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  Your love story told with midpoint activation (Page 4)

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Author Topic:   Your love story told with midpoint activation

Posts: 12040
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 07, 2014 04:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hahahaha my case it probably means loving him to death (mine or his) lol just kidding

No, you do have a point here. I think the point is to establish the "malefic" vs "benefic" side of planets (all of them). Ebertin embraces classical malefics with this description, and if we look at the malefic side of those 4 planets, we could see the possible manifestation he describes.(although, I would be more inclined to look at Venus/Saturn mdp for being rejected in love).

In my opinion, however, all planets have a benefic side, classical malefics included. All outers have a very strong benefic side (alongisde with their strong malefic one). The inner planets too have a malefic side or malefic combinations, but we tend to see them in their good light (with the exception of Mars, classically considered as the lesser bad guy lol). For example, a Venus/Jupiter point (mdp) could be a point where we're getting fat ( as a result of extreme self indulgence of course, not health related) or excessively preoccupied with looks ( such as a plastic surgery addict).

So yeah, that's an interesting topic, establishing the good side/bad side of each planet.

For example, for Mars/Saturn I see,in general, apart from his description : a mature man; a point of hard work and exceptional achievement, endurance and stamina, an accomplished, serious, stable man, an older man or the second part of life for a man, a point where someone experiences a disciplined, highly accomplished Mars energy ( very important for an athlete, for instance); an older man, for a woman, a partner in the second part of life; trained, focused, disciplined sexual energy/drive;

When we do this midpoint analysis, either for the natals or the synastry, and we're dealing with outers (with all planets, in fact, but with outers more than anything), I think we must pay an extra attention to their rulership to understand what that point is about (it helps a lot to know the chart as a whole, no doubt). I don't think we can apply a general mdp symbolism, as Ebertin intended.

Neptune/Saturn could definitely mean disease 9especially mental) and certainly depression, in particular. But this is general - maybe with someone having these planets rule houses 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 12th, yes it is possible. But there are many other possible manifestations with this combo, IMO:

for example, in his case Mars rules the 8th, Saturn rules intercepted 4th. I would see someone or a transit activating this mdp as bringing Saturn from the shadow, triggering the interception, perhaps with a transformative impact the 8th house brings. But with 4th and 8th, this implies some things must probably end. With Saturn being his second 5th ruler and Mars ruling 8th, it is of course, a love/sex connection as well.

This could be a good mdp to activate for someone to become a mature man.

For Saturn/Neptune:

in my chart, Saturn rules ASC, Neptune rules the 2nd house - maybe it can also be a point of illness with this combo (both houses of the body); but I would look to what happens in my 2nd house (where Jupiter, second ruler of Pisces lies, in mutual reception with this Neptune) to understand what the union with Saturn may bring.

For him Saturn rules IC (intercepted) as I said and Neptune is his DSC ruler: so the activation of this midpoint could also mean finding a Saturnian, marital (IC) partner or someone later in life or older: it is expected for such a partner to activate this mdp for him, in its positive manifestation.

I wonder if the house of the near mdp counts, do you think it could give us some clues about the possible meaning of that mdp?


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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Posts: 12040
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 07, 2014 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For example, my Sun/Moon mdp has an extra partner significance, because both Sun and Moon rule the 7th house and the mdp itself is in the 7th house.

My Venus/Mars, apart from being a romance mdp, connects my 3rd house with my 9th house (and IC), but looking at the 3rd house/9th house connection, I expect for it to be activated in relation to the Gem/Sag axis: learning, travel etc.

If I want to see when I get sick, I'd probably look at my 6th ruler Mercury with Saturn or Mars (for acute or accidents) maybe with Neptune for mental troubles, or 6th to 12th, or 2nd etc I'm not very versed in medical astrology. Actually, my Merc/Saturn is in my 8th, associated with fever diseases and infections, and it opposes Jupiter and when I was sick, it was because of infections with high fever and highly acute manifestations. That point in 8th is however, a good indicator of longevity and it is exactly squared by POF, and so far, i must say I enjoyed good health, compared to other people.

For depression (I did have that) I would look at 3rd ruler to Saturn or Neptune (for something more delusional maybe) or 3rd ruler to 12th ruler - Mars/Jupiter Mars/Saturn Mars/Neptune, maybe 3rd to 6th. It would be interesting as theme to check which was activated during those periods (most likely by transits or progressions). But all these mdps have also many positive possible manifestations.

My Saturn/Neptune is also there, BTW, at 27 Virgo - so we're talking at least a generation here.


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posted October 07, 2014 04:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You made very valid points there and I agree with all of them; I also think that we have to keep an eye on the good and the not so good side of all planets. It seems to me sometimes that the outers get that bad rap, because their manifestations is more extreme. It`s not a "little sad and moody", but "deeply depressed and suicidal" all at once. That sure gets one`s attention.

I also can see what you say about Mars/Saturn, for me, well it is also square Mercury, my DESC-ruler, and I definitely can see how that relates to a Saturnian partner for me. I am just not cut out for a misty eyed poet. While I admire poetry, of course, I need some groundedness in a man.
On the other hand I am very prone to working hard myself, sometimes I tend to overdo it a little.

But having said that, I remember that when Tr Saturn was conjunct my Mars/Saturn-mp in 2009. Well it was 2 degrees approaching, but just one degree of my Mercury.
Anyway I became sick, my digestive system actually, me who had never had any problems with that!
I was running from doctor to doctor, noone really knew what was wrong. And then in spring it was gone and everything was okay again, just to happen the next autumn again, and disappear the spring after that. I mean seriously what kind of sickness is that, striking only in autumn and winter?
Well it has stayed gone for almost 4 years now, so I think it is okay.
But I still donīt quite know what was that about, just that it hit when Tr Saturn was triggering off this area of my chart.

I think though it miht have been, at least partially psychosomatic. It struck almost exactly a month after I had returned from London, you know seeing Jude on stage for the first time, with a lot of other exciting stuff happening, including the visit to Canterbury cathedral, where i had, what could be termed a spiritual experience.
Coming home was awful though, or rather leaving London was awful. I remember that when we passed the station in Brussel, it was like all energy was draining out of me and I felt nauseous. Well by now I have been more often to London and back, but EVERYTIME passing through Brussel the same feeling of air being let out of a balloon, a feeling of general weakening, I donīt know, it`s just strange. Being in London sort of energizes me in a way that I can`t describe. It is not even that I really *like* it, but the energy is different and it affects me quite noteably.

However there would have been a lot to digest and process coming home from London. Not to forget that i had done EVERYTHING possible to ignore the meeting with Mr Sag the year before ever happened, pretending it did not mean a thing and I really wa snot thinking about him anymroe. And so I was very busy NOT thinking about Mr Sag AND NOT thinking about Jude or London or whatever, and instead was stuffing my weekends full of work and going to events I never even wanted to attend to, just so I would not find time to think.
Well and I think that is when my body stepped in. lol

Anyway it seems fitting with Mars/Saturn in Virgo (and my SR had Moon in Virgo that year, funny enough right on mr Sag`s NN. lol), that it would be my digestive system suffering. So yes, in this instance the Mras/Saturn mp might have related to a bit of sickness, but just following myself indulging in my stubbornness. lol

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posted October 07, 2014 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looking at the house of the near midpoint is an interesting idea.

For me the Saturn-mps, I have a few since my Mars, Neptune, ASC and NN are conjunct, so all these coupled with Saturn end up in the end of Virgo, and yes you are right Saturn/Neptune is semi-generational.

Well for me these fall into my 9th house.

my Sun/moon-mp falls into my 2nd house, along with my Moon/Venus-mp.
my Eros/Psyche-mp falls into my 5th house, which I just adore. Can`t help it, it is also exactly conjunct my Part of Marriage and asteroid Actor (and Lucifer. lol), in Taurus. I just love that. lol

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Posts: 553
From: Nassau
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posted October 07, 2014 06:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for kaianna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have in a synastry with my newest and perhapds deepest crush

Sun/mercury opp saturn
Moon/saturn=mypluto=my sun/moon midpoint
Mercury/mars opp saturn
Venus/mercury opp saturn

And these are just his midpoints to my chart, most are under 1 degree with some maybe more.

I was wondering why I felt so obssesed with him because in our synastry my pluto only squares his mars by 9 degrees, its basically unaspected, but his moon/saturn is my pluto which is also my sun/moon midpoint

We also have sun contraparallelmoon

Sun parallel mercury

Sun contraparllel saturn

Venus contraparllel mercury

Mercury contraparallelpluto

Venus contraparallelmoon

All within 1 degree

Lol my vertex also conjuncts his venus,mars and sun, and my mercury also conjuncts this along with his mercury in his virgo stellium in my 7th house.

Mercury is the ruler of my 5th and 8th house and it is in my 7th house conjunct my sun which is my descendant ruler, my sun also loosely conjuncts his sun and mars in the stellium.

We have mars square north node exact

Jupiter opposite juno 1 degree

His Boda conjunct my mars which also conjuncts my part of marriage exact

His lilith conjunct my part of fortune which conjuncts my descendant by 4 degrees

And tons of others

So you can see I am pressed lol

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Posts: 553
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posted October 07, 2014 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for kaianna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You can find his pics on guess the ascendant in astrology 2.0 on the 1st page lol what do you think ladies?

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posted October 08, 2014 06:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Seems we have a Bear Hug of Juno-Eros.

my Juno/Eros: 18°59 Taurus
his Juno/Eros: 18°00 Taurus

it`s opposite his Valentine: 19°35 Scorpio
and opposite my Anteros: 19°27 Scorpio
conjunct my Child: 19°37 Taurus

It also relates to our Odysseus-Penelope-configuration.

my Penelope: 21°09 Scorpio
my Odysseus: 21°14 Taurus

his Odysseus: 19°49 Scorpio

Speaking of Penelope- Odysseus

his Odysseus/Penelope: 10°19 Sagittarius
my NN: 10°09 Sagittarius
his DESC-ruler: 9°23 Sagittarius

his Ulysses/Penelope: 7°53 Sagittarius
my ASC: 7°06 Sagittarius

Like the Sabians:

his Juno/Eros - my Juno/Eros:
A New Continent Rising Out Of The Ocean

it conjuncts my name in my chart, too, on 16.58 Taurus:

his Valentine - my Anteros - his Odysseus:
A Woman Draws Away Two Dark Curtains Closing The Entrance To A Sacred Pathway

my Odysseus:
White Dove Flying Over Troubled Waters

my Penelope:
Hunters Shooting Wild Ducks

his Odysseus/Penelope - my NN:
In The Left Section Of An Archaic Temple, A Lamp Burns In A Container Shaped Like A Human Body

his Ulysses/Penelope - my ASC:
Within The Depths Of The Earth New Elements Are Being Formed

Playing with our name asteroids.

his Mr Sag/Ceri : 9°48 Sagittarius
LOL on my NN (0°21) and Neptune (0°08) and right on his own DESC-ruler (0°25)

Sabian: A Theatrical Representation Of A Golden-Haired Goddess Of Opportuinity

It is not that telling in my chart though.

my MrSag/Ceri:15°25 Pisces
In The Quiet Of His Study A Creative Individual Experiences A Flow Of Inspiration

It doesn`t really aspect anything in his chart, though it IS opposite his pr Mars, and conjunct my own Juno widely (1°31)

Well composite Odysseus is conjunct
my Odysseus/Penelope: 0°40

composite Penelope is conjunct
his Odysseus/Penelope: 0°40

I think that must be the result of his Odysseus being conjunct my Penelope in the natal synastry? maybe also the opposition of my Odysseus to his Odysseus?

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posted October 08, 2014 06:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by kaianna:
I have in a synastry with my newest and perhapds deepest crush

Sun/mercury opp saturn
Moon/saturn=mypluto=my sun/moon midpoint
Mercury/mars opp saturn
Venus/mercury opp saturn

And these are just his midpoints to my chart, most are under 1 degree with some maybe more.

What does Mercury and Saturn rule in his chart?

Seems like these activate strong midpoints for you. Generally speaking are you affected by his voice, speaking with him, communication and whatever Mercury rules for him?

I am curious how do you experience the Saturn? Is he somehow blocking the expression of the midpoints he activates in your chart? Or does he makes them seem more serious, adds more sincerity and patience to them?

Oh sorry, I just see it were his midpoints activated. So it would be your Mercury activating all that good stuff in him. And Mercury is a love ruler for you right?

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posted October 08, 2014 06:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I always thought that it was the midpoint person feeling "more", being more affected, while the other person might be oblivious to the effect.

However lately I start thinking that maybe it is more important to see whose receptive planets (especially venus and Moon, 7th, 5th and 8th ruler) are being triggered.

It might still be the midpoint person becoming first aware, but after that when they start expressing or manifesting that midpoint, it might reflect back to the planet person, do you know what I mean?

For example in my synastry:
his Venus conjunct my Moon/Venus-mp

It was through his presence, and actually his positive reaction to me, as it seemed at least, that I was really becoming aware of my Moon/Venus as a whole, the perception and feeling of myself as a woman; consequently I started expressing it more, and more consciously I think, which was a lengthy process, and still ongoing.
However whenever I do that, he seems to be very receptive to that, like he actually likes the whole package of feminity I exhibit (when I do).

Or maybe it is simply his Moon conjunct my Sun.

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Posts: 553
From: Nassau
Registered: Mar 2013

posted October 08, 2014 07:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for kaianna     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
What does Mercury and Saturn rule in his chart?

Seems like these activate strong midpoints for you. Generally speaking are you affected by his voice, speaking with him, communication and whatever Mercury rules for him?

Yes mercury rules
I am curious how do you experience the Saturn? Is he somehow blocking the expression of the midpoints he activates in your chart? Or does he makes them seem more serious, adds more sincerity and patience to them?

Oh sorry, I just see it were his midpoints activated. So it would be your Mercury activating all that good stuff in him. And Mercury is a love ruler for you right?

Yes mercury is my 5th and 8th house ruler and mercury is conjunct my sun in the 7th which is my 7th house ruler

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posted October 08, 2014 07:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I suppose then you must be receptive to his midpoints, too, so in this case it seems to be a two-way-street.

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Posts: 12040
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 08, 2014 07:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Very interesting example, Ceri. Definitely worth checking illness times and mdps. It looks psychosomatic, I had such an episode myself (as a result of a sentimental deception, translated as a prsistent unidentified vertigo preventing me from attending social activities - its functional purpose). Virgo is related to psychosomatic events. A psychosomatic event occurs when a limit was crossed: our heart is broken or we had a great emotional shock, but our mind tells us to have courage, move further, it's not a big deal etc however the body will reflect the shock, anxiety or broken heart. It's a bit like a covert panic attack reflected by the body. I suppose in your case there's a complex combo a bit prone to psychosomatic events: Mars in 12th(repressed or displaced anger) (and ruling IC), disp hidden in intercepted 3rd (house of the mind); 3rd ruled by Neptune, Neptune on Mars; maybe tSaturn ruling 2nd for you played an important role here, to make that mdp a health related one. It seems to me your Neptune didn't want to come home lol and the emotional pain and shock were much stronger and devastating than your rational mind was ready to accept; its location does reflect the mdp in Virgo and it says: "I can't digest that, I can't take it". I find it very interesting that your mdp is in the 9th house and the event was related to a 9th house travel.


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posted October 08, 2014 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your deduction is flawless.

Yes, right on all accounts. And I also noticed how fitting the 9th house seemed to be.

Well I have had a long history of dizzy spells, usually psychosomatic, and almost felt like my soul was too light to be really contained in my body. Of course some of these dizzy spells simply might have been hardly veiled anxiety attacks.

Well I have been free of them for years, but now they seem to be back. In form of different small things. Nothing really big, a bit dizzy here and there (or actually a bit like feeling I am not completely "here", a bit of eye migraine now and then, not too often, a lot of too much thinking. lol).

In fact my eyes seem to be affected sometimes, too (which is a typical Mars-Neptune-or Neptune-ASC thing, along with the dizzy spells and the iron deficiency).

It was too obvious a few years ago, just the night after I had seen Mr Sag coincidentally on a concert and well, downplayed the effect he had on me. Cause I certainly did not have him on my "list", and as a matter of fact I was even annoyed and feeling angry, couldn`t say why though (well, he was not "planned", at least not from my conscciousness).

Anyway, the morning after that I was waking up suddenly having a spot in my eye (a little blood on my retina), nothing alarming really, the doctor said it would heal itself.
Even then i was semi-joking that there was something I "turned a blind eye to", something I did not quite want to see.

Funny enough just the day before I was to see Mr Sag again that year, which would result in our first meeting, that spot in my eye had disappeared.

Well after that summer, when I decided to retreat into my shell, disappear, never see him again, surrender to my fear of possible rejection (and I am not even talking romantic rejection here, just withdrawing from contact in general) and so, well when I made that decision standing firm to it, that autumn I was plagued by bouts of eye migraine, and then the year followed after that what I told you about.

Interestingly all of that disappeared when I decided to make a reappearance in his life, or allowing myself to indulge in this little crush or intrigure or whatever that is.

I am not quite sure why I am now battling against these demons again, not as bad as before, because I KNOW I am simply having anxiety attacks, but maybe it is just that there is something, probably about him, about me, about that weird connection and maybe triggered by these experiences for the last occasions, which were positive for me, yes, but totally unexpected, hence shocking, surprising and so on, maybe it`s just something that seems too big or too unexpected for me to fit into the narrow frame of my perception.

He once again did not act/ react as he was "supposed to", at least in my perception, and it literally "turns my sight/ perception around". Could there be a better description of slight dizzy spells? LOL

Things just aren`t always like they seem to be, at least int his head of mine, and things are changing. Not just in relation to him, but for me. But you know first your perception has to shift, then the world will do, too. (of course sometimes it is the reverse order, too. lol)

Funny enough I am going to see him on a concert at the end of the month, 2 days after the solar ecclipse.

That solar ecclipse has a triple conjunction of Sun, Moon and Venus all on 00 Scorpio, right on my Uranus and 11th house cusp on 1 scorpio and Union on 29 Libra (his Union is there, too).

Oh and Pallas on 1 Scorpio, too.

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Posts: 12040
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 10, 2014 08:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have some ideas for several themes here (and it is in tandem with Ceri's thread with geometry and midpoint activation).

If you have natal midpoints on your Sun, they color your personality and your self-expression, what makes you shine, how you shine (also look at what the Sun rules for you)

If you have natal midpoints on your Moon, they color your emotional expression, they show your needs. (in order to be more specific, look at rulership too).

You can build these profiles for yourself, the profile of your Moon and your Sun (for now) with the midpoints there.

Look for the cross: start with the sign of your Sun: the opposite midpoint cluster will probably have an opposition-like feeling in relation to your Sun or Moon: something you project in relationships, something you look for in the other, something heightened, something you're much aware of about yourself, especially in human interactions.
The actual conjunction is very private, definitory, "automatic" as Ceri says, the first trigger for you (especially with the Moon). Perhaps also the first impression you make on others.
The midpoints your Sun or Moon activate by the two squares are a bit like having the Sun or Moon squaring that pair: a tension with that aspect, coloring the way you ACT in relation to that pair and the houses of the pair, either emotionally or at affirmation level: a midpoint forcing you to act decisively and practically in relation to the tandem Sun - pair or Moon- pair, a catalyst for change and events, either produces by you or events you face.

After you build this profile, we can see what this profile of yours triggers in another person (in combination with their own profile) when your Sun or Moon is on their midpoints.

So what does your luminary profile look like if described by midpoints?


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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posted October 10, 2014 09:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great idea.

I also like the differentiation between conj, opp and square to midpoints. Well usually it is said it is all the same, but I do wonder if there are differences.

So my Sun:

Jupiter/Pluto 0.47
Mercury/Circe 0.22
Pluto/Ceres 1.35
Pholus/Aphrodite 1.02
Ceres/Aphrodite 0.23
Juno/MC 0.02

Saturn/DESC 1.03

Saturn/ASC 1.03
Uranus/Cupido 0.18
Eros/Amor 0.38
Priapus/Penelope 0.17
Juno/IC 0.02

My Moon

mean Lilith/Pallas 0.17
Pallas/Psyche 0.30
sun/IC 1.39
Circe/IC 0.49


Sun/Pluto 0.24
Sun/MC 1.39
Mercury/Pluto 0.02
Mars/Uranus 1.10
Jupiter/Eros 1.00
Saturn/Juno 0.09
Uranus/Amor 0.22
Pluto/Circe 1.15
Pholus/Priapus 1.21
Circe/MC 0.49

I suppose you better do not mess with my Moon, or I might magically transform you into swines.

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posted October 10, 2014 10:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His natal midpoints are:


Moon/MC 1.38
Saturn/ASC 0.30
Uranus/Circe 0.13
Pluto/Priapus 0.53
Cupido/Penelope 0.43
Adonis/Priapus 0.31

mean Lilith/Pallas 0.35

Uranus/Juno 1.26
Pluto/NN 0.35
NN/Adonis 049

his Moon

Sun/MC 0.55
Sun/Penelope 0.14
Pluto/Eros 1.12
Adonis/Priapus 1.11
Penelope /( MC 1.01

mean Lilith/Ceres 1.07

NN/Adonis 0.53
Pholus / Ceres 1.24
Pallas/Vesta 0.00
Vesta/Psyche 0.27

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Posts: 12040
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 10, 2014 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

I suppose you better do not mess with my Moon, or I might magically transform you into swines.

Hahahaha yes, you're right!

Here for example I see, as a possible suggestion for interpretation:

Jupiter/Pluto 0.47 1st/12th ruler, I'd say psychic and strong suggestion force (you probably could hypnotise people; magnetic personality, mysterious, a bit of a witch
Mercury/Circe 0.22 a witch haha and definitely one in relationships; a mind for the occult; an unusual approach on relationships
Pluto/Ceres 1.35 - the Persephone myth, issues with merging/letting go, protectiveness/independence; expressing independence vs. dependency
Pholus/Aphrodite 1.02 - discovering beauty in oneself and others, reemerging as a beauty; inner and outer beauty, the Phoenix bird, a new personality, goddess like
Ceres/Aphrodite 0.23 - very feminine, the need to be a matriarchal figure; a bit voluptuous maybe lol not in a bad sense, of course
Juno/MC 0.02 - a fated marker for marriage; a good marriage partner, being and seeking; a need for serious relationships; being a good partner in relationships of all kinds

Saturn/DESC 1.03 - a similar but somehow reversed archetype; seeking Saturn in a partner; projecting one's saturn in relationships; a reliable person

Saturn/ASC 1.03 acting Saturnian in issues related to self affirmation, a Saturnian Sun and appearance, hard worker
Uranus/Cupido 0.18 - unexpected romances leading to self-knowledge and affirmation
Eros/Amor 0.38 - a bit the same, also the "great lover" type
Priapus/Penelope 0.17 - a faithful stable person seeking depth in what she does; sensuality; perhaps events testing one's value and faithfulness
Juno/IC 0.02 - you must be a good cook and good wife material

My Moon

mean Lilith/Pallas 0.17 wow the independent Aquarian woman, New Age lol; need to get to the bottom of things, need for depth
Pallas/Psyche 0.30 - more to the above plus definitely psychic
sun/IC 1.39 - very committed to home and family and close ones; 4th house needs
Circe/IC 0.49 hahaha a witch's cottage


Sun/Pluto 0.24 very intense and strong needs for an intense man; lessons involving emotional power and powerlessness
Sun/MC 1.39 they both show a personality standing out; not a wallflower lol invested in career and taking their place into the world; perhaps strong or unexpected events with co-workers and your boss or as a boss
Mercury/Pluto 0.02 Mercury 7th ruler Pluto 12th ruler - I see here an unexpected partner; also, a deep mind/emotions connections and a passionate person investing themselves in long and complicated mental research, perhaps even occult lol need for mental power and affirmation and for a deep, mysterious partner
Mars/Uranus 1.10 - sudden unexpected emotionality, bursts, due to your chart perhaps chagrin or pleasant surprises coming from brothers/sisters; acting on impulse or emotions; strong need for excitement, travel and unusual events
Jupiter/Eros 1.00 happy optimistc erotic nature, feasts of the senses, appreciating humor and the good things in life, at least for time to time, exuberant eroticism, vitality, not dwelling in pessimistic emotions for a long time
Saturn/Juno 0.09 perhaps a partner later in life or children later in life, a serious streak, dutiful and hardworking; need for commitment and stability
Uranus/Amor 0.22 - your great love is a foreigner, Uranian or TF lol or someone unexpected plus it looks like the mdp is in the 11th house; need for Uranus in love, an Uranian Moon
Pluto/Circe 1.15 dangerous witch lol
Pholus/Priapus 1.21 I love this combo in general: experiencing deep merging leading to chakra opening and a new cycle of life (the Moon is also about cycles)
Circe/MC 0.49 an official established witch hahahaha

It looks like you have a lot of squares to your Moon.

EDIT: this is very interesting, someone squaring your Moon should trigger your emotional side a lot, because they would be on the actual midpoint. They should also get your Moon to be more "active", directly expressed and trigger all kinds of Moon-related activities in your life. Does this happen? Do you like squares to your Moon? Are you more direct with them?

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From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted October 11, 2014 10:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His natal midpoints are:


Moon/MC 1.38
Saturn/ASC 0.30

I see here someone very protected and protective. A bit of a mommy's boy perhaps? not that this is a bad thing. Does he have a woman as an impresary/publicist? Someone who gets along with women, also someone serious, saturnian. But definitely popular with women.
Uranus/Circe 0.13 he must have some magical/psychic powers with this one and definitely a lot of charisma
Pluto/Priapus 0.53 more charisma, someone who knows how to engage, shining in deep unions, passionate, experiencing rebirth
Cupido/Penelope 0.43 his type is probably also a Saturnian woman, he expresses himself better in the presence of more sober people
Adonis/Priapus 0.31 haha lots of charisma with this one, a Tammuz/Adonis vibe (the god of spring)

mean Lilith/Pallas 0.35 I suppose with this one it is pretty clear this is the type of woman is compulsively attracted to. haha and that's where you have your Sun or Moon, right?

Uranus/Juno 1.26 a foreign wife? a surprising partner? upset or pleasant surprises from at least one partner?
Pluto/NN 0.35 ah some unexpected transformative events with this one, hopefully not painful
NN/Adonis 049 how interesting! it looks like somehow he embodies the Adonis/Tammuz archetype with more than one marker

his Moon

Sun/MC 0.55 the need to be successful, popular, famous maybe? Moon is also the planet of popularity, so a sure success with this one
Sun/Penelope 0.14 very lovely a faithful character; need for stability and commitment in relationships; emotionally stable.
Pluto/Eros 1.12 at least one transformative phase in life, with strong emotional impact; regenrative power, longevity; passionate and erotic
Adonis/Priapus 1.11 haha more?
Penelope /( MC 1.01 the same, a faithful, committed one

mean Lilith/Ceres 1.07 it goes well with the other Sun opp

NN/Adonis 0.53
Pholus / Ceres 1.24 a definite turning point related to Ceres symbolism: maternity/paternity, wealth, nurturing, care, the connection with the underworld, regeneration
Pallas/Vesta 0.00 need for constant reevaluation of purposes and commitment
Vesta/Psyche 0.27 a combo


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posted October 11, 2014 11:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for the interpretations, they make a lot of sense.

"Pluto/Ceres 1.35 - the Persephone myth, issues with merging/letting go, protectiveness/independence; expressing independence vs. dependency"
Yes, it is a big one for me.
Which is why I considered it despite the wide orb.
Interestingly it is also a big one in our synastry.

"the Phoenix bird,"
I identify with that quite much, as I have always periods of catharsis leading into a rebirth. Well my Phoinix is conjunct Chiron exact, opposing DNA, squaring Eros and Vertex and Sun/Moon-mp on the other side - Grand cross from 20-21 cardinal, very tight, too.

" a bit voluptuous maybe lol not in a bad sense, of course"
I can`t deny it.

"Juno/IC 0.02 - you must be a good cook and good wife material "
Not at all. My mom is a great cook, me, not so much. I can boil eggs, does that count? Oh and I can make mashed potatoes and put sausages into hot water.

I suppose so it is something I could learn, even though it does not come naturally.

"Pallas/Psyche 0.30 - more to the above plus definitely psychic"
Yes, I find that interesting.

Pallas 10 Aquarius
Moon 17 Aquarius
mean Lilith and Psyche 24 Aquarius

Steps of 7 degrees between them, exactly, they are all feminine archetypes (of different quality of course), and my Moon, the luminary in these, is on the midpoint, Pallas and Psyche, mean Lilith being the bracket, and all of that in Aquarius.
I suppose my feminine archetype is definitely Uranian in nature or at least airy, my Aphrodite is in Libra, along with Sappho there as well, and Kaali is in Gemini.

Of course I also have Venus-Isis-conjunction in Capricorn, Circe in Sagittarius, Parvati in Leo, Hekate-Lilith(asteroid) in Virgo, Ceres-Ishtar in Pisces, so there are those other elements, too. But nevertheless I found it interesthing how these feminine symbols are lining up in Aquarius.

"Sun/MC 1.39 they both show a personality standing out; not a wallflower lol invested in career and taking their place into the world; "
Me or my possible partner?

"I see here an unexpected partner; also, a deep mind/emotions connections and a passionate person investing themselves in long and complicated mental research, perhaps even occult lol need for mental power and affirmation and for a deep, mysterious partner"
Yes, definitely fits.

"like the mdp is in the 11th house"
Yes, in Scorpio.
Well, Uranus conjuncts the cusp of my 11th house, too. So that also emphasizes the Uranian theme, and Uranus is definitely a planet that is there whenever I fall in love or feel a great attraction. I just have to feel that ZING, and it has to zing really loudly and electrically for me to pay attention.
It is funny though, how I am not really drawn to Aquarian men, but love Uranus aspects in a man or/ and Uranian interaspects in synastry.

"Pholus/Priapus 1.21 I love this combo in general: experiencing deep merging leading to chakra opening and a new cycle of life (the Moon is also about cycles)"
Yes, me, too.

"Does this happen? Do you like squares to your Moon?"
Yes, I do. However interestingly enough it seems I am more drawn to the area around 19 Scorpio than 17 Scorpio.

But then again I have:
Anteros: 19 scorpio
ATropos-Dionysos: 19 Aquarius
Child (my inner?): 19 Taurus
Cupido: 19 Leo

I also have a liking for the area around 22 SCorpio, though it is not on my lunar midpoint-squares, but my Venus/Pluto-mp is on 22 Scorpio.

Let me see what I have on 19 fix:
19 Scorpio: ASC/Uranus
19 Taurus: Vertex/Juno
19 Aquarius: ---
19 Leo: ------

(only checked for exact ones)

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posted October 11, 2014 11:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"I see here someone very protected and protective."
A bit of a mommy's boy perhaps?"
Yes. He has a very close relationship to his family, not just his mom, but father and siblings as well (he is the youngest); in fact they are often with him (or at least parts of his extended family, including cousins) on his concerts.
I once joked that it is nearly impossible to not stumble across some member of his family. Just it was not that much of a joke. LOL
Actually i think his family recognizes me as well.
Well, some years ago I have been x-rayed by his mom (who had the same scorpio-stare as my mom has, just that I do not know if his is a scorpio, too).
And last time I sort of crossed his Dad`s path on the open air concert, and well, he looked at me and then started to give me such a wide smile, that smile that was so similiar to his sonīs smile. Amazing.
Well it is a little awkward at times, cause I donīt know, technically they are all strangers, but un-technically I feel so much on display on these occasions. lol

"Does he have a woman as an impresary/publicist?"
No, but he has a lot of women around him doing the fanshop-work, the merchandise and these kind of things.

"But definitely popular with women."

"donis/Priapus 0.31 haha lots of charisma with this one, a Tammuz/Adonis vibe (the god of spring)"
Yes, and interestingly our Adonis are conjunct (3 degrees). His Adonis is exac ton my Babylon. and my Adonis squares his Ishtar exact, plus it squares his Venus.
And my Draco Venus is opposite his tropical Adonis, while his draco Aphrodite opposes my Adonis. A lot of Adonis-myth right there.

"mean Lilith/Pallas 0.35 I suppose with this one it is pretty clear this is the type of woman is compulsively attracted to. haha and that's where you have your Sun or Moon, right?"
Yes, I couldn`t help but notice that, how I have it conjunct my Moon exact, and his is opposite Sun. lol

Uranus/Juno 1.26 a foreign wife? a surprising partner? upset or pleasant surprises from at least one partner?"
His long term girlfriend (not the present one) had a big stellium of Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius. I think that fits.

"NN/Adonis 049 how interesting! it looks like somehow he embodies the Adonis/Tammuz archetype with more than one marker"
He would love to hear that. lol

my NN/Adonis is square my Moon by 1,5 degrees. lol
btw right on my Anteros, 19 Scorpio.

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Posts: 12040
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted November 22, 2014 01:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
An addition to your ideal "type":

For a woman, it is interesting to check the midpoints on her Sun and Mars (extension to Venus) and

on her 5th ruler - for the type she falls in love with
her 8th ruler - attraction and desire for intimacy and depth
her 7th ruler - for her ideal mate

For a man, check his midpoints on his Moon and Venus as an addition to his "type", plus the rulers.

What do you have?


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posted November 22, 2014 02:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So let`s see (only conjunctions?):



5th ruler=

8th ruler=
no conjunctions

7th ruler=

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posted November 22, 2014 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mr Sag



ruler 5=

ruler 8=

ruler 7=

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posted November 22, 2014 02:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting, I never noticed that my 7th ruler is conjunct Moon/Uranus and his is on Sun/Uranus - and both 7th rulers are Mercury. Hmm.

we are probably a complementary brand of crazy

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Posts: 12040
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted November 23, 2014 07:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You are right, Ceri, not just conjunctions...all midpoints falling there So how would you describe those?

Wow the Uranus Yin/Yang is awesome!


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