Topic: Pandora (55) in Synastry
Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 533 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 01, 2014 02:16 AM
I've read the mythology of Pandora, and I've read threads about it in the natal. How does it work in synastry, though?My Pandora is on someone's IC 0°, and their Pandora is on my Eros-Union 0°, opp. my Psyche 0°. It makes other aspects, but those are the specific ones I'm wondering about. I can't really grasp how Pandora materializes in synastry... for good or bad? I've read conflicting info. Anyone understand it better who can explain it synastrically?
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 18206 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 01, 2014 11:50 AM
I think Pandora relates to starting a chain reaction by a rebellious act. This is not a bad thing, but one has to be prepared or prepare the others for the consequences and the gifts the "opening" ultimately brings, just like in the myth. In the myth, the box was full of gifts and light, but also with their dark counterparts (the consequences). So I guess it' a lesson about responsibility and acceptance the bad coming with the good and the principle of action/reaction.When Pandora is activated in synastry, those planets open a vulnerable, hidden side, or trigger a bomb in the other's chart: this could be good (like a psychological catharsis leading to transformation and renewal) or touching a soft spot that should have never been touched thus triggering a snowball reaction. Maybe the nature of the planets houses and aspects can tell the story of what actually might happen.
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amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted July 01, 2014 12:13 PM
I know someone whose pandora conjuncts by one orb or less my moon and my pandora conjunct vertex opposes his sun by one orb. Its hard to explain; very hard to explain him and I..... But in the spirit of the myth I will make an analogy using it: Its like you see a box and the box has a spark so you immediately respond to it; it sparks your curiosity right away. You look at the box up close and there is still an attraction but not uncontrollable; you can totally walk away if you want; you can chose to ignore it but you still are curious about what you are missing bc there is something there that you can't put your finger around that makes your heart race a bit but you dont know WHY. So I opened the box and so did he. My pandora conjunct vertex opposes his sun which squares his pluto. His pandora conjunct jupiter conjuncts my moon which is part of a tsquare with my sun and neptune and my moon rules my 8th. When we became intimate I felt things I have never felt before. I didn't expect anything like that. With my ex the magnetic pull is in your face very strong and obvious; unignorable but with him its very subtle and delicate but precious like a hidden treasure inside a box that once you open makes you feel like you never thought possible. He was forced to move out of Colorado; interestingly a year later more or less so was I. Neither of us moved out of Colorado willingly and it was amazing that we happen to move to Colorado around the same time and that we met while there; we would have not met otherwise. After he moved out of Colorado I had a lot to deal with and visited him one time but then I closed that box...I now feel reluctantly to open it again bc it surprises me every time and I don't know, its a bit scary although very beautiful but it feels like this crazy box that maybe should not be opened again. Part of me wants to keep the box at a distance as friends. With my ex I dont worry about this bc although the magentic pull is stronger right away there are no surprises and to my surprise the intimacy with this guy was more powerful than the one with my ex. I dont know if this is his pandora touching my moon and tsquare and my pandora touching his sun square pluto in scorpio for sure but I think it is in combination with our davidson composite love yod, I think pandora describes this element of surprise and of the unexpected; of touching my heart in a way I did not thought possible or expected. IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted July 01, 2014 12:27 PM The mythical Pandora and the Biblical Eve both had a curiosity to know the truth, and were willing to go outside limits and look inside hidden and forbidden places to find deeper truths. Do you know what was in the bottom of Pandora's box? It was hope. Their curiosity was a symbol of the human search for wisdom and consciousness. They chose to know what was real and true rather than to live a childlike fantasy. Because they sought to know what was beyond the obvious, they began the journey of consciousness, knowledge and wisdom. I find the stories of Pandora and Eve to be poignant and courageous. The struggle to achieve consciousness is tied to duality--there is suffering in the journey as well as freedom from ignorance. I respect the fact that Pandora, like Eve, was told not to disobey orders from the gods--and that they chose consciousness over naivete. I like that "Hope" was there in the bottom of Pandora's box. ~
We’ve all heard the story of Pandora. She was made out of clay by the Greek gods and given something from each of them, and then sent to Earth with this box that she wasn’t supposed to open. Unfortunately for Pandora and the rest of the world, the god Hermes gave her curiosity, which is what got her to open up that pesky box. Of course, this was what the gods, specifically Zeus, had wanted all along. Pandora was sent to destroy man. So with the opening of the box came a whole mess of bad things that filled the Earth and tormented man – greed, fear, anger. Apparently, man was perfect before this bad box and silly Pandora came along (I say that with sarcasm). Eventually, Pandora was able to get the box shut, but all of the badness that was in that box came out before she was able to shut it. The only thing that was left in the box was hope. Pandora is asteroid number 55, if you want to look her up in your own chart. The asteroid Pandora, astrologically, is seen in a few ways. When it comes to the story of Pandora, you see that she didn’t do as she was instructed. She opened the box she wasn’t supposed to open, and out came the bad. In your life, Pandora can symbolize the proverbial can of worms. The sign, house position, and aspects made by your Pandora can show where you may open up that box that you immediately want to close. At first, Pandora can seem like a real pain. You’d rather not deal with her at all. Most people would rather walk through life ignoring all of the bad that’s right there in front of them. With Pandora, you can’t. You have to face it. You have to face the truth. So you have to get everything out first, face the all of the bad, and accept the reality. There can be controversy where Pandora is concerned, and it’s not Pandora’s fault. It’s our fault for wanting to put the blame on someone or something else so we don’t have to take responsibility for our part in the bad situation. If someone points out the bad thing we’re trying to avoid, we turn on them, making them out to be the bad guy, the one who’s ruining our perfect paradise. But that paradise is an illusion, and we’re just mad that they had to point it out. Pointing out the truth is important, because without the truth, we never really know any of the good, only the bad that we’re constantly trying to escape. So there is a purpose and a point to Pandora, and it’s one we need to embrace and appreciate. From Pandora we learn that when all is lost, we still have hope, and that hope can carry us through the bad times, so with a prominent Pandora, you might be the type of person who can keep going no matter what is happening to you. No matter how bad it is, there’s still a tiny bit of hope somewhere deep inside of you that doesn’t go away. IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted July 01, 2014 12:35 PM
Interestingly I met him when I wanted the universe to show me I could love again like I loved my ex or stronger. My heart was asking for this strongly during the time I met him..I was restless and very much was looking for something very deep that would change me and transform me...uranus was transiting my moon around that time in my 4th which was during this transit in the 4th that I moved to colorado from Miami..... So perhaps pandora is a message of hope and comes with it this element of been surprised. ADD: I have jupiter in the 12th so when I ask something from the the very bottum of my heart it usually materializes.
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Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 533 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 01, 2014 02:32 PM
amelia, what you wrote truly touched my heart. It's very beautiful. The way you described how it felt, your description of the box and the way you described being drawn to it resonated with me deeply. That is exactly how I have experienced it. It's also a lot like LeeLoo described, too. Like a chain reaction... that triggers a bomb.You must have felt it very strongly with your Moon and his Sun being involved. In the synastry I'm experiencing it in, both his Pandora and my Pandora are at the apex's of 2 different asteroid kite formations. His Pandora is in his 5th's house, conjunct his Union. Those both conjunct 1° my Eros-Union, which also falls in his 5th. That opposes the conjunction of my Psyche-His Mercury 0°. Then, his Pandora forms a grand trine with my Mercury (which sits on my Venus-Mars Midpoint) and my BMLilith, which conjuncts his Uranus and Juno. So, all of that points to his Pandora-Union on my Eros-Union at the apex. His Pandora also squares my Vertex. My Pandora sits on his IC 0°, in his 4th house. It's also at the apex of a different asteroid kite. It opposes my AC/Mars on his MC, and also forms a grand trine with his Cupido-Vertex in his 8th and his Psyche-Pallas. His Psyche-Pallas conjuncts my Cupido, Adonis, Moon, and his Adonis on my Moon. So, all of that energy gets pulled into the kite with my Pandor-his IC at the apex. My Pandora also squares his AC/DC and Nodal axis. So, I think Pandora has been and still is pivotal in that synastry. It's like Pandora's box contains all that energy. I'm just still confused about which box is his and which is mine. Which am I feeling the effects of on my end? Was my Pandora triggered by his IC and other angles, etc. or was it his Pandora I felt on my asteroids and planets? What I do know is that the myth definitely stays true to itself. Once you open the box, you get so, so much more than you bargained for in the beginning. That goes for both good and bad. You also feel so much more love than you thought possible or ever conceived possible. The feeling of hope, though... that's what is the most tangible. Underneath it all, your whole being feels permeated with a renewed sense of hope. IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted July 01, 2014 03:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Wild Horses: amelia, what you wrote truly touched my heart. It's very beautiful. The way you described how it felt, your description of the box and the way you described being drawn to it resonated with me deeply. That is exactly how I have experienced it. It's also a lot like LeeLoo described, too. Like a chain reaction... that triggers a bomb. You must have felt it very strongly with your Moon and his Sun being involved. In the synastry I'm experiencing it in, both his Pandora and my Pandora are at the apex's of 2 different asteroid kite formations. His Pandora is in his 5th's house, conjunct his Union. Those both conjunct 1° my Eros-Union, which also falls in his 5th. That opposes the conjunction of my Psyche-His Mercury 0°. Then, his Pandora forms a grand trine with my Mercury (which sits on my Venus-Mars Midpoint) and my BMLilith, which conjuncts his Uranus and Juno. So, all of that points to his Pandora-Union on my Eros-Union at the apex. His Pandora also squares my Vertex. My Pandora sits on his IC 0°, in his 4th house. It's also at the apex of a different asteroid kite. It opposes my AC/Mars on his MC, and also forms a grand trine with his Cupido-Vertex in his 8th and his Psyche-Pallas. His Psyche-Pallas conjuncts my Cupido, Adonis, Moon, and his Adonis on my Moon. So, all of that energy gets pulled into the kite with my Pandor-his IC at the apex. My Pandora also squares his AC/DC and Nodal axis. So, I think Pandora has been and still is pivotal in that synastry. It's like Pandora's box contains all that energy. I'm just still confused about which box is his and which is mine. Which am I feeling the effects of on my end? Was my Pandora triggered by his IC and other angles, etc. or was it his Pandora I felt on my asteroids and planets? What I do know is that the myth definitely stays true to itself. Once you open the box, you get so, so much more than you bargained for in the beginning. That goes for both good and bad. You also feel so much more love than you thought possible or ever conceived possible. The feeling of hope, though... that's what is the most tangible. Underneath it all, your whole being feels permeated with a renewed sense of hope.
Beautiful! I am loving this thread!  I also really liked how LeeLoo described it "Like a chain reaction... that triggers a bomb." Yesterday I had this image in my mind: A heart with a bomb in the middle turned on but not exploding just yet; time is passing slowly for the point when it will explode...In the mean time there are fireworks around the back of the heart already going off but the bomb has not set off yet but it will just at the right time. I feel this image is like Pandora, pholus (the turning point that causes the explosion perhaps) and Yods in the works.... IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 18206 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 02, 2014 06:15 AM
quote: Originally posted by amelia28: Beautiful! I am loving this thread!  I also really liked how LeeLoo described it "Like a chain reaction... that triggers a bomb." Yesterday I had this image in my mind: A heart with a bomb in the middle turned on but not exploding just yet; time is passing slowly for the point when it will explode...In the mean time there are fireworks around the back of the heart already going off but the bomb has not set off yet but it will just at the right time. I feel this image is like Pandora, pholus (the turning point that causes the explosion perhaps) and Yods in the works....
Wonderful description, Amelia... the interception is a bit like this too  IP: Logged | |