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Author Topic:   Progressed synastry readings

Posts: 1327
Registered: Apr 2013

posted October 14, 2014 08:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selene     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In my progressions i now have pr.Sun square n.Moon exact to the second, what should that mean in terms of relationship starting? I would think it should produce something as it is a 4th harmonic aspect, but nothing major has happened in my life so far for past few months or so.

I will also have pr.Sun and pr.Venus conjunct for some time to come. They are separating now, but still are in orb of 1-2 for a few coming years. That should serve for that purpose as well.

Interestingly my pr.Moon now is exactly conjunct my pr.MC, showing off my emotions or just pure career meaning?

Also pr.Jupiter applies to my Moon by 0.42 seconds, so for years to come it will finally become exact (at my birth they were 3 degrees apart)

And, of course, what i consider the biggies, are my pr.Venus and then also pr.Sun applying to natal Pluto (for now Venus is 2.07 degrees apart it, so must become exact in a couple of years as well).

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Posts: 16083
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 09:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wonderful post from Ceri, I agree. The description of Sun/Venus and everything else is spot on. Actually, Sun/Venus in synastries is associated with liking each other, great cooperation, unconditional love. It's the aspect you find in relationships when two people remain friends even when the spark is gone and very present in friendships. It is not an indicator of romantic, passionate love per se: other aspects are more associated with romantic love, Sun/Moon one of them - so it's very possible the Sun/Moon dynamics in progressions and Nine's theory to be much more important then we think. Usually Yin/Yang pairs such as Sun/Moon, Venus/Mars (although this is present in short term attraction as well), Moon/Venus (not yin/yang, but very romantic and bringing intimacy), Venus/Neptune and the other outers (with the challenges they bring as well), Saturn seems to have a romantic dimension as well, at least for saturnian people, and I suspect it's very present in relationships becoming marital and/or parenthood/established "contractual" connections, Moon/Mars for strong physical attraction (or repulsion lol), need for intimacy, parenthood and all the other romantic/erotic/marital archetypes should be considered for the understanding of love/passion/romance, along with what seems to be the EVER PRESENT activation of angles when change/turning point/important connections are happening.


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

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Posts: 21988
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posted October 14, 2014 09:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"pr.Sun square n.Moon exact"
This is a biggie, yes, especially since progressing Sun is slow compared to pMoon, using a one degree orb appl. and separating this must relate to approximately a timeframe of 2 years.

"I will also have pr.Sun and pr.Venus conjunct for some time to come."
This is also important, depending on how far they are already separating.

however those are what I call "background progressions". Not in the sense they are unimportant, quite the opposite, but they are valid for several months even years.
Those background progressions usually come with a shift in consciousness, more or less an internal process taking place. Like you have become ready for a relationship so to speak.
That does not mean that there WILL be a relationship, but it is more likely of course, if you are ready to have one.
It is your perspective that is being shaped by these progressions.

however for actual event to take place I think we need a trigger. That can be either a 4th harmonic transit, usually of the outers, or the progressed Moon, or a triggering of the angles or Moon in the tertiary chart. Of course we need more than one of these indicators.

Also you should check what houses are ruled by Sun, Moon and Venus in your chart and also your progressed chart, that is probably where the relating will take place.

I was having pr ASC conjunct nVenus a few years ago.
Did I get into a relationship?
No I did not.

However using 2 degree orb that pASC-nVenus progression was lasting from november 2007 to november 2011.

Using the usual 1 degree orb: november 2008 - december 2010

The funny thing is it came into 1 degree orb just a few months after I first met Mr Sag (may 2008), it saw my decision to go into hiding (2009), it saw also my decision to go to London and see Jude Law on stage (july 2009) and then saw my decision to see Mr Sag again on a concert, thinking he wold not recognize me anyway (july 2010).

That was all that was happening externally. So no, no relationship,r ight?

I got into a relationship.
With myself.

surrounding those encounters or almost encounters were insights having to do with myself and my feminity and look. And in very different ways.
The exprience of meeting Mr Sag was puzzling, confusing because he seemed to refuse to acknowledge what everyone could see, I thought. That I had taken myself "out of the game" (socially/romantically), still he happily ignored that, as it seemed like. lol
The insight from London was that if I do not fit int he seats in a theatre, I must really be too fat (that I knew before), and to my surprise it annoyed me (I thought I was beyond caring, but seems I was not).
Well I ignored these insights in the time to come after that, which led to some health problems (Venus rules not only the 5th and 10th in my chart, but the 6th also).
it would still take 2 more years until the internal process wold manifest visibly in action on my part (reducing weight mainly).

However that meeting with Mr Sag that coincided with the Venus-ASC progressions (and many many more progressions including Mercury-Venus, Venus-Moon, Mercury-Moon, Mercury-Vertex, Venus-Vertex, Jupiter-Juno and and and), was the initial spark to reevaluating conceptions and misconceptions I had about myself especially as a woman and adjust my behavious, thinking and so on accordingly. Which is a still ongoing process.

The day the spark for change ignited came actually 2 years later (november 2012), on the day Tr Uranus was conjunct my n IC exactly and squaring my natal Venus; Tr Pluto conjunct my natal Venus and pr ASC, whith that pr ASC bing square natal Pltuo exact

(I remember thinking back then:"I`ve been going as far as I could this way. Either I change my ways now or I am going to die. That`s the only choice. Living or dying - for real." Sounds dramatic but that is so Pluto. lol )

Pr Moon had just entered 00° Cancer - very fitting for nurturing oneself, right?

Tertialy progressed DESC had just passed my natal Sun the month before (and curiously was right on the composite Sun. lol)
Tertiary Moon had been opposite my natal Moon and just entered Virgo (fitting for changing one`s diet as well).

So as I see it, the internal process was set in motion by the ASC-Venus-progression, along with ASC-Pluto, like laying the seed, though you might not be able to see anything for a while.

But what set the ACTION in motion were the transits:

Uranus to IC and Venus; Pluto to pr ASC and Venus

and the progressed Moon
entering Cancer

and the tertiary progressed Moon and angles

tp Moon opposping n Moon and entering Virgo a few days after that
tp DSC conjunct n Sun

Beside the general meanings of the planets, we need to take rulership into consideration, that would relate to Venus, Pluto, Sun and Moon in my case.

Venus, ruling 5th, 6th, 10th house, in 1st
Pluto, ruling 11th, 12th house, in 10th
Sun, ruling 9th, in 1st
Moon, ruling 8th, in 2nd


Tr Uranus in 4th house (on the cusp)
Tr Pluto in 1st house

pr Moon in 7th house and being the ruler of pr 7th house, at the beginning, laying the seed of emotional development

tertiary progressed Moon in 4th house and in natal 9th house
tertiary progressed ASC in natal 7th house.

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Posts: 21988
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 14, 2014 09:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Funny enough I just realized that when Mr Sag and me met he was having a Venus-Sun-progression and I was having a Venus-Moon-one.

his pSun conjunct nVenus 0°00
my pVenus conjunct nMoon 0°56s

They were not related to each other`s chart though, and hey we did not get together or even stayed in contact, right?
So we just happened to go through complementary natal phases, that was all.

Well, our pr composite Venus was exactly conjunct composite Antivertex though.
pr composite MC exact conjunct composite Mercury.

oh and seeing just now were were individually having

pVenus conjunct pAvx 0°03 s

pPluto conjunct pVx 0°27a

(I consider that important for two people who have natally Venus-Pluto-square and hence in the composite as well).

And these individual progressions were interlinked, drastically.

his pPluto-pVertex square my nVertex-Sun/Moon-mp (0°11 and 0°16) - which was conj. his pJuno exactly as well

Well, he did not link to my Venus-Avx, unless we count the square to Valentine. lol

though my p Venus and pVertex were both applying to square his natal Venus/Mars-mp (0°28a and 0°31a)

(my pVenus/Mars was applying to his progressed Sun-Venus-conjunction as well, but still with an orb of 2°18)

Funnily my pVenus/Mars-mp reached his natal Venus just the year, even the month, I sort of "resurfaced". LOL

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Posts: 873
Registered: Dec 2013

posted October 14, 2014 10:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for IntuitiveJ     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:

No, I don't think you defy chart odds. I think hard aspects are the actual turning points, with a difference in meaning for the nature of the aspects.
I know not everyone here agrees with this, but I see it like this:

Conjunctions are subjected to the New Moon principle - a p Venus/Sun heralds a time when you need or experience something new in your love life (and anything else related to Venus), It is the end of a cycle, when something ends for something else to being.
It's a bit like Uranus *since you love Uranus transiting the 7th house - for people in a couple it may bring divorce (not necessarily though), for singles it will bring meeting anew partner. It is also very possible that the immediate separated phase be the actual moment for action, AFTER the decision was made.
Squares and oppositions will have a different vibe: an opposition is subjected to the Full Moon principle - a time of harvest, a peak, a culmination. They may be more connective because they suggest people getting together when their relationship/their natals are "ripe" or most likely, it would be associated with experiencing a peak period if already in a relationship.
The squares are inner or outer events requesting immediate action, an urgency for change or getting certain things going. IMO, they are equally connective and separative.

It is interesting that Westran included the Venus/Sun trine as bringing people together; personally, I think the hard aspects are the ones present at the turning point, they are the "switch". I'm not sure a Venus/Sun trine heralds the moment of the actual connection; a progressed trine is a blessing because it shows there;s long term compatibility/growing together; maybe a progressed trine associated with the connection/separation shows things have been building up fro some time in a certain direction: for example people have experienced being friends/feeling good with each other for a while before deciding to form a couple, so the trine is fueling the future connection. But I'm not sure the actual moment is caused by it and I think the actual moment must have some hard aspects as definitory, both in the progressed natals and the progressed synastry.

Of course, I believe those things right now mostly intuitively and it's just an opinion for now, rather than based on personal research.

I will take a closer look at your charts, IJ, for more insight

Thank you!!
This makes so much sense

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Posts: 21988
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 14, 2014 11:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So I was also running a dynamic report for Mr Sag`s progressions: 4th harmonic

r1 natal: Jupiter (Neptune), Mars
r7 natal: Mercury,Venus
Saturn exact on DESC

r1 pr: Mercury (changed 3 years ago)
r7 pr: Jupiter

march 2014:
pMC ingress Aquarius

april 14 - october 15
pVenus opposite pJupiter

february 15 - october 16
p Venus opposite nJupiter
july 14 - february 16
pVenus square nMercury

february - april 15
pMoon opposite p/n Pluto

june - july 15
pMoon square nVenus

july - september 15
pMoon square n Juno

october 15
pMoon ingress Taurus

october - december 15
pMoon square pMC

december 15 - july 17
pVenus opposite nMars

december 15 - february 16
pMoon square pSun

january 16
Nodes stationary retrograde

february 16
Pluto stationary retrograde

february - april 16
pMoon square pMercury

november 16
pMoon ingress 2nd house

june - september 17
pMoon opposite n/p Uranus

october - december 17
pMoon square nBML

november 17 - march 18
pMoon square p/N NN

december 17
pMoon ingress GEmini

June 18-december 19
pJupiter square pASC

june - august 18
pMoon conjunct pASC

july - october 18
pMoon square p/ n Jupiter

august - october 18
pMoon opposite nMercury

september 18
pMoon ingress 3rd house

october - november 18
pMoon square nMars

october 18 - march 20
pVenus opposite pMars

november 18
pMercury ingress 12th house

december 18 - february 19
pMoon square pVenus

january - february 19
pMoon square pMars

(thus pMoon conjunct pVenus/Mars-mp)

january 19 - august 20
pDESC conjunct nMercury

june - september 19
pMoon opposite p/N Neptune

august 19 - april 21
pASC square nJupiter

november 19 - january 20
pMoon square nASC

december 19 - february 20
pMoon square n/p Saturn

december 19 - february 20
pMoon opposite nSun
(lol entering orb exact on my birthday)

january 20 - april 20
pMoon conjunct n IC

february - april 20
pMoon opposite nMoon
pMoon square nVertex

february 20
pMoon ngress 4th house

april 20
pMoon ingress Cancer

august 21
pMoon ingress 5th house

I suppose he might have another child at that time, could be with Cancer and 5th house.

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Posts: 21988
Registered: Jul 2011

posted October 14, 2014 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I looked up some progressions involving midpoints, mainly to the relationship planet, but also Mercury/Jupiter and Moon/Saturn cause these represent the 1st and 7th ruler midpoints for me.

So currently I am having

pMoon opposite pVenus/Mars 0°51a
pMoon opposite nVenus/BML 3°14a
pMoon opposite nMercury/Jupiter 3°59a

pSun conjunct pJuno/NN 0°06a
pSun conjunct nVenus/Jupiter 2°09a
pSun square nMars/Pluto 0°36a

pASC conjunct nMoon/Mars 0°04a

pMC square pSun/Venus 0°06s

pMercury square pVenus/Vertex 0°06a

nMoon conjunct pSun/Venus 0°22a

nASC square pMercury/jupiter 0°44a
nASC square pVenus/Jupiter 0°05s

nMars square pMoon/Pluto 1.10 a

nVertex opposite pSun/Mars 1.22a
nVErtex conjunct pMoon/SAturn 0°02a

any thoughts?

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Posts: 1327
Registered: Apr 2013

posted October 14, 2014 03:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selene     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Could something turn out from progressions like these?
Male is first, his BT is not know, so no Moon aspects for him, unfortunately.
Progressed to progressed

p.Sun square p.Sun 0.38s
p.Sun semisquare p.Moon 0.13a
(his p.Moon could be applying to a trine to my p.Sun, based on his BT, the orb could be wider or smaller, but there will be a trine)
p.Sun square p.Venus 1.45s
p.Sun sextile p.Mars 0.06a
p.Sun conjunct p.Jupiter 0.04s
p.Venus trine p.Venus 4.03a
p.Venus opposite p.Saturn 1.44a
p.Venus trine p.Pluto 0.59s
p.Mars trine p.Uranus 1.07a
p.Jupiter trine p.Sun 3.11a
p.Jupiter trine p.Venus 2.05a
p.Saturn trine p.Sun 0.28 s

His progressions - my natal

p.Sun conjunct n.Moon 0.38a
p.Sun sextile n.Mercury 0.06a
p.Sun sextile n.Venus 1.41a
p.Sun sextile n.Mars 1.24a
p.Sun conjunct n.Jupiter 2.38s

p.Venus square n.Sun 0.56a
p.Venus opposite n.Saturn 0.31a

p.Mars semisquare n.Sun 1.11a
p.Mars trine n.Uranus 0.19a

p.Jupiter square n.Mars 2.25a
p.Jupiter trine n.Pluto 0.03a
p.Jupiter conjunct n.DSC 3.43a

p.Saturn square n.Mercury 0.03a
p.Saturn square n.Venus 1.31s

p.Uranus conjunct n.Sun 4.44a

His natal - my progressions

n.Sun conjunct p.Moon 6.52a (this will become exact relativelt soon, so i used it)
n.Sun opposite p.Uranus 2.20a
n.Mars conjunct p.Jupiter 2.02a
n.Jupiter trine p.Sun 4.18a
n.Jupiter trine p.Venus 3.11a

Could something come out of this?

Heh, i just took a look at the day i met him, and his progressed Sun was in an absolutely exact conjunction to my progressed Jupiter, to the minute.

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 03:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, guys! How's it going?

My exam isn't going to happen for another 4 weeks (I dodged the Mercury retro, yay!!) so I thought I'd post some charts too, since you're always coming up with fun-fun stuff!

We have some angle action that is somewhat impressive, but no Sun-Venus. We do have a Venus-Venus going on that will last us about a decade (hey, it worked for Will and Kate, it's good enough for me). But idk what the hell is upto with this relationship. He's sending mixed signals again (we talk a lot on the phone, he's visiting me at work next week [I'm going back, it will drive me nuts to stay indoors for 4 more weeks] - and not as a patient, as a visitor -, but he's giving me dating tips - like, who to date, who not to date.. wtf??)

Anyways, here's the charts, for what they're worth. I'm inside in all.


My natal-his prog

My prog-his natal

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Posts: 16083
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
First thing I both have Sun sq Moon wow! this one is for Nine!

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
First thing I both have Sun sq Moon wow! this one is for Nine!

Yeah, I don't like it. We had it in the FMC too. It shows.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The most notable things are (to me, at least):

-that prog Venus trine prog Venus I mentioned
-my prog Sun conj his natal Moon
-my prog Asc conj his natal DC
-and my natal Sun conj his prog DC
(for some reason his ASc is slow, so he will be prog Libra rising for more than a decade from now.. it will oppose my Aries stuff - if we make it that far. Signs are mixed for now. You Earth people..)

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Posts: 21988
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posted October 14, 2014 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, actually Sun-Moon-square is a great one to have, at least in the individual progressions. Makes you ready for really getting into relationship-mode. Of course means also putting some effort in it, but it is not like with the trine where you expect everything to work out on its own. Plus it heightens the intensity/ urgency.

As I see it the dynamic aspect trigger that urgent feeling in you. While with the soft aspect you might reciprocrate if someone makes you an offer, but you won´t get the idea or get active on your own. The coach is just soooo comfortable.

The square is like a needle that is pinching you, an itch you really feel you need to scratch. Of course if you prefer the couch, it might be a little annyoing. lol

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Posts: 1327
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posted October 14, 2014 03:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selene     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Well, actually Sun-Moon-square is a great one to have, at least in the individual progressions. Makes you ready for really getting into relationship-mode. Of course means also putting some effort in it, but it is not like with the trine where you expect everything to work out on its own. Plus it heightens the intensity/ urgency.

As I see it the dynamic aspect trigger that urgent feeling in you. While with the soft aspect you might reciprocrate if someone makes you an offer, but you won´t get the idea or get active on your own. The coach is just soooo comfortable.

The square is like a needle that is pinching you, an itch you really feel you need to scratch. Of course if you prefer the couch, it might be a little annyoing. lol

Oh yes, i definitely agree with the pinching part!

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 03:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ah, I see. Nice analogy there. But I think they're both separating now anyways.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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posted October 14, 2014 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
The most notable things are (to me, at least):

-that prog Venus trine prog Venus I mentioned
-my prog Sun conj his natal Moon
-my prog Asc conj his natal DC
-and my natal Sun conj his prog DC
(for some reason his ASc is slow, so he will be prog Libra rising for decades.. it will conj my Aries stuff - if we make it that far. Signs are mixed for now. You Earth people..)

I like those progressions.

Venus-Venus is really romantic, though with the trine it might be too comfortable at times. But it is sweet and tender, and if it works for the royal couple.

But I like your others even more. Sun-Moon, all the angular activity.
Something is happening. Now what exactly that is that is happening you`ll have to wait and see.

So what is it with you? Friendship? Or romance?

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posted October 14, 2014 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selene     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have one interesting example of a huge fight (not literal, lol), which ended the relationship of two people. Her progressed Mars was exactly on his natal Sun applying! :O

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

So what is it with you? Friendship? Or romance?

No idea! I guess some sort of friendship..

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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posted October 14, 2014 03:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I was actually meaning the individual progressions. Each of you having a Moon-Sun-square individually. But htose are still applying, no?

These Sun-Moon-4th harmonic cycles seem to be very often present if people get into relationships, or actually if they get ready for having one and into relationship-mode.

It is probably important though that some personal planets or angles (natal or progressed) link to these individual Sun-Moon-progressions.
I can`t quite read it, do they?

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Selene:
I have one interesting example of a huge fight (not literal, lol), which ended the relationship of two people. Her progressed Mars was exactly on his natal Sun applying! :O

Ouch, I think his p-Mars is applying to square my Sun.. but that has an orb of 4-5. Hey, I don't mind it a little rough though. Sorry, TMI lol. I fried my brain all these weeks, I need to dirty talk asap. Can't wait to be back in the OR and talk sex while we operate lol.

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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posted October 14, 2014 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

sure why not?

"p.Sun square p.Venus 1.45s
p.Venus square n.Sun 0.56a
p.Venus opposite n.Saturn 0.31a"

I`d say chances will be better once these progressins are separating. Well the first already is. Do you feel a bit of a relief?
The thing is, aS I think, with Venus-Sun-square there is STILL considerable attraction often, but oftentimes something keeps the people apart, externally maybe. ONe of them being married, going abroad or something like that.
And with the separation of the aspect the obstacles often clear away.
However, even if the obstacles often seem too great, at the same time the dynamic square guarantees that the people cannot ignore each other, ther eis a lot of attention there, and as I said, attraction often too, just nothing seems to come out of it, or just with a lot of effort and amybe one or both will say it would be best to go separate ways. Yet this thorn in their sides keeps on pinching then: "If only..."

"2p.Venus trine p.Venus 4.03a"
This sounds lke a sweet romantic thing, but it is still too far away. I suppose will come into orb in 2 years?
Well, after the falling away of the Sun-Venus-square, and possibly THEN that would be a good time for the two of you.

"p.Jupiter trine p.Venus 2.05a"
And Venus-Jupiter again

"p.Sun conjunct n.Moon 0.38a"
Naturally I love this.

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posted October 14, 2014 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Dancing Maenad:
No idea! I guess some sort of friendship..

hopefully to the benefit of both.

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 04:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

I was actually meaning the individual progressions. Each of you having a Moon-Sun-square individually. But htose are still applying, no?

These Sun-Moon-4th harmonic cycles seem to be very often present if people get into relationships, or actually if they get ready for having one and into relationship-mode.

It is probably important though that some personal planets or angles (natal or progressed) link to these individual Sun-Moon-progressions.
I can`t quite read it, do they?

Ok, I checked. Mine is separating, his is applying.

My prog Moon is 18 Aqua (it's on his natal Vertex btw) and my prog Sun is 14 Tau. His prog Moon is 29 Scorpio (ohh, I can't wait for him to be a prog Sag Moon finally a little bit more FIRE! Not to mention lighter and happier, phew.. he is too emotionally heavy), his Sun is 5 Pisces.

So I have a lil bit to wait until he will be ready to be in a relationship? But by that time I might not want it anymore.. I'll have prog Moon sq prog Mercury (prog DC ruler). Or is that good too?

~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Dancing Maenad

Posts: 2998
From: The Harvest
Registered: Mar 2014

posted October 14, 2014 04:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dancing Maenad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

It is probably important though that some personal planets or angles (natal or progressed) link to these individual Sun-Moon-progressions.
I can`t quite read it, do they?

I don't know exactly what you were referring to, I don't think it is making too much fuss with my natal (p-Moon squares my n-Venus; soon will conj n-Sun/Moon mp at 21 Aqua; p-Sun is awaiting to conjunct n-Venus in 4 years..) - but his prog Moon will be conj his Juno and DC ruler, while Sun is square those. Oh, I wonder! Would it be possible..? If I give him a little bit more time?

[I'm having prog Asc conj natal Juno exact right now btw, forgot to add the love 'steroids in the mix]

Here's some more charts lol, the synastry between my natal-my prog; his natal-his prog.



~the raving one dancing in the nude~

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Registered: Apr 2013

posted October 14, 2014 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Selene     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

sure why not?

"p.Sun square p.Venus 1.45s
p.Venus square n.Sun 0.56a
p.Venus opposite n.Saturn 0.31a"

I`d say chances will be better once these progressins are separating. Well the first already is. Do you feel a bit of a relief?
The thing is, aS I think, with Venus-Sun-square there is STILL considerable attraction often, but oftentimes something keeps the people apart, externally maybe. ONe of them being married, going abroad or something like that.
And with the separation of the aspect the obstacles often clear away.
However, even if the obstacles often seem too great, at the same time the dynamic square guarantees that the people cannot ignore each other, ther eis a lot of attention there, and as I said, attraction often too, just nothing seems to come out of it, or just with a lot of effort and amybe one or both will say it would be best to go separate ways. Yet this thorn in their sides keeps on pinching then: "If only..."

"2p.Venus trine p.Venus 4.03a"
This sounds lke a sweet romantic thing, but it is still too far away. I suppose will come into orb in 2 years?
Well, after the falling away of the Sun-Venus-square, and possibly THEN that would be a good time for the two of you.

"p.Jupiter trine p.Venus 2.05a"
And Venus-Jupiter again

"p.Sun conjunct n.Moon 0.38a"
Naturally I love this.

I am not sure what could be there, when we met, there was definitely a spark from both of us, as in natal synastry his Mars conjuncts my Moon-Jupiter , i think i will meet him again soon, don't know what's gonna happen. Anyway, he is slightly older then me (16 years), so maybe that is the problem.

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