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Author Topic:   Mercury's gift to me
Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted July 03, 2014 02:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by amelia28:
I understand perfectly how you feel. I did let go of him like I said but lately have been forced to think about our past bc of transits...Things with my ex have never been light, i know when he is in pain; I feel it. I know it hurt him when we ended just like it did to me and 10 years later he confessed he regretted not having a family with me...

IT took me four years to get over him and then I met my husband but continued having feelings for him for some time..then I met someone else and that got me to get over him to the point that I lost interest in him.....yes it has taken time and when I saw him a few years ago I felt the attraction and the magnetic pull just like 10 years ago but something was different. The third guy touched me in a way that it changed something about my connection with my ex.

That is very interesting! I think it is the same with me and Bull too, I AM over him.. but I occasionally mull over things, due to transits as well, as a reminder to not repeat the same mistakes.

BTW I have been pondering on what you said about composite Jupiter.. and actually this is the biggest thing I learned from this relationship: ethics. I am not proud of how I pursued him (hidden - 12th house Moon, and I do believe Moon shows me here, he is Sun in the 6th and has and still is a workacholic while I undid myself through this experience until there was nothing left; also ruthless - conj Pluto) or the fact that other people got hurt in the process. So respecting relationship ethics has become a very important principle for me afterwards. I had them before, but I thought he was IT, I didn't want to lose him and I made an exception. But karma (Saturn) got me good. As a funny (and sad) side note though, the other 2 people are both happily married now, Bull and I are still unadapted freaks, still searching. Yup, karma is a b*tch.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Posts: 7032
From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted July 03, 2014 03:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
Yes, that is how I view planets on angles too! But I still think Saturn is unaspected - but that only makes it much stronger. Indeed, the relationship was about Saturn: karma, blockages, strictures and refranation. Quite noir.

I will give you my interp on the horary forum for your friend's question but take it with a grain of salt. Horary does consider aspects as events, but when another planet interferes horary considers this blocks the other two planets from coming together. Say we're at a crowded party and two people see each other from across the room and decide to approach one another. But as the woman crosses the room to get to the man (or the other way around) a friend of hers sees her and asks for her help with something. The woman goes to help the friend and when she returns the man is gone. This is frustration or prohibition in horary (depending on velocity and other factors). Sure it can have a different outcome - horary shows intention but it is not set in stone as anyone can change their minds.

great explanation, thanks

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posted July 04, 2014 03:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for amelia28     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
That is very interesting! I think it is the same with me and Bull too, I AM over him.. but I occasionally mull over things, due to transits as well, as a reminder to not repeat the same mistakes.

BTW I have been pondering on what you said about composite Jupiter.. and actually this is the biggest thing I learned from this relationship: ethics. I am not proud of how I pursued him (hidden - 12th house Moon, and I do believe Moon shows me here, he is Sun in the 6th and has and still is a workacholic while I undid myself through this experience until there was nothing left; also ruthless - conj Pluto) or the fact that other people got hurt in the process. So respecting relationship ethics has become a very important principle for me afterwards. I had them before, but I thought he was IT, I didn't want to lose him and I made an exception. But karma (Saturn) got me good. As a funny (and sad) side note though, the other 2 people are both happily married now, Bull and I are still unadapted freaks, still searching. Yup, karma is a b*tch.

this made my eyes teary...Yes karma is a bit*h~! This makes even more sense bc jupiter conjuncts juno so ethics about marriage. Interesting though that jupiter/juno is the release point of the tsquare at 29 degrees capricorn; yeah I suppose karma involving marriage and ethics can explain it but it could also just mean that your marriage was the obstacle of you two been together and that it needed to end for you two to be together. How does the composite with your husband look like?? For example, my husband and I have a tsquare involving uranus in scorpio at 29 degrees in the 10th opposite chiron conjunct IC and this opposition squares venus in the 6th near the DC. I feel the tsquare spells out divorce; we have been together for 7 years and maybe we will last till we die but that tsquare is like a ticking bomb I feel....

It describes our relationship a lot though; when I met him he was living in an office sleeping on the floor and I was ready to let go of the idea of getting back with my ex and start a serious relationship with someone else (I feel this describes our chiron conjunct IC square venus) but he was hesitant at first to get in a serious relationship but wanted me in his life and I was hesitant to marry him once the wedding planning actually got started (uranus at 29 degrees squaring venus perhaps).

Your response to my insight about jupiter was insightful for me as well..I am looking at my composites and I am noticing that it really tells a story when you see the sun as the guy and the girl as the moon and the same can go for venus and mars usually..

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 18, 2014 01:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I thought we can analyze the progression of this relationship, because it was very on/off. We met but couldn't be together until a year later; the relationship didn't last more than 6 months; after ~2 years we got back together again but for a short time and not an actual relationship.. And finally settled as good friends. That don't speak to one another often.

First, the natals for our base line.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
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posted October 18, 2014 02:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The progressed natals and composite for the day we met. December 31st 2006. I will never forget that day.

My pVenus - 16Gem41
His pSun - 17Gem01

An applying conjunction, ladies and gents. Well, ladies.

Also notice he was having a pVenus trine Jupiter at the time he met me. He was single and stayed single until we were together (he might have slept around though, with that pVenus opp pMars he was having, but we weren't together so..)

His pVenus - 20Cancer55
His pJupiter - 20Cancer59

(applying for my nDC too)

*I am not gonna write on the charts because I do a crappy job and it takes too much time for my Aries Merc. I am always the first one (naturally )*

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 18, 2014 02:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
After almost a year of painful heartbreak (it was a love triangle, I was still with the Aqua when we met, my best friend had a crush on him..), we finally got together (it was a New Moon btw, when we did.. I don't know why I didn't save that chart.. but it was a New Moon in Scorpio, I remember it well; it was not exactly conj our Asc, it was wider.. but in our comp first house anyways).

My pVenus - 17Gem40
His pSun - 17Gem50

Still applying but almost there.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 18, 2014 02:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
We split less than 6 months later (check out the nasty p-composite! There was a Grand Cross before, but now Moon was very tight with Mars.. I ended it).

My pVenus - 18Gem10
His pSun - 18Gem16

Still applying, ladies!!! WTF?! Why wasn't this strong enough to keep us together?!

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 18, 2014 02:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, so after almost 2 years of bitterness, and eventually forgiveness, he and I reconnected because I had moved to his city. We've met once before for coffee, but this time.. we tried one more time. It was a FWB thing though (our first time together damn, I really am a b#tch in my relationships), for him anyway. I wanted him back. I think this was when he told me how much he suffered when we ended it and that he couldn't be romantically with me anymore.

I don't get why THEN.. do you? What happened here? The comp Moon-Uranus? The fact that it smoothed up? The fact that our cSun had moved into another sign, Gemini? Idk.. But in any case, things started to get better between him and I, more harmonious, even though we switched to just friends after one horrible sex..

My pVenus - 20Gem38
His pSun - 20Gem19

Separating.. for good.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
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posted October 18, 2014 02:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Our current progressions. I think he is single again. We chatted again in September, after I realized the Calvin Harris catharsis was about HIM, the Bull. Because he is the one I felt so close to.. ever.

I might see him again, I thought about it. I don't think we have much glue in the progressions. Some sparks maybe, especially since his pDC is about to conj my nSun. There's also something else.. we are both heading for our own pSun conj nVenus - his happens in 2 years, mine in 4; we are also BOTH having a pVenus trine pSaturn that is going to be exact in ~3-4 years(and ofc so does the composite - check out that composite.. look how sweet that GT is.. man, why couldn't we have THIS back when we were in love with one another?)

I would laugh my arse off if I end up with him. But I doubt it. He is sexier than ever though. He'll soon go through his Sat return. He is.. different. I find him appealing again on some level.. but idk if I'd go there again.

My pVenus is 1 deg applying to conj his nVenus. His pSun will afterwards opp my nMoon, conj my Nodes. But idk..

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 18, 2014 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His pVenus will trine my nSun in 2024

Something tells me we'll still be in contact even then - Saturn on comp Asc.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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posted October 18, 2014 03:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow haha great read ^^!

No coincidence that it's all coming to light again with your pVenus almost exact on his natal Venus! ;D

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From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted October 18, 2014 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
But in any case, things started to get better between him and I, more harmonious, even though we switched to just friends after one horrible sex..

Wait, you stopped having sex after one bad session? Was it your first session together?

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From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
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posted October 18, 2014 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
Indigo's story is also of 8 years. 8 is the number of karma if nothing else. Perhaps some reevaluations were necessary since it seems neither of us will completely cut the chord. Not yet anyways. Bull will always be somewhere in the back of the picture, we're even FB friends! lol I told him repeatedly not to contact me in the past but he still did, or I did.. It seems things with Mr. Sag moved in a different plane as well. Who knows what tomorrow might bring?

I think you've changed a lot in these 8 years, Ceri! No question about that. So has Mr. Sag.. So have I, lol. It may seem sometimes that I am running in circles, but the plane I am now is wiser than it was then. I was 23 when I met him and only had one real relationship, what did I knew of love? Since then it's been a long and bumpy road, I was engaged twice and even had a bicurious and femdom phase lmao. I am a completely different person now.. but he was probably the biggest catalyst to this change.

Goin' on 9!

Hey, we don't hate each other anymore. This is, indeed, progress.

And my Guardian and I will have known each other 5 years in January. For people like us, that's crazy. But the fact my Twin and I will have known each other for 9 years next July -- that's even more astounding, considering we've never lived in the same city, (or state) and have only been in each other's company three times.

Oddly enough, it'll also be 5 years (for my Twin) since we met, vis-a-vis, also in 2010, but March.

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 19, 2014 03:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
Wow haha great read ^^!

No coincidence that it's all coming to light again with your pVenus almost exact on his natal Venus! ;D

Thank you, Mir! Yeah, I definitely feel some sort of pull towards him again, despite believing that we've run our course.. The failure of this relationship stroke me really bad, I took it very personally and very badly. I hadn't known REAL love until I met him.. and now to see that we had the prog S-V conjunction.. and still couldn't work it out.. it saddens me.

Why do you think we couldn't stay together? I didn't look too closely but I didn't spot a challenging progression happening at the same time.. maybe I should look closely.

I almost choked when I saw the pVenus conj nVenus lol, I remembered what Ceri said - it's not over yet. OMG, getting over him was like amputating a leg.. but I had to do it for my sanity's sake. Can you understand why I am wary of going back there? Our composite has so much PLUTO!!

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 19, 2014 03:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aubyanne:
Wait, you stopped having sex after one bad session? Was it your first session together?

Yes. I have loved (and craved) this man since 2006 and only slept with him once, in 2010, despite a Venus-Mars sextile and trine in synastry, despite a very Plutonian composite.

I stopped because he was emotionally disengaged. It felt mechanical and meaningless. While I was still in love with him - not as much as in the beginning, but it took me years to let him go fully. So.. no, I did not want to repeat that experience.

Not to mention back then my relationship with sex was not a very healthy one, being a victim of sexual aggression/abuse, that I hadn't processed (at that time).

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 19, 2014 03:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aubyanne:
Goin' on 9!

Hey, we don't hate each other anymore. This is, indeed, progress.

And my Guardian and I will have known each other 5 years in January. For people like us, that's crazy. But the fact my Twin and I will have known each other for 9 years next July -- that's even more astounding, considering we've never lived in the same city, (or state) and have only been in each other's company three times.

Oddly enough, it'll also be 5 years (for my Twin) since we met, vis-a-vis, also in 2010, but March.

Ah, we'll only be 8 this New Year's Eve.. He ruined that day for me I usually think of him because it's when/how we met.

I don't think Bull is my Twin - I thought that in 2006/2007 when I joined LL and found countless clues that we were. He's the reason why I stopped believing in TFs.

We do have a very compressed Davison though.. with an exact Isis-Osiris conjunction on his nMoon and opp my nJuno.. but it's the Davison, not the composite. It's the closest thing I have to your composite with your Twin, I actually was reminded of it when I saw yours.

I can post it if you want to look at it.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 19, 2014 03:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What the heck, I'll post it even if nobody looks at it, I always felt good releasing through writing.

But if you do check it out, I was kinda freaked out by the resemblance to your composite with your twin. I just looked at it again. The Ascendants are almost at the same degree in Scorpio, same with Mars - yours at 13 Cap, ours at 14 Cap. We don't have an unaspected Mars - we but have an unaspected DUET - Venus conj Uranus (which is the theme of our relationship, combined with that Saturn on Asc which won't let us break the tie). Both charts are New Moons in Scorpio in the 12th. We have Sun conj Pluto conj Karma conj Atlantis.. in the 12th. Re our talk about Atlantis TFs.

Like I said, I thought he was my TF.. I don't know if I ever said it out loud in here at LL, but I secretly believed it. lol

I think I did ask IQ to look at it once, but idk if he checked the Davison too, I think only the composite. And I guess I eventually disregarded it too. It was never gonna work out and it hurt me too much to continue..

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
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posted October 19, 2014 03:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here it is..

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
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posted October 19, 2014 01:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:

I don't get why THEN.. do you? What happened here?

My pVenus - 20Gem38
His pSun - 20Gem19

I think I get it now.

His nUranus - 21Sag19

My pVenus was applying to oppose it - we have a major Venus-Uranus theme in our relationship, it was an attraction factor but also a repulsion one too - hence the "no commitment" thingie.. and the short duration and the friendzoning afterwards.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 19, 2014 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I also did notice some sort of trend we have on p-composite Moon-Uranus aspects. The start of the relationship - exact square; the FWB - sextile. Now they're applying to conjunct!

OMG I didn't think in a million years I will even remotely consider getting back together with him.

Did a horary - yes. But pointed towards final argument.

Did a Lenormand GT: Woman-Man-Sun


I can't get back on this ride, can I???

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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posted October 19, 2014 02:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
Thank you, Mir! Yeah, I definitely feel some sort of pull towards him again, despite believing that we've run our course.. The failure of this relationship stroke me really bad, I took it very personally and very badly. I hadn't known REAL love until I met him.. and now to see that we had the prog S-V conjunction.. and still couldn't work it out.. it saddens me.

Why do you think we couldn't stay together? I didn't look too closely but I didn't spot a challenging progression happening at the same time.. maybe I should look closely.

I almost choked when I saw the pVenus conj nVenus lol, I remembered what Ceri said - it's not over yet. OMG, getting over him was like amputating a leg.. but I had to do it for my sanity's sake. Can you understand why I am wary of going back there? Our composite has so much PLUTO!!

I was also pretty speechless when I saw the split during an exact (some min.) applying pSun/pVenus conjunction. The amputating leg says it all! Cutting off the course of nature must be hard and leave a HUGE impression! (that’s how I see the progressions; as the ~natural~ course of nature) I can only think; you were both sooo young at that time.. and with a past of abuse I can imagine that it asks for more than an OVERWHELMING feeling of love, especially as this was the first time you experienced such a thing.

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 19, 2014 02:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think I am going to go insane. I can't believe my main 2 options are 2 Earth people.. a Bull and a Goat. WTF?? I cringe about both these options. I need a number 3, Jupiter's number. A Fire man. Where the hell is he?!

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2139
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 19, 2014 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
I was also pretty speechless when I saw the split during an exact (some min.) applying pSun/pVenus conjunction. The amputating leg says it all! Cutting off the course of nature must be hard and leave a HUGE impression! (that’s how I see the progressions; as the ~natural~ course of nature) I can only think; you were both sooo young at that time.. and with a past of abuse I can imagine that it asks for more than an OVERWHELMING feeling of love, especially as this was the first time you experienced such a thing.

You know, mir, he and I both think we were cursed. We even tried to get a priest to un-curse us.. but after two failed engagements of my own, clearly it didn't work.

We can't work with other people, we can't work together.. it's torture.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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I'm so cappy

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posted October 19, 2014 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for I'm so cappy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Maenad, leave that failed clone of mine and come to me I have Sag Mercury, I'm not a water void and my Mars is compatible with your Venus, I'm a superior choice And seriously, I think meeting THE man is ahead of you. I could ask the tarot about him if you like.

I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy.

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From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse
Registered: Sep 2014

posted October 19, 2014 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aubyanne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
Yes. I have loved (and craved) this man since 2006 and only slept with him once, in 2010, despite a Venus-Mars sextile and trine in synastry, despite a very Plutonian composite.

I stopped because he was emotionally disengaged. It felt mechanical and meaningless. While I was still in love with him - not as much as in the beginning, but it took me years to let him go fully. So.. no, I did not want to repeat that experience.

Not to mention back then my relationship with sex was not a very healthy one, being a victim of sexual aggression/abuse, that I hadn't processed (at that time).

Oooof. Gotcha. Yeah, that sucks. I've been there, actually. We stayed with it. I'd like to say that it's changed over time, and is now emotionally engaged, but something he said the other day is STILL burning me. My husband confirmed, I'm NOT being emo. This hurts. But then, as he's said (of him) he has a terrible 'knack' for being obliviously callous.

Sag rising with Aries Moon, folks. You'd think his 8H Cancer Sun might GET IT, but nooooo. No, no, no.

And I'm stuck with him. Ugh. So many days, I just want to throw my hands up and go, 'fine. Whatever. I'm done.' But I can't do that. Not to him.

Hate this. It gets SO hard.

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