Topic: Generational aspects in synastry - your effect on generations
Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 11:36 AM
Hi there!have you ever noticed that you have a respectively different effect on generations?  My sun & asc trines the neptune of many people born between 68-72 (as far as I remember)and indeed most of the folks find my sweet, dreamy and even spiritual. Unfortunately a lot of guys born 74/75 (as far as I remember) have their Saturns on my asc & sun and my venus often squares their marses and plutos and etc. What shall I say? Let's call it power struggles  And my venus opposite the neptune and trines the pluto of the guys born around 88/89/90 (as far as I remember). Some of them hit on me but the age gap is definitely too much for me  And your experiences? IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 11:53 AM
Hi, Enneline I love the idea of this thread, never checked mine in detail, but I'll do it.As far as I can tell about my generation (plus minus a few years than me), I like their Pluto conjunct my Mars and their Neptune and Jupiter being close to mine, well integrated in my Venus cross. Also my Uranus sometimes trining their Saturn is one of my favorite aspects (the Uranus Saturn trine in general). So I think I'll love those with Uranus in Scorpio as well. ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 12:07 PM
Hi LeeLoo , Uranus trine Saturn? You must have a calming effect on us and for my part I would agree with that  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 02:32 PM
I have many friends born in 1968-1970 and some around 1990(1984-1992) So I checked:
The 1st cluster:
brings Pluto on my Sun - mesmerized by me? hahahahaha Uranus on my Mars/Pluto/Mercury stellium - mental exchanges, new age connections their Saturn opposes my Uranus - how do you interpret this, Enneline?? The second cluster: brings Jupiter to transit my "self" houses, very supportive their Pluto squares my Moon - some potential obsession here, eventually sits on my MC their Neptune squares my Sun and then my Libra stellium - some idealization and, I think this one is important: their Uranus moves from my NN to my ASC, transiting my 12th. How would you interpret this?
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 03:52 PM
Of course it depends on the houses and the natal Charts as well but bassed on the aspects you listed I can imagine myself seeing you in 3 kind of relationships being "trapped" (with these generations):1. Pluto and the Uranus staff could make a far younger man (like 8-12 years; some wouldn't call this a huge age gap) falling in love with you he would find you so sexy, intellecutal and exciting. 2. Uranus and Neptune could lead in being you their spiritual leader 3. Neptune more aspected on both sides: Either of you will be disappointed some day for having been not able to realize what kind of Person the other one actually is. Saturn opposite Uranus: You find their rules limiting your space for freedom and creativity? Uranus / Asc: I think they will be even more into you Expect some younger admirers  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 03:54 PM
I have nothing against your analysis, Enneline.------------------
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:02 PM
Would you put up with a Lover 10 years younger than you?  There's a 25-year-old guy at work who keeps on hitting on me but hey no, I won't. It's not the guys fault, my venus is opposite his neptune, squares his mars and trines his Pluto  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:03 PM
Hahahaha of course... Are you in good shape?  ------------------
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Hahahaha of course... Are you in good shape? 
No, I don't even look younger  But hey, guys 10 years younger want just to extend their skills and learn from an older woman  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:06 PM
And why wouldn't you want to share your wisdom and experience with the younger generations? Huh?Just kidding  ------------------
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: And why wouldn't you want to share your wisdom and experience with the younger generations? Huh?Just kidding 
I want to be loved for myself not my sexual experiences...apart from that I don't have any  and why would you put up with a younger?  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:18 PM
Well, we need to ensure some generational flow...Kidding again  Never thought about it actually. I mean I wasn't in the situation to consider this. But I don't think age matters too much to me. ------------------
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Well, we need to ensure some generational flow...Kidding again  Never thought about it actually. I mean I wasn't in the situation to consider this. But I don't think age matters too much to me.
Well, expect this to be happen soon or even maybe someone considerable older Another perspective: you are going to expect some furhter clients if you were a spiritual leader IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:42 PM
Hahahaha spiritual leader...I think I'll leave that to Cappy  ------------------
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:43 PM
and what shall we do with the younger guys? Who takes care of them? 
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 04:48 PM
Perhaps Cappy can take care of some of those too??  And we're gonna sacrifice ourselves and take care of the rest hehehe No one should remain on the bench. ------------------
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 12, 2014 05:04 PM
I wonder how people will perceipt us when we are mid-aged? My mars will opposite their Pluto. Sounds creepy. I know a guy whose mars is opposite the Pluto of all girls around his age. Not enough that he wants to be the upper hand, he would become outrageous to ensure his intentions will be respected well Maybe some deserve that. The 25 year old is too bold and tease me all the time. No respect for older women IP: Logged |
Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 533 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 13, 2014 12:13 AM
I'm glad you started this thread. I never run across much talk about what an impact generational synastry can have, but it can send rippling effects throughout our entire lives. I posted my personal experience with this in a different thread, but I'll repost it here since this thread is actually about that specific subject: I had this happen a lot in high school. A Lot! I would just be being friendly to a guy, trying to be nice, and the next thing I'd know, he'd be declaring his undying love for me. I know it sounds horribly boastful, but I really don't intend it that way. It's just something that happened when I was clustered in school with guys all my own age. My Natal Pluto conjuncts my Moon 3° and that Moon squares my tight Sun-Venus conjunction by 0°, so Pluto squares them tightly too. So, EVERY guy in school had his Pluto there, too. The guys who were a few years older than me, like when I was a Freshman and they were Seniors, they were the hardest hit. They all had my Moon exactly on their Pluto, and my Sun and Venus exactly squared their Pluto. Their Pluto also trined my Desc. 0°, and sextiled my Mars-Asc. 0°. Their Plutos would just want to OWN me. It got scary for awhile. I had some real, genuine stalkers. It caused me lots of heartbreak, too, because there were some that were really dear friends I loved like brothers, but they would break off our friendship because they said they felt too strongly for me. I wasn't some blinding supermodel beauty, either. I mean, I've always been told I'm pretty, but not to the degree that would justify their obsession. It was 100% Pluto in action. Teenage boys can't really handle a powerful Pluto overload, so it got bad. One time in particular was when I was dating my first serious boyfriend. We were both 16, and he had an 18 year old brother. His brother fell hard for me, but I only liked him as a close friend. I was really crazy about my boyfriend, and his brother just had no chance. He started conspiring to break us up because he thought he'd have a chance with me. It didn't work, and when he found out that my boyfriend and I had slept together, and that I'd given him my virginity, he absolutely lost it! He threw my boyfriend off the 2nd floor balcony of his bedroom! He broke his leg and had to be on crutches for weeks and miss several football games (he was the Running Back). His big brother even proposed to me and told me he wanted me to have his children and that he'd already picked out the names of our first son!!! I was like... What?! I can't marry you! We're only friends, I love your brother, and I'm only 16 years old! It was insane having all those boys Plutos conj. my Moon, square my Sun and Venus. I even had 2 attempt to rape me at knifepoint. Thank God they got scared away. To this day I get chills thinking how close that came to being so, so much worse. I was so relieved when my school days were over, and most of the boys my age dispersed. Now, guys I know are a more even mix of different age groups, so it's not so much of a problem anymore. It's funny, now, though, because I've noticed a new trend developing. My Sun is @ 27 Gem- Venus @ 26 Gem. So, lately I've been getting hit on like crazy by guys born around 1982, '83, '84. It started happening so much that I thought, "What is going on with this specific age cluster?!" It's like I have special pheromones just for them! I checked the charts and they've all got: -Their Pluto in late Libra exactly trine my Sun-Venus, -Their Pluto in late Libra exactly square my Mars-Asc. in late Cancer. (They come on to me very strongly) -Their Neptune exactly opposite my Sun-Venus, -Their Chirons making a grand trine with my Moon and Desc. -Their NN in late Gemini exactly conj. my Sun-Venus, and squaring my Moon-Pluto. Some of them have acted like they were destined to be with me. It's surreal. I was born in 1972, so I'm 42 now. These guys are only 30-32 or so, some in their late 20's. I work out and take care of myself so I really don't look my age at all. Cancer Rising with Sun-Venus in Gemini help that I think. No one ever, ever believes my age. So, it's not really that strange that guys 10-15 years younger would hit on me, it's just funny that it happens in this clustered way because of the planet placements in their charts. So, whenever any strong one-sided things show up, especially if it happens a lot, it's probably caused by a generational age group cluster with their outer planets hitting the sweet spot to line up with your personal planets.
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Wild Horses Knowflake Posts: 533 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 13, 2014 12:14 AM
This was the other post: quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Not in '84. That's in 02º to 04º SCO. However, in '83 -- yes. Specifically, around February to August, you'll get 27º-28º LIB.I didn't know that MOON conjunct PLUTO could create that much of a stir. They must've had very active PLUTO placements. For me, it's LILITH. I've got it on my MOON-EROS MP in SCO. Drawing attention is like a switch. I can either make myself invisible, or centre-stage. Maybe that's my SUN-PLUTO/BML.
Actually, a few of the guys were born in summer '84. I remember one born in July and one in Aug '84. I, too, thought the same thing you mentioned, that their Plutos should have been in Scorpio, but Pluto had retrograded back to 29° Libra for them. Actually, with the early '80s birthday guys, I don't think it's their Pluto trine my Sun and Venus that's the main catalyst for them. I think it's my Sun and Venus so tightly opposite their Neptunes and exactly conjunct their NN. I really have felt bad for a few of them that seemed like such great guys. I'm not a Cougar, though, so even if I were single, I just couldn't see myself dating a guy 10 or 12 years younger than me. It would feel weird to me. I think 5 years younger is as low as I could go. My Husband gets no end of amusement out of all the younger attention I'm getting, though. He keeps teasing me and telling me, "Go ahead and come out. You know you're a closet Cougar." There's this one younger guy in particular who works at the Barnes and Nobles I go to who looks like Tom Brady. My Husband knows Tom Brady is IT as far as I'm concerned, so anytime I go to Barnes and Nobles he teases me and says, "Oh yeah! Go get you some of that fresh meat." He really is incorrigible. As far as the guys way back, I don't think it would've been such an issue with the guys at school if it had only been Moon-Pluto. I think it was the combination of their Plutos having an exact conjunction with my Moon, an exact square with my Venus, an exact square with my Sun, an exact sextile with my Mars-Asc. and an exact trine to my Desc. I think that just created a lot of Pluto energy for a guy to handle at that young of an age. Just Pluto square Venus 0° alone is tough to handle, let alone adding all the rest. It really hurt when it was close guy friends. One close friend in particular I still miss to this day. I miss that bond with him. We would talk for hours on end, hang out, goof off together. He felt like a super close brother. Then, I started noticing a shift in his demeanor toward me, and things got steadily more and more tense. Then, one day he tried to lean in for a kiss, and I just couldn't do it. I just didn't feel that way about him. I hugged him and told him I'd always love him, but I couldn't love him in the way he wanted and needed. He steadily distanced himself from me until we drifted apart, and I cried many years over losing one of my best friends. He looked me up years later, and it was like no time had passed at all. We talked for 8 solid hours straight just catching up and laughing. The Pluto spell had worn off by then, and there was no weird tension. We laughed about it all, but of course, we know we'll never have that close of a relationship again, but we're ok. Time takes care of a lot of things. : ) I know what you mean about Scorpio BMLilith. My BML is in Scorpio, too. It forms a 0° grand trine with my Mercury and Eros. It's got its Pros and Cons... Pro: I think about sex all the time Con: I think about sex all the time.  IP: Logged |
KarkaQueen unregistered
posted July 13, 2014 12:17 AM
I have my peer's Neptune on my ASC and opposite my Sun. Let's just say I usually prefer the company of older people.IP: Logged |
Enneline unregistered
posted July 13, 2014 06:15 AM
Wow, Wild Horses thanks for sharing. You were born to turn the heads of guys your age and younger My Ex also had his moon conjuncting all the Plutos of the girls of his generation and younger. Although he was not particularly handsome and many girls claimed that he was not their type, he always had girls around him who were like obsessed with him. It was too good for his self-confidence. He became an arrogant a*se. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 13, 2014 06:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by Enneline: I wonder how people will perceipt us when we are mid-aged? My mars will opposite their Pluto. Sounds creepy. I know a guy whose mars is opposite the Pluto of all girls around his age. Not enough that he wants to be the upper hand, he would become outrageous to ensure his intentions will be respected well Maybe some deserve that. The 25 year old is too bold and tease me all the time. No respect for older women
Hahaha just make fun of him in front of other people and he will stop 
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Enneline unregistered
posted July 13, 2014 06:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Hahaha just make fun of him in front of other people and he will stop 
Already did and it did not help  But all that makes me think about not to look in my generation for a suitable Partner. All that square venus/plut/mars stuff and their Saturn on my sun & asc makes me feel that I need to look for an older or even younger Partner.  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted July 13, 2014 07:34 AM
I'm thinking just being out there and interacting with people will bring the right partner to you  ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Enneline unregistered
posted March 08, 2015 10:41 AM
I met some guys who were born 1983-1987. My moon (my chart ruler) is opposite their pluto. It's crazy how they wouldn't give in IP: Logged | |