Topic: Yods eeeeverywhere!
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 12, 2014 02:36 PM
Thanks for posting! Interesting chart. Are you a girl? First thing I of your Yods is connected to the triggering of your interception.------------------
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 12, 2014 02:43 PM
In fact, both of them are. They are interconnected and there's a cohesive story here. It's very beautifully connected. If you leave it until tomorrow night, I'll try to decipher it  ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 12, 2014 02:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Thanks for posting! Interesting chart. Are you a girl? First thing I of your Yods is connected to the triggering of your interception.
I will take the girl, but my children would say old woman.  In my personal opinion, I am more into the Boomerang, but the incerception is triggered indeed.IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 12, 2014 03:20 PM
OK. This is an amazing chart in terms of Yods. You can't choose one because they're interconnected. Of course this is just my opinion: This Yod formation in your chart is about you. Your interception. You becoming yourself. You have SEVEN intercepted planets, an impressive number! You have grown in the shadow for a long time and when you come out, it's like the butterfly of a cocoon. The Yods are here for this.
Your interception is about self/others (1st/7th axis, Aries Libra) in relation to love/feel loved axis (5th/11th). The purpose of your Yods is the activation of your Aries side in your 11th house - specifically your ASC, as a metaphor.
This is what I think happens: This is a Yod formation triggered by a providential square in the natal. This Yod formation is exceptional and can be triggered by a single planet on Jupiter. Jupiter is always providence, so it's a part of any config making us think about the finger of god, and things outside our control. It is our "luck", so in a way, "fate". Jupiter here is also your DSC ruler working in sextile with your Moon (2nd ruler), where we see Saturn. A providential Moon sits on the 12th cusp, so fated. So Jupiter is lit first, and the preparation was a partnership hiding/revealing some secrets (12th) and the dissolution of a stable structure (Saturn in 2nd, ruling the house of transformations and things coming to an end) When Jupiter is hit, the closest aspect is hit also (Sun not yet, IMO) - the Moon: so the preparation sextile is activated, on standby. Then Jupiter hits, through the square to his dispositor and enhanced by the mutual reception, Neptune conjunct NN, triggering a major event on your life path. In turn, Neptune activates the sextile with your huge intercepted stellium and the Moon there, after an initial shock, gets activated, triggers one Yod, pours the energy into your closest planet in the Yod release area, Mercury - your ASC ruler - you come to life. Then your Sun stellium is activated, completes the configuration, the whole configuration is lit, the energy pours into your 11th house and your interception is activated in full force, with the accent on Aries - ASC - ME. I (I mean you) become ME 
So it's a Yod formation triggered by the good old Jupiter, our "greater benefic"  ------------------
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Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1679 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted July 12, 2014 03:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Wow, Tulipe is all over your Yod! I wonder what that means. And her nodal axis crosses my Yod, with her Moon in my release zone. Her Vertex conjuncts my sextile leg. Tulipe, you are connected to our Yods! How do you interpret this?
Honestly I don't know. I will think more about it. You two have Yods in Composite, there's your Yod connection. ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 12, 2014 03:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Wow, Tulipe is all over your Yod! I wonder what that means. And her nodal axis crosses my Yod, with her Moon in my release zone. Her Vertex conjuncts my sextile leg. Tulipe, you are connected to our Yods! How do you interpret this?For your Yod, Cappy, I must think about it, but it has a most fortunate add-on: POF as release.
Omg, I'm afraid I'm not that good at this... PoF is the release point if my TOB is accurate enough. ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 12, 2014 04:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
OK. This is an amazing chart in terms of Yods. You can't choose one because they're interconnected. Of course this is just my opinion: This Yod formation in your chart is about you. Your interception. You becoming yourself. You have SEVEN intercepted planets, an impressive number! You have grown in the shadow for a long time and when you come out, it's like the butterfly of a cocoon. The Yods are here for this.
My life-path number is seven as well.  I changed the last 6 months that I can say from the bottom of my heart: I am not the same person anymore. I changed in the inside and on the outside like a Phoenix. quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Your interception is about self/others (1st/7th axis, Aries Libra) in relation to love/feel loved axis (5th/11th).
I have learned so much about that in the last few months.
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
When Jupiter is hit, the closest aspect is hit also (Sun not yet, IMO) - the Moon: so the preparation sextile is activated, on standby. Then Jupiter hits, through the square to his dispositor and enhanced by the mutual reception, Neptune conjunct NN, triggering a major event on your life path. In turn, Neptune activates the sextile with your huge intercepted stellium and the Moon there, after an initial shock, gets activated, triggers one Yod, pours the energy into your closest planet in the Yod release area, Mercury - your ASC ruler - you come to life. Then your Sun stellium is activated, completes the configuration, the whole configuration is lit, the energy pours into your 11th house and your interception is activated in full force, with the accent on Aries - ASC - ME. I (I mean you) become ME 
I like the way you see the flow of the energy. Personaly I work on the Mercury-Moon in my natal. As long as the major event will be positive I am happy. I have seen enough from the other side, so this would not be a major surprise or event for me anymore.
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 12, 2014 04:43 PM
Wishing you all the best, Gemini Karat  It's all about the interception, you know  ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
GeminiKarat Moderator Posts: 916 From: Austria Registered: Jun 2014
posted July 13, 2014 02:45 PM
Thanks. The input was magnificent.  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 16, 2014 11:27 AM
Cappy, remember when we discussed our Yods not being interconnected, despite us making a Yod in synastry. But this DSC Yod of yours is blended with mine! They are interconnected in a close config. Your DSC is like....dead on my Jupiter! I know your TOB is not certain but I'm thinking this config shows it is, however, right or close. I don't believe in coincidences.
So what happens here:
my planets are on two points of your Yod: Jupiter on DSC, Moon on Jupiter; but Mercury (my sextile leg) is also in perfect square to your sextile leg. This is case that happens in synastries when one person is the "Yod transits" for the other; meaning you don't need outside transits, you just need to meet that person. Of course, in this case, because it's your DSC, I may as well be the DSC person for you (that silent partner hahahaha)Anyway, just look at the picture...I wonder if your Mars/POF is not on the mdp of our Jupiter/Jupiter??
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 17, 2014 01:28 PM
quote: meaning you don't need outside transits, you just need to meet that person.
Buy me a ticket and I'll come to you even tomorrow to meet my destiny quote: I may as well be the DSC person for you (that silent partner hahahaha)
And what do you mean by that?  quote: I wonder if your Mars/POF is not on the mdp of our Jupiter/Jupiter??
If I got it right my Mars is tightly conjunct the midpoint.------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 18, 2014 06:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by I'm so cappy: [QUOTE]I may as well be the DSC person for you (that silent partner hahahaha)
And what do you mean by that?
I have no idea Let's wait and see! quote: I wonder if your Mars/POF is not on the mdp of our Jupiter/Jupiter??If I got it right my Mars is tightly conjunct the midpoint.
That's nice...your Mars Yod is crossing the mdp of the other Yod structure. ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 360 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 19, 2014 11:23 PM
Can anyone offer an interpretation of these Yods in synastry? All orbs are tight, 0°-2°.The Apex planet is listed last. -Venus-Chiron-Neptune -Neptune-Juno-Chiron Chiron-Saturn-Juno -Sun-Pluto-Eros (actually, this one's a boomerang, because my Psyche conj. his Mercury is opp. Eros)
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 20, 2014 05:36 AM
Hi, Wild HorsesI'd love to look at the Yods, but I need the picture. I don't remember if you know his ASC, BTW. It would be nice to know the houses those Yod planets rule. ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19796 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 21, 2014 05:57 AM
Oh I hadn`t noticed this thread, otherwise I would have posted my progressed Yod here IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19796 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 21, 2014 06:01 AM
Am I allowed to bring Juno, Ceres, Eros, Psyche, Black Moon and Priapus into this?I tend to consider the BML and Priapus more and more important, as they are representing the apogee and perigee of the Moon, and there is pretty much nothing more important in astrology than the Moon. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 21, 2014 09:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Am I allowed to bring Juno, Ceres, Eros, Psyche, Black Moon and Priapus into this?I tend to consider the BML and Priapus more and more important, as they are representing the apogee and perigee of the Moon, and there is pretty much nothing more important in astrology than the Moon.
Ahh, so you found it I definitely include major asteroids in Yods. Pallas Vesta too, I think. Or anything significant for the native. The exact point of my Yod release is Aphrodite, so for me, this is a major asteroid. ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 2170 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted July 21, 2014 09:37 AM
EditedIP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19796 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 21, 2014 09:44 AM
I just put up our Yods in composite in another thread (synastry is interesting, too, but takes more time to work it all out) [/URL]
I was also trying to justify the use of my asteroids, and only then really realized that those I picked ARE indeed connected to major chart-features!
PSYCHE on the Antivertex, and actually PSYCHE, VALENTINE-LUST, JUNO-ALMA configured with Saturn-vertex in 7th house (I definitely think that counts as important, btw I left out Isis and Osiris, but OSIRIS is on 21 Aquarius, so part of it as well, and ISIS is conjunct CERES by a degree or so)
SAPPHO on the Mercury-Neptune-conjunction - it just sparkles. At least I think so. lol
CUPIDO and AMOR on the NN exact (though not involved in the Yod-business, or just in the form of an outstretched Yod, due to their proximity to Mars)
and EROS and PRIAPUS on the IC (and trine Venus).
Actually I LOVE The fact how EROS is trine Venus, and PSYCHE trines Mars. plus OSIRIS trine AMOR (and cupido)= and ISIS Trine VALENTINE (and Lust)
the masculine (sexual) principle being all Air (Mars) and Earth (Eros) the feminine one being Earth (Venus) and Air (Psyche) Notice something? I sure just did. lol It does not work so neatly with the Moon/Isis and Sun/Osiris-pairings though Earth (Moon) and Water (Isis) Fire (Sun) and Air (Osiris) though on second glance it might just work as well, as all elements are covered. Wow, never even noticed that before. lol sorry it does not have any relevance in terms of Yods, but I am just gobsmacked by this. So I will keep that in the back of my mind (cross checking Moon/Isis - Sun/Osiris and Venus/Psyche - Mars/Eros in other composites as well) IP: Logged |
Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 360 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 21, 2014 09:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Hi, Wild HorsesI'd love to look at the Yods, but I need the picture. I don't remember if you know his ASC, BTW. It would be nice to know the houses those Yod planets rule.
Thanks, LeeLoo. Here's the synastry. doesn't show yods with asteroids, so I had to add them manually. They're the solid green lines. It looks really cluttered, though, so it may be hard on the eyes. All orbs are tight, 0°-2°. The Apex planet is listed last.
-Venus-Chiron-Neptune -Neptune-Juno-Chiron Chiron-Saturn-Juno -Sun-Pluto-Eros (actually, this one's a boomerang, because my Psyche conj. his Mercury is opp. Eros) Also, Ceridwen mentioned Lilith and Priapus and that reminded me we have a yod involving them, too. Any idea on that one? I didn't add it to the image because I had already uploaded it before I remembered, but it's: His h22 Priapus Natural Apogee (which conj. my Jupiter 0°) sextiles my h21 Lilith Natural Perigee (conj. his 5HR Uranus 0°) They both quincunx his h21 Lilith in his 8th house at the Apex of the Yod, which is also on my antiVertex 0°. The whole thing sounds very sexual, but I don't know if it's sexually good or sexually bad. I understand Lilith very well, but I don't understand Priapus, so what would that yod trigger? Is his Priapus on my Jupiter 0° a good or bad thing? I can't figure that one out. I appreciate any info you can offer which can help me make sense of it. All those yods make my head dizzy. 
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LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 22, 2014 07:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: I just put up our Yods in composite in another thread (synastry is interesting, too, but takes more time to work it all out) Actually I LOVE The fact how EROS is trine Venus, and PSYCHE trines Mars. plus OSIRIS trine AMOR (and cupido)= and ISIS Trine VALENTINE (and Lust)
the masculine (sexual) principle being all Air (Mars) and Earth (Eros) the feminine one being Earth (Venus) and Air (Psyche) Notice something? I sure just did. lol It does not work so neatly with the Moon/Isis and Sun/Osiris-pairings though Earth (Moon) and Water (Isis) Fire (Sun) and Air (Osiris) though on second glance it might just work as well, as all elements are covered. Wow, never even noticed that before. lol sorry it does not have any relevance in terms of Yods, but I am just gobsmacked by this. So I will keep that in the back of my mind (cross checking Moon/Isis - Sun/Osiris and Venus/Psyche - Mars/Eros in other composites as well)
These connections are lovely. I see those marital Yods there with Moon, Saturn, Ceres, Juno too, and a transformative one with Merc (5th and 8th) integrated with Pluto/Neptune sextile - personally I love this sextile - transformation through higher love, learning higher love, and here, emphasized with 5th and 8th involved and this coming from the bottom (IC) to the top MC) - like rising. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19796 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 22, 2014 08:41 AM
I love our transformational Yod as well, it seems to be one of the dominating features of that chart. And the release point is Uranus on the MC  Last time we talked, which was last november, Tr Saturn and Tr Karma was on 16 Scorpio RIGHT on the MC plus the solar ecclipse before had been on 11 Scorpio on Uranus. In fact the tertiary progressed* uranus had been on 17.02 Scorpio, still in exact conjunction with composite MC. Plus of course there is this exact chaotic triangle in our pr composite of Mercury on 13 Aqua, Uranus on 13 Scorpio and Jupiter on 13 Gemini. Timing couldn`t have been better, astrologically speaking.  BTW next year on 15th april (you know when my sa Moon= Venus peaks and that fullmoon in my progressed chart and the Venus-Moon-DESC Yod is forming) our progressec composite Moon will land on 13 Gemini, precisel conjunct pr composite Jupiter, quinkunx Uranus on 13 Scorpio and already in orb for trining pr composite Mercury (on 14 Aquarius by then, but still within one degree orb, all of it).
and actually there will be then an applying Grand trine of
pr c Mercury 14.32 Aquarius pr c Moon 13.21 Gemini pr c Jupiter 13.41 Gemini pr c Pluto 15.28 Libra Not yet exact, but the dominos keep falling. lol I find it fascination, that is why I keep repeating it all the time. lol, as it triggers off our Grand trine/Kite/star of david in heliocentric composite of
Venus 13 Aqua Jupiter 11 Gemini Destinn 13 Leo Pluto 13 Libra Union 15 Libra Neptune 14 Sag Ceres 12 Aries plus Valentine and Angel 13 Scorpio Vesta 12 Pisces Psyche 13 Pisces
I am still looking for the missing piece on 13 Cancer though.  but anyway I find it mindblowing that the progressed composite triggers off the exact same degrees like our helio composite has.
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Tulipe Knowflake Posts: 1679 From: France Registered: Feb 2014
posted July 24, 2014 12:58 PM
I have found an alarmingly amount of Yods in my event charts. What are your thoughts of Yod on event chart, like a first meeting chart for example? ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Knowflake Posts: 12418 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted July 24, 2014 01:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tulipe: I have found an alarmingly amount of Yods in my event charts. What are your thoughts of Yod on event chart, like a first meeting chart for example?
Fated meeting which is either a peak, or it will lead to something that takes more time. But fated, important. ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
IntuitiveJ Knowflake Posts: 824 From: Registered: Dec 2013
posted July 28, 2014 06:47 PM
Would anyone be kind enough to look at this First meeting chart with the yod? I am trying to understand them  Much thanks!! [/URL] IP: Logged | |