2014 04:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Morph,I don't know why the message keeps disappearing, I wrote it three times. I was saying, please send me the other charts on email if you want, and the list of aspects, I'm mostly interested in the 13 points. I will study your aspects in more depth in the following days. I was also saying that I think this is a wonderful love Kite:
[b]Eros conj. Neptune, which is a part of that G-trine previously mentioned: trine Valentine and Amor. Also sext. Juno and Pluto. *His Pluto conj. the above config. via my Valentine.[/B]
Sent you a note. Thanks again, btw. I'm working on logging the Siva-Parvati/Vedic theme, and it's interesting to find some of the same placements there as well...My Soma is conj. my Valentine in that "Love kite" (and his Soma conj. my Vx exact). Valentine-Soma also falls on Regulus. My Parvati is on Juno, Kaali is exactly squ. my Sun, Sita is where my Persephone is (conj. My Sun and AVx), Samadhi is where my Zeus is, Siva is conj. my NNode, Tara is conj. my Chiron, Raman is conj. Sirius and trine MC-Pallas-Lilith-Proserpina. Actually, my Tara-Chiron, Juno-Parvati, Ramakrishna, and Rudra are all involved in a configuration with that Valentine kite...His Pluto-Ganesha and Neptune-Jupiter-Kama and Samadhi fall into that config. as well and we actually complete a kite in each other's charts with this config. I have another T-squ. with my Moon-IC, Varuna, and MC-Pallas-Lilith-Proserpina that completes a G-cross in our charts with his Saturn-MC and Sita-IC... We have Raman-Sita conj. in draconic synastry, and that exact Siva-Parvati squ. that's a part of a G-cross config. in the helio composite. We also have a Kaali-Rudra opposition somewhere (forgot where at the moment), and my Kaali falls into that config. that completes a G-Cross in both our charts by conj. his Chiron (1); his Chiron, Venus, and Mars connected to my Sun-AVx-Sita opp. Mars-Vx. His Soma fits in here too via that conj. to my Vx. Anyway, just a few more mentions here. I'll be back with more from this one. I'll also repost a cleaned up summary of that Pluto-Persophone/Proserpina theme. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted May 30, 2014 04:05 PM
Great, Morph Can't wait! I have a special personal interest in the Pluto/Persephone theme ( I have it myself in synastry , can't wait for your input. And all those ancient them on! lolI'll check for your message  IP: Logged |
IntuitiveJ Knowflake Posts: 880 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted June 01, 2014 06:11 PM
Hi LeeLoo! Here are the aspects I think are important. I tried to follow what you said & I kept the orbs under 3 for accuracy...some of these are exact, most under 2.His NN conjunct my DSC His SN conjunct my ASC His valentine conjunct my DSC, sun, and mercury His eros/Isis conjunct my valentine My eros sq his valentine His saturn sextile my valentine His neptune semi sextile my valentine My alma semi sextile his valentine My vertex semi sextile his valentine His eros trine my karma His alma conjunct my karma His karma conjunct my karma
His union and amor conjunct my vesta His union & amor trine my sun & Dsc His vesta trine my psyche My psyche sq his uranus His uranus conjunct my vertex His saturn trine my POF His pholus trine my POF My pholus trine his neptune His mars sq my mars His psyche trine my juno His juno trine my SN His juno sextile my NN His juno trine my IC His juno sextile my MC My juno opp his mercury My union semi sextile his juno My uranus semi sextile his juno My saturn opp his mercury His nodes sq my uranus His nodes sq my chiron & jupiter His NN trine my NN His SN sextile my SN His venus trine my jupiter and moon His chiron trine my alma My BML conjunct his priapus His priapus trine my saturn & MC His BML trine my SN His BML sextile my NN My pholus conjunct his jupiter His venus sq my amor My alma sq his amor His neptune sq my karma My neptune sextile his sun My neptune trine his amor My neptune sq his pluto My neptune sq his chiron saturn Inconjunct venus DW My Mars inconjunct his venus My moon trine his mars Saturn quindecile sun DW His mars quindecile my ASC Sun opp sun His Sun opp my mercury His pluto conjunct my venus His sun trine my pluto My venus sq his Isis My venus opp his chiron His venus trine my osiris My POF semi sextile his eros Our composite has juno conjunct psyche and eros square psyche. Lots of composite aspects to natals (exact). Composite venus on my eros. Composite NN on his juno. Composite alma on my saturn. Composite valentine on my pluto. Composite uranus on his vesta. Composite chiron & jupiter on his union. I tried to list what I thought might be relevant. I'm sorry it's long. There are more. There is also Draco to Draco & Draco to natal contacts- many sig ones. I guess all of this means very little unless someone is present in your life & doesn't "run" but I truly appreciate the help you've given me  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 02, 2014 07:33 AM
Thank you. I will answer you on your thread.IP: Logged |
IntuitiveJ Knowflake Posts: 880 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted June 02, 2014 08:06 AM
Thank you so much. Can you complete a grand trine between a synastry & composite chart?If in synastry his venus is at 22 sag, my moon & jupiter are 21 & 24 Aries but composite juno is 22 leo- does that count? Or only between one specific chart? Thanks again! IP: Logged |
MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 374 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted June 04, 2014 03:52 PM
I shared this in another thread, so I thought I'd share it here too. It's a Jupiter-Juno/Zeus-Hera Theme: quote:
My Natal: Juno @ 29 Gem 36/12th Juno-Pluto trine (exact) Juno-Neptune opp. (exact) Juno-Eros opp. (1) Juno-Valentine sext. (exact) Juno-Amor sext. (2). Juno-Psyche sesqu. (exact)Jupiter @ 12 Can 47/7th Minor triangle with Jupiter-Zeus-Saturn (all exact degree). Hera @ 23 Ari 21/11th Hera conj. Pholus (exact). Hera conj. Ceres (2). Hera trine Union (1). Hera sext. Alma (1). Minor triangle with Hera-Ceres-Pholus-Alma-Union. Yod with Hera-Alma-Vx Union also squ. Vx. Zeus @ 12 Pis 10/9th Zeus-MC-Pallas conj. (wide, 3 degrees) Zeus-Jupiter sext. (exact) Zeus-Uranus squ. (exact) Zeus-Saturn trine (exact) His Natal: Juno @ 6 Vir 39/6th Juno-Sun conj. (exact) Juno-SNode sesqu. (exact) Juno-Pluto "conj." (wide, 4) Jupiter @ 28 Sco 32/8th Jupiter-Neptune conj. (4) Hera @ 17 Can 20/5th Hera-Vesta conj. (exact) Hera-Zeus squ. (2) Hera-Ceres sext (exact) Hera-Pluto semisqu. (exact) Zeus @ 15 Lib 32/7th
gt-Synastry: Him/Me Jupiter-Juno trine (exact) Sun and Juno "trine" Jupiter (loose @ 6) AC-Jupiter sext. (2) Moon-Jupiter sext. (4) AC-Zeus conj. (2) His Hera-Vesta forms wedge with my Moon and MC-Pallas-Lilith-Proserpina (exact-2). SNode-Hera conj. (exact) Hera-Zeus "trine" (wide @ 6) His Zeus falls in my 4th, my Juno in his. His Hera falls in my 1st, my Hera and Zeus in his. Jupiter-Pluto conj. in a 5th/8th overlay. Pluto-Juno sext. (2) His Pluto is also conj. my Valentine (2), and trine my Amor (exact). Draco-Synastry: Him/Me DC-Hera conj. (exact) His Sun-Juno "conj." my Hera (wide @ 4) His Hera-Vesta forms G-trine with my Juno and Pluto (exact). Psyche-Juno conj. (exact). Venus-Juno squ. (exact). gt-Composite: Hera-Jupiter opp (exact),1st/7th. Hera is also conj. Pallas (exact). Juno-IC conj. (exact). Juno conj. Aphrodite (1). Juno-Lilith trine (1). Zeus-Venus opp. (exact), 8th/2nd. Zeus-Mercury opp. (2). Zeus-Psyche conj. (1.5) Zeus-Pluto squ. (2). Zeus-Union sesqu. (exact) *Union-Pluto semisqu. d-Composite: Hera-Jupiter-Pallas conj. (exact) in 1st. Hera-Jupiter-Pallas sext. Lilith (1). Zeus-Venus conj. (exact), also conj. Mercury and Psyche (2). Juno-IC conj. (exact). Juno trine Lilith (1). helio-Composite shows a Hera-Pallas and Zeus aspect as well. There's also an exact Jupiter-Aphrodite trine. I've left out the other asteroids for now.
I forgot to add that Aphrodite is conj. my AC as well.
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 04, 2014 04:14 PM
His Aphrodite? He must think you're a goddess then ...the one of Beauty.I take it with so many Zeus/Hera/Juno/Jupiter you're planning to marry him, Morph  They look very significant, no escape for the poor guy, it's like a net and he's the fish  IP: Logged |
Selene Knowflake Posts: 1360 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted June 04, 2014 05:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: About the friend connections, Tulipe... I think another research is needed for that, probably long term friends have a lot of connections too, to angles nodes vertices etc, and those between planets not necessarily the same as the romantic ones, I suspect Jupiter might be involved a lot
Yes! I and Mr. Uranus (as we're very good friends), have Sun trine Jupiter, Jupiter trine ASC, Jupiter conjunct Neptune exact, Jupiter square Mercury,Venus... IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 04, 2014 05:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: Yes! I and Mr. Uranus (as we're very good friends), have Sun trine Jupiter, Jupiter trine ASC, Jupiter conjunct Neptune exact, Jupiter square Mercury,Venus...
You're ignoring my question about the Castle I wonder why  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 07, 2014 05:59 AM
Morph,Your Pluto - Ceres (Demeter) Thor's Hammer with the nodal axis, and NN conjunct Union in 4th (the "deepest", "lowest" house of the zodiac) is extremely impressive in terms of the Pluto Persephona Demeter myth! IP: Logged |
MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 374 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted June 09, 2014 03:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: His Aphrodite? He must think you're a goddess then ...the one of Beauty.I take it with so many Zeus/Hera/Juno/Jupiter you're planning to marry him, Morph  They look very significant, no escape for the poor guy, it's like a net and he's the fish 
LoL, this is "TF" and I again...Oh, and I meant my Aphrodite is conj. my AC natally. I went back and added a couple of synastry aspects I left out in the gt-synastry; a Jupiter trine Juno dw, and my Jupiter aspects his Sun, Moon, and AC. quote:
Morph,Your Pluto - Ceres (Demeter) Thor's Hammer with the nodal axis, and NN conjunct Union in 4th (the "deepest", "lowest" house of the zodiac) is extremely impressive in terms of the Pluto Persephona Demeter myth!
Yes, it's definitely a strong one. I'll add the cleaned up list of aspects involving this theme once I finish with it. I'm listing the Siva-Parvati/Vedic and Isis-Osiris themes as well. Thanks again  Oh yeah, and congrats on becoming a mod! IP: Logged |
MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 374 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted June 15, 2014 07:58 PM
LeeLoo, here's a list of aspects in response to your points. The synastry and composite charts (and the list of aspects from those) only includes the asteroids on your list that I'd previously left out. This is in addition to the other bits I've already His AC-Moon in my 9th His DC-Cupido, Sun-Juno-Pluto, and Mercury-pallas-Aphrodite in my 3rd (from his 6th). His IC in my 12th His MC-Saturn and Lust in my 6th His 5th and Vesta in my 1st. His 11th in my 7th. His Mars in my 11th (from his 2nd. His NNode, Jupiter, Neptune, and Psyche in my 5th (from his 8th) His Ceres, Vertex, Valentine, Isis-Osiris, Priapus in my 4th (from His 7th). His Chiron conj. my 9th cusp (exact). My Sun, Venus-Cupido, and Mercury in his 2nd (from my 11th). My Pluto, Saturn, Mars, and Vx in his 8th (from my 5th). My AC-Aphrodite-Vesta and Juno in his 4th. My DC and Neptune-Eros in his 10th. My IC-Moon and Priapus in his 7th (Moon-IC is between his DC and Vx-Valentine, and right on Ceres). My MC-Pallas-Liliths in his 1st (on Moon-AC). My 2nd in his 5th. My 8th in his 11th. My Psyche in his 12th (from my 8th, and we both have our Psyches in the 8th). My Jupiter in his 11th. My Chiron, NNode, and Lust in his 3rd. My SNode and Uranus in his 9th. My Karma conj. his DC (1) His Karma squ. my Pluto (exact) His Psyche sextile my moon (1), trine my MC-Pallas-Liliths (exact) My Alma trine his NNode (exact) and sextile his Mercury-Pallas (1) His Alma-Amor opp my Psyche (1) His Priapus trine my Chiron (1) and squ. my Neptune-Eros (exact-1) His Cupido-DC trine my Cupido-Venus (exact) My Venus-Cupido sext his AC (exact) His Lust conj. my SNode (2) My Lust squ. his Ceres (exact), qux. Psyche (exact), and sext. Venus (exact) His Aphrodite-Mercury-Pallas squ. my Vx (exact), trine Mercury (2) My Aphrodite-AC-Vesta sext his Sun-Juno (exact-1) My Mercury conj. his 2nd cusp (exact) His Chiron conj. my 9th cusp (exact) His Lilith conj. my 11th cusp (exact) d-synastry: My Moon conj. his 12th House cusp (exact), my IC conj. by 1 (from my 11th), and my Priapus in his 12th. My AC-Aphrodite-Vesta, Lust and Juno in his 8th My Sun, Venus-Cupido, Mercury, and Pholus (conj. his DC exact) in his 7th (from my 11th). My 12th house cusp is also in his 7th. My Ceres conj. His Sun-Juno and DC (from his 6th) My pluto, Saturn, Mars, and Vx in his 1st (from my 5th) My MC-Liliths-Palls in his 5th My Psyche in his 4th (from my 8th) My Neptune-Eros, DC, and Uranus in his 2nd. His Jupiter, Neptune, Psyche, and 8th cusp in my 12th . His Sun-Juno, Pluto, Mercury-Pallas-Aphrodite, Venus-Uranus in my 10th (from his 6th). His IC in my 8th. His MC-Saturn in my 2nd. His AC, Moon, and Eros in my 5th. His 5th and Vesta in my 9th. His 3rd in my 7th. His Lust and 9th cusp in my 1st. His Mars conj. my DC (1) and Neptune-Eros (3). His 12th cusp, Pholus, and Chiron in my 12th. His Karma conj. my MC-Pallas-Liliths (1) My Karma squ. his Neptune His Eros trine my MC-Pallas-Liliths, sextile my IC-Moon His Priapus squ. my Psyche, sext. my Liliths My Alma squ. his Alma-Amor (exact-1) My Neptune-Eros squ. his Venus and Chiron (T-squ.) My Lust conj. his Neptune (1) His Cupido conj. my Pholus (exact) Helio-synastry: T-squ. with my Karma and Neptune, and his Mercury and Vesta. His Earth squ. my Eros (exact). His karma and Venus conj. my Juno and Aphrodite (exact-1), trine my Earth-Mars (exact). My Karma squ. his Vesta, sext his Alma (exact) His Aphrodite trine my Pholus (exact). My Valentine conj his Ceres (exact) His Valentine squ. my Lust (1), qux my Amor-Venus (exact), sext. my Vesta (exact) His Lust-Saturn conj. my Mercury (exact). His Pluto squ. my Chiron (exact), trine Cupido (exact)
His Juno squ. my Eros (exact) My Juno trine his Eros (exact) His Psyche conj. my Eros (2) My Psyche opp. his Union (exact) gt-Composite Lust @ 11 Vir 13 (conj. Valentine) Cupido @ 9 Can 43 Aphrodite @ 1 Leo 08 d-Composite placements Lust @ 25 Ari 06 Cupido @ 23 Aqu 36 Aphrodite @ 13 Pis 01 Complimentary Aspects (only listing 5 examples for each):
Mirrors: Sun-Moon: he has the opp., I have the trine Moon-Saturn: he has a squ., I have a sextile. Venus-Uranus; he has a conj., I have the qux, and my Venus is in the 11th. Venus-Saturn; he has a trine, I have an opp. Moon-Atlantis; both have conj. *All of the above are in aspect in synastry. Key and Lock: He has Venus in Leo conj. Uranus, I have Mars in Scorpio in the 5th opp. my Sun in the 11th. He has Sun-Lilith, I have Moon-Lilith He has Sun-Apollo conj., I have Moon-Artemis conj. (we both have Zeus-Leto in our natals too). He has Sun-Pluto conj., I have Sun-Persephone conj. He has Moon-Ceres, I have Sun-Ceres. *All of the above are in aspect in synastry.
DWs: Sun-Node Sun-Venus Moon-Mars Sun-Saturn (in draco-natal) Venus-Pluto (in draco-natal) Juno-Jupiter Asteroids (1 example for each): Eros/Psyche: Conj. in helio Juno/Jupiter: DW in gt-synastry. Alma/Juno: we have psyche-Alma-Amor in gt-synastry, I have Alma-Juno loosely conj. in my natal. Juno/Psyche: conj. in d-synastry Venus/Psyche: conj. in d-composite. Venus/Karma: No Venus-Karma, but we do have karma-DC conj. in gt-synastry and karma-Mars conj in gt-composite. Union/Alma: opp. in gt-synastry. Union/Psyche: opp. in h-synastry. Amor to angles, Sun, Moon, Venus, Neptune, Pluto and other LA: Amor-Pluto, + see previously posted aspects for more. Valentine to angles, Sun, Moon, Venus, Neptune, Pluto and other LA: Valentine and Amor-Pluto, + see previously posted aspects for more. Ceres to angles, Sun, Moon, Venus, LA: Ceres-Moon-IC, + see previously posted examples for more. Juno conjunctions/DW/patterns: Juno-Jupiter dw, + See previous posts for more. We also have Karma-Juno-Venus conj. in helio. Vesta conjunctions/DW/patterns: See previous posts. We also have a dw Vesta-Union in helio-synastry. Additional Karma contacts: Karma-Pallas in d-synastry and helio-composite. Karma-Jupiter squ. in d-synastry. Karma-Pluto squ. in gt-synastry. Karma conj. SNode and trine Unitas in gt-Davison. Karma squ. Vesta and sext. Alma in h-synastry. Karma squ. Amor and Saturn, and trine Union in h-Davison.
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 26, 2014 01:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by MorpHnStorM: LeeLoo, here's a list of aspects in response to your points. The synastry and composite charts (and the list of aspects from those) only includes the asteroids on your list that I'd previously left out. This is in addition to the other bits I've already shared.[b]gt-synastry His AC-Moon in my 9th His DC-Cupido, Sun-Juno-Pluto, and Mercury-pallas-Aphrodite in my 3rd (from his 6th). His IC in my 12th His MC-Saturn and Lust in my 6th His 5th and Vesta in my 1st. His 11th in my 7th. His Mars in my 11th (from his 2nd. His NNode, Jupiter, Neptune, and Psyche in my 5th (from his 8th) His Ceres, Vertex, Valentine, Isis-Osiris, Priapus in my 4th (from His 7th). His Chiron conj. my 9th cusp (exact). My Sun, Venus-Cupido, and Mercury in his 2nd (from my 11th). My Pluto, Saturn, Mars, and Vx in his 8th (from my 5th). My AC-Aphrodite-Vesta and Juno in his 4th. My DC and Neptune-Eros in his 10th. My IC-Moon and Priapus in his 7th (Moon-IC is between his DC and Vx-Valentine, and right on Ceres). My MC-Pallas-Liliths in his 1st (on Moon-AC). My 2nd in his 5th. My 8th in his 11th. My Psyche in his 12th (from my 8th, and we both have our Psyches in the 8th). My Jupiter in his 11th. My Chiron, NNode, and Lust in his 3rd. My SNode and Uranus in his 9th. My Karma conj. his DC (1) His Karma squ. my Pluto (exact) His Psyche sextile my moon (1), trine my MC-Pallas-Liliths (exact) My Alma trine his NNode (exact) and sextile his Mercury-Pallas (1) His Alma-Amor opp my Psyche (1) His Priapus trine my Chiron (1) and squ. my Neptune-Eros (exact-1) His Cupido-DC trine my Cupido-Venus (exact) My Venus-Cupido sext his AC (exact) His Lust conj. my SNode (2) My Lust squ. his Ceres (exact), qux. Psyche (exact), and sext. Venus (exact) His Aphrodite-Mercury-Pallas squ. my Vx (exact), trine Mercury (2) My Aphrodite-AC-Vesta sext his Sun-Juno (exact-1) My Mercury conj. his 2nd cusp (exact) His Chiron conj. my 9th cusp (exact) His Lilith conj. my 11th cusp (exact) d-synastry: My Moon conj. his 12th House cusp (exact), my IC conj. by 1 (from my 11th), and my Priapus in his 12th. My AC-Aphrodite-Vesta, Lust and Juno in his 8th My Sun, Venus-Cupido, Mercury, and Pholus (conj. his DC exact) in his 7th (from my 11th). My 12th house cusp is also in his 7th. My Ceres conj. His Sun-Juno and DC (from his 6th) My pluto, Saturn, Mars, and Vx in his 1st (from my 5th) My MC-Liliths-Palls in his 5th My Psyche in his 4th (from my 8th) My Neptune-Eros, DC, and Uranus in his 2nd. His Jupiter, Neptune, Psyche, and 8th cusp in my 12th . His Sun-Juno, Pluto, Mercury-Pallas-Aphrodite, Venus-Uranus in my 10th (from his 6th). His IC in my 8th. His MC-Saturn in my 2nd. His AC, Moon, and Eros in my 5th. His 5th and Vesta in my 9th. His 3rd in my 7th. His Lust and 9th cusp in my 1st. His Mars conj. my DC (1) and Neptune-Eros (3). His 12th cusp, Pholus, and Chiron in my 12th. His Karma conj. my MC-Pallas-Liliths (1) My Karma squ. his Neptune His Eros trine my MC-Pallas-Liliths, sextile my IC-Moon His Priapus squ. my Psyche, sext. my Liliths My Alma squ. his Alma-Amor (exact-1) My Neptune-Eros squ. his Venus and Chiron (T-squ.) My Lust conj. his Neptune (1) His Cupido conj. my Pholus (exact) Helio-synastry: T-squ. with my Karma and Neptune, and his Mercury and Vesta. His Earth squ. my Eros (exact). His karma and Venus conj. my Juno and Aphrodite (exact-1), trine my Earth-Mars (exact). My Karma squ. his Vesta, sext his Alma (exact) His Aphrodite trine my Pholus (exact). My Valentine conj his Ceres (exact) His Valentine squ. my Lust (1), qux my Amor-Venus (exact), sext. my Vesta (exact) His Lust-Saturn conj. my Mercury (exact). His Pluto squ. my Chiron (exact), trine Cupido (exact)
His Juno squ. my Eros (exact) My Juno trine his Eros (exact) His Psyche conj. my Eros (2) My Psyche opp. his Union (exact) gt-Composite Lust @ 11 Vir 13 (conj. Valentine) Cupido @ 9 Can 43 Aphrodite @ 1 Leo 08 d-Composite placements Lust @ 25 Ari 06 Cupido @ 23 Aqu 36 Aphrodite @ 13 Pis 01 Complimentary Aspects (only listing 5 examples for each):
Mirrors: Sun-Moon: he has the opp., I have the trine Moon-Saturn: he has a squ., I have a sextile. Venus-Uranus; he has a conj., I have the qux, and my Venus is in the 11th. Venus-Saturn; he has a trine, I have an opp. Moon-Atlantis; both have conj. *All of the above are in aspect in synastry. Key and Lock: He has Venus in Leo conj. Uranus, I have Mars in Scorpio in the 5th opp. my Sun in the 11th. He has Sun-Lilith, I have Moon-Lilith He has Sun-Apollo conj., I have Moon-Artemis conj. (we both have Zeus-Leto in our natals too). He has Sun-Pluto conj., I have Sun-Persephone conj. He has Moon-Ceres, I have Sun-Ceres. *All of the above are in aspect in synastry.
DWs: Sun-Node Sun-Venus Moon-Mars Sun-Saturn (in draco-natal) Venus-Pluto (in draco-natal) Juno-Jupiter Asteroids (1 example for each): Eros/Psyche: Conj. in helio Juno/Jupiter: DW in gt-synastry. Alma/Juno: we have psyche-Alma-Amor in gt-synastry, I have Alma-Juno loosely conj. in my natal. Juno/Psyche: conj. in d-synastry Venus/Psyche: conj. in d-composite. Venus/Karma: No Venus-Karma, but we do have karma-DC conj. in gt-synastry and karma-Mars conj in gt-composite. Union/Alma: opp. in gt-synastry. Union/Psyche: opp. in h-synastry. Amor to angles, Sun, Moon, Venus, Neptune, Pluto and other LA: Amor-Pluto, + see previously posted aspects for more. Valentine to angles, Sun, Moon, Venus, Neptune, Pluto and other LA: Valentine and Amor-Pluto, + see previously posted aspects for more. Ceres to angles, Sun, Moon, Venus, LA: Ceres-Moon-IC, + see previously posted examples for more. Juno conjunctions/DW/patterns: Juno-Jupiter dw, + See previous posts for more. We also have Karma-Juno-Venus conj. in helio. Vesta conjunctions/DW/patterns: See previous posts. We also have a dw Vesta-Union in helio-synastry. Additional Karma contacts: Karma-Pallas in d-synastry and helio-composite. Karma-Jupiter squ. in d-synastry. Karma-Pluto squ. in gt-synastry. Karma conj. SNode and trine Unitas in gt-Davison. Karma squ. Vesta and sext. Alma in h-synastry. Karma squ. Amor and Saturn, and trine Union in h-Davison.[/B]
HI, I only saw this now, sorry  You have some nice aspects  I have some questions, maybe I overlooked them in your list - it's about geo synastry do you have Sun/Moon, Venus/Mars contacts? what about Saturn to Sun and/or Moon in synastry and/or geo composite? Thank you for posting the list  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 16780 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted June 26, 2014 01:33 PM
I forgot to add, all the aspects listed in the OP are to be looked for in geo synastry/tropical. Usually, if there's a theme, it repeats in Draco, helio etc.IP: Logged | |