Topic: Mars - Saturn, synastry. Bad.
Orange Knowflake Posts: 7020 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 30, 2013 09:05 AM
Mars/Saturn square. I've read that on another board and it made my skin crawl, because it does sound horrible and true at the same time - it's based on an interpretataion by Liz Greene on Mars/Saturn square in synastry. "That aspect can indeed produce unbearable sexual attraction. She describes how it works. Saturn normally hates Mars. That's what is felt at first meeting. But then Saturn automatically changes his tactics in order to destroy Mars: he becomes extremely sexual. In essence, Saturn starts mirroring the sexual qualities of mars, and since saturn always wants to be "the best" , he's turning himself into an even sexier version. All of this happens beyond your consciousness. All you feel is this amazing attraction - which is REAL. It will last until you finally give in and start a relationship. From that moment on, saturn will gradually reveal his true nature and start "castrating" mars with all sorts of cutting and belitteling remarks. Saturn just wants to be in control. So what he ultimately wants is to control mars. And mars does not want to be controlled. So eventually you'll end up hating each other again, but now with a well founded reason."
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted January 30, 2013 09:18 AM
Hmm, my parents have that. His Mars on 9 Libra conjunct her Saturn on 9 Libra (with my Pluto on 9 Libra as well and my brother`s Mars on 7 Aries opposite. lol)His Saturn (and ASC) on 19 Virgo and her Mars on 14 Virgo and Venus on 18 Virgo. They`ve been doing a pretty good job as a married couple for the past 38 years though.
But of course they do not ONLY have Mars-Saturn, they also have that nice Venus-ASC-conjunction and a Sun-Moon-opposition (though this is laced wiht a Sun-Sun-square). Actually they are a pretty unbeatable team, but they always have to have something constructive to do and they accomplished a lot together. EDIT: Oh I see you were specifically speaking over the Mars-Saturn-squrae. I cannot really say anything about this one, as I tend to avoid this like the plague. LOL
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 7020 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 30, 2013 10:12 AM
EDIT: Oh I see you were specifically speaking over the Mars-Saturn-squrae. I cannot really say anything about this one, as I tend to avoid this like the plague. LOL
Me, too~! Seems like Mars/Saturn conjunction between is a little heavy but very constructive. "Unbeatable" team is exactly how I would describe it. IP: Logged |
Odette Knowflake Posts: 6755 From: Registered: May 2012
posted January 30, 2013 03:55 PM
Well I have the conjunction in synastry, in Capricorn. I'm the Mars and let me tell you - it is notttttttt constructive. This could have something to do with the fact that his natal Mars (Aries) squares the conjunction. I can't stand this aspect and actually, I can no longer stand him overall, as a person. IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Moderator Posts: 2427 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted January 30, 2013 04:11 PM
I had this with an ex... it was awful. Just awful. He was always denying me affection and never even wanted to kiss outside when not even one person was around. FREAK! This synastry is usually bad news, Mars-Saturn is rarely any good, not only from seeing my own situation but also seeing it sour things with others. It just makes me so mad thinking about it. I might sound mean but yes, this aspect description is true since he was bullying to me sometimes and not very nice... he was always making me feel guilty about wanting to be close. I eventually dumped his ass, thank god, because the denial of closeness was so hurtful that I began actually getting angry. I'm still angry about it. IP: Logged |
Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 924 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 30, 2013 04:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by Odette: Well I have the conjunction in synastry, in Capricorn. I'm the Mars and let me tell you - it is notttttttt constructive. This could have something to do with the fact that his natal Mars (Aries) squares the conjunction. I can't stand this aspect and actually, I can no longer stand him overall, as a person.
How does it play out in your relationship? I have her mars conjunct my Saturn in Leo and that's out of sign conjunct my mars by 2°. ------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |
Nyah Knowflake Posts: 221 From: Europe Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 30, 2013 04:19 PM
Hi, I've got Mars square Saturn with a guy currently and I'm trying to see this more like... a glueing factor! I've read about this aspect before in terms of "marriage indicators" ( 4 699454797fb00004ff) and here's a quote from that incredibly long link:"Mars square (or sometimes conjunct) Saturn. This pops up SO MUCH it’s mind-boggling — at least 85% of the married synastry charts I’ve looked at have it. I think it attests to the drive (Mars) for responsibility (Saturn) set in motion by the friction of the square. It’s not often a pleasant aspect but it works like glue." Oh, and hi Got Gemini??!!! long time, no see!  ------------------ Ascendant: Gemini Sun: Pisces Moon: Capricorn Mercury: Pisces Venus: Capricorn Mars: Aquarius IP: Logged |
Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 924 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 30, 2013 05:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Nyah: Hi, I've got Mars square Saturn with a guy currently and I'm trying to see this more like... a glueing factor! I've read about this aspect before in terms of "marriage indicators" ( 4 699454797fb00004ff) and here's a quote from that incredibly long link:"Mars square (or sometimes conjunct) Saturn. This pops up SO MUCH it’s mind-boggling — at least 85% of the married synastry charts I’ve looked at have it. I think it attests to the drive (Mars) for responsibility (Saturn) set in motion by the friction of the square. It’s not often a pleasant aspect but it works like glue." Oh, and hi Got Gemini??!!! long time, no see! 
Oh wow! Hi Nyah!!! Long time no see! I was just thinking about you a few weeks ago :-) I'll send you an email. ------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |
Odette Knowflake Posts: 6755 From: Registered: May 2012
posted January 30, 2013 07:07 PM
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Odette Knowflake Posts: 6755 From: Registered: May 2012
posted January 30, 2013 07:19 PM
Actually - I always seem forget this but we have a double whammy... My Saturn in Sagittarius is trine his Aries Mars. This doesn't seem to help much though.... :\IP: Logged |
Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 924 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 30, 2013 07:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Odette: Actually - I always seem forget this but we have a double whammy... My Saturn in Sagittarius is trine his Aries Mars. This doesn't seem to help much though.... :\
Thank you Odette! Wow! I am nothing like that! Hopefully I don't come across that way. I guess it helps that we've known each other for 25 years. ------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |
Thell Newflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted July 13, 2013 03:15 PM
I was just Googling about this aspect and found this thread...My partner's Saturn is conjunct my Mars and I certainly feel it. I feel constantly like I've been 'put on hold' by her while she concerns herself with more important things than the trivial matter of 'me'. I think this little piece sums it up perfectly... Mars-Saturn in Synastry This is a very negative aspect to share with someone in synastry. With this aspect, it seems that no matter what the Mars person does, the Saturn person is bothered. Nothing is ever “good enough” for Saturn. The Saturn person usually sees the Mars person as childish and irresponsible. The Mars person’s energy is the sort that makes the Saturn person very uncomfortable. More specifically, the Mars person’s self-confidence and assertiveness brings out Saturn’s insecurities, and in response, the Saturn person attempts to restrict and limit the Mars person’s actions by telling Mars what to do. Saturn may resort to constantly tearing the Mars person down through criticism and psychological abuse. It is common for Mars to feel Saturn is condescending and treats Mars like a child. Mars may become angry with this and lash out at the Saturn person. The cycle of criticism and conflict can soon become a vicious cycle. This aspect lends itself to verbally abusive relationships, and can even escalate into physical aggression. Since Mars is the planet of sex and physical energy, this aspect can also manifest into sexual problems for the couple. Saturn may find the sex disappointed, and Mars may sense this, and lose their sexual confidence. This is an aspect often found in the synastry charts of sexless marriages. Source:!saturn-in-synastry-relationship-hell/cv4v The following article is quite accurate to my experience too (with the exception of the bit about powerful sexual attraction - that's definitely a one way thing in my relationship). The following is very pertinent too - almost exactly as I experienced it... quote: Originally posted by Orange: "... All you feel is this amazing attraction - which is REAL. It will last until you finally give in and start a relationship. From that moment on, saturn will gradually reveal his true nature and start "castrating" mars with all sorts of cutting and belitteling remarks."
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cfall614 Knowflake Posts: 58 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 13, 2013 06:36 PM
What if you have the square and the trine, both ways? Would that somehow make things i bit better?IP: Logged |
Textbook unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 05:58 AM
I have this in a semi-square with someone - I'm Saturn - and I'll be honest, I really don't take him seriously and, true to the quote, I find him pretty all-over-the-place and "irresponsible". It isn't any surprise to him I'm sure that I see him that way since I'm pretty open and vocal about it. I actually don't mean it from a place of intending to cut him down and make him feel small but hey, maybe he does take it that way.I just think we're totally incompatible and that he totally lacks focus in a lot of spheres of his life. I felt this way about him before I even realized I had this aspect with him in synastry. It was actually reading this thread, that made me go take a look and sure enough, it was there. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 14, 2013 06:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by cfall614: What if you have the square and the trine, both ways? Would that somehow make things i bit better?
The square wouldn't be cancelled out, if that's what you're asking. But the energy will go both ways, although the person whose Mars gets a trine from the other's Saturn may feel more positive about the relationship ETA: no, actually, no, they won't feel better about it cause their own Saturn will make a square to the other's Mars... Either way, Mars & Saturn = usually not very good, even with the easy aspects. I've known my fair share of people whose Mars squares, opposes, or even trines my Saturn and there's always some kind of discrepancy - either I find them too immature or just don't like their way of doing things, or on the contrary, they make me feel like I'm immature or stupid, and so on. However, when it comes to romance, there's almost always Mars / Saturn, either in synastry or in natal - I think it's because I have the square natally and am supposed to learn a few lessons with that one.
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foxxyxo Knowflake Posts: 413 From: Registered: May 2012
posted July 14, 2013 06:44 AM
someone just posted how mars/saturn was prominent in married couples soooooooo cant be all that bad (:IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 14, 2013 06:46 AM
It's an attraction factor, but does it mean the people who are married are happy?Ever thought about that? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 07:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: It's an attraction factor, but does it mean the people who are married are happy?Ever thought about that?
You`re right of course. However I can only speak for my parents and they are pretty happy; they have a vivid relationship, with a dose of bickering and teasing (sometimes you feel you are watching teenagers, I swear ), but they like to spend a lot of time together, too, working a lot together, still holding hands, dancing and what do I know after 38 years of marriage. They do have a DW of Mars-Saturn-conjunction (so it turns up in the composite as well); however the conjunction is unafflicted, and one of them trines my Dad`s Venus-Jupiter-conjunction; the other is conjunct my Dad`s ASC and trines his Mercury, and conjuncts my Mum`s Venus. DEfinitely helpful. And yes, IF they have serious disagreements, it usually will be my Dad who is trying to patch things up very quickly. I am certain though, their Sun-Moon-oppositions as well as Venus-ASC-conjunction is very positive for them. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 14, 2013 07:16 AM
Yes, Ceri!The fact that 1) they're conjunctions and 2) they're unafflicted - definitely makes all the difference. I'm glad to know your parents have been together all this time, and still love each other. IP: Logged |
12muddy Knowflake Posts: 3061 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted July 14, 2013 07:23 AM
My saturn trines his mars His saturn oppose my mars. There is a strong attraction indeed. It's not destructive and horrible hehehe but we have other more flowing aspects though.
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 07:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: Yes, Ceri!The fact that 1) they're conjunctions and 2) they're unafflicted - definitely makes all the difference. I'm glad to know your parents have been together all this time, and still love each other.
I think their Saturn aspects helped them sticking out through thick and thin, especially since both are Saturnian people (for my Mum Saturn rules the 7th and 8th house and squares her ASC; my Dad has Saturn as ruler of 5th house right on the ASC trine his ASC-ruler) Their Venus and Sun-Moon-aspects provided the necessary attraction and love to make it worthwile. Saturn without love is a drag, feels like a prison I guess. IP: Logged |
Selene Knowflake Posts: 1431 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted July 14, 2013 07:52 AM
My grandparents had Saturn - Mars square. It was her Saturn that squared his Mars. They were married for more than 40 years and really loved each other very much. She got paralysed her left half at the end of her life for a year. She couldn't move, she couldn't do anything really, just lie down... But my grandfather took care of her by himself, all the time was with her. He was really old, like 80 years, she was 5 years younger. When she died, he went to the cemetery every single day (together with their cat, that visited her grave too). And a couple of months later he died as well, because he couldn't live without her. While she was alive, he was still very strong, he had to be strong for her. After her death, he said he didn't have anyone to live for anymore. He became weaker and weaker everyday and finally got diagnosed with cancer. That's true love in my opinion, and no Mars - Saturn square could damage it. In fact, they didn't even have any standard "love" signatures in their synastry. (Although birth times are unknown) And what's more - they had Uranus conjunct Mars and Mars opposite Uranus, within 3 degrees both aspects.. So maybe that Saturn - Mars square really just worked as the glue, that kept their sparky relationship going the distance, which probably wouldn't have gone there with all that Uranus... IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 14, 2013 08:02 AM
Ceri & Selene  Phew, feels good to read some good stories with Saturn! I'm pretty sure I'll get that one pretty often - my chart is loaded with Saturn, I just can't escape it (well, I can always try.. ). IP: Logged |
Thell Newflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted July 14, 2013 11:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by foxxyxo: someone just posted how mars/saturn was prominent in married couples soooooooo cant be all that bad (:
Prominent in sexless marriages. Enjoy!Reflecting on my own experience, I think Saturn restricts Mars's spirit. This makes Mars want to rebel - behavior which Saturn hates - so Saturn restricts Mars even more. Mars hates being restricted. In this way Saturn and Mars bring out the worse in each other and thus see the worse in each other. It's a relationship in which the build up of resentment is inevitable and ultimately takes over and consumes the relationship, feeding off all the good things until there's no good left at all. The only way for Mars to make it work is to walk on eggshells, constantly trying to work out what Saturn expects of you and to make sure that's what you do. Forget yourself and what you need and want in life - it's all about conforming to the totalitarian rule of Saturn. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted July 14, 2013 12:11 PM
I have the conjunction with my boyfriend (he's Saturn, I'm Mars and it's in Sagittarius) and I like the aspect. He is heavily Saturnian so maybe he's used to the energy. We have a very affectionate relationship - actually, the most affectionate I'v ever been in - but keep in mind, we also have a Sun-Jupiter conjunction, sun-moon and moon-Venus sextile, so maybe if Mars/Saturn is supposed to impede affection we just have a lot balancing it out.We also have a moon-Saturn pretty tight conjunction. I am used to volatile Venus-Pluto relationships and I have to say I like the stability of Saturn. I prefer it to Pluto. IP: Logged |