IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 02:24 PM
Because we've all got it somewhere, right? With someone? Even if it's not immediately noticeable -- it's there. Like a low, slow, rumbling quake; you can feel the earth shift nigh imperceptibly beneath your feet. BIG changes are happening, far below your consciousness.Whether you're PLUTO and HADES (H41) or PERSEPHONE (399) or PROSERPINA (26) something whispers to you that you'll never quite be the same after this. Countless myths outside of the original have captured our attention for centuries. It's somewhere in our DNA, this powerful drive, once awakened, is so potent as to be unstoppable. But first, a little 101. Persephone was the innocent young maiden, the apple of the Great Harvest Goddess' eye; the classically 'sheltered child'. And one day, she caught the God of the Underworld's. Countless interpretations argue over whether she did so willingly or by force, with each supplying a certain insight. PERSEPHONE, in astrological terms, is said to be where we are faced with a rapid and radical departure from all we knew -- sometimes, quite literally from home, many times, so total a paradigm shift, that we feel uprooted and thrown to the wolves. PLUTO / HADES is the powerful transformative drive to bring this about. Drawn to the innocence of PERSEPHONE, it seeks to corrupt and inform on a fundamental level, changing the nature of PERSEPHONE irrevocably. In some ways, this can be a trial by fire, or via deception. There can be a great scheming to instill complete and unyielding change. It's visceral, raw, and undeniable. Over time, astrologers have been arriving at a consensus that PROSERPINA represents Persephone after she has evolved and changed to become Queen of the Underworld at Hades' side. Here, PROSERPINA is domina of her domain -- no longer the frightened child or innocent maiden. She is in control; in charge. No longer afraid of death, but mistress of it in her own right. Where our PERSEPHONE and PROSERPINA are located, how they aspect, and what story they tell, can unfold the key points of your own journey through the Underworld. Where and how another's PLUTO or HADES is configured shows how they're involved in the process, and what we may expect from the combination. So, where's your PERSEPHONE? How is it aspecting another's PLUTO and / or HADES? And, where does she end up (PROSERPINA) at journey's end? IP: Logged |
libran_dream Knowflake Posts: 161 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted August 25, 2014 02:52 PM
Interesting themes in that myth. It was one my favourite Greek myths as a child. My PROSERPINA is on my Sun(2°) and Eros(0°50'), sextile PERSEPHONE(1°). PERSEPHONE is wide on MC(4°). Their midpoint is on Ceres(1°). Together, they form a Yod pointing toward my Moon(3°), Uranus(2°) and Moon/Uranus midpoint(0°14'). My HADES is inconjunct Pluto(0°27')
HADES and PROSERPINA H8, PERSEPHONE H9. -- In synastry, -his BML+Nessus are on my Proserpina, -his Hades is on my BML+Psyche+Pallas, which is opp. my Pluto(4°) -his Proserpina is exact on my DC -his Persephone is opposite my Nessus -my Proserpina is square his Pluto(0°), which conjuncts my Nessus(0°) ... There's a bunch more, I'm just going to go slooowly close that tab now.  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 14822 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 02:57 PM
As I said, my story, Indigo. So I have to begin with my natal and I have to begin with Ceres (interestingly my natal Ceres is exactly conjunct my parent`s marriage charts Ceres , because she retograded and needed 6 months to return to the same spot again). The main protagonists ------------------------
CERES: 9 Pisces (Jupiter, he is the daddy after all): 11 Pisces (ZEUS: 9 Pisces) PERSEPHONE: 13 Virgo PROSERPINA: 21 Sagittarius
Pluto: 9 Libra supporting characters:
EROS: 21 Cancer AMOR: 2 Sagittarius CUPIDO: 19 Leo Venus: 6 Cap APHRODITE: 13 Libra ATLANTIS 8 Sag DNA 20 Libra Chiron 20 Aries SPIRIT: 10 Cap (IsisOsiris on 8 Cap) ATROPOS: 19 Aquarius what do we see here? complex 1) CERES conjunct Jupiter conjunct ZEUS square ATLANTIS/ASC/NORTH NODE quinkunx PLUTO so my nodal axis and relationship axis is tied to CERES by square, and to Pluto by sextile complex 2)
CERES widely opposite PERSEPHONE (4 degrees, usually too wide) CERES quinkunx Pluto Naturaly Pluto and PERSEPHONE are parallel (happens sometimes with loose semisextiles) and both are contraparallel DEMETER Need I say more? lol (demeter herself is on 1 Cap exact on my VESTA and Sun/Venus-mp and naturaly on the AP) complex 3)
PROSERPINA on 21 Sag quintile Pluto exact (2 minutes) Proserpina also making a GT with
Chiron on 20 Aries and CUPIDO on 19 Leo. Which is transformed into a Kite by ATROPOS on 19 Aquarius (near Moon on 17 Aquarius) and DNA on 20 Libra (with Kassandra, Sappho, Musa near to it as well). Story-telling Sabians:
CERES and ZEUS An Aviator Pursues His Journey, Flying Through Ground-Obscuring Clouds DEMETER and VESTA Three Rose Windows In A Gothic Church, One Damaged By War
PERSEPHONE An Aristocratic Family Tree PROSERPINA A Chinese Laundry
Pluto Having Passed Through Narrow Rapids, A Canoe Reaches Calm Waters I feel it is a family-thing. lol Clearly tells the story of myhfamily having lost everything during the war and going into exile, so to speak. Well not royalty, but at least the maternal family was quite wealthy and actually ther is some obscure stuff having to do with some lord or baron in the past, a family secret. lol But as it were, they were evicted, and starting over from zero over here. Maybe that is the reason that there are so many family and war related sabians in there.
For the supporting characers in the story.
Jupiter In The Sanctuary Of An Occult Brotherhood, Newly Initiated Members Are Being Examined And Their Character Tested
ASC Within The Depths Of The Earth New Elements Are Being Formed
NN In The Left Section Of An Archaic Temple, A Lamp Burns In A Container Shaped Like A Human Body Atlantis A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up A Steep Stairway and the 20`s area Sabians:
Chiron A Pugilist Enters The Ring DNA A Sunday Crowd Enjoying The Beach EROS A Famous Singer Is Proving Her Virtuosity During An Operatic Performance
VERTEX and far Sun/MOon A Young Woman Awaiting A Sailboat DESTINN A Woman And Two Men Castaways On A Small Island Of The South Seas CUPIDO Zuni Indians Perform A Ritual To The Sun
ATROPOS A Large White Dove Bearing A Message
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 03:30 PM
Ceri and Libran,When we have PERSEPHONE / PROSERPINA strong in our charts, we'll no doubt have these themes play out, sending us careening into the abyss; conversely, if PLUTO and HADES are strong, we'll find that we're instruments of this sort of fate -- forces of such change. Natally, as a SUN-PLUTO, 2º I'm used to being the one to bring about transformative experiences, and teach others how to ditch what is unfulfilling -- even if it's frightening, completely eradicates the status quo, and changes them forever. Interestingly, I have PROSERPINA opposite my DEJANIRA (1º) and exactly conjunct my PALLAS in my 8H. Perhaps, the dots are more connected if PERSEPHONE and PROSERPINA are natally aspecting; we can see a clear path for our transformation. In my case, PERSEPHONE is hugging ALMA-JUNO tightly (1º) along with SATURN (3º). She holds fast to the status quo -- what is traditional, safe, and expected of her. (Funny then, how PROSERPINA's tightest link is a conjunction to PALLAS in the 8H? Hmmmmm. If I have 'Daddy issues' it's not coming from this life.) She's also been taught mixed messages: stand on your own two feet and demand what's fair in your relationship -- but turn a blind eye to any sort of betrayal of that trust. My PERSEPHONE is quite ... confused. As all of this is going on in the house of identity and self (1H) it has a major impact upon who I am, and what I see myself as being -- especially in relationships. How others see me as well. Perhaps, in response to JUNO's mixed messages, the security of structure is sought in lieu of unravelling that tangled mess. So, PERSEPHONE does as she should, being the good daughter, the respectable hostess, the dutiful maiden. Frankly, she could stay here forever -- in this illusory prison. She's safe -- but she's also stuck. JUNO rules with her iron fist, and SATURN abides. Curiously, it puts forth a matriarchal system -- that's inherently unstable -- with the only true representation of structure -- conceding to it. In this 'version' of the myth, is PERSEPHONE suddenly victimised -- or unconsciously seeking an escape? I actually see this sort of psychodrama play out all of the time with my clients -- men, especially. They're so desperate to be free of the power structure they're born into upholding, but they can't allow themselves to abandon it on their own. Instead, they long for a strong, dominant female to enter their lives, wrench power from them, and force them to submit. It's a ]very common fantasy I see becoming strangely rampant in a certain 45+ crowd. I can only surmise they're simply tired of being in control and long to be the submissive one. When we long deeply for an alternative, but cannot allow ourselves to actively seek it, influences will undoubtedly come which entice us and compel us to explore it. As these are unconscious, it can be extremely frightening, as we aren't REALLY ready to change our status quo. But something even more deeply rooted is screaming for change. To that end, a see a PLUTO/HADES-PERSEPHONE configuration as a kind of soul contract; it's a definite karmic relationship in which both are playing a role that was predefined long before incarnation. So, in order to best understand the 'Persephonic rape', we must begin with natal PERSEPHONE -- her aspects and placement; how she relates to the rest of our chart. Then we can see -- was she senselessly torn from her mother, with her childhood innocence destroyed, and victimised by a more powerful man against which she had no recourse? Or are these the subconscious machinations of a desperate girl seeking the rite of passage that will allow her access to her own womanhood? That tells a huge part of the story right there. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 14822 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 03:53 PM
"transformative experiences, and teach others how to ditch what is unfulfilling -- even if it's frightening, completely eradicates the status quo, and changes them forever." Interestingly it seems as if several of the actors are relatively prominent in my chart, to differring degrees. PERSEPHONE is opposing chartruler Pluto is conjunct MC DEMETER on the Aries point CERES cojunct chartruler and squaring ASC-NN Proserpina exactly sextiles DNA "In my case, PERSEPHONE is hugging ALMA-JUNO" I do not have ALMA-JUNO aspect natally. However I find it interesting that PERSEPHONE is opposing JUNO (actually she is on the Juno-Jupiter-midpoint) and Pluto opposes ALMA.
Pluto/Persephone mp is 26 Virgo (suare my Sun) Juno/Alma mp is 26 PIsces (on my Dr ASC exact btw). It is difficult to not notice that axis through 26 Virgo-Pisces. lol "he security of structure is sought in lieu of unravelling that tangled mess." Where is your Arachne?407 Mine is on 8 Sagittarius, exact on my Atlantis, and conjunct ASC-NN-Neptune. And thus part of the whole, especially in terms of Ceres and Pluto. I always need to untangle things. lol "Frankly, she could stay here forever -- in this illusory prison. She's safe -- but she's also stuck" Exactly.
For me that is in Virgo in 9th house (funnily enough my PERSEPHONE is conjunct my Mom`s Mars and my parents share a tight link up of planets in Virgo, my Dads ASC, Saturn and Atlantis on my Mum`s Venus and Mars. my Persephone is a bit too far of the other planets except my mom`s Mars though). I find it interesting how my Persephone is in respectable Virgo, and my Proserpina in freedomloving Sagittarius. lol "Or are these the subconscious machinations of a desperate girl seeking the rite of passage that will allow her access to her own womanhood?" That. My Persepohne is not really making any kind of havoc, she is too far off most planets for doing that. well opposing Jupiter by 2 degrees and Juno by 3 degrees, but it is not actually that tight link up (I expect 1 degree aspects. lol) She is exact trine Sphinx in 5th house in Taurus and funny enough Mr Sag`s name in my chart on 13 Capricorn. lol squaring KAALI tightly and Inannen, which certianly is interesting, but no nasty planetary business. Oh what I find interesting though she is conjunct PANDORA by 3 degrees, and PANDORA makes a LOT of exact or 1 degree aspects: opposing JUNO square KARMA sextile Saturn sextile LANCELOT trine my name asteroid quinkunx Moon her Sabian: A Volcanic Eruption Pandora is probably someone I should keep an eye on. lol
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Blind writer Knowflake Posts: 225 From: Texas, USA Registered: May 2012
posted August 25, 2014 04:01 PM
Aside from conjuncting my IC (the deepest of the deep), HADES is relatively unaspected in my natal. The others? I have a few major aspects. Plus PLUTO is at home in the 8H.PROSERPINA opp PLUTO 3° PERSEPHONE conj PLUTO 2° PERSEPHONE quincunx HADES 2° HADES biquintile PLUTO 0° CERES square PLUTO 3° PLUTO has kidnapped PERSEPHONE into his domain (8H) quite easily (biquintile HADES), and holds her there in marriage (Libra + JUNO). She must adjust to life in the underworld (quincunx HADES). PROSERPINA then emerges from the ground (2H), asserting her individual rights (Aries) in defiance, but will inevitably return (opp PLUTO) Her mother CERES fights this pairing (square PLUTO) with strong maternal emotions (Cancer), disrupting her routine (6H). The whole myth plays out in my chart. Sabians: PLUTO - A Butterfly With A Third Wing On Its Left Side HADES - A Peacock Parading On The Terrace Of An Old Castle PERSEPHONE - An Airplane Sails, High In The Clear Sky PROSERPINA - A Pugilist Enters The Ring CERES - An Indian Girl Introduces Her White Lover To Her Assembled Tribe --- KD has PLUTO hanging out in the 12H. In synastry with KD. my PLUTO trine KD's PROSERPINA 1° my PROSERPINA opp KD's PLUTO 1° my PERSEPHONE conj KD's PLUTO 4° my PERSEPHONE quincunx KD's HADES 1° In composite with KD. PLUTO quincunx PROSERPINA 1° --- JH has natal HADES conj IC, as well. PLUTO, PERSEPHONE, and PROSERPINA all sit in different water signs. In synastry with JH. my HADES semisquare JH's PERSEPHONE 0° my PROSERPINA semisquare JH's HADES 1° In composite with JH. HADES square PERSEPHONE 3° HADES sextile PROSERPINA 3° IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 1813 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted August 25, 2014 04:08 PM
IQ quote:Proserpina conj Pluto is very powerful especially if the Guy's Pluto conjuncts the girl's Proserpina or Persephone [any of the two Asteroids] It is about obsession in posessing/owning the soulmate for a lifelone relationship. Capture then placate lifelong, marry in haste as the Alpha Male and gladly be henpecked for 50 years thereon... it is something like that. I find strong Pluto-Persphone or Pluto-Proserpina links in over 80% of marriages that have lasted above 15 years. Even the quincunx gives results. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4826 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 25, 2014 04:26 PM
Persephone conjunct Sun/Jupiter Persephone opposite Saturn 26 Proserpina opposite Saturn/Neptune wide 4 26 Proserpina conjunct Amor/Briede 26 Proserpina trine Pluto 2 H57 Proserpina opposite mars 2 Hades conjunct Atropos Ceres conjunct mercury and square Pluto Demeter in 0 taurus conjunct mars 504 Cora conjunct 5th house opposite Demeter Cora square Hades & trine mars Persephone/Karma/Dsc make a grand water trine 26 Proserpina/Pluto/groom make another GT H57 Proserpina/Cupido/Valentine makes the last GT*cora a alternative name used for Persephone in Greek mythology. Pluto/Persephone themes come up quite often for me. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 14822 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 04:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: IQ quote:Proserpina conj Pluto is very powerful especially if the Guy's Pluto conjuncts the girl's Proserpina or Persephone [any of the two Asteroids] It is about obsession in posessing/owning the soulmate for a lifelone relationship. Capture then placate lifelong, marry in haste as the Alpha Male and gladly be henpecked for 50 years thereon... it is something like that. I find strong Pluto-Persphone or Pluto-Proserpina links in over 80% of marriages that have lasted above 15 years. Even the quincunx gives results.
my parents fit the bill, too. Having the conjunction and trine, and my Mom has the conjunction natally. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 04:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: IQ quote:Proserpina conj Pluto is very powerful especially if the Guy's Pluto conjuncts the girl's Proserpina or Persephone [any of the two Asteroids] It is about obsession in posessing/owning the soulmate for a lifelone relationship. Capture then placate lifelong, marry in haste as the Alpha Male and gladly be henpecked for 50 years thereon... it is something like that. I find strong Pluto-Persphone or Pluto-Proserpina links in over 80% of marriages that have lasted above 15 years. Even the quincunx gives results.
I will definitely look into that. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 04:37 PM
Incidentally, my husband's PLUTO is conjunct my PERSEPHONE, 3°. So ... there's that. I don't henpeck. But oh, do I push. No, EVOLVE! Evolve ... NOW! IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 04:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: Persephone conjunct Sun/Jupiter Persephone opposite Saturn 26 Proserpina opposite Saturn/Neptune wide 4 26 Proserpina conjunct Amor/Briede 26 Proserpina trine Pluto 2 H57 Proserpina opposite mars 2 Hades conjunct Atropos Ceres conjunct mercury and square Pluto Demeter in 0 taurus conjunct mars 504 Cora conjunct 5th house opposite Demeter Cora square Hades & trine mars Persephone/Karma/Dsc make a grand water trine 26 Proserpina/Pluto/groom make another GT H57 Proserpina/Cupido/Valentine makes the last GT*cora a alternative name used for Persephone in Greek mythology. Pluto/Persephone themes come up quite often for me.
Ah! I forgot about CORA. I'll have to look into that. Thank you, ali.
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 25, 2014 04:49 PM
Oh, criminy. Ceri.I swear, your 'how about you try this ... ?' always lead to nothing but trouble! His HADES is 0°05 quindecile my PROSERPINA (h57). 16° TAU 39' 01 SCO 48' Boy, is THAT a far cry from 29° Aries. Now, how do these gals relate? I DO feel my PROSERPINA 26, but, I have to say, the h57, conjunct my DEJA-BML, 1°? Ohhhhh, yes. Absolutely, unequivocally, yes. Quindecile. :shaking head: Oh, yes, that jives. IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 8387 From: Saturn (summer house on Chiron) Registered: Nov 2012
posted August 25, 2014 05:13 PM
I'm blue. Other (exact) aspects (with 2 exceptions): my Proserpina sextile his Persephone my Proserpina opposite his Valentine my Proserpina quincunx his Pholus my Proserpina semisquare his Pluto 1 my Hades square his Vesta my Hades quincunx his Persephone his Proserpina square my Persephone 1 his Hades quincunx my Moon ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4826 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 25, 2014 05:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Ah! I forgot about CORA. I'll have to look into that. Thank you, ali.
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I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 8387 From: Saturn (summer house on Chiron) Registered: Nov 2012
posted August 25, 2014 05:35 PM
My Proserpina is square Hades-Psyche and trine Uranus. My Persephone is sextile Pluto...wait, it actually forms a kite with Pluto, Sun and Vesta-Hestia (the apex). What does it say about me? ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Keela Knowflake Posts: 564 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted August 25, 2014 06:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Over time, astrologers have been arriving at a consensus that PROSERPINA represents Persephone after she has evolved and changed to become Queen of the Underworld at Hades' side.Here, PROSERPINA is domina of her domain -- no longer the frightened child or innocent maiden. She is in control; in charge. No longer afraid of death, but mistress of it in her own right. So, where's your PERSEPHONE? How is it aspecting another's PLUTO and / or HADES? And, where does she end up (PROSERPINA) at journey's end?
That's the first I've heard of there being a consensus by now about Proserpina as that end of the pair. Anything I've heard previously suggested she was the one less or worse equipped to deal with the change or the one more "raped" instead of a willing version due to the Roman side instead of the Greek, or more things along those lines instead of what you're saying is now the consensus already. Since 1-2 years ago when as far as I was aware there wasn't yet any specific consensus. Where did you read this? Otherwise, do you take into account 504 Cora (Kore) or h47 Proserpina in any way if you're including h41 Hades as well? Orcus? Persephone under a degree from my IC in 4th, Proserpina 17.58 R Aquarius. Pluto 7 Libra in 4th, 4 from Persephone, 1 sextile ASC. Orcus 26 Cancer conjunct Saturn, Cora 6 Cancer square Pluto. Trans-Proserpina 28.42 Libra conjunct Uranus, one square Saturn, 2 square Orcus. Hades just wide of a degree from SN. Ceres 8 Gem with name asteroid, Pomona, Varuna and more. Demeter 24 Taurus from what I recall. Pluto/Ceres midpoint conjunct ASC. Currently more or less interested in a Cora-Sun person with their Pluto/Ceres conjunct their SN. My Proserpina 1,5 from their DC. Coincidentally, I have Briede conjunct Cora (Groom 1 opposite them) and Groomsbridge 1-2 opposite Proserpina, since Ail or someone brought the Groom-theme up further above. McBride also 1 conjunct Cora so it's suddenly starting to seem more potentially relevant to the theme. Composite Hades 22.57 Tau opp 23.04 Persephone. Orcus 23.24 Cancer. Proserpine 9.22 Pisces around 73 degrees from Hades and 134 from Orcus. 11.14 Cancer Cora inconjunct Jupiter and Valentine. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 4826 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted August 25, 2014 09:12 PM
Heavy Persephone/Proserpina/Cora +Demeter/Ceres synastry with my mother.My Persephone opposite her Ceres 3 My H57 Proserpina sextile her Demeter 3 My Cora conjunct her Demeter 3 Her Cora trine my Ceres exact Her Proserpina quintile my Ceres Her Proserpina opposite my Demeter 4 Her Demeter square my Moon exact My 26 Proserpina opposite her Moon 2 Her Ceres opposite my Sun 2 Persephone/Proserpina/Cora + Hades/Pluto synastry with her. My Persephone sextile her Pluto exact Her Hades sextile My 26 Proserpina My Hades square her Persephone 2 My Hades opposite her Cora 1
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 14822 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 26, 2014 12:00 AM IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 26, 2014 12:29 AM
Thanks, Ceri. Kim Falconer views PERSEPHONE and PROSERPINA as a kind of before-and-after, too. I got that gist from Martha Lang-Wescott in our conversations YEARS ago as well. I suppose 'consensus' is the wrong word. Prevailing idea, perhaps. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 5553 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted August 26, 2014 06:41 AM
I have Moon conjunct Persephone (0) in the natal, he has Mars conjunct Persephone (0).Pluto/Proserpine DW in synastry, Pluto conjunct Proserpine (0) in Davison. ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 14822 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 26, 2014 10:03 AM
so my Pluto-Proserpina- Saga in astro.images. [/URL]
[/URL] So beside Pluto, Proserpina and Ceres, these play a role: DNA (Sappho, MUSA on 20 Libra too) Chiron EROS (Vertex, Sun/Moon-mp) DESTINN CUPIDO ATROPOS ATLANTIS Neptune NN Jupiter/Zeus (PHOLUS) PALLAS SPIRIT (ISIS-OSIRIS; Venus, GUINEVERE)
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 14822 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 26, 2014 10:34 AM
HIS astro-story ----------------- [/URL] [/URL]
includes: Proserpina, Ceres, Demeter, Pluto
and additionally: Mercury-MUSA OSIRIS (c. CERES) ISIS (c.DEMETER) Chiron ATROPOS (opp. ARTHUR-MERLIN) AMOR (opp EROS) Jupiter (Mars) DESTINN SPIRIT DNA Neptune CUPIDO ATLANTIS PHOLUS Notice something? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 14822 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 26, 2014 10:51 AM
In numbers (his first)PROSERPINA 7 Aquarius / 21 Sagittarius Pluto 21 Libra / 9 Libra CERES 7 Aries / 9 Pisces DEMETER 6 Gemini DNA 20 Sag / 20 Libra MUSA 9 Sag / 21 Libra Chiron 9 Taurus / 20 Aries EROS 8 Pisces / 20 Cancer DESTINN 6 Libra / 23 Cancer CUPIDO 21 Sag / 19 Leo ATROPOS 10 Cancer / 19 Aquarius ATLANTIS 20 Leo/ 8 Sag Neptune 20 Sag / 9 Sag Jupiter 10 Virgo / 11 Pisces PHOLUS) 23 Pisces ( 6 Pisces SPIRIT 19 Libra / 10 Cap ISIS 9 Gemini / 8 Cap OSIRIS 5 Aries / 7 Cap Mars/Venus 11 Virgo / 6 Cap ARTHUR / GUINEVERE 11 Cap / 10 Cap ASC 25 Pisces / 7 Sag MC 28 Sag / 5 Libra IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 3970 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 26, 2014 11:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I have Moon conjunct Persephone (0) in the natal, he has Mars conjunct Persephone (0).Pluto/Proserpine DW in synastry, Pluto conjunct Proserpine (0) in Davison.
Oh, Lee, he's got MOON conjunct PERSEPHONE, 2°. (It's exactly opposite my nSUN.) I've often wondered what that's about. I found a karmic pattern / skipped step with Cora. I wonder if that's linked? To the MOON-PERSEPHONE, that is. His ATROPOS opposes my SATURN-ALMA-JUNO-PERSEPHONE. And NOW it makes sense. 'The inevitable one'. IP: Logged | |