Topic: Uranian Astrology - Themes in Synastry and Composite
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 12:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by KarmicMoon: Great post LeeLoo, thanks. These points are making some pretty spiritual and karmic aspects.
You're welcome! Yes, I think so too. ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 12:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tulipe: Cupido 18 Scorpio in 7th, semisquare Saturn, conjunct Spirit/Paradise/Adonis, trine Ceres, quintile Juno. 'He' must a beauty then , a soulmatey, spiritually love, perhaps a big family.Hades 7 GEM in 1st, opposite Sun/Mercury, square Moon, trine MC, square Nodes, sextile Mars, quincunx Neptune, conjunct Aphrodite, square Juno. I can't wrap my mind around this! Zeus 26 Virgo in 5th house, quintile Sun/Mercury, trine Jupiter, square Uranus (3d), conjunct Apollo the asteroid. Kronos 20 GEM in 2nd, opposite Psyche, square BML and Ceres to make a Grand Cross, biquintile Pluto. Apollon 14 LIBRA in 6th, on Vertex and Osiris, quincunx ASC/Admentos, trine POF, square Vulkanos. Admentos 12 TAURUS in 12th, conjunct ASC and Chaos haha, trine Moon, opposite Venus/Karma (3e), opposite Pluto/Hygiea/Vesta, square POF, quincunx Vertex, square Pallas, sextile Vulkanos. There's an atomic blast waiting for me down the road? ^^ Vulkanos 14 CANCER in 3rd, trine Pluto/Hygiea, quincunx POF, square Vertex/Apollon, quintile Zeus, sextile Admentos. Poseidon 29 LIBRA in 6th, quincunx Jupiter/Angel/Pythia, sextile Uranus/Saturn to form a Yod. I have to think about this more, right now I shall hop to bed . Sweet dreams, everyone!
Did you sleep well?  Very strong Hades, you're very Plutonain. How close is Admetos to the ASC? ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 12:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Hades is simply the realm of the dead or souls. But it is not hell. There are areas that are like purgatory, but also the Elusian fields for the heroes and saints, which is most comparable to paradise. And there are the grey-areas, where the souls, who have been neither exceptionally good nor bad, wander around.
Yes, they say there's a common gate between "Paradise" and "Hell" and often a "descent to the underworld" experience precedes the state of Nirvana, actually it's a compulsory prerogative. One of the most important phases before any spiritual evolutive step is confronting (your own) Shadow and the one of the world (other people's). I guess in this respect the realm of Hades, Pluto, the 8th house is the place where such experiences occur. Usually a major part of our Shadow is addiction/compulsion/obsession/repetitive habits etc. Perhaps Hades reflects this side of ours very well. ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 12:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: Ok, i play too.  At first my natal: Apollon Libra 14 – exactly conjunct my Venus, exactly trine my Mars. Ok, so i guess it is a very lucky placement for Apollon in a natal chart. I can make all the money and fame i set my eye onto. Haha. Actually it has worked in a similar way. Whenever i do a i-need-more-money meditation (on World Tarot card), i receive it in a few days or weeks. I don’t do it too often, but when i do – i receive. Last time it was unbelievable – i just thought that i could do better if my salary was higher, meditated on it and bam – a few days later i got a notification that they did a reevaluation of me and thought that my salary had to be raised so i got more than 200$ montly raise… cool. Vulcanus Cancer 16 – square Venus. I don’t know what this might mean. Admetos Taurus 15 – opposite Pluto (1). Cupido Scorpio 19 – conjunct Pluto (2) Selena/White Moon – Leo 8 – conjunct Jupiter (2)
Wow are VERY Plutonian. All these objects emphasize the Plutonian side of your chart. Could you focus so that we could all gain more money? 
Just kiddin'! ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 12:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Enneline: Thanks for the Topic, LeeLoo  I have: KRONOS conjunct my mars (mc ruler and ruler of Chart ruler ) in gemini in 11h ZEUS in virgo in 3rd does nothing but a sextile to my asc and quincunx my mc/ceres/eris in aries in 10h HADES in Tauurus in 11h semi-sextiles my moon in aries in 10h VULCANUS conjuncts widely (3d) my venus/Hekate/fortune in cancer in 12h POSEIDON in Libra in 4h squares my sun in cancer in 1h APOLLO in libra in 3h quintiles my sun in cancer in 1h The rest does nothing in my chart. Any interpretations?
another marker for fame/prominence/leadership with your have several in your chart I think Vulcanus/Venus makes for a very passionate character and the placement there could also increase your wealth in unexpected inheritance, perhaps?? Another marker for writing with Apollo there  What happened to Cupido??? Oh yes, I remember now: YOU KILLED HIM!  ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 01:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Hmm, Mr Sag`s VULKANUS is widely opposite my Venus (3°26), and exactly squaring my Pluto (on his APOLLO).Interesting. especially with us not having a synastric Venus/Pluto-aspect, despite our natal preposition.
I think this would be a VERY HOT aspect 
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 01:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by I'm so cappy: Kronos in the 10th conjunct PoSpirit 2very spiritual this one Hades in the 10th conjunct MC 3 very Plutonian girl. It also indicates a position of power or a life dedicated to the occult. Admetos in the 9th conjunct Vesta 2
too faithful Vulkanus in the 11th opposite Neptune (DSC ruler) 1 I like this one, fire and water, artistic talents or inclinations and definitely loving artists (blacksmiths too ) Poseidon in the 2nd conjunct Moon 0, out of sign though psychic Appollon in the 2nd square Neptune 1 artist Cupido in the 3rd conjunct Pluto 2 obsessive lover lol just kidding... dunno Zeus in the 1st, supertight grand trine with Mars and NN (3 minutes max) you will be a Queen!
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 01:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Yes, exactly what I wrote just a few posts ago. Aren´t you reading my posts anymore? Do I have to worry I am losing your attention?
Hahaha sorry No way, you're my hero, Ceri  I just came this morning excited about telling everybody how slow these "planets" move  Only now I saw your post....and of course, you had already said it, much better than me 
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 01:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: synastry -----------my CUPIDO sextile his Moon exact my CUPIDO square his JUNO my CUPIDO conjunct his UNION on 29.28 Libra precise my CUPIDO sextile his BML my CUPIDO trine his PRIAPUS two sets of trines sextiling each other. his BML trines his Moon-MC-Sun and my Sun his PRIAPUS trines my CUPIDO his CUPIDO sextile my Venus exact his CUPIDO trine my Pholus exact his CUPIDO opposite my ADMETOS (2) his CUPIDO trine my VULCANUS exact his CUPIDO quinkunx my ALMA exact
Kite based on the Grand Water trine of his CUPIDO-Lust in 6 Scorpio my my Pholus in 6 PIsces (conj. his Eros 8 Piscess) my VULKANUS 6 Cancer making oppositions - hey wait is that a Star of David then? my Venus 6 Cap (opp. my Vulkanus) my ADMETOS 4 Taurus and his VESTA 3 Taurus and my ast. Lilith 6 Virgo and his AMOR 9 Virgo
Wow...your Yods make me think of Wuthering Hades the apex of both? So a Valentine/Hades axis for both?
EDIT: No, it can't be, it must be a T/Wedge, with two interconnected Yods, right? ------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted August 31, 2014 01:54 PM
Thanks, Lee. I forgot to mention my Hades-Psyche conjunction. I have Hades in my psyche indeed And only death could free my man from me so it totally works  ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 02:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I think this would be a VERY HOT aspect 
It is. At least in my emotional experience. Basically when we are in physical proxmity of each other, we seem to produce energy/ heat/ warmth.Not sure how that is even possible. lol IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 02:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Hahaha sorry No way, you're my hero, Ceri 
Me likey  Let`s go slay some dragons IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 02:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Wow...your Yods make me think of Wuthering Hades the apex of both? So a Valentine/Hades axis for both?EDIT: No, it can't be, it must be a T/Wedge, with two interconnected Yods, right?
Funny. A friend of mine sent me a scene from a film that reminded her of the way Mr Sag and me feel to her. It was from Wuthering HEights. lol Have to look into the Hades-Yods.
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 02:29 PM
there seem to be some Yods more. lol Must be because of our planets around 27 and 22 degrees. lol
1. my Hades 22 Taurus
my Anteros 19 Scorpio his Uranus 23 Scorpio his Valentine 19 Scorpio my Eros 21 Cancer my Vertex 21 Cancer my Destinn 23 Cancer his PHolus 23 Pisces my Chiron 20 Aries his Neptune 20 SAg my Poseidon 22 Libra his Pluto 21 Libra his Anteros 22 LIbra 2. his Hades 27 Taurus my Sun 26 Sag my Circe 28 Sag his Sun 27 Sag his Moon 28 Sag his MC 28 Sag my Cupido 29 Libra my h57 Proserpina 29 Libra my Union 29 Libra my Valentine 27 Scorpio
my BML 28 Aquarius his Priapus 00 Pisces his BML 28 Leo his NN 1 Virgo
my Priapus 00 Leo his Juno 27 Cancer his ASC 26 Pisces his Saturn 26 Virgo his Aphrodite 28 Virgo his Vertex 28 Virgo his Venus 25 cap IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 05:41 PM
3 Hades Yods, two of them involving Pluto as well. And the result looks very karmic: his IC and 12th ruler with the 2 Valentines: Wuthering Heights for sure! He seems to be hit harder by the power of these Yods, because of his IC and Uranus.------------------
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted August 31, 2014 06:00 PM
My Uranian archetypes:Hades 24 Taurus 4th - square Vertex (1) - the trine to my Sun is about 3.5, but maybe I should consider it since I have an 8th house Sun. Zeus - on Sun/Venus mdp, conjunct Aphrodite lol in Virgo 8th; opp Jupiter (NN ruler) square NN exact. Trine IC, semisextile Moon exact. - the divine feminine seems to featre here, but also Zeus/Jupiter Admetos - 5 Taurus 3rd - square Psyche, trine Venus, sextile Vulkanus and Ceres. Semisextile Eros exact. Vulkanus - 7 Cancer 6th - square Pluto - trine Pholus/Juno - sextile Venus, quincunx Neptune exact. I must work hard with this one, but it looks like I've got help with supportive Venus and Juno/Jupiter.
Apollo - 4 Libra 8th - conjunct Pluto, MC ruler - almost perfect GT with Psyche in Aqua and Eros in Gem Cupido - 27 Libra 9th conjunct Uranus - conjunct Lust; sextile Vertex/Amor Poseidon conjunct Valentine (1) in Libra 9th - this should make a super-idealistic lover lol - opp Chiron (yep. how else? lol) actually, it's in my Valentine cross (also squaring Cupido asteroid and Pallas on ASC) Semisextile Sun. Kronos 11 Gem, 5th house - opp POF/NN (so my Kronos is on my SN, with Ishtar, Innana,Kaali etc), square Juno/Jupiter and Zeus/Aphrodite - a cross. Trine Mercury exact and Lilith - GT with Kite apex in NN/POF; sextile Moon quincunx Vesta exact.
What do you think? ------------------
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted August 31, 2014 06:51 PM
All of these are very tightly aspecting my chart, some in scary ways! Actually reading further it's kind of making me want to cry....explaining so much of my life that's been so hard to understand! Every aspect is so tightly inline with the experiences in my life....• 8th house Hades taurus@24.01, my SN taurus@21.44 --- • 12th house Zues virgo@16.02, my Dejanira virgo@15, Moon virgo@18.32, Child virgo@19, Neptune saggy@11.15, Pallas pisces@17, Angel cap@16 "Zeus: The god of War, aggression, fights, fire, artillery, passion, domination. Zeus in the chart suggests lives dedicated to war but rarely peace. When in aspect to Saturn (father) or the Moon (mother), the Native would have met their parent(s) through war in other lifetimes. Native with multiple aspects to Zeus requires subconscious deprogramming from indoctrinated or dogmatic beliefs from this life." --I grew up in a religious cult...spent first 25 years programmed...have spent 13 slowly unraveling what they did to me. ---- • 10th house Vulcans cancer@7.36, MC cancer@7.56, square Apollon....Eros/Valentine cap@9 "a derivative of the word for volcano, so one can surmise that this will have an explosive or eruptive quality to the planet. Because this is the final phase in this stage, the native has learned the lessons from the previous two archetypes, but now must learn about control. Because Vulkanus is associated with the third chakra, this makes sense. The native will often have anger, temper, or aggression issues. On the positive side of Vulkanus, once the control lessons have been learned through one’s compassion, the resulting gift will end in resilience. By this I mean the ability to heal or pull through a situation when hope has been lost. Might, physical force, and triumph are qualities of Vulkanus. This is the point when we move into a different set of lifetimes after these lessons have been learned. The eruptive forces of Vulkanus will eject us unto a new world and way of doing things." ---- • 1st house Cupido scorp@0.26, Mars gemini@29.33 ---- • 12th house Apollon libra@6.09, Karma libra@5.49, AC libra@7.05 Wow...this gives me hope!! "Apollon: Wealth, abundance, manifestation, creative visualization, fertility. Apollon is the driving force toward success. While Zeus is the passion or motivation to accomplish a task, Apollon sets its sights on fame and fortune, then does everything possible to attain it-similar to a Super-Sagittarius, but without all the ego attached. Apollon in the natal chart is where we are most capable of amassing money and expanding our brand, but is a direct result of how we maximized our potential in the past." ----- • 8th house Admetos taurus@5.06, Uranus scorp@4.44, Saturn leo@2.50 "the true definition of happiness by living in the present, versus thinking about what was, what may have been, or what could be, you will find the answers you seek. A moment of clarity will strike you and a star of hope will guide you on your path, lighting the way through the once nebulous, grey uncertainties of the future. Only then will you have the ability to launch up into the higher realms of consciousness, for Admetos is the launch pad that projects up into the highest levels of knowing and existence. Proceed with slowness and caution, as this is the eye of the storm, and you will want to enjoy the Calm while it lasts!" ---- • 1st house Poseidon libra@22.26, anti-Vertex libra@21.23, Destin libra@21.36, Venus libra@19.05, Chiron aries@24.14, P. of Fortune saggy@22.26, Telephus gem@21.49, Merlin aqua@21, Apollo leo@21 ---- • 9th house Kronos gem@11.11, Pluto libra@11.05, Neptune saggy@11.15, Spirit aqua@12.06, Ceres gem@9.09...Phoenix gem@11(I like that one) AC libra@7.05 I have a ton of odd asteroids on my AC/Pluto!! Lol
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Enneline unregistered
posted September 01, 2014 10:37 AM
another marker for fame/prominence/leadership with your have several in your chart -> As I already told you: You gonna see me on TV  I think Vulcanus/Venus makes for a very passionate character and the placement there could also increase your wealth in unexpected inheritance, perhaps?? -> yes, i am passionate. A palmist and another Person (i don't remember ) have already predicted that but really don't know who could appoint me as an heir  Another marker for writing with Apollo there  -> Hehe  What happened to Cupido??? Oh yes, I remember now: YOU KILLED HIM!  -> Yeah, and I was right to do so. Look how he turned when I killed him Does anyone know about the following?:
"Some Uranian astrologers consider the 22.5-degree multiple aspects, including 67.5, 112.5, and 157.5-degree aspects, as being significant. (Uranian Astrology, a fringe branch, uses "planetary pictures" based on midpoints, cardinal points, antiscions, hypothetical planets, and the exclusion of all aspects except conjunctions, semi-squares, sesquiquadrates and oppositions." IP: Logged |
Enneline unregistered
posted September 01, 2014 10:44 AM
dpIP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 01, 2014 11:14 AM
16th harmonic. I'm too much of a newbie in Uranian for something so advanced  ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 01, 2014 11:21 AM
This must be a bad Cupido's still alive!!!!!!!!!  ------------------
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Enneline unregistered
posted September 01, 2014 11:32 AM
Hey, don't give up so soon, there are 32 harmonic charts we need to explore  "Harmonic 16: Inner drive and motivation. What is really meaningful to a person and what the person wants to achieve" -> This is great for comparison. I think a long-term couple needs some matches. Okay, we mustn't do the following: "1) DON'T EVER try to do aspects between harmonics of different numbers. They are totally different animals. 2) There are no signs or houses in harmonic charts. Remember that everything has been rearranged, so please don't do sign or house interpretations because they are no longer there. The purpose of harmonics is to get more information about aspects and aspect patterns." IP: Logged |
Enneline unregistered
posted September 01, 2014 11:38 AM
Okay, the man of my dreams would have to deal with the following  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted September 01, 2014 12:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Enneline:
"Some Uranian astrologers consider the 22.5-degree multiple aspects, including 67.5, 112.5, and 157.5-degree aspects, as being significant. (Uranian Astrology, a fringe branch, uses "planetary pictures" based on midpoints, cardinal points, antiscions, hypothetical planets, and the exclusion of all aspects except conjunctions, semi-squares, sesquiquadrates and oppositions."
*raises hand tentatively* A little bit. IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 01, 2014 12:22 PM
Mercury-Neptune-Pluto t-square - writing? Mercury-Saturn-Mars-PoF kite - getting rich through writing?  ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged | |