Topic: Yods eeeeverywhere!
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 02:27 PM
The more opinions the better.IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 02:31 PM
Boomerang of Mr. Fassbender IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 02:32 PM
Yod of Mr. Jung IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 02:42 PM
Yeah, I forgot about this weird thing: Fassy's Mars Yod is exactly on mine, with Moon in my release point.Gemini Karat, thanks for posting the charts, how do you interpret those Yods? ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 1925 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 11, 2014 02:47 PM
One of my oldies; The Magi view the quincunx aspect as having some of the qualities of an avalanche; once it gets going it clears away everything in its path. It can be excessive and sometimes nearly out of control. The quincunx is a powerful aspect that often lacks a modulation component. It comes on full force. That having said, a natal quincunx needs a planet from the other to balance things out. When I once researched this I was flabbergasted about the time-after-time cases in which I found a planet from the other completing a Yod OR Mystical Triangle in synastry. In significant relationships, ofcourse. Can anyone confirm this? IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:18 PM
As a matter of fact, I noticed that too, Mir, it can happen. I also noticed when both have a Yod (this seems rare, but in fact, it's not that rare - Yod people tend to somehow connect) sometimes the Yods are triggered in sync.For example: My Yod at degree 12 (Jupiter in Pisces, Mercury/Moon sextile in Leo and Libra) release in Virgo 12. Somebody comes along: he has a Yod between Mars in Aries 12 and Neptune in Scorpio 12 (of course, the degrees don't have to be exact) sextile Juno in Virgo 12. We make a synastry.
My release point coincides with one leg of his sextile, Juno. Meeting me enhances the activity of his sextile preparing the release of his Yod. My Yod is finally being released, and it pours into his Juno. With the proper transit on his apex (Mars) his Yod is also released. A chain of events and a couple or a group of people experiencing something major together, their fate interconnected. Perhaps soul groups have similar configurations.
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GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:20 PM
I love the chart of Mr. Fassbender as well. He has a Yod: Pluto-Saturn Apex Mars a Boomerang: Moon-Uranus Apex Sun/opp.Pluto a Kite:Saturn-Neptun-Venus/opp.Pluto1. He has to solve the Problems of his family. In his case the Brother(Mars) and the father(Sun). 2. He lives the Yod now. 3. The Boomerang will be active in an older age. 4. The Kite is his "rescue-anchor" For the yod: SaturnRx and PlutoRx is the stage where Mars plays the leading part. I have read some interpretations of a yod. This is my personal favorite style. 
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Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1679 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by mir: One of my oldies; The Magi view the quincunx aspect as having some of the qualities of an avalanche; once it gets going it clears away everything in its path. It can be excessive and sometimes nearly out of control. The quincunx is a powerful aspect that often lacks a modulation component. It comes on full force. That having said, a natal quincunx needs a planet from the other to balance things out. When I once researched this I was flabbergasted about the time-after-time cases in which I found a planet from the other completing a Yod OR Mystical Triangle in synastry. In significant relationships, ofcourse. Can anyone confirm this?
Me . I have a Jupiter quincunx Saturn/Uranus and in my synastry chart for significant relationships, I often found the other's planets make a Yod to this quincunx. Often this Yod completion is with people who have Yods in their chart too, like we're draw to each other. ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted July 11, 2014 03:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by mir: One of my oldies; The Magi view the quincunx aspect as having some of the qualities of an avalanche; once it gets going it clears away everything in its path. It can be excessive and sometimes nearly out of control. The quincunx is a powerful aspect that often lacks a modulation component. It comes on full force. That having said, a natal quincunx needs a planet from the other to balance things out. When I once researched this I was flabbergasted about the time-after-time cases in which I found a planet from the other completing a Yod OR Mystical Triangle in synastry. In significant relationships, ofcourse. Can anyone confirm this?
well I have a Yod with my mom and yes our relationship in the past made me feel out of control; she is the one person who has this strong effect on me but I feel that this is not as much the case anymore perhaps we have made some good progress with our karma... Her moon at 27 degrees Taurus is at the apex and her moon conjuncts my chiron in gemini at 2 degrees. Her moon then inconjuncts my pluto in the 11th and my pluto conjuncts very tightly almost exact her vertex in the 5th.(she told me once that when she gave birth to me she felt like she was in love with me and that this feeling did not happen with her other two kids although she loves all three the same but her vertex in 5th conjuncting almost exact my pluto which is part of our YOD would explain this feeling). Her moon also inconjuncts my neptune in the first and my neptune in the first conjuncts her chiron tightly by one orb. My relationship with her has never felt easy or light..If this is what a synastry YOD is like, its tough. Further natally my neptune is the focal point of a natal tsquare I have and neptune rules my 4th and my moon is ruled by neptune so my chart already shows karma with my mother and the synastry YOD involving chiron at two points further confirms this... IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:25 PM
Technically, he has two Boomerangs. But why Moon/Uranus/Sun/Pluto will be active when he's older?  His Yods are interconnected BTW: a chain of events or two phases (there can be some time between the two, I agree) ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by mir: One of my oldies; The Magi view the quincunx aspect as having some of the qualities of an avalanche; once it gets going it clears away everything in its path. It can be excessive and sometimes nearly out of control. The quincunx is a powerful aspect that often lacks a modulation component. It comes on full force. That having said, a natal quincunx needs a planet from the other to balance things out. When I once researched this I was flabbergasted about the time-after-time cases in which I found a planet from the other completing a Yod OR Mystical Triangle in synastry. In significant relationships, ofcourse. Can anyone confirm this?
I can say that this is true, but I have to say that I do not have so much evidences given by charts. A qunicux is for me saturnic-demanding-provocative and the oppostion is uranic-contradictory. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by GeminiKarat: I love the chart of Mr. Fassbender as well. He has a Yod: Pluto-Saturn Apex Mars a Boomerang: Moon-Uranus Apex Sun/opp.Pluto a Kite:Saturn-Neptun-Venus/opp.Pluto1. He has to solve the Problems of his family. In his case the Brother(Mars) and the father(Sun). 2. He lives the Yod now. 3. The Boomerang will be active in an older age. 4. The Kite is his "rescue-anchor" For the yod: SaturnRx and PlutoRx is the stage where Mars plays the leading part. I have read some interpretations of a yod. This is my personal favorite style. 
He has only one sister 
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Technically, he has two Boomerangs. But why Moon/Uranus/Sun/Pluto will be active when he's older?  His Yods are interconnected BTW: a chain of events or two phases (there can be some time between the two, I agree)
It is only my opinion. There is a chance that I am absolutely wrong. Do not get confused. I am a knowflake and you are very experienced.IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by GeminiKarat: [QUOTE] It is only my opinion. There is a chance that I am absolutely wrong. Do not get confused. I am a knowflake and you are very experienced.
Hey, it's not about that I wanted to understand why it is considered to be triggered when he's old. If this is your personal opinion, I would like to hear the basis of it because it sounds intriguing. ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: He has only one sister 
His familiy and his problems. IP: Logged |
Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1679 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: He has only one sister 
Is this Fassy? ^^ Oh, he has that configuration, a Boomerang falls on the Kite. His chart is so precise! ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tulipe: Is this Fassy? ^^Oh, he has that configuration, a Boomerang falls on the Kite. His chart is so precise!
Yes, he has an amazing formation releasing in Pluto, close orbs for the config, and a supportive Boomerang for it coming from Mars. I suppose there is this planet first touching Mars then arriving at the Sun and lightening up everything. It's quite amazing if you look at it.
I guess the secret here is, what kind of planet are we talking about? the planet will show us the time frame - it's like a horary chart in this respect 
------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Hey, it's not about that I wanted to understand why it is considered to be triggered when he's old. If this is your personal opinion, I would like to hear the basis of it because it sounds intriguing.
O.k. My opinion. Although it is connected it does not give a new formation. You can have three yods and they do make a Pandora-Box with a focal point. The Yod is more difficult to live than the Boomerang. The Boomerang has the opposition Planet and a easy way to go into the Yod. It is my personal way, how I lived those two and I did not know it. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 03:59 PM
If we look at his transits, we see Neptune 3 deg away from his Mars, entering the Yod zone  If Neptune is his "finger of God" it will trigger his second Boomerang in approx. 2030. Quite impressive, if you think about it. His second Yod, the major formation, will be triggered when he's 53 years old. But something has to happen NOW too. If something major happens to Fassy now, then Neptune is his "finger of god".
Or his Yods have already been triggered by Saturn.  ------------------
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Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1679 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted July 11, 2014 04:02 PM
the two Yods config is a spaceship ^^, and he also has a Fist of God, poor man. quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I suppose there is this planet first touching Mars then arriving at the Sun and lightening up everything. It's quite amazing if you look at it. I guess the secret here is, what kind of planet are we talking about? the planet will show us the time frame - it's like a horary chart in this respect 
Can you elaborate on this one? Does it mean Pluto will finish last?
------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1679 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted July 11, 2014 04:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by I'm so cappy: Oh, I have a question. What's the biggest amount of yods you've gotten in one chart?
In my synastry with my friend, 5 Yods if you count a Yod for each planet in conjunction. ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 04:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by GeminiKarat: [QUOTE]Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: [b] Hey, it's not about that I wanted to understand why it is considered to be triggered when he's old. If this is your personal opinion, I would like to hear the basis of it because it sounds intriguing. O.k. My opinion. Although it is connected it does not give a new formation. You can have three yods and they do make a Pandora-Box with a focal point. The Yod is more difficult to live than the Boomerang. The Boomerang has the opposition Planet and a easy way to go into the Yod. It is my personal way, how I lived those two and I did not know it.
Thank you for explaining, Gemini Karat. However I don't understand why you consider he has only ONE Boomerang since he has his Moon opposing Mars, the midpoint of the sextile between Saturn and Pluto. You lived the two? You mean you have two Yods/Boomerangs too? And how was it? Were the events totally unrelated? ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1679 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted July 11, 2014 04:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: If we look at his transits, we see Neptune 3 deg away from his Mars, entering the Yod zone  If Neptune is his "finger of God" it will trigger his second Boomerang in approx. 2030. Quite impressive, if you think about it. His second Yod, the major formation, will be triggered when he's 53 years old. But something has to happen NOW too. If something major happens to Fassy now, then Neptune is his "finger of god".
Or his Yods have already been triggered by Saturn. 
How about Neptune on Mars Yod and Uranus on Sun Yod? He has being hit by the Cardinal Cross on his Sun Yod. ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 04:15 PM
I don't think his Sun Yod can be triggered before the other, because the second is clearly a culmination.And as you very well noticed, he has a Spaceship config with a missing leg in approx. 10 Taurus. Or...Uranus already triggered both. But somehow, I think it's Neptune (his ASC planet). ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 11, 2014 04:20 PM
I forgot how amazing Fassy's chart is.We completely ignored another love of mine, Mr. Jung  ------------------
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