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Author Topic:   Mir - progressed synastry
posted July 14, 2014 11:55 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Btw, I saw a LOT of very interesting progressed connections between your current one & you. At least until 2030. But we could look at that in-depth later if you want.

Yes, thank you, whenever you can

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posted July 14, 2014 04:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
2nd Ex Leeloo;

sept 2000;

HELIO; (read: Sun = Earth/Moon)

His progressed Venus: 12'45 Aries.
Lee's progressed Sun: 16 Aries.

An applying conjunction between helio pVenus/pSun.

I find this ^ very verry interesting.
Although not within the assumed tangible geo orb of 2*, we're still at the beginning of our Helio progressed research and so, what orb is acceptable for this specific pSun/pVenus one? Etc.

His pMars : 19'50 Sag
Her pMars : 18'30 Libra

TIME: At the very-end of 2005 both ^^ reached its peak AT-tHE-SAME-TIME!
- His pVenus was exactly conjunct your pSun.
- His pVenus was exactly opposite your pMars.

(his pVenus by 1,5 appl. to his own pMars then - and ofcourse, Lee at that time had a
pSun/pMars opposition)

(I suspect some sort of very interesting cumulation at that time - in case you were still together then, ofcourse lol)

In the helio progressed composite end-2005 Venus was applying to Saturn (conj.),
just a matter of minutes.

So, THIS ^^ was only: HELIO PROGRESSED-TO-PROGRESSED. (nothing left after that - but let's not forget the tail of such an effect as the above)



sept. 2000;

His pVenus (already so much in the pic there ^^) : 12'45 Aries.
Lee's natal Venus: 16'29 Leo.

(Peak ^ january 2003)



Sept. 2000.

Well, the only significant (separating?) effect in that could be;

- Lee's pVenus: 8'41 Libra
- His pMars: 13 Cap

Not in orb yet at-that-time.. but it reached its peak in March 2009 and the 'sensual friction' already must have been tangible in april 2005 (at that time it was with 2 degr. applying).

This also;

- Lee's pr. MC: 11'26 SAG
- His pr. Neptune: 11'28 SAG

- His pr. IC: 7'05 SAG (his pr. NN 7'42 SAG)
- Lee's pr. Neptune: 7'32 SAG (natal Nept. 7'01 SAG)

(- his pr. Venus 11'28 Pisces)
(- his pr. ASC 12'01 Virgo)

(- Lee's natal Jupiter 11'52 Pisces)



Ahaaaaaaaaaaa there we have it!;

13 sept. 2000;

- Lee's progressed Venus: 8'42 Libra.
- His natal Venus: 9'25 Aqua!

Also very interesting;

- Lee's progressed ascendant: 23'54 Aqua
- His natal ascendant: 23'44 Leo

Composite geo; Neptune/NN appl. conj. by 0'20,
also; separating Vertex/Desc conj. by less then 1*.. but it's a verrrry
slow mover with a few minutes a year.

And well, HOW reliable are birth-times? few minutes past the original and it's
an applying story. So, we have to take those angles with a grain-of-salt when it
comes to exactness.

We also see (not in orb);

His pVenus: 11'28 Pisces
Lee's nSun: 20'23 Virgo

Already tangible ^ in april 2006 - with 2* applying then.

Let's not forget the big BINDING FACTOR during their meeting;

pVENUS TRINE nVENUS within 1* appl.!

I'm almost sure I looked at waaaaaaaaaay too much... but I'm learning, step by step,
by doing this.

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Posts: 3568
From: The Cusp of Love
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posted July 14, 2014 10:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nine     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great discussion. Secondary Progressions is such a treasure trove. My astrology became nail-to-head accurate once I discovered it. And synastry - my favorite astrology topic.

Hi, Ceri. I've a few questions if you don't mind.

on the subject of progressed synastry.
My parent`s progressions for the time they got married:

Did your parents get married the year they met, or later?

If you don't mind, what are their natal Sun-Moon combinations (his & her's), as well as the pSun-pMoon positions for each of them when they started dating/married?

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posted July 15, 2014 04:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
2nd Ex Leeloo;

sept 2000;

HELIO; (read: Sun = Earth/Moon)

His progressed Venus: 12'45 Aries.
Lee's progressed Sun: 16 Aries.

An applying conjunction between helio pVenus/pSun.

I find this ^ very verry interesting.
Although not within the assumed tangible geo orb of 2*, we're still at the beginning of our Helio progressed research and so, what orb is acceptable for this specific pSun/pVenus one? Etc.

His pMars : 19'50 Sag
Her pMars : 18'30 Libra

TIME: At the very-end of 2005 both ^^ reached its peak AT-tHE-SAME-TIME!
- His pVenus was exactly conjunct your pSun.
- His pVenus was exactly opposite your pMars.

(his pVenus by 1,5 appl. to his own pMars then - and ofcourse, Lee at that time had a
pSun/pMars opposition)

(I suspect some sort of very interesting cumulation at that time - in case you were still together then, ofcourse lol)

In the helio progressed composite end-2005 Venus was applying to Saturn (conj.),
just a matter of minutes.

So, THIS ^^ was only: HELIO PROGRESSED-TO-PROGRESSED. (nothing left after that - but let's not forget the tail of such an effect as the above)



sept. 2000;

His pVenus (already so much in the pic there ^^) : 12'45 Aries.
Lee's natal Venus: 16'29 Leo.

(Peak ^ january 2003)



Sept. 2000.

Well, the only significant (separating?) effect in that could be;

- Lee's pVenus: 8'41 Libra
- His pMars: 13 Cap

Not in orb yet at-that-time.. but it reached its peak in March 2009 and the 'sensual friction' already must have been tangible in april 2005 (at that time it was with 2 degr. applying).

This also;

- Lee's pr. MC: 11'26 SAG
- His pr. Neptune: 11'28 SAG

- His pr. IC: 7'05 SAG (his pr. NN 7'42 SAG)
- Lee's pr. Neptune: 7'32 SAG (natal Nept. 7'01 SAG)

(- his pr. Venus 11'28 Pisces)
(- his pr. ASC 12'01 Virgo)

(- Lee's natal Jupiter 11'52 Pisces)



Ahaaaaaaaaaaa there we have it!;

13 sept. 2000;

- Lee's progressed Venus: 8'42 Libra.
- His natal Venus: 9'25 Aqua!

Also very interesting;

- Lee's progressed ascendant: 23'54 Aqua
- His natal ascendant: 23'44 Leo

Composite geo; Neptune/NN appl. conj. by 0'20,
also; separating Vertex/Desc conj. by less then 1*.. but it's a verrrry
slow mover with a few minutes a year.

And well, HOW reliable are birth-times? few minutes past the original and it's
an applying story. So, we have to take those angles with a grain-of-salt when it
comes to exactness.

We also see (not in orb);

His pVenus: 11'28 Pisces
Lee's nSun: 20'23 Virgo

Already tangible ^ in april 2006 - with 2* applying then.

Let's not forget the big BINDING FACTOR during their meeting;

pVENUS TRINE nVENUS within 1* appl.!

I'm almost sure I looked at waaaaaaaaaay too much... but I'm learning, step by step,
by doing this.

Thank you Thorough analysis. 2005 is the year we began to "separate" lol because there were some attempts to come together after that.

From what I've seen so far in your research, something has to be there either in progr-to-progr, progr-to-natal, progr-to-helio progr or in helio progr. Apparently Venus has to be involved one way or the other.

I've found out my parents first date so I'm gonna study those for you and list the data.


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 15, 2014 04:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
on the subject of progressed synastry.
My parent`s progressions for the time they got married:

pr - pr
his Moon trine her Sun
his Moon opposite her Mars
his Mars conjunct her Venus
his Mars conjunct her Saturn (DESC-ruler)
his Uranus square her MC (ah that Uranus again)
his Juno conjunct her IC
his MC square her Venus

progressed - natal

I'm curious: do they have Venus conjunct Mars in synastry?


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posted July 15, 2014 04:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
I'm curious: do they have Venus conjunct Mars in synastry?


My Mum`s Venus at 18° Virgo
My Dad`s Mars at 9° Libra

My Dad`s Mars must have been stationary at his birth though, and then turned retrograde (btw seems Mr Sag`s Mars has a similiar process going on), as even now, being over 60 years old my Dad`s Mars is at 28 Virgo (retro), interestingly right on my Mum`s natal Moon.

I once followed through their progressions through the years, pivotal years at least, and they always had at least 2 or 3 important ones going on.

as we speak
his pr Sun is exactly sesisquare her pr Venus (never sure about 8th harmonic aspects, but I am SO tempted to check them, too )

his pr Venus squares her pr Venus
his pr Venus conjuncts her pr DESC
his pr Mars conjuncts her n Moon
his pr Saturn conjuncts her n Mars (making their widish conjunction exact)

her pr Jupiter sextiles his n Sun
her pr Saturn trines his n Venus (also an "exacting" aspect for them)

her pr NN conjunct his n Vx

her pr MC square his n Jupiter

her pr Vx conjunct his n Mercury

Of course they do not need the "fallin in love" connections anymore, after 40 years of marriage, but that Venus-DESC is really sweet.
To be honest though, they still seem to be quite enarmoured with each other.

as for their current helio proressions:

nothing really major from pr to pr

his pr Venus square her n Mars
his pr Mars conj. her n Saturn
his pr Pluto conj. her n Mars

her pr Mars conj. his n Saturn

but that`s realy it.

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posted July 15, 2014 05:30 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My parents

EDIT: all planets are progressed planets

They first laid eyes on each other in October 1966 (work colleagues), during an already separating Venus/Sun square

her Venus 22.12 Sag
his Sun 18 Pisces

her Mars 1.52 Aqua
his Venus 4.37 Aqua
her Venus 22 Sag
his Mars 23 Sag

well, they a Venus/Mars conjunction DW in synastry, but one of them is with a wide orb - so applying/separating conjunction here

helio-to-helio (progressed)

her Moon/Earth 16 Cancer
his Venus 23 Scorpio
her Venus 18 Scorpio
his Mars 14 Scorpio

it looks like separating Venus to Moon/Earth??


her phelio Venus 18.13 Scorpio
his pSun 18.07 Pisces
(separating trine)

his phelio Moon/Earth 18 Virgo
her pVenus 22.12 Sag
separating, right??

First date: 1 March 1967 (my father was a slow mover, I know)

the same aspects

Wedding date: 5 May 1973

nothing left between Sun/Venus

both Venus/Mars conjunctions separating

her Venus 0 Cap
his Mars 27.05 Sag
her Mars 7.02 Aqua
his Venus 12.12 Aqua

phelio- to- p

the same separating Sun/Venus trine

nada in helio-to-helio either


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 15, 2014 05:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceri, I notice your parents don't have Westran aspects for their getting together...except from Venus/Mars, of course.

I think, by looking at helios, that Venus moves faster than Moon/Earth?? Is it because of the Earth?
EDIT: stupid question lol

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 15, 2014 05:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
Ceri, I notice your parents don't have Westran aspects for their getting together...except from Venus/Mars, of course.

I think, by looking at helios, that Venus moves faster than Moon/Earth?? Is it because of the Earth?

No clue, but I saw you posting the aspects above with a more than generous orb.
According to Westran`s study the window of opportunity opens and closes at 2 degrees, max.

Well, I actually only counted the exact ones in the progressed synastries I mentioned.

I think 2 degree aspects are entries into a process, a development.
exact ones are the ones alluding to events and serve as timing tools.

However your parent`s Venus-Sun square was already very wide, so separating fro a few years already, which probably was good and opening the pathway to meeting for them.
it often is felt as big relief when a square of Venus-Sun separates according to Westran.

As for my parents they met under a separating conjunction of my Mum´s pr Venus to his pr ASC.

along with her pr VEnus separating from a trine to his n Sun (1,5 degrees)

and actually a precise square of his pr venus to her n Sun (0.03 applying)

and his pr Moon (which was heading into a conj. to his pr Sun - a pr new Moon) opposing her n Pluto

and his pr MC squaring her n Jupiter
(the MC seems to be a reliable factor in progressions)

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posted July 15, 2014 06:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree, they are wide, I listed them to show something was there at some point - like the square, already out of range. They do have more separating than applying aspects though. But I think Westran only studied, statistically, Progr-to-progr and not progr-to-natal, for instance??


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posted July 15, 2014 06:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Westran studied both,

pr-pr and pr-n

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posted July 15, 2014 07:01 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, OK, thanks, Ceri.

BTW, Mir, I only checked Venus/Sun and Venus/Mars in my parents charts.


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posted July 15, 2014 10:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My parents
They first laid eyes on each other in October 1966 (work colleagues), during an already separating Venus/Sun square
her Venus 22.12 Sag
his Sun 18 Pisces

Lee, unfortunately, I’m stumbling a lot on *what* is progressed and *what* natal in your post. I think it’s best to always put a “p” before a planet when it’s progressed (pVenus) and an “n” when it’s a natal planet (nMars). To keep things clear u know

Ok, so the above Venus and Sun, are both progressed planets?

her Mars 1.52 Aqua
his Venus 4.37 Aqua
her Venus 22 Sag
his Mars 23 Sag

well, they a Venus/Mars conjunction DW in synastry, but one of them is with a wide orb - so applying/separating conjunction here

And these ^^ are all progressed planets?

helio-to-helio (progressed)
her Moon/Earth 16 Cancer
his Venus 23 Scorpio
her Venus 18 Scorpio
his Mars 14 Scorpio

it looks like separating Venus to Moon/Earth??

All progressed ^^ planets I guess? It’s separating yes, Venus always moves faster than Earth/Moon. And usually also in Geo (unless retro or stationary).

her helio Venus 18.13 Scorpio
his pSun 18.07 Pisces
(separating trine)

Well, if this ^ is his pSun (read: Earth/Moon ofcourse) and her nVenus, then it’s applying. Probably you mean by “phelio-to-p” : pHELIO-to-n? Aaaghh LEE!!!

his helio Moon/Earth 18 Virgo
her pVenus 22.12 Sag
separating, right??

I’m almost sure that this ^ is an applying one. IF it’s his nMoon/Earth and her pVenus.



And to make a difference between all 4 dimensions;

- GEO progressed-to-progressed (Geo P-to-P)
- GEO progressed-to-natal (Geo P-to-N)
- HELIO progressed-to-progressed (Helio P-to-P)
- HELIO progressed-to-natal (Helio P-to-N)

I do not really like ^ ^ abbreviations, but I will accept

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posted July 15, 2014 10:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry, Mir, yes, I only did progressed-to-progressed. For geo and helio.

phelio to p means progr helio to progr

All planets listed above are progressed. No "natals"


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posted July 15, 2014 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My parents
EDIT: all planets are progressed planets

They first laid eyes on each other in October 1966 (work colleagues), during an already separating Venus/Sun square

her Venus 22.12 Sag
his Sun 18 Pisces

her Mars 1.52 Aqua
his Venus 4.37 Aqua
her Venus 22 Sag
his Mars 23 Sag

LEE, THIS ^^ at first, is very verry interesting. You know why?

Well, because usually (if it's not a matter of retro/stationary) a progressed Venus appl. to progressed Mars (by exactly 1*) takes one whole year to become EXACT!

And they had their first date (march '67) during it!

ps; that separating Sun/Venus square is irrelevant here as it must have been exact about 20 years back in time, from oct '66.

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posted July 15, 2014 11:48 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, that's interesting, indeed. Especially since they have this theme, Venus conjunct Mars, in their synastry.

Anyway, if you want their data for your research, for a more extensive study, you tell me and I'll give it to you.


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted July 15, 2014 12:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great discussion. Secondary Progressions is such a treasure trove. My astrology became nail-to-head accurate once I discovered it. And synastry - my favorite astrology topic.

You're more than welcome to share your progressed thoughts/knowlegde/findings Nine!

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posted July 15, 2014 12:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Dad`s Mars must have been stationary at his birth though, and then turned retrograde (btw seems Mr Sag`s Mars has a similiar process going on), as even now, being over 60 years old my Dad`s Mars is at 28 Virgo (retro), interestingly right on my Mum`s natal Moon.

Yea this is a nice one. For some moments in time I was completely mesmerized by the guy whose progressed Mars was with a few minutes appl. to my natal Moon. It was more-or-less a Mutual thing, definitely.

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posted July 15, 2014 12:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As for my parents they met under a separating conjunction of my Mum´s pr Venus to his pr ASC.

along with her pr VEnus separating from a trine to his n Sun (1,5 degrees)

and actually a precise square of his pr venus to her n Sun (0.03 applying)

and his pr Moon (which was heading into a conj. to his pr Sun - a pr new Moon) opposing her n Pluto

Ceri, that square ^ .. I guess it's just the 1st face-to-face meeting? But it wasn't The Time yet... ?

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posted July 15, 2014 01:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LEELOO: Thank you Thorough analysis. 2005 is the year we began to "separate" lol because there were some attempts to come together after that.

Very interesting.
Until now, it seems, Geo is the big driver here. In april 2005 the GEO pVenus/pMars square came in orb (with 2* appl.).
ALTHOUGH there was a tight applying HELIO pEarth/Moon-pVenus conjunction + pMars/pVenus opposition... which could possibly be the reason for those attempts afterwards.

Helio would operate more on an "inner level" .. this in contrast to our GEO materialistic level.. so it could be that it would ask a level of maturity to deal with the Helio ones (just some thoughts). Or maybe "maturity" isn't the right word here... NO, I think it isn't!

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posted July 15, 2014 02:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
Ceri, that square ^ .. I guess it's just the 1st face-to-face meeting? But it wasn't The Time yet... ?

I am actually not exactly sure when they met. No day or so. I think it was in august 1971.
They met at a discotheque and then spent the whole night outside in my Dad`s car, discussing the Vietnam War.
At least that is the official story my mom told me, and I am NOT inquiring some more. I just believe they spent all these hours talking.

Anyway, they got together pretty much instantly, or shortly afterwards.

I know there had been a boyfriend on my mum`s side, and my Dad had been engaged. I do not quite know if the engagement dissolved BEFORE meeting my mom, or if it happened simultaneously.

Well my grandmother was only grumpily accepting that, she would have preferred the other woman to be her daughter in law.

And well, my father, typical Aquarius he is, stayed in contact (through letters) with his ex, until my mom found out, and she didn`t think of it just as an innocent friendship as he was thinking, and told him it was either her or the other woman, and if he didn`t love the other woman anymore, it was unfair to make her think she might have had a chance still, even though he didn`t mean it that way.

So I suppose there was a bit of turmoil before their eventual comitment. lol

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posted July 15, 2014 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lol, great story and a wise mom!
But '71? Ow jesss, that's possible ofcourse (i'm from the last July-day that year)

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posted July 15, 2014 02:59 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mir:
Lol, great story and a wise mom!
But '71?

Yes, why?

They got married in 1974.

And my mom was pretty straightforward and knew what she wanted. She also told me that my Dad technically did not propose, but one day she asked him (after 2 years or so), how serious he was about them and if he could see them having a family together. if not that was totally okay with her as well, she just wanted to know, so she could focus more on her ambitions/ career and well just so he knew, eventually she would like to have kids; if not with him, then probably with someone else, but until then they could still see each other on loose terms.

Well she did EXACTLY what this relationship coach Matt Hussey is telling in his interviews today. And for her it clearly worked.
My Dad wasn`t quite prepared to let her go, but did not want to share her either, so they got married.

The funny thing is that my Dad is a very charming good looking man, and women, especially in earlier years, were definitely affected by this charm, but he always seemed even oblivious to it (even though my mom swears in the beginning he was looking after every blonde woman. lol Well my mom had long blonde hair as well back then).

But anyway from when I can remember, being a child, he always only had eyes for my Mom.
But then I suppose she was challenging him in positive ways.

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posted July 15, 2014 03:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lol, great story and a wise mom!
But '71? Ow jesss, that's possible ofcourse (i'm from the last July-day that year)

This is why, haha.

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Wild Horses

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posted July 15, 2014 08:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wild Horses     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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