Topic: Mars - Saturn, synastry. Bad.
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 12:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Thell: [QUOTE]Originally posted by foxxyxo: [b]someone just posted how mars/saturn was prominent in married couples soooooooo cant be all that bad (:
Prominent in sexless marriages. Enjoy!Reflecting on my own experience, I think Saturn restricts Mars's spirit. This makes Mars want to rebel - behavior which Saturn hates - so Saturn restricts Mars even more. Mars hates being restricted. In this way Saturn and Mars bring out the worse in each other and thus see the worse in each other. It's a relationship in which the build up of resentment is inevitable and ultimately takes over and consumes the relationship, feeding off all the good things until there's no good left at all. The only way for Mars to make it work is to walk on eggshells, constantly trying to work out what Saturn expects of you and to make sure that's what you do. Forget yourself and what you need and want in life - it's all about conforming to the totalitarian rule of Saturn.
I think you have to look at the whole natal to see how each individual would respond to Saturn's influence. Like in my case I have a Pisces moon and I like the structure; I need it, and welcome it. In my past relationship with minimal Saturn (and with a Neptunian double Sag, no less!) I hated how ungrounded it felt. I'm an earth singleton so do you think I liked having to always be the responsible one, the nag? Ha! No way.
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Aquacheeka unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 12:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: It's an attraction factor, but does it mean the people who are married are happy?Ever thought about that?
I don't think 85% of married couples are unhappy.
I just think for whatever reason you personally don't like this aspect in synastry. Maybe there's something in your natal chart that would make this the case. Are you heavily Martian or cardinal? IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 14, 2013 01:21 PM
I have Mars square Saturn natally so I don't handle other people being critical of me well.That being said, I always seem to attract people who have Mars / Saturn like I do or it pops up in synastry. I just think it can go bad very, very easily. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 03:40 PM
I don't know why, but we don't seem to have any Saturnine problems.Any problems we've encountered I feel like can be directly traced to Uranus in our synastry, or our moon-moon square. IP: Logged |
foxxyxo Knowflake Posts: 413 From: Registered: May 2012
posted July 14, 2013 09:59 PM
a sexless marriage would never be possible for me haha no wayyyyyyyyy i have venus scorp conjunct pluto so yea not freakin happening. im saturn in my relationship and his the mars if he ever feels awkward in any way i know how to manuver around that hehe. i think mars feels intimidated by saturn person honestly which only makes them work harder to impress you!!! cafeastrology says with this aspect cheating is not likely at all because of wanting to impress. i feel that saturn makes the mars drive last for a long timesee its all how you look at it and what kind of person you are, if you like challenges and what not, if not then yea this aspect will suck for you but i like knowing my man wants to work hard for me  we also have moon/saturn and venus/saturn an instead his the saturn, he makes me feel more like a woman which is amazing!!! im sure me being saturn and him mars, i make him feel more like a man IP: Logged |
orocairion Knowflake Posts: 269 From: Registered: May 2013
posted July 14, 2013 11:38 PM
Well, turns out I have this with someone, and it goes both ways. My Mars conjuncts her Saturn, and her Mars conjuncts my SaturnShould I be worried?. IP: Logged |
Kerosene unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 11:55 PM
Traditionally, at least in Vedic astrology mars has a hard time with saturn. Like Liz Green says they are enemies, I'm sure she studies Vedic astrology on the side.
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Textbook unregistered
posted July 15, 2013 12:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by orocairion: Well, turns out I have this with someone, and it goes both ways. My Mars conjuncts her Saturn, and her Mars conjuncts my SaturnShould I be worried?.
If he's come after you with a sledgehammer, yeah it might be time to worry. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 7020 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted July 15, 2013 06:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by Textbook: If he's come after you with a sledgehammer, yeah it might be time to worry.
yeah, sledgehammer is a fair warning. Hardly dubious. IP: Logged |
Odette Knowflake Posts: 6755 From: Registered: May 2012
posted July 15, 2013 06:02 AM
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Geri Newflake Posts: 22 From: United Kingdom Registered: Jan 2011
posted July 16, 2013 07:30 PM
That's interesting but what I personally have experiences is that for example in Scorpio Taurus relationship those aspects of Mars and Saturn never seem to be as destructive as in Scorpio Leo connection for example. In the first instance both individuals tend to desire the dominance over one another but with time they transform the passionate love hate into desire of understanding beyond and eventually find mutual intersection points to agree. Rather in the second instance both individuals tend to absolutely misunderstanding each other needs and then what you just said Saturn is ready to strongly win any form of battle on any level while Mars is not giving up and wanting to escalate its dominance and then it results into total dishonesty and irrelevance of behavior of the Leo person and total alienation and unawareness of what is casing that and withdrawing on the side of the Scorpio person. I just seem to think that those aspects of planets in some sun signs could be overcame because of the ability for them to work things out, rather for others where one of the people is unable of deeper understanding of a situation and coordination of their thought and action.IP: Logged |
Oracle Knowflake Posts: 58 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted October 15, 2013 06:57 PM
Hell everyone seems to have a problem with that ******* Saturn. But I like Foxxyox's description of Saturn/Mars conjunction in synastry. I have this aspect with a young man I'm dating; he is head over hills for me. I can't wait to see how this one works. There is quite a bit of Plutonian, Venusian, Saturnian, Lunarian, Solarian, Mercurial and Neptunian in this synastry. Oooohweeee, hot, baby!!!He (Virgo Sun)already seems obsessed with me and I just met him two weeks ago. I'm very interested though. Hee hee, if you know what I mean!!! "I use therefore, I am!" Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon Aquarius IP: Logged |
BorntoDesire Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Berlin, Germany Registered: Dec 2013
posted December 06, 2013 11:24 AM
Hi,I have a synastry with mars square saturn and venus trine saturn same time (saturn is the male) Would this defuse the situation. Or would it make the situation worse becourse the clue is stronger? (sorry for my english, Im not a native... ) IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 3817 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted December 06, 2013 11:47 AM
A synastry or composite with only easy aspects would be so boring that one would feel he's going nowhere. Mars/Saturn is one of fav challenging aspects. I have it in composite with someone and many married couples have it ( William and Kate for example). A composite with squares ensures that the relationship never goes boring and every moment the couple argue there's million of peaceful moments that Saturn is giving back. Why? And more important how? Saturn does NOT hate Mars. Being a teacher, Saturn wants all planets he gets in contact with to LEARN how to use the energy PROPERLY. When Mars isnt challenged by Saturn the relationship dynamic becomes lazy. MEH. The routine comes and usually the couple break up. If Mars is challenged then we have a use of energy that used wisely ( that's why couples must marry after a certain age and not sooner) the spark is still there and there are new reasons to go on.Lets take the natal. A person with Mars/Saturn square is NEVER a boring person and life is never boring. Usually people with squares and oppositions are VERY AMBITIOUS people who never give up. They channel Mars/Saturn energies to have the purpose fullfiled. IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 3817 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted December 06, 2013 11:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Thell: [QUOTE]Originally posted by foxxyxo: [b]someone just posted how mars/saturn was prominent in married couples soooooooo cant be all that bad (:
Prominent in sexless marriages. Enjoy!Reflecting on my own experience, I think Saturn restricts Mars's spirit. This makes Mars want to rebel - behavior which Saturn hates - so Saturn restricts Mars even more. Mars hates being restricted. In this way Saturn and Mars bring out the worse in each other and thus see the worse in each other. It's a relationship in which the build up of resentment is inevitable and ultimately takes over and consumes the relationship, feeding off all the good things until there's no good left at all. The only way for Mars to make it work is to walk on eggshells, constantly trying to work out what Saturn expects of you and to make sure that's what you do. Forget yourself and what you need and want in life - it's all about conforming to the totalitarian rule of Saturn.[/B][/QUOTE] Sex is one of the things that can make a marriage endure. Saturn wants to Mars to have his energy "wasted". So no sexless marriage.
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BorntoDesire Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Berlin, Germany Registered: Dec 2013
posted December 06, 2013 11:50 AM
I have a synastry with mars square saturn and venus trine saturn same time (saturn is male)Would you say this aspect makes things better or worse becaurse the bonding is stronger within this nasty situation? (Sry for my english, Im not a native ) IP: Logged |
BorntoDesire Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Berlin, Germany Registered: Dec 2013
posted December 06, 2013 11:51 AM
I have a synastry with mars square saturn and venus trine saturn same time (saturn is male)Would you say this aspect makes things better or worse becaurse the bonding is stronger within this nasty situation? (Sry for my english, Im not a native ) IP: Logged |
summerlite Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Jun 2014
posted December 06, 2013 11:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: My grandparents had Saturn - Mars square. It was her Saturn that squared his Mars. They were married for more than 40 years and really loved each other very much. She got paralysed her left half at the end of her life for a year. She couldn't move, she couldn't do anything really, just lie down... But my grandfather took care of her by himself, all the time was with her. He was really old, like 80 years, she was 5 years younger. When she died, he went to the cemetery every single day (together with their cat, that visited her grave too). And a couple of months later he died as well, because he couldn't live without her. While she was alive, he was still very strong, he had to be strong for her. After her death, he said he didn't have anyone to live for anymore. He became weaker and weaker everyday and finally got diagnosed with cancer. That's true love in my opinion, and no Mars - Saturn square could damage it. In fact, they didn't even have any standard "love" signatures in their synastry. (Although birth times are unknown) And what's more - they had Uranus conjunct Mars and Mars opposite Uranus, within 3 degrees both aspects.. So maybe that Saturn - Mars square really just worked as the glue, that kept their sparky relationship going the distance, which probably wouldn't have gone there with all that Uranus...
that's so touching.
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Belage Knowflake Posts: 2619 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 06, 2013 11:55 PM
I think it depends on where the Mars or Saturn is located. If it's in 7th or 8th or 5th house, I could see how it would translate into a sexual stalemate. IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 3817 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted December 07, 2013 01:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by Belage: I think it depends on where the Mars or Saturn is located. If it's in 7th or 8th or 5th house, I could see how it would translate into a sexual stalemate.
And 1st house. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 07, 2013 01:42 AM
Yeah, I'm going to disagree here, too. I'm the Saturn, he's the Mars. I'd honestly say it's all based upon current level of evolution. Now, his is not a very evolved Mars yet - but I've got a pretty good Saturn: unafflicted, a nice natal sextile to my Mars, and so on.His Saturn is conjunct my Mars - and my Moon, exactly. Is it really all that nasty for everyone? IP: Logged |
babybull82 Knowflake Posts: 947 From: Registered: Aug 2013
posted August 18, 2014 04:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: My grandparents had Saturn - Mars square. It was her Saturn that squared his Mars. They were married for more than 40 years and really loved each other very much. She got paralysed her left half at the end of her life for a year. She couldn't move, she couldn't do anything really, just lie down... But my grandfather took care of her by himself, all the time was with her. He was really old, like 80 years, she was 5 years younger. When she died, he went to the cemetery every single day (together with their cat, that visited her grave too). And a couple of months later he died as well, because he couldn't live without her. While she was alive, he was still very strong, he had to be strong for her. After her death, he said he didn't have anyone to live for anymore. He became weaker and weaker everyday and finally got diagnosed with cancer. That's true love in my opinion, and no Mars - Saturn square could damage it. In fact, they didn't even have any standard "love" signatures in their synastry. (Although birth times are unknown) And what's more - they had Uranus conjunct Mars and Mars opposite Uranus, within 3 degrees both aspects.. So maybe that Saturn - Mars square really just worked as the glue, that kept their sparky relationship going the distance, which probably wouldn't have gone there with all that Uranus...
I think it depends on what sign Uranus is in. Uranus was probably in Aquarius when they were born, much different than Uranus being in Aries. Probably not as much aggression? Just a guess thought.
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Swanlake unregistered
posted August 21, 2014 01:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by sweet-scorpion: I had this with an ex... it was awful. Just awful. He was always denying me affection and never even wanted to kiss outside when not even one person was around. FREAK! This synastry is usually bad news, Mars-Saturn is rarely any good, not only from seeing my own situation but also seeing it sour things with others. It just makes me so mad thinking about it. I might sound mean but yes, this aspect description is true since he was bullying to me sometimes and not very nice... he was always making me feel guilty about wanting to be close. I eventually dumped his ass, thank god, because the denial of closeness was so hurtful that I began actually getting angry. I'm still angry about it.
-Oh boy I can SO relate to this. Horrible, just horrible. IP: Logged |
ariestaurus Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted August 21, 2014 01:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: My grandparents had Saturn - Mars square. It was her Saturn that squared his Mars. They were married for more than 40 years and really loved each other very much. She got paralysed her left half at the end of her life for a year. She couldn't move, she couldn't do anything really, just lie down... But my grandfather took care of her by himself, all the time was with her. He was really old, like 80 years, she was 5 years younger. When she died, he went to the cemetery every single day (together with their cat, that visited her grave too). And a couple of months later he died as well, because he couldn't live without her. While she was alive, he was still very strong, he had to be strong for her. After her death, he said he didn't have anyone to live for anymore. He became weaker and weaker everyday and finally got diagnosed with cancer. That's true love in my opinion, and no Mars - Saturn square could damage it. In fact, they didn't even have any standard "love" signatures in their synastry. (Although birth times are unknown) And what's more - they had Uranus conjunct Mars and Mars opposite Uranus, within 3 degrees both aspects.. So maybe that Saturn - Mars square really just worked as the glue, that kept their sparky relationship going the distance, which probably wouldn't have gone there with all that Uranus...
So sweet and very touching!!! IP: Logged |
ariestaurus Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted August 21, 2014 01:31 PM
I have My Saturn square my guy's Mars in Aqua. I certainly don't 'hate' him (yet), but I can relate to wanting to control him! I feel he is the same way towards me (his Saturn conjunct my Sun/Ascendant and sextile my Mars, trine my Moon). It's weird how I feel that he fathers me, while I feel parental towards him, as well. Very odd.Thank goodness for the Moon-Venus and Moon-North Node conjunctions- really sweetens things up!! IP: Logged |