Topic: Dangerous Love, Sacred Love....the Dance of Saturn and Neptune in synastry....
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted May 31, 2014 10:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Not as strong as Indigo`s cases naturally, but since Dr Faustus made another guest appearance in my dreams (this play has become a true NIGHTMARE to me, it is HAUNTING me, I swear ). his Saturn in 7th house conjunct my KARMA in 7th house: 0°30 his Saturn widely opposite my Neptune: 5°34 (cp: 0°36)
his Saturn conjunct my SN widely: 5°20 his Saturn trine my Moon: 1°36 his Saturn square my JUNO: 1°28 his Saturn quinkunx my SIVA: 0°33 his Saturn conjunct my KAALI: 2°43 my Neptune conjunct his Venus: 3°07 my Neptune conjunct his ASC: 0°50 my Neptune sextile his SIVA: 0°48 My Neptune semisextile his KAALI: 1°18 plus
my Saturn in 8th house conj. his SN: 0°06 EDIT: We are Siva and Kaali through and through - composite has a square of these two with the Draconic Kaali falling onto tropical Siva and ther everse, configured with the nodal axis obviously (and Venus-Sun-SAturn, too).
Davison has the opposition. synastry has the Venus-Kaali DW (conj, and opp.) plus a wide Siva-Kaali-trine
Not having the Neptune/Saturn is a saving grace in my opinion, its a painful aspect! You guys really are Kaali/ Siva all over the place! IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted May 31, 2014 10:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by KarmicMoon: With an ex...My Saturn 19 Taurus oppose his Neptune 21 Scorpio In his 8th house His Saturn 23 Pisces trine my Neptune 28 Scorpio These are on his Nodes too at 25 Taurus/Scorpio Very painful, yet bonded, he is still a good friend even though no one understands how I can be friends with him after he hurt me so much. I often feel torn about the relationship but I sense a long karmic history together and feel he is someone from my soul group.
Do you ever feel you want to go back or do you keep your distance even though you feel bonded? IP: Logged |
KarmicMoon Knowflake Posts: 611 From: Moon, Milky Way Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 31, 2014 12:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Do you ever feel you want to go back or do you keep your distance even though you feel bonded?
The problem was he would never commit to me 100%. There was lots of cheating. I stopped speaking to him for 12 years. It would be easy to fall under his spell again if I let myself (Neptune/Venus DW) but he still wouldn't be willing to commit. I know he isn't the right man for me even if he did. There will always be lots of sexual chemistry there but on a day to day basis he would drive me crazy! Just as friends he often drives me crazy! The funny thing is, I can tell him anything. He probably knows me better than anyone even though we weren't together that long. I feel like I can speak freely to him without any judgement on his part. Again, my friends worry that I shouldn't trust him, but I do, totally. Many times I have told him off even and it doesn't phase him. He comes back around like nothings happened. We usually talk about spiritual stuff, too and sometimes I feel compelled to tell him things like he isn't living up to his mission in life and he was meant to do more. Weird. We have lots of soul mate aspects(lheavy Saturn). I often joke that i hope we sort out our karma because I don't want to spend my next life with him, lol! IP: Logged |
LucieLemonade Knowflake Posts: 1592 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 31, 2014 12:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: in both charts, yes. And aspecting the personal planets I mentioned.
Ok. Thanks. That will eliminate a good chuck of the many people who's Neptunes sit in my 1st opp my Sat. I don't want to have to fix ALLLL that karma.  IP: Logged |
KarmicMoon Knowflake Posts: 611 From: Moon, Milky Way Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 31, 2014 01:48 PM
@GabbyWhat you wrote for Scorpiorising was beautiful and something I needed to be reminded of too. Loved your little song! Thank you.... IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted May 31, 2014 04:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by KarmicMoon: The problem was he would never commit to me 100%. There was lots of cheating. I stopped speaking to him for 12 years. It would be easy to fall under his spell again if I let myself (Neptune/Venus DW) but he still wouldn't be willing to commit. I know he isn't the right man for me even if he did. There will always be lots of sexual chemistry there but on a day to day basis he would drive me crazy! Just as friends he often drives me crazy! The funny thing is, I can tell him anything. He probably knows me better than anyone even though we weren't together that long. I feel like I can speak freely to him without any judgement on his part. Again, my friends worry that I shouldn't trust him, but I do, totally. Many times I have told him off even and it doesn't phase him. He comes back around like nothings happened. We usually talk about spiritual stuff, too and sometimes I feel compelled to tell him things like he isn't living up to his mission in life and he was meant to do more. Weird. We have lots of soul mate aspects(lheavy Saturn). I often joke that i hope we sort out our karma because I don't want to spend my next life with him, lol!
Ugh....what a waste of great synastry! Too bad it has to be jerks that can't provide it all that are so open n willing to hear us out. I almost wonder if the reason they don't get ruffled and upset when we rip them up is because they know they don't have to do anything about it, they don't have to act on what we say or change, those jerks!! Lol  IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted May 31, 2014 05:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by KarmicMoon: @GabbyWhat you wrote for Scorpiorising was beautiful and something I needed to be reminded of too. Loved your little song! Thank you....
Lol, thank you! I had to come up with something that would get stuck in my head, it took a week or so but it's been stuck for awhile now and I have noticed my connection to intuition has really started getting stronger, I used to have a hard time discerning which was my actual intuition and which was my ego trying to feel good about itself by thinking it had heard and listened to intuition but was actually pushing something that hadn't came from intuition. I hope that makes sense? I'll explain better.... I've worked so hard on learning to listen to my intuition that my ego had started jumping in and going, "look at me...I'm listening to my intuition and it told me to....etc, etc" but in reality it was just another trap the ego had got caught up in and confused by. But getting that song stuck in your head, will help you give your subconscious permission and the obligation to discern what is higher self and what isn't...and only follow what is serving your highest good, but all this without you having to consciously think about it, it is done automatically before your even aware of it. Your trying to overwrite years on messages you have sent to subconscious self, so say it OUTLOUD over and over again do it obsessively until you don't have to think about it, it just pops in your head without thinking. Saying it outloud uses more of your senses, hearing it alimony with the vibrations of your voice affecting your body, usually you are more likely to move your body along with the words if you say it outloud so it gets you much more involved and that will get this into your subconscious mind must faster and deeper compared to silently saying it in your head. It's funny, I've been using this for a little over a month and I used to try so hard to feel who it was calling me when I heard my phone ring, before I looked...but I could never get it right! Now I don't even think about it, I hear the phone ring and usually whoever it is pops in my head at the same time, without looking. As a kid I used to answer the phone before it rang and would know who was calling... I guess I'm getting that talent back!! Also I've had so many more experiences with energies making contact with me lately, but I get a clear sense of what they want....I don't feel the fear I used to feel. I understand them and feel comfortable instead of feeling they are so different from me and feel like they would hurt me, now I feel how we are simular. Honestly the only thing I've changed is programming my subconscious to allow my higher self to lead me. Very important.....don't forget the last part! "Follow the highest love that can never fail" that part will program your subconscious to dismiss energies that are not from the highest love, that can never fail....negative energy is not from the highest love and often fails! Your subconscious mind will know it is to discern the difference in energies and dismiss the negative ones before they have a chance to connect to you just the way your ego is dismissed or it's identified for you as not the path your wanting to follow. This isn't an overnight thing, but once you start feeling it happen you will love it! Its so effortless it feels wonderful! It has kind of made me aware that I'm not alone, is always felt disconnected and alone, but now I don't. My favorite thing is that i don't have to analyze and think n over think in order to have all the answers all the time, that's a weight has been lifted! Ugh....I'm rambling again!! I really hope you use it, i want to hear the results if you do.... Please?? I hope anyone and everyone gives it a try for at least a month and totally make themselves sick of singing it, until it kicks in and then they will love it!! Even after that though I would keep making it a routine to sing it daily. Just to maintain and keep it strong in your head, it took years to undo your second nature trust in your higher self and it will take time to build it back up to being second nature again. IP: Logged |
KarmicMoon Knowflake Posts: 611 From: Moon, Milky Way Registered: Feb 2014
posted June 01, 2014 11:10 AM
It's funny that you are saying all this because intuition has been a real issue for me the last couple years. None of this stuff was even on my radar till HE (who my intuition says is my primary soul mate) came along. Ever since I have been trying to increase my abilities. I would feel things but then immediately my mind comes in and calls BS! Its been a real struggle to overcome my Virgo mind that wants concrete proof of everything. That doesn't want strings left hanging. It wants everything wrapped up with neat little bows. A psychic told me I have two guides working on trust issues with me. I've had so many people back up things I feel but I still question it. Well, just on Friday I had a real revelation, that I have had great intuition all along, I CAN trust myself. Perhaps I'm even pretty gifted in this area. So thank you. I will try your song for a month and let you know how it goes!IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted June 01, 2014 11:31 AM
That virgo is a toughie on our intuition, it wants proof or don't go with it!! I have an unaspected virgo moon in my moon has seen enough that emotionally I crave hearing my intuition, I don't require all the intellectual facts n proof anymore. My heart listens so intensely and jumps on anything that gives me that calm peaceful warmth of a higher self message/intuition, my heart knows where the good stuff comes from! What's funny is my heart can tell my head to "shut up, your being to loud" and my mind listens, I don't have to force it, I just allow it to clear and quiet itself immediately. That's very new to me and I love it!IP: Logged |
sc0rpioRising Knowflake Posts: 1530 From: somewhere! Registered: Nov 2011
posted June 01, 2014 12:46 PM
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sc0rpioRising Knowflake Posts: 1530 From: somewhere! Registered: Nov 2011
posted June 01, 2014 12:52 PM
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted May 25, 2015 08:47 AM
bump great thread  IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 7132 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted July 19, 2022 10:52 PM
bumpIP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 7132 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted July 20, 2022 01:19 AM
Oh my gosh. I have the conjunction going on with somebody. 3 degrees but yes with Neptune and Saturn being generational I would have this with a clump of people born in a certain year and month. but what makes them stand out from the others? we got a lot of stuff going on. n. node and great attractor oppose ASC Mars trine pluto/moon/lilith Pluto square Mars While my Saturn is in the 9th house the Neptune is in my 8th house. Of course! LOL Yeah we have been having some boundary issues with each other lately. And I am married to someone else. Since I see him in party and group settings we have never been too close. I've been extraverted, spontaneous and shy at the same time around him. I am usually not attracted to guys with long hair, he grows it longer with out pushing it for me. But then one day he cut his hair shorter and I was like going "aaawooga" on the inside, and I have a horrible poker face. I've never felt more shallow in my life and I felt like such a hypocrite. Because I hate when guys do that if I wear more make up or something. The early interactions are sorta hazy. I can kind of see how I've pulled back, especially being the Saturn person. People come and go. I am one of the people who has stuck around weather its for responsibilities/social tiffs. I was wearing a costume at the time he came up behind me and was adjusting my cape. It startled me. That's when I knew he not only liked me as a person, but also attracted to me. We did not really interact at the next party about a year later. but there were times where my hormones or whatever took over. I gave him a few looks when my husband wasn't around while I was dancing and a brief interaction. well next party I go alone, he approached me a few times, but was successful when my female friend left. Really connected and felt like I had a spell put on me. He pretty much had my full attention after that. His friend pulled him aside, he really did not want to leave, he was kind of like: do i have to? to friend. we later glanced at each other a bit after that, I was late to a friend's house over our FB banter. next party, I thought was going to would be very girl focused. while he never said he was going on FB...I saw him liking comments. Then I freaked out like "oh no he might be going" I had this feeling that something was going to happen. One thing just led to another. We both crashed at that house. We cuddled. He slept on top of my legs. and my gal friend spooned me. When I had to pee I tried sleeping on the other end of the couch. But then came back cause I was cold. But when he when he moved up to use my arse as a pillow he could tell that I was starting to freak out since I'm married. So he backed off. He invited me out to lunch w/ other people. I said yes. He then asked me to play video games with him, but I had other plans. And I really felt that pull like there was a part of me that wanted to stay. I feel torn about going to this next party. I'm married, and I can tell his ex who is a FWB still has feelings for him, and implied that they could get back together. I have been challenged lately that my husband is not "my everything" in the bedroom department. My first year of marriage has been beyond tested. And then this guy is apparently a swinger, and I'm going through a Uranus square Mars transit. 8th and 9th house synastry, my beliefs about intimacy might be changing. There is a part of me that says I should not go, and there is another party of me that feels like I would regret it if I didn't go. I feel like both outcomes are the same. IP: Logged | |