Topic: Uranian Astrology - Themes in Synastry and Composite
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 01, 2014 07:36 PM
Sorry, Lee. I left. Literally got up and took a walk. I was having something of a panic attack and crying spell. I 'took a break from that world' and watched the latest episode of my presently favourite series; doing some 'NNODE work', as it's aligned with my current purpose and direction. It helped. I'm afraid this has resulted from a somewhat perfect storm that began brewing mid-August. Light was gratefully shed by iQ; in short: mid-August to early September is extremely psychologically adverse with tSUN and tMERC in 12H; I had a breakdown when tVENUS joined the fray on 20 August and the tSATURN on my NODAL MP became exact across my 12H/6H, with tNODES conjunct my SUN-PLUTO-BML and his MOON-BML. As iQ explained, it's 'extreme past-life karmic debt relating to Soulmates now rising to the surface'. He was able to confirm a short time later which Soulmate: my Guardian. If you've ever had something your soul knew completely but was too painful for you to consciously process, that's where I've been on some baseline level since age 19 with a huge spike in 2010 when I met my Guardian Soulmate. And, if you've ever had the experience where something you couldn't fathom was true suddenly materialised in your life? That's what I've been wrestling on some level since. You'd think that the Lachesis project and my Twin would've been enough to suspend my disbelief, but somehow, no. Not quite. THIS has been the straw that broke it. Whether that's just the paradigm to which I'd given my allegiance -- or my heart and now my mind -- the jury's out. One thing seems clear. My heart is healing; slowly and with each day we are honest, loving, dedicated and devoted. Each time neither runs, but stays and gets their hands dirty; every instance the phrase is uttered, 'the old me' or 'the person I used to be' or 'before I made these changes'. Most of all, his strange and spontaneous declaration, 'I feel as if you're my reward; this is because of having done the right thing now, and failing to do so then.' (I'd asked immediately after, 'when?' As it seemed a strange thing to say. He responded, 'in a past life.' HE, the one who 'can't say he believes in karma', and is, at most, on the fence about it all. HE said that. And meant it. And in that moment ... I can't begin to describe what I felt. What joy; what sense that -- he was right. From the safe vantage of story, I've had the rare privilege to explore every possible avenue of a scenario that's haunted me since it came into existence. Like a bizarre, murderous 'Groundhog Day' in which the pivotal and climactic moment -- spoiler alert -- reveals an 11th hour salvation, sponsored by the transformative power of love. But it was never The End. The story would find itself warping further into a terrible facsimile of normalcy. Paranoia would take hold; loyalties tested as honesty was burnt away in the heat of jealous scheming. Lies replaced previous declarations of -- if not clear actions implying -- love, devotion, and the willingness to change because of its power. And so somebody ALWAYS died. He'd only come to the realisation of love too late, leading to the only option being a tragic self-sacrifice. And so she'd run the gamut of possible future paths, ranging from collapsing beneath the sorrow or calcifying what was left of her strength to become a force of change; the true Chironic journey. This was the original ending of the story, and I remember crying for nearly a week after I'd penned it, around age 21. I was in mourning. Oh, and my readers -- don't get me started. We were all desperate for a happy ending. But I knew it didn't have one. I'd tell them that, and they didn't know why I felt such resignation. I always have. I don't write this thing, I've said; I merely receive it. Nonetheless, despite its power and tragic beauty, even I couldn't accept its ending. It wasn't until I changed my methods in 2010, thanks to my Guardian, that I found it has many endings. That was just one. He writes the ending first. Once that's done, he can now work backwards through the story, arriving at the beginning -- which is its conclusion. 'I'm afraid my story has many endings,' I'd confessed in 2011. 'That's a problem,' he'd said, and could find no solution. Neither could I. It was an unrelated venture then, when exploring our synastry in 2013, that a theme quickly emerged. I couldn't deny it. I wanted to. Desperately. But it was there. I was finding clear evidence, in several forms, that he had killed me in the past. It was immediately encouraging to see karmic links and indications showing the configurations were karmic in nature. Had they not had those linkages, I would be both sceptical and confused. Potentially fearing that I would die in a vehicular accident in which he was driving. That's one scenario my brain produced in an effort to delineate. But the karmic influences were clear. Which gave me a whole other circumstance with which to deal. If THAT was in HIS chart, then HE must be ... But something kills that line of thought before it can culminate. EVERY time. Like raising the lights in the cinema, or a nervous instructor shutting off the projector when it's discovered a student has played an embarrassing prank. My brain invokes the equivalent of an emergency detour. The screen goes dark. Fade to black. This time, however, it had SOMETHING to grab onto. While not enough to continue with the initial line of enquiry, it shut out all noise until the atmosphere was sharpened to a single point. I told Loffra. 'I think he killed her,' I'd said in a text. I wasn't entirely forthcoming regarding why this came to me, but suddenly, my jumbled, tangled tale made sense. It had an ending. It was heart rending. But it was an ENDING. I shouted it from the rooftops -- well, its modern equivalent, social networking. My co-creator and I'd fallen out in 2010. Enough time or personal hell had been endured to where we came back together. My news of 'it's over' was irresistible. He was relieved. We both were. But my Sisyphusian ordeal was not done. I wasn't an even calculated risk. Producers felt the paralysing fear of being inevitably hoodwinked. I couldn't even say what it was REALLY about? Vague notions of that it wasn't at all what it seemed, and, really, was intrinsically brilliant and the truth of it will just tear your heart out, really. It wasn't enough to secure anything but scepticism. Before long, I began wondering what the hell it was I even had -- if anything. I craved elegance; something of which my Guardian is a master. This was not elegant. This was a weaving, bobbing, baiting-and-switching cheap magic act of a disaster. So he killed her. So it drove him insane. So it was the brutal consequences of a transdimensional mind coming apart in a desperate attempt to deny reality; holding on to the last shred of what now passed for sanity as he awaited his execution; each possible avenue and possible outcome explored with that same hopeless fervour, because he literally has nothing left, and cannot accept so bleak a truth. My husband was just glad to see me call it done. My Guardian liked the sound of 'finished', but without even asking the reasons for the awful state of affairs (though I'm sure he could guess) he simply said the following which has stayed with me, imparting vital wisdom: 'It's always important we do something which leaves a thing better than the state in which we found it. Our message must be authentic, powerful, and contribute to the greater dialogue. If we are challenging the status quo, we must know why. Conversely, if we are accepting resignation and sorrow, as Howard [Lovecraft] did, it's imperative we know the reasons for doing so. But first and foremost, the journey is initially ours and, forever after, that of our audience. We cannot be reckless with our contribution. We must be mindful of how we are doing so, why, and what our legacy entails.' That's his glorified way of saying, 'there's something off about this,' even if he trusts me to unravel the mystery of the story. But his reminding me of my responsibility as a storyteller couldn't come at a better time. Suddenly, I was entrenched in the question: its final destination was to be in the hearts and minds and upon the tongues of those who would receive it. What was I leaving THEM? What message am I imparting? For every action we choose, the opposite becomes realised in an alternate eigenstate (Many-Worlds Hypothesis)? Easy enough. So, be mindful of the choices we make, because we can only observe one timeline? That's fair. And ripe for exploring many themes and making a solid storytelling contribution. But the ending? Crushing. Because, at the end of the day, we are beholden to our principles and obligations, and nothing, not even the power of love, can save us; but the memory of choosing against it in favour of fulfilling our responsibility can haunt us, damn us, for much longer than a single lifetime. ... Wow. Great message, huh? That certainly fills you with hope, possibility, and the sense that even the worst obstacles can be overcome with love and adhering to a higher truth -- one that goes far above your chosen ego-centric paradigm. Oh, wait -- it does the opposite! It leaves you with a feeling of overwhelming sadness, shock, and misery. The hero learnt nothing. He could not see the heroine's point of view. His principles dictated that he could only act in accordance with them, which inevitably resulted in the heroine's death. He appropriately loses his mind, following a job well done, and spends the time lost in fantasy until the day death mercifully comes to him as well. ... I'd wring the creator's neck. 'What is WRONG with YOU?' I'd shriek. 'That's not an ending -- that's a senseless tragedy! At least we LEARN from tragedies! Oh, and DON'T pull some fancy Romeo and Juliet crap to weasel your way out of this. There's at least the seed of redemption. There's a sorting of differences. From their blood, comes the realisation that NO blood NEED be shed. Instead, you've got an elaborate exercise in total futility. Do you LIKE jerking us around, giving us every potential outcome, showing how it COULD have gone otherwise -- only to reveal that our worst fears actually came true? NOBODY learnt anything, and love does NOT conquer all? You need your head checked, sister. You're hardly professional, you're trying to sort out some bizarre bullsh*t. Please do it on your own time.' I knew it was true, too. I had nothing even remotely commercial; just a weird psychokarmically-driven cathartic nightmare wrapped in the guise of fiction. Not only was I going to disappoint everyone -- again -- I felt like I had a gaping wound that was attempting to communicate to me in a language I hadn't bothered learning. Fortunately, I don't think I was needed to be the one to translate. It may not have even been meant for me -- entirely. Some exchange which transpired on an entirely different level, somewhere between the collective unconscious, the individual subconscious, the astral plane and the heart chakra, changed everything. But I'd become Chicken Little. 'It has an ending!' I said. AGAIN, late July. (I think my ALICE-AMOR is also on my KASSANDRA, actually, now I think on it.) My friends and dedicated fans, bless them, indulged me. I wrote it in about 3 hours, when tJUPITER was conjunct my nANTIVERTEX and tSUN, exactly. 12H. By the time it was 1° conjunct, I'd revised it twice, and it was done. It's STILL done. I sent it off to three trusted sources. They loved it. It was RIGHT. It was the RIGHT ending. It was bold. Daring. Not at all forced, but clearly driven by uncalculated risks being taken, and, despite the speculative nature, succeeding. I cried literal tears of joy. The night before, I'd sobbed in pain, a horrible sadness that originated from the depth of my soul. When I wrote the ending in a white heat -- I was free. For about three days, everything made sense to me again. I understood that the thing I'd been running from for so long could merely be resolved with the power of love -- something I'd evidently given up on. I could tell a story that, like so much of what I already know, is a journey through the Underworld, that ends in transformation and transcendental love. THAT's something I felt proud to give my rubber stamp! But I was neglecting something. There was still something not quite right. I was STILL running. He'd dislodged some HUGE obstacle in me, there's no denying that. And it allowed me to at least FINISH the story. But so much of the story was still as yet unwritten in any linear format. I still needed to translate it into something filmable which felt as incredible to me as the whole experience has been. Is. It hasn't stopped. As IQ's revelation of the 20 August transit configuration, I was dealing with heavy Soulmate karma. With him. My partner. My costar. My Guardian Soulmate. And that's where my brain continues to crash. The system hangs. The tape gets ripped from the deck. The screen goes blank. Here there be dragons. And here, I'm CHIRON. I carry my greatest wound here; I'm my most vulnerable and sensitive here. I'm at my weakest here, until I can transform it to strength. And I can't even take the step to begin the process. I've tried this solo many, many times. My mind retreats to my creativity; names can be changed to protect the innocent. Or terribly guilty. In the safety of story, I'm unlimited. I can explore anything. I can consider all possibilities. All angles. In story, I'm strong. Confident. I'm brave. In CHIRON, I'm not. I'm fragile. I'm frightened. I'm overwhelmed by things I don't understand. The landscape is surreal and scary. My usual methods of navigating my world suddenly fail. They don't work here. I can't face the Dragon's Tail by myself. I can't explore where it leads. And, moreover, I can't take this trip to HADES on my own. I'm too terrified of what I might find once down there. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 01, 2014 11:52 PM
I think I understand it now. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 06:04 AM
For every action we choose, the opposite becomes realised in an alternate eigenstate (Many-Worlds Hypothesis)I like that  ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 06:16 AM
I've been thinking about Hades conjunct composite DSC so close, I see two possible meanings:1. a relationship with this aspect can't be easy, it must have some challenges, like an entire iniatic journey in order to be together or when together. A relationship involving life-changing transformation for both people, facing the shadow and arriving to a greater light. 2. a compulsive, obsessive, unavoidable relationship Of course, it's a bit like having composite Pluto conjunct DSC. Pluto in the Seventh House (or sign) gives your relationship an intense focus on satisfying your individual needs and desires by pairing up with each other. There may be an almost fated sense of connection between you; that you have come together for some powerful reason. In this relationship, you have a calling to learn all about the nature of your partner's needs and expectations, and there may also be power issues to contend with as one or the other unconsciously tries to dominate. As you sort things out with each other, you will transform yourselves around the issues of balance and control. In a romantic relationship, this transformation toward balance may at first manifest as an unconscious acting out of traditional roles. As you begin to resist playing out old patterns with your partner, a powerful love/hate response may arise in either one of you. Getting to the point where your will becomes harmonized with your partner takes time, but eventually the two of you will develop the ability to at least partially begin to "act as one," as power struggles give way to shared love and mutual respect. Gaining the courage to begin to confront these patterns becomes the challenge. You benefit when you allow time for shared reflection when your needs are not being met. A great deal of self-knowledge will be generated through your discussions around the issues of power sharing versus unilateral control once you can learn to really hear each other.
What is your take on this aspect?
------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2014 06:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: For every action we choose, the opposite becomes realised in an alternate eigenstate (Many-Worlds Hypothesis)I like that 
It's my basic reality-paradigm these days, culled from Einstein and polished by Heisenberg and Schrödinger. And this bizarre karmic history turned commercial dramatic project has allowed me to put these influences under the microscope for over a decade. It was the notion of 'failure'. While in the most pedestrian form, I both went to bed and wrote this reply, only the latter occurred here in my one observable eigenstate. I can only surmise regarding the other -- I simply know that it is. Faith in science is a funny thing. In the context of story, success and failure transpired many, many times; she'd live, he'd die, they'd both die; he'd kill her, he'd opt not to; she'd give him reason, she wouldn't. In each eigenstate, the different outcome. But, to the soul, and my astrological chart, one is cutting through the many and presenting its wound. 'Failure' to complete the HADES-TISIPHONE would undoubtedly result, logically, in the 'power of love' winning over all. Choosing not to because of love: that fickle, finicky emotion in which he's placed no stock until very recent years. And the notion that the power of love is somehow destined to fail -- that it cannot and should not obstruct the universal force of the Erinyes, or one human's interpretation of them -- crushing. Even as much so as the initial endings. So I found myself stunned, and sorrowful, and angry. I'm coming to believe the power of love SHOULD triumph over all. But then my understanding of HADES in this context, 'where we failed and are continuing to work', feels as if it goes against that belief. If he failed, love succeeded. If that's wrong -- first off, my Chironic wound is an indicator SOMETHING went very awry -- and secondly, the mere thought that love isn't to be the superseding force, then I can't fathom what is. Or should be. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2014 06:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I've been thinking about Hades conjunct composite DSC so close, I see two possible meanings:1. a relationship with this aspect can't be easy, it must have some challenges, like an entire iniatic journey in order to be together or when together. A relationship involving life-changing transformation for both people, facing the shadow and arriving to a greater light. 2. a compulsive, obsessive, unavoidable relationship Of course, it's a bit like having composite Pluto conjunct DSC. What is your take on this aspect?
Not quite sure; it tends to be CHIRON which appears on my cDSC's. And his and mine is no exception. HADES is rather conjunct and parallel the 8C with PREY, MADHATTER, and PSYCHE. Though a theme to the Davison is 7H HADES conjunct and parallel the 8C with cMARS on ALGOL. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2014 06:45 AM
On the other hand, ATROPOS strongly configured in a composite or Davison will often signify a compulsive and 'unavoidable' relationship. In my experience, HADES operates ... differently. IP: Logged |
Tulipe unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 06:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I've been thinking about Hades conjunct composite DSC so close, I see two possible meanings:1. a relationship with this aspect can't be easy, it must have some challenges, like an entire iniatic journey in order to be together or when together. A relationship involving life-changing transformation for both people, facing the shadow and arriving to a greater light. 2. a compulsive, obsessive, unavoidable relationship Of course, it's a bit like having composite Pluto conjunct DSC. What is your take on this aspect?
Hmm, I think it shows a Plutonian couple and the karmic lessons they need to learn: etablish a deep, intimate relationship and of course, the above lessons that you mentioned. ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 06:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by Tulipe: Hmm, I think it shows a Plutonian couple and the karmic lessons they need to learn: etablish a deep, intimate relationship and of course, the above lessons that you mentioned.
Hi, lovelybird, and thanks! I trust what you say, I know where your Pluto is  ------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
Tulipe unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 08:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: Hi, lovelybird, and thanks! I trust what you say, I know where your Pluto is 
*pat pat* good girl! But you may want to count me in your support group , you'll need it. ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 130685 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 02, 2014 09:42 AM
Tulipe: IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 02, 2014 10:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I've been thinking about Hades conjunct composite DSC so close, I see two possible meanings:1. a relationship with this aspect can't be easy, it must have some challenges, like an entire iniatic journey in order to be together or when together. A relationship involving life-changing transformation for both people, facing the shadow and arriving to a greater light. 2. a compulsive, obsessive, unavoidable relationship Of course, it's a bit like having composite Pluto conjunct DSC. What is your take on this aspect?
I never thougt about this aspect but my TF and I had both our Hades conjunct his Venus on Algol sitting on our composite DC....I guess I should have thought about that a little more, it seems it would be very negative. All of these fell between taurus@24-27
IP: Logged |
Tulipe unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 11:09 AM
My Admentos conjunct ASC by 10 mn, oppose Pluto on DSC, pffff I can't take control of myself? What say you about someone who has Cupido exact on ASC, oppose Admentos exact on DSC? ------------------ what goes up must come down, so when you're feeling down, the only way to be is up IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2014 04:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I never thougt about this aspect but my TF and I had both our Hades conjunct his Venus on Algol sitting on our composite DC....I guess I should have thought about that a little more, it seems it would be very negative.All of these fell between taurus@24-27
Exactly. It's karma to clear. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2014 04:22 PM
I honestly don't see HADES as operating as unavoidable or even compulsive. That's more ATROPOS and PLUTO. HADES is not PLUTO. HADES/DSC in a composite has got to be taken apart in the relationship. One will express the HADES, and the other DSC. It's important to note natal PERSEPHONE placements as well. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 05:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tulipe: My Admentos conjunct ASC by 10 mn, oppose Pluto on DSC, pffff I can't take control of myself? What say you about someone who has Cupido exact on ASC, oppose Admentos exact on DSC?
Admetos has a fated, Yod flavor. Admetos on angles must point to an unusual, specific fate. I'm pretty sure Cupido/Admetos on the relational angles must mean: a fated partner.
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted September 02, 2014 06:01 PM
Just because it's named doesn't mean it has to be gloom and doom. Pluto is the same as Hades, so it must be another vision on the Plutonian energies.------------------
I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2014 07:54 PM
Honestly, I began first studying Uranian astrology in the mid '90s with a copy of Jacobson's 'The Language of Uranian Astrology'. Its description of HADES is sadly at home in that hardbound book. But the smatterings I've seen around the 'net all have the following in common:'All that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried.' 'Waste, decay, illness, sorrow, vulgarity, crime, crudeness, dirt, garbage, sewage.' 'All things ugly and sinister.' More recently, it's being explored to have an adjunct meaning regarding past lives. The ones I've taken to be most likely (and most applicable) are: purification, disintegration, disgust concerning the evil, ill, and unpleasant, deeply buried secrets, deficiency, survival issues and instincts, predatory behaviour, deception and manipulation, things which require a lot of remediation, repair, and redeeming. I'm still trying to find where it has to do with past life failures. I can't locate that anywhere. I don't think HADES is as much 'doom and gloom' if you're willing to accept the more unpleasant things of life -- that which is not aesthetically pleasing, symmetric, and beautiful. If you're a fan of the niceties, then HADES will feel like a personal apocalypse. The fellow I've mentioned, my Guardian Soulmate, certainly has his HADES strong; he has an extreme distaste for vulgarity, the uncouth, that which is 'evil', sadistic and cruel, and is all for the total obliteration of these things. Someone, Ami Anne, I believe, suggested that ZEUS is where we must confront the things we cannot face. Funny how his HADES is conjunct ZEUS by 1º. I've known Libran Marses, and it goes way beyond ' ... eww,' to 'KILL IT WITH FIRE.' Now, as I've also mentioned, he's got HADES conjunct TISIPHONE, 1º. So it's hard to unravel what's going on here. Is TISIPHONE the 'chosen method' for dealing with offending HADES' sensibilities? It's the desire to not be incarcerated (or executed) that kept him from unleashing an unending fury upon all active serial killers in the news. ... You think I'm kidding, don't you? I couldn't be more serious. My HADES isn't doing that much, really, outside of being opposite my MARS. I get 'the urge' myself, but that's probably the TISIPHONE-LACHESIS, 2º. (Urge to 'intervene', I suppose is the best word for it.) But I certainly have a greater 'capacity' for the unsightly. Not that he hasn't gotten his hands dirty -- he has. But I become mildly amused at how absolutely fierce his intolerance for 'evil' is. We used to talk about it; I studied it to understand it better. He studied it and decided it just needs to be destroyed. Period. Why, 'because it's evil!' So, if HADES is a 'severe disgust for all things evil, sinister, and unsightly' then we may want to look at it from this perspective first. I've seen that to definitely hold true in a handful of charts. But there's LOTS more research to do. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 02, 2014 08:31 PM
:: forehead slap ::Of course. THEY'RE TRANSDIMENSIONAL PLANETS. THAT is why it's so difficult to truly harness their energies. THEY'RE TRANSDIMENSIONAL ENERGIES. If you're operating in the third-dimension, you can't grasp them. We have to stop trying to relate them to energies operating in the physical plane. THEY DON'T. Okay. I get it now. I finally get it. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 07, 2016 11:28 AM
I can't locate Hades, Kronos, or Vulkanus.Well maybe I could find Hades literally if I was evil enough  But, does anyone have the numbers for these? Or tell me how you found them? I'm mystified. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 07, 2016 11:33 AM
quote: Admetos is the area in life where things come to a total halt, you cannot proceed any further. What you are doing is either too difficult for the time being, you need to work more consistently in the mundane to get grounded, or everything seems to be stacked up against you.
LOL tr Admetos @ 29 Libra square my natal 0 Leo Admetos today...... It's showing here  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted March 07, 2016 11:34 AM
Astro.comif you write "hh" into the box for the asteroids, it gives you all Uranian planets. But remember the orb has to be really close as they move so slowly. Just for comparision as Mr Sag and me are 5 years apart Mine (his in brackets): Admetos 4°30 Taurus (7°26 Taurus) Hades 22°42 Taurus (27°49 Taurus) Kronos: 10°12 Gemini (13°44 Gemini) Vulkanus: 6°50 Cancer (9°34 Cancer) Zeus: 15°17 Virgo (19°18 Virgo) Apollo: 5°41 Libra (8°47 Libra) Poseidon: 22°26 Libra (24°50 Libra) Cupido: 29°36 Libra (6°19 Scorpio) compared to that even Pluto is racing through the zodiac Pluto: 09°05 Libra (21°23 Libra) IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted March 07, 2016 11:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: LOL tr Admetos @ 29 Libra square my natal 0 Leo Admetos today......It's showing here 
You don`t have the uranian planet Admetos my dear (it cannot be in Leo at your age), but probably the asteroid of the same name.  IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4122 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 07, 2016 12:59 PM
Composite Kronos 18 Gemini conjunct Chiron (2 degrees--too wide likely?) But it participates as tight as possible in the star of David configuration completed by my Venus.His Kronos is conjunct his ascendant, 1 degree. My Poseidon conjunct my Ascendant, under 3 degrees Composite Admetos is on our IC under 1 degree... yup. Slippery and inescapable.. Composite Cupido conjunct our MC, 3 degrees (and my chart ruler Pluto). This is sweet I guess? Extra nice in Davison where it falls in the 4th. His Cupido conjunct my Mercury and opposite his own, 3 degrees. My Cupido trine my own Ceres and 3 degrees from my Sun.. His Admetos opposite my Mercury under 1 degree (and conjunct his own, 3 degrees).. my Admetos opposite my Pluto 1 degree and Mercury 3 degrees. Reinforcing the Admetos conjunct composite IC theme I think as Mercury and Pluto are very personal for us (chart rulers) and of course straddle our composite IC... So yeah Admetos is strong. I've Hades conjuct vertex 2 degrees; opposite his Jupiter/Uranus 2 degrees; he's got Hades conjunct his Venus 3 degrees and my Jupiter, 1 degree. So that's a double whammy Hades-Jupiter.... yep. he's got Vulkanus square his Sun/Moon midpoint and Apollon opposite his Sun/Moon midpoint. None of this surprises me, from the Kronos-Asc conjunction to the Poseidon-Pluto to this. He really does channal and seem to embody a lot of otherworldly, transdimensional energy... is almost more responsive to it than mundane stuff. Progressed Kronos conjunct pr. JUNO very tight, and pr. Chiron 2 degrees. Also just noticed that our exact Briede-Groom composite trine has progressed such that Briede is conjunct pr. MARS and the composite NN lol.... but of course Groom is conjunct Neptune  And while I'm totally off topic, noticed the compositr Briede-Groom trine is forming a grand trine with the Desc, also quite exact  Aaaand progressed composite Sun/Moon midpoint is conjunct pr. Composite vertex and applying towards a conjunction with the pr.comp Descendant. It will them be square pr. Comp. Chiron, Juno, and kronos! (See how i tied Kronos in there at the last minute? Thought i was gratuitously rambling didn't ya?)  Can you tell we're having a good day? 
IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 07, 2016 05:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Astro.comif you write "hh" into the box for the asteroids, it gives you all Uranian planets. But remember the orb has to be really close as they move so slowly. Just for comparision as Mr Sag and me are 5 years apart Mine (his in brackets): Admetos 4°30 Taurus (7°26 Taurus) Hades 22°42 Taurus (27°49 Taurus) Kronos: 10°12 Gemini (13°44 Gemini) Vulkanus: 6°50 Cancer (9°34 Cancer) Zeus: 15°17 Virgo (19°18 Virgo) Apollo: 5°41 Libra (8°47 Libra) Poseidon: 22°26 Libra (24°50 Libra) Cupido: 29°36 Libra (6°19 Scorpio) compared to that even Pluto is racing through the zodiac Pluto: 09°05 Libra (21°23 Libra)
Thank you! Now I don't even have to look mine up, I know mine are near the midpoints between yours and his...closer to yours, though.  Who knew Admetos was an asteroid AND this other thing (hypothetical planet, is it?) I'm just amazed that everyone else knew how to locate these, except me. IP: Logged | |