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Author Topic:   Mir - progressed synastry

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posted July 26, 2014 10:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Queen & Prince Philip are both FQ. From what I hear they lead quite separate lives, coming together to coordinate schedules.

You mean, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip?
That UK royal couple from 1921/1926?
If so, she's indeed a FQ, but the calculator above gives for him a waxing crescent.. ?

From my research, same phase people make excellent friends/colleagues/siblings. I find them sitting together a lot, unconsciously of course. It's in the love arena where I see people looking to the opposite phase for a companion.

That's exactly what my ex said (both 1st quarter we) "You're my buddy, my pal, my mate, that's how I feel it!" (WT...! I thought, he wants to get rid of me)
"Yea.. what's wrong with being your best buddy? isn't that what we all want??! -what do you want moooorre.." (I said)

(reproduction, that was all he could think about)


This is the (very recent) ex-Queen of our Country and her husband the Prince (He's already passed some years ago) and they both have a Same Moon phase angle, New Moon.

I'll come back later for the progressions.

The Queen = outside.

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Posts: 3568
From: The Cusp of Love
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posted July 27, 2014 12:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You mean, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip?
That UK royal couple from 1921/1926?
If so, she's indeed a FQ, but the calculator above gives for him a waxing crescent.. ?

Yes, them. Because I use only the four major angles, I'm a bit liberal with the classifications.

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posted July 27, 2014 05:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Guess what I've discovered??? Both my exes had New Moon. I am Balsamic (which is the exact opposite phase - the end of the incarnation cycle, as opposed to NM the beginning). They had this freshness, which was attractive at first, and a childlike approach on life, which was refreshing at first. But my interest in them faded rather quickly because I considered, in both cases, that I've found out all about them in a short time and I had this feeling they are so much behind hahahahaha Amazing discovery, anyway. Especially my second ex, he was enchanted by things which I considered may have been of interest to me like....20 lifetimes before this one.

It is exactly the feeling of putting a young soul and an old soul together. Believe me, it doesn't work for me. You are attracted to that opposite energy at first, but it fades away quickly, and you have this feeling the other is a very simple soul in a totally different phase.

However, look at the couples in my list: they all have different moon phases (not between first quarter, last quarter though, just different). I think it matters if there is a COMPATIBILITY between those phases, in combination with the rest of the chart.


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posted July 27, 2014 07:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Guess what I've discovered??? Both my exes had New Moon. I am Balsamic (which is the exact opposite phase - the end of the incarnation cycle, as opposed to NM the beginning).

Actually the opposite phase would be the Full Moon to a New moon,

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posted July 27, 2014 07:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In terms of the lunar phase circle, yes. But I meant energetically: last moon (balsamic) with first moon (new moon).

How are you, Ceri? How was the concert?


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posted July 27, 2014 07:41 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
Couples with an OPPOSITE moon phase angle (considered to be "perfect");

- William - kate new/full
- Lennon - yoko first/third (quarter)
- Diego - frida waxing gib/waning crescent
- Freud - Wife waning gib/wax cres
- Patraeus - Paula broadwell wax cres/waning gib (they had an extramarital affair wich became a media scandal)
- Travis Alexander - Jodi Arias waxing gib/waning cresc. (murder case!! - waning cresc. murdered waxing gib)
- Tracy Spencer - wife 1st/3rd quarter (he never left her for his big love Hepburn, very nice)
- Norma shearer - I. Thalberg 1st/3rd quarter (grrrreat couple)
- Marilyn Monroe - Joe dimaggio 1st/3rd quarter
- Marilyn Monroe - Arthur Miller 1st/3rd quarter
- Famous couple in my country (love love) 1st/3rd quarter

Until now, I could only find *ONE* Same phase angle couple! (same phase: considered to be "bad")

The ex-QUEEN of my country and her husband the Prince, both New Moon kids (great couple)

(I will see if I can find some progressed relevance for them ^)

Is this supposed to give a New Moon in the composite?


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posted July 27, 2014 07:51 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Is this supposed to give a New Moon in the composite?

If the anglular distance is about equal, yes.

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posted July 27, 2014 07:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:

How are you, Ceri? How was the concert?


But Great concert, great singers.

I am actually totally knackered today, well I couldn`t sleep well because of the monster headache that was caused by my hotelroom being so heated up, there was hardly any oxygene in there, not even with opened window, so that was not that great.

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posted July 27, 2014 08:01 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, Ceri. I thought it was fun to check famous people who are supposed to be complementary with me on the lunar circle: Waxing Gibbous

Bono, William Shakespeare, Mike Tyson, Harry Truman, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Paris Hilton, Pope Benedict XVI, Ralph Nader, Prince Charles, Marvin Gaye, Ernest Hemingway, Isaac Newton, Dan Brown

I like Will, Bono, Isaac Newton, I don't mind Marvin Gaye and Bill Gates, I am not sure about Nader and Paris Hilton (just kidding , I simply detest the rest

What about you?


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posted July 27, 2014 08:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Where can I check this?

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posted July 27, 2014 08:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am a waxing cresecent phase (51°), so I suppose you and me are complementary.

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posted July 27, 2014 08:29 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LOL we certainly are

here are your Balsamic Mooners

Famous People: Bob Dylan, Deepak Chopra, Stevie Wonder, Frederico Fellini, Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone), Whoopi Goldberg, Dane Rudhyar, John Belushi, Beethoven, Tiger Woods, Abraham Lincoln, Sarah Palin, Jim Jones, Frida Kahlo

I like most of these people, apart from Sarah Palin and Jim Jones, of course


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posted July 27, 2014 08:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Wild Horses:
How do you guys think Solar Arc Progressions might factor into all this? I was curious and went to and looked at the chart that shows the natal, secondary progressed, and solar arc progressed all combined, and it showed some fascinating overlays.

The first thing that caught my eye was that, even though his natal Venus @ 1° Cancer and my Sec. Prog. Venus @ 26° Gem won't be exactly conjunct for a few years, I saw that we currently have our Solar Arc Prog. Venuses conj. 0° and they will stay that way for like... ever. Decades at less than 0°. Right now, they are both conjunct at 6° Leo, but in 2016 will move within 2° of my Sec. Prog. Sun conj. his natal Sun @10° and 11°Leo. That's a pile-up of SA Venus on Venus 0°-on Sec Prog. Sun-on natal Sun. All within 2° of each other. It's also on my Sun-Moon Midpoint, Venus-Moon MP, Sun-Pluto MP, and Venus-Pluto MP, all of which are @11° Leo.That seems substantial to me.

Other things that caught my eye was my Solar Arc Prog. Juno currently conj. His natal Juno, and as soon as it moves away, then my Solar Arc Juno starts conjuncting his Sec. Prog. Juno.

Also, his SA Prog. Mars-Valentine-POF is moving into an exact conjunction with my natal Asc.-Mars conjunction.

So, how important do you all think Solar Arc Progressions are? Solar Arc vs. Secondary?

VERY important. At least in terms of personal development. But Westran did his extensive research with secondary progressions, so that is where results are already known.
Personally i have found solar arcs to be very accurate (keep in mind that here an orb of half a degree applying and separating is only considered).

If you are comparing solar arc to solar arc however the aspects will stay the same for a lifetime, they will never change.
The reason for this is that in solar arc directions you move all the planets the same amount of degrees forwards (depending on your age and the Sun`s movement at your age).

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posted July 27, 2014 08:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hmm seems like an okayish list, but I donot feel like enormously emotionally affected right now.

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posted July 27, 2014 09:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Continuing my saga with progressions, inspired by Mir and Ceri and everyone else

I thought we could play the same game with the progressed composite. Checking how it integrates into the regular composite over the years and, of course, how its movement triggers the natals and viceversa.


Sun 29 Cancer - 8 Leo
Moon 5 Pisces - 19 Gem
ASC 7 -17 Cap
MC 14-21 Libra
Vertex 27 Cancer - 5 Leo - actually Sun/conjunct Vertex
Venus 5 - 14 Cap roughly conjunct ASC
Mars 28 Leo - 3 Virgo
Juno 2-3 Pisces - Juno moves very little in astro progressions, so not much relevance here

However, the movement of other love asteroids is nicely shown and will show some love dynamics:

For example, Amor 0 to 6 Leo roughly conjunct Mars.
Eros and Psyche etc.

Chart ruler should be considered as well, but mine is Saturn, stationary in this type of progressions.

So, what happens when comparing progressed comp with comp:

Sun/Vertex transits the last part of the 8th, arrives in 9th. Approaches a long term conjunction with Mars, 5th ruler (4 Leo) and opp Lilith (4 Sc).
Starts from an exact opp to Psyche at the beginning of the relationship, and a square with Vesta/Uranus and a sextile with Moon and Cupido.(and later, Pluto)
In 2021, Sun in perfect trine with Neptune, approaching a trine with Eros and a sextile with Valetine and Vertex, which will become, at some point after 2021, a Minor Triangle.

Moon to be discussed separately

ASC/Venus transits the 2nd house - so 2nd house issues will be highlighted in the relationship (a mirror to the synastry). Starts from an exact conjunction with POF opp Saturn, separating Pluto square (transformative issues already passed) and forms exact GT with MC/Karma, sextile with IC/Pholus/Jupiter. After 2021, applies to a sextile to Venus and a trine to DSC.

MC/IC transits 11th/5th: 11th is packed with love asteroids and some planets. In 2021, applies to Chiron (opp), Sun Ceres (GT), NN and Priapus (sextile).

Mars/Amor. Transits 9th. Starts from a cross with opp Juno and ASC/DSC. Passes through a square with Cupido. By 2021, applies into position for Mars conjunct MC opp IC/Jupiter, GT with POF and Karma.

pCupido conjunct Sun exact in 2013! Then it separates, but approaches a GT with Uranus and Juno.

But the most interesting things are seen when comparing progressed composite to the natals. I'll continue...


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posted July 27, 2014 09:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looking at the Moon first.. 5 Pisces to 19 Gem

Progressed composite Moon starts its journey on composite IC/Jupiter (6-7 Pisces), applying to IC!

Pholus is there too, 7 Pisces.

It will transit houses 4th to 7th and in 2021 will be apll to composite Sun, in 7th (2). Nice journey for a first phase of a relationship! It's the same journey my progressed Moon does compared to his natal.
On its way, the Moon will trigger these major moments:

- major moment 1: square comp Sun/nodal axis at the same time trine ASC/Venus ( I can look at the exact date, but I like surprises )

- major moment 2: Moon opp composite Moon/Pluto, GT with Mars and Neptune, a bit later square Saturn/Amor, POF and Valentine (Grand Cross)

- major moment 3: conjunct Eros in 5th, opp Valentine/Lust hehe

- major moment 4: conunct Chiron in 5th, sextile Sun in 7th, trine Priapus and NN/Mercury

- major moment 5: opp Uranus/Vesta

- major moment 6: conjunct Karma, square Mars opp Lilith, Kite with MC and POF, apex Saturn/Amor

- major moment 7: conjunct DSC, opp Venus, multiple aspects

- major moment 8: conjunct Vertex in 7th, multiple aspects

Only after these phases, it arrives in apll conjunction to composite Sun in 7th.

Technically, this progressed composite Moon should be an excellent prediction tool for the life of the couple.

EDIT: I'm thinking it may show the moments with the strongest emotional impact.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 27, 2014 11:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What does the evolution of the relationship bring into the natals and what is the natal's impact on this evolution?


Progressed comp to natal - me

Sun/Vertex transits begin. of the 7th house.
moment 1: square Uranus/Lust sextile Mars/Union
moment 2: sextile Eros and natal 8th stellium
moment 3: apll to natal Moon

ASC/Venus transits 12th house, arrives in conjunction with natal ASC and in trine with Sun MC/IC etc.
moment 1: ASC square Pluto trine Venus
moment 2: ASC square Mercury

MC transits 9th cusp, arrives in conjunction with Valentine/Uranus
all this time squares ASC/DSC axis, makes multiple aspects

Mars transits the end of the 7th house, arrives in apll conjunction to natal Venus, multiple aspects
moment 1: exact conjunction to Amor, sextile Lust
moment 2: transits Priapus

Progressed comp to natal - him

Sun/Vertex transits 11th cusp, arrives in exact opposition to natal Venus, multiple aspects
The starting point: square Uranus, trine Vertex/DSC

ASC/Venus transits 4th house.
moment 1: square Pluto and Cupido, sextile Amor sextile Pholus
moment 2: square Vesta opp Chiron, sextile Moon
moment 3: appl to sextile to Sun

MC conjunct Vesta transits 1st house, and then Juno Ceres Eros

Mars enters 12th house
moment 1: Mars opp Jupiter/Mercury, aspects all angles
moment 2: Mars appl to square to natal Mars, to our Venus/Mars cross

Moon to my natal

from natal 2nd cusp to natal Eros in 4th/5th, passes over Venus, Sun, 8th stellium, IC

Moon to his natal

starts on 6th cusp, lands in the 9th, appl to MC/Saturn (later)
moment 1: squares Mars/Neptune opp
passes over Moon, Sun/Vertex/DSC, Venus Kite, arrives in conjunction with SN


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posted July 27, 2014 02:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK, the progressions for the Queen and the Prince here (in my last post ^ you can find their synastry).

They first met on a New Years Eve party in '62. (their second meeting would be 1,5 year later).

Their pSun/pMoon on that moment in '62 doesn't show anything signifcant (no personal 4th harmonic - nor to natal S/M either).

The other progressions (that evening in '62) look verrry promising;

- his pVenus: 8'48 Libra

appl. to her;

- natal Venus: 9'57 Aqua (nJupiter: 9'46 Aqua / nMoon 8'55 Aqua )
- natal Sun: 10'52 Aqua


- her pVenus: 11'11 Pisces

appl. to his;

- natal Sun: 13'15 Virgo

^ Can't be any better.

IN the progressed Compo that evening:
Venus in an appl. conj. to the Sun by 2,25

The moon appl. conj. to the MC by 3,5


It's 1,5 year later now. They meet again at a wedding party early June '94.
The spark caught on and from that moment, frequent meetings follow.

At that time the Sun/Moon bunch, shows this;

- His pMoon appl. square to his pSun by 3*

(that's about IT ^ - well, her late Cap pMoon is on its way, by 14
deg, to make a conj. to her natal Sun, but I suspect, that's
something for their marriage or engagement).

Looking again now at their amazing other progressions;

- His pVenus is now appl. by 0'17 minutes to her nSun! (trine)
(although separating from her nVenus now by 0'38)

- Her pVenus is now appl. by 0'17 minutes to his nSun! (opp.)

(how perfectlyyyy aligned ^! and what a spark-timing!)

~~ So, in fact, what's happening here ^ is that their Sun/Sun quincunx-synastry is stronglyyyy enhanced by both their PVenuses, with the result a symmetrical pattern, some type of fortress ~~

Btw, at this time, there's also a tight appl. pSun/pVenus Parallel
(her Venus) by 0'06. Her pVenus is also appl. contra-parallel to her
own pMars by 0'12.

The Progressed composite Sun/Venus conj. is now appl. by 2'05)

Moon to-the-minute (0'02 appl) opp. Pluto. - the underlying geometry of this one is that they both have a pMoon/pPluto opp. of 1 deg.


Time of their marriage.
10 March 1966.

No pSun/pMoon personal 4th harmonic aspects (nor to natal).

- His pMoon is separating with a less-than-1 conj. from her natal Sun (and from her nMoon by less than 3).

- Her pSun in a tight appl. opposition (0,5) to his natal Sun/Moon midpoint.

- Her pSun/pMoon midpoint exactly conj. his pAscendant (0'06 appl.)

- Their pSuns antiscia conjunct and in sep. parallel by 0,5.

progressed compo;

Moon appl. conjunct to Jupiter by 1,5.

and ofcourse the Sun/Venus still appl. by 1,5 - although exactly parallel to-the-minute now.

Asc conjunct Uranus (0'10 appl.)

Ok, this for now.

ps'I haven't looked at their engagement day.
(I've left helio completely out also).

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posted July 27, 2014 04:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Is this supposed to give a New Moon in the composite?

They have a Compo Sun/Moon conjunction by 4'20. And Venus is 6 deg away from the Moon, and 10'20 deg from the Sun.

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posted July 29, 2014 03:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by jjj:
If anyone wants to study why people get quickly in relationships and then divorce and if it is reflected in progressions, here is my sister and her ex husband:

they met July 2010, got married February 2011, divorced January 2012...

her birth date: *******
his birth date: *******

I will delete the data tomorrow and will look myself as well.

If anyone looks at their aspect grid, what synastry aspects could be responsible for the following situation: they both got extremely obsessed with each other and mistrusting, to the point of getting health problems. She is very flirty, he is a very serious and workaholic guy. They loved each other deeply though.

She is still not recovered, still completely attached to him to the point of hystery, they have no contact. Im so sorry for her. All I see is that his planets are conjunct her SN. She has really hard time recovering.

How interesting..

When they met;

(no significant 4th harmonic pSun/pMoon etc. - only his pSun closely applying to his nMoon which about exact during marriage)

In the progressed Composite, a separating Venus/Mars conj. by 1'17.

His pMars appl. conjunct to her nMoon (by 2).

(Hot hot hot ^ you would say or at the least a BIG fascination with each other ~ I'm familiar with this ^ specific pMars/nMoon progressed aspect)

But.. is it enough ^ to build something as a 'union' on?

- His pVenus trine her nVenus (appl. by 6* - too wide, clearly)
- His pMars conjunct her nVenus (appl. by 10* - a long way to go this
- Her pSun opp. his nVenus (appl. by 10* - same story)

In their synastry they have a Sun/Moon (her Sun) contra-parallel by 0'30. Her pSun in an appl. parallel to her natal Sun, but already separating from his nMoon by 0'09.


During their separation;

His pMars still appl. to her nMoon by 1*.
But, let's be honest.. can we build something on hotness & fascination alone? Without any deeper layers of love? (at that time)
I guess not.

The pVenus/nVenus trine is still appl. by 4'50 at the moment of their divorce. Too wide.

But at THIS current right-now moment (29-7-'14) the pVenus/nVenus is applying by 2,5. Closer to love (in whatever form).
That will take it over from the passionate pMars/nMoon conjunction which is right-now separating by 0'22.


For the future;

- End of July 2018, her pSun opp. his nVenus (2* appl.) and sextile his nMars (0,5 appl.) ~ [he has a natal Venus/Mars trine by 1,5]
The pVenus/nVenus trine will then be separating by 1'25.

- But When that ^ Sun/Venus one reaches its climax in sept. 2020 there's already a pVenus/nMars square (her venus) on its way by 2 deg (which could finally make a pretty obsessive Mystical triangle with his natal
Venus/Mars trine).

- His pMars conjunct her nVenus (appl. by 2* in sept. 2023)

- His pVenus conjunct her nMars (EXACT in sept. 2038)
His pVenus has then already passed a square to her nSun of which
the peak exact in Oct. 2032.

Ok, this ALL ^ was only GEO speaking.

But to let's stay in the moment, my guess is that the wheels for a more lovable interaction are set in motion now, with their current Venus/Venus applying one. Or at least within a very short while.

Let me know, when you get a taste of it JJJ

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posted July 29, 2014 11:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I thought it was interesting to share this quote, from Westran himself.

Let's, from now on, clearly shine another light on the Sun/Venus quincunx & Sun/Venus semi-sextile synastry!
(I mean, look at the synastry of that royal couple above ^ , globally; 2 x Sun/Venus quincunx in their synastry and see which progressed miracle happened... read back ^)

A note on 150 and 30 degrees natal Sun Venus aspects - they appear very often when we have progressed conjunctions, oppositions and trines. For years people have interpreted these aspects in isolation, but we have a reason not to look at them on their own now. If you ever see one in a relationship look for the progressions of the same two planets - they move about a degree a year and after approx 25 to 30 years often become 120, 180 or 0 degree aspects.

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posted July 30, 2014 07:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
I thought it was interesting to share this quote, from Westran himself.

Let's, from now on, clearly shine another light on the Sun/Venus quincunx & Sun/Venus semi-sextile synastry!
(I mean, look at the synastry of that royal couple above ^ , globally; 2 x Sun/Venus quincunx in their synastry and see which progressed miracle happened... read back ^)

[QUOTE]A note on 150 and 30 degrees natal Sun Venus aspects - they appear very often when we have progressed conjunctions, oppositions and trines. For years people have interpreted these aspects in isolation, but we have a reason not to look at them on their own now. [b]If you ever see one in a relationship look for the progressions of the same two planets - they move about a degree a year and after approx 25 to 30 years often become 120, 180 or 0 degree aspects.


Yes, this is very interesting. Understanding all these astronomical facts changes the astrological perception..

For example, I've asked this question, I'm not sure if it's a dumb one or not, but at least my brain is asking questions, no matter how "dumb" hahahaha: what is the astronomical distance (an eliptical distance, of course) of an orb? I mean, how close two planets have to be (in space) to have 1 astrological orb between them?

Does anyone know?


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I'm so cappy

Posts: 9778
From: Death Star
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posted July 31, 2014 02:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for I'm so cappy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ahem. I've been astroinvestigating the origin of my celeb obsession. Maybe someone will find it interesting.

The day of the world premiere of the movie which led me to watching an older movie he played in which made me explore him. I saw it around that time.

his pVenus conjunct my nAntivertex
his pAntivertex conjunct my nVenus
his pASC, pNeptune and pMoon conjunct my pIC and nMercury
his pMC conjunct my nActor
his pVertex conjunct my pMoon
his pSun opposite my nSun and Chiron
his nSun conjunct my pMC
his pPsyche conjunct my nSN
his pVesta conjunct my pAntivertex
his nVenus conjunct my pPriapus
his nVenus opposite my pValentine, pBML and pAmor
his pBML and pAlma conjunct my pEros

The premiere of THAT movie (a few months earlier).
his pSun conjunct my pMoon

I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy.

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posted July 31, 2014 03:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by I'm so cappy:
Ahem. I've been astroinvestigating the origin of my celeb obsession. Maybe someone will find it interesting.

The day of the world premiere of the movie which led me to watching an older movie he played in which made me explore him. I saw it around that time.

his pVenus conjunct my nAntivertex
his pAntivertex conjunct my nVenus
his pASC, pNeptune and pMoon conjunct my pIC and nMercury
his pMC conjunct my nActor
his pVertex conjunct my pMoon
his pSun opposite my nSun and Chiron
his nSun conjunct my pMC
his pPsyche conjunct my nSN
his pVesta conjunct my pAntivertex
his nVenus conjunct my pPriapus
his nVenus opposite my pValentine, pBML and pAmor
his pBML and pAlma conjunct my pEros

The premiere of THAT movie (a few months earlier).
his pSun conjunct my pMoon

Lots of angles/vertex as it should be


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posted August 01, 2014 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry, wrong thread.

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