Topic: Why am I so repulsed by him?
astra7 Knowflake Posts: 1059 From: I live at 667 Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 04:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by Neptunian Venus: Yes I suspected our Venus-Pluto square had something to do with it. It's funny though because Pluto is my 4th house ruler, I should feel comfortable with it, but apparently that's not the case here. maybe because it's a harsh aspect. I think Saturn-DESC bonds can be great though if there are mutual feelings of love and dedication. I have this with someone else as well, I'm Saturn and they're DESC. But I don't feel the need to own them or be clingy with them like this guy.
I'm not saying it is but how you think and feel may not be how 'they' perceive you. Jus sayin'
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Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 04:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Peluches: Neptunian Venus,I agree with Ami. Also, the Vertex is something else to look at ; yours conjuncts his ASC, showing that his personality had an impact on you and was an unexpected life-changing experience, for better or for worse (in this case, worse ). When the Vertex conjuncts the ASC in synastry, it's always a double whammy, even if it's a little wide on the other side. His Vertex conjuncts your ASC and his Antivertex (the 'dream (or nightmare) come true' type of surprise, depending on the circumstances) conjuncts your Psyche.
Close, Pel, but no cigar. We really need to keep VERTICES aspects to an extremely tight orb. It looks like the orb is ... 6º? Maybe 7º here? I need them to be 2º -- at absolute most. So, I'm having a tough time going with the ASC/VERTEX here. I don't think that's a part of it. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 04:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Neptunian Venus: Uh oh. I don't like the sound of that. I've been keeping my distance lately, and yet I still wake up to around 50+ texts and notifications on my phone from him. Now he's telling me that I'm the only girl he talks to and everyday he checks up on me seeing what I'm up to. And when I don't reply for a while, he guilt trips me. I want to block him but that would be taking it too far, don't you think? I feel so bad.
50+ texts? Don't block him. CONFRONT him. Be VERY clear that if his behaviour continues, you WILL block his calls. You do NOT have to deal with this. It has reached abusive levels. IP: Logged |
astra7 Knowflake Posts: 1059 From: I live at 667 Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 04:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: [b]50+ texts?Don't block him. CONFRONT him. Be VERY clear that if his behaviour continues, you WILL block his calls. You do NOT have to deal with this. It has reached abusive levels.[/B]
Yeah, I've just read. 50+ texts? Don't confront him, it will only fuel/rekindle connection he thinks he deserves. Keep on being aloof...."too busy this week..." etc Become distant.Sorry but you don't want this is already very creepy. :O IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1986 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 08, 2015 05:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by page one: Heavy Mars aspects are like that. You can want to tear their clothes off, punch their face or both.
ha ha.... I can't stop laughing... I had in composite mars conjunct sun and at the beginning everything annoyed me on this person. everything!!!! now it is more the wanting to tear his clothes off!!!! IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1986 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 08, 2015 05:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by Neptunian Venus: Yes that behaviour put me off very much. It's also the fact that he doesn't do anything with his life but sits at his computer all day. No work, no college/uni/school, lives with his parents and doesn't have any passion/ambitions he tells me. He told me I have become his hobby now. O.O I don't want to be with a man like that. I want someone who is active and independent, has his own life, his own identity, and preferably a visionary/artist like me so we can collaborate and work together But this guy just doesn't get it at all...Oh I'm well familiar with the "twin flame syndrome" lol. It's really sad and twisted how people abuse this term and try to use it to justify one-sided attachments. But I guess that's a good lesson in itself. Yes, according to him, I'm scared of intimacy which is why I won't let him get close to me. Not true lol. I'm just not attracted to him, but rather turned off. He goes out of his way to try and get my attention, it's actually quite sad. :/
a person with no life on his own? run away. change your number. ruuuunnn.... no wonder he is so obsessed. he has nothing to be excited about, then he finds you.. i dont think astrology is the culprit but his lack of interesting life that pulls you off.. anyperson with no life will pull you off, unless you are a loser as him...or need validation from such a loser.. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1986 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 08, 2015 05:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: Honestly? He needs therapy. I suspect there are much deeper issues driving this obsessive behaviour. I fear it could cross over into stalking territory. He needs help. Badly.
100% agree IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1986 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 08, 2015 05:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by Neptunian Venus: Uh oh. I don't like the sound of that. I've been keeping my distance lately, and yet I still wake up to around 50+ texts and notifications on my phone from him. Now he's telling me that I'm the only girl he talks to and everyday he checks up on me seeing what I'm up to. And when I don't reply for a while, he guilt trips me. I want to block him but that would be taking it too far, don't you think? I feel so bad.
how can you feel so bad about blocking a staker? seriously? run... this may end up badly... he is insanne and your may be risking your safety... i would even go to the polize and request a 5 km distance order... IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 06:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by astra7: Yeah, I've just read. 50+ texts? Don't confront him, it will only fuel/rekindle connection he thinks he deserves. Keep on being aloof...."too busy this week..." etc Become distant.Sorry but you don't want this is already very creepy. :O
NO. Absolutely not. CONFRONT HIM. This is actionable. If she plays the aloof and distant game, he will come on stronger. Confrontation will NOT fuel anything -- it halts it in its tracks, so that the next move is calling in the authorities. Confrontation and CLEAR refusal is the ONLY action to take when dealing with this sort of a personality. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 06:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by nordicsoul: how can you feel so bad about blocking a staker? seriously? run... this may end up badly... he is insanne and your may be risking your safety... i would even go to the polize and request a 5 km distance order...
Exactly. It's a little harder to request a EPO, (protective order) unless you are literally fearing for your life, but cyberstalking (which is 50+ unanswered texts in a 24 hour period, by the way) is actionable in a municipal court. I'm sure you don't want to escalate it THERE just yet, so do the thing you CAN do at this stage. CONFRONT HIM. Don't say 'I'm not into you, I'm sorry,' say, 'this is harassment, and if it doesn't stop, I'm going to the police.' PERIOD. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1986 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 08, 2015 06:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: Exactly. It's a little harder to request a EPO, (protective order) unless you are literally fearing for your life, but cyberstalking (which is 50+ unanswered texts in a 24 hour period, by the way) is actionable in a municipal court. I'm sure you don't want to escalate it THERE just yet, so do the thing you CAN do at this stage. CONFRONT HIM. Don't say 'I'm not into you, I'm sorry,' say, 'this is harassment, and if it doesn't stop, I'm going to the police.' PERIOD.
maybe is my paranoid moon-mercury square pluto, but if I am just afraid that the more time this guy gets obsessed with her, the more she is at risk. of course I would confront him if I thought that he has some degree of sanity, but I am afraid that with the 'twinflame' BS he will think she is just in denial of her love for him and will continue the chase. everybody deserves the benefit of the doubt, but when it is about my safety I do not take chances. I prefer to err on the safety and reach out the police... IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 06:57 PM
@Peluches, I wanted to add a quick thing about orbs.We've got to keep mathematical point-to-mathematical point aspects really tight, because the orb of influence is perceived to be so small. Everyone's a little bit different, but for me, I've found that the day that the tSUN is 0º conjunct the nVERTEX is so powerful that I called it Vertex Day. For me, big events tend to happen ON that day, but can also happen during that week; I've noticed, typically +/- 2 days. If we think about that in terms of orbs, that's 2º orb. We often allow the SUN to have wider orb when making aspects; it's the SUN!. And it tends to work, too, in most cases. So I've found that, in most cases, an orb influence of 5º tends to be felt in synastry with one's SUN on the other's VERTEX. It's no hard and fast rule, but it's been my go-to for 25 years, and seems to hit more than miss. Now, when we're approaching the angles, that's a different story. (Or BML and PRIAPUS, for that matter.) We all know how personal the ASC/DSC axis is -- as well as how fleeting. That why it's so personal. Were I born at 4:34, I'd have an 11º Virgo rising, rather than 10º VIR '43. And, over time, and the more you hone your skill, the minutes matter. Did I ever tell you about the story of finding my ex-Twin's birthtime? We'd known each other for 7 years before he found his TOB. I was watching the film, 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' and he texts me, with, finally his correct time of birth, as his mother had just found his birth certificate. It was a huge, celebratory moment! Heh. Perhaps it was the way it coincided with 11:11 (or 23:11, technically) and the line in the movie where the protagonist narrates, 'and in that moment, I swear, we were infinite.' But seeing 00º AQU 55, just 0º10 off of my VERTEX, right there on his ASC ... I cried. Tears literally flooded my eyes, and I started to bawl right there. (In private, of course.) Then I picked myself back up, took a deep breath and said, aloud, to no one, 'I can't say I'm surprised.' Because I wasn't. Considering the massive impact he'd had upon my life, and the bizarre circumstances that had to align JUST right in order for us to EVER meet at all? Ohhhh, yes. OF COURSE his rising wasn't mid-to-late Capricorn, but right, smack, 00º AQU, on-the-nose. Because THAT degree, and anything remotely near it, has ALWAYS had a life-altering influence upon me. And him? Funny enough, his VERTEX is 02º VIRGO. A whopping 8 degrees from my ASC. Which I wouldn't consider a conjunction by any stretch of the imagination, and in any universe. Well, CLEARLY, I've had a VERY profound effect upon him as well -- the likes of which could easily be termed 'Vertices-related' -- so ... what gives? Well, it is parallel my VENUS, though (as I'm going to consider a conjunction still to be pretty damned wide at 6º). But parallels have always amazed me in terms of their power; the underlying story playing out on an entirely different level, hidden from view. When you take them together -- his ASC 0º conjunct my VERTEX, with his VERTEX 8º from my ASC, but 6º and parallel my VENUS ... you start to see the interplay. One VERTEX is hit partile, while the other is resonating with that energy; capable of recognition, but ... not quite ... there. Which may actually be a good thing, overall, as I can't imagine him any more afraid of our connexion. Which, for the record, is what he has said to me in the past. July 2012, to be exact. He was convinced he would inevitably lose me, and thus, could never even attempt to try. It took me a LONG time to accept that. But, eventually you do, or you don't. I did, and moved on. Anyway. That's my take on VERTEX/ASC aspects. When they hit, they HIT. And when they miss -- they just do. They miss. Example of another hit: 19º CAN '13 (VERTEX) 19º LIB '13 (SUN) Square of 0º00 orb. He claimed that, when he met me, everything in his person was tripped simultaneously; that every 'button' he had, I pushed, seemingly all at once. Bear in mind, I also looked the absolute worst I probably could for such a meeting: my oily hair was up in a low ponytail and mostly hidden beneath a baseball cap, free from a vendor, which boasted something of a humourous, yet also rather vulgar, phrase. I had no makeup. I wore a pink muscle shirt with magenta script across the front -- 'kink' -- from the Museum of Sex in NYC. Then a pair of jeans which no longer really fit me since I'd lost a bit of weight, and were dragging the floor, despite my wearing low-heeled black boots. I think I might've also had a jacket -- but I forget that part. And NONE of it mattered. For some reason, he was taken with me. He loved my voice. My eyes. My mannerisms, and the cadence of my speech. Somehow, he saw beyond everything on the surface, and was zeroed into me. I don't think ANYONE had EVER said anything even REMOTELY like that to me before; that, somehow, they were taken with me on such a profound level, and immediately -- perhaps even ironically -- on sight. I wasn't sure I bought into the whole 'love at first sight' thing until him. Now, I have to AT LEAST consider the possibility. And if a 0º00 SUN/VERTEX aspect isn't responsible for that -- then what is? Sorry to digress. But I felt all of that important. IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: the sky Registered: Jul 2014
posted April 08, 2015 07:08 PM
Oh God. I don't know how this will sound, but please, please, don't call the authorities on him. It's not his fault if he needs help or if he acts this way ! Did he choose to obsess over you, to be so taken up with you to the extent of sending you 50 texts a day ? I don't think so. He's not behaving like this just for the sake of it. I was sobbing one minute ago thinking of how awfully hurt he would feel. I mean, he thinks you're twinflames ! What would you do if the person you loved, that one special person you would give your life to, turned you down so harshly by calling the police ? Please, don't. His texts aren't dangerous, are they ? You can warn him, I guess. The choice is yours. But, please, whatever you do, think of him. Don't hurt him too much. Thanks. IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: the sky Registered: Jul 2014
posted April 08, 2015 07:10 PM
Auby, thank you so much for all that. I will read it later today. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 07:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by nordicsoul: maybe is my paranoid moon-mercury square pluto, but if I am just afraid that the more time this guy gets obsessed with her, the more she is at risk. of course I would confront him if I thought that he has some degree of sanity, but I am afraid that with the 'twinflame' BS he will think she is just in denial of her love for him and will continue the chase. everybody deserves the benefit of the doubt, but when it is about my safety I do not take chances. I prefer to err on the safety and reach out the police...
Thing is, they can't do anything at this point. He has to be a genuine threat. So, we can hope that her confronting him will allow him to get a clue that he's barking up the wrong tree AND will have negative consequences. And, if he persists, and it escalates, NOW it's a police matter. Even if it's just continued harassment AFTER she's told him to stop. THAT's enough in most states. IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: the sky Registered: Jul 2014
posted April 08, 2015 07:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by Peluches: Auby, thank you so much for all that. I will read it later today.
And for your reply in your other thread too. I'm sorry if this looks like I'm answering other threads and ignoring you, but I'm not, I promise. I'm so busy right now and I just had to post a reply here. Thanks again. IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 1424 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted April 08, 2015 09:30 PM
Hard Saturn aspects always lead to replusion for me.IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 08, 2015 11:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by Peluches: And for your reply in your other thread too. I'm sorry if this looks like I'm answering other threads and ignoring you, but I'm not, I promise. I'm so busy right now and I just had to post a reply here. Thanks again.
No worries in the least, Pel. I'd thought nothing of it. We all get to things in our own time. IP: Logged |
Neptunian Venus Knowflake Posts: 328 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted April 09, 2015 03:57 AM
Hi everyone, thank you so much all for your advice and concern.I have been keeping my distance now for a whole week, but this only escalated his behaviour and made him paranoid about "losing me" So I finally decided to confronted him last night. But I kept it gentle and to the point, telling him honestly how I felt about the whole situation. He said he was fearful of losing me and could sense that I felt overwhelmed, but he still thinks its because I'm scared of intimacy and opening myself up to men. Lol I have no reason to open myself up to just anyone if I don't want to. But I was firm with him and told him that I wasn't comfortable with his ways, and that I didn't want our friendship to turn sour either. He was hurt, but I think he finally got it. I encouraged him to focus on himself and his life more, and to use his time more productively as well. It seems to have worked. He hasn't messaged me for a whole day now. Hopefully he can keep at it and nothing bitter comes out of this. IP: Logged |
Neptunian Venus Knowflake Posts: 328 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted April 09, 2015 03:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by LaceyLeigh: Hard Saturn aspects always lead to replusion for me.
How is your natal Saturn? IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6760 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 04:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by Neptunian Venus: Hi everyone, thank you so much all for your advice and concern.I have been keeping my distance now for a whole week, but this only escalated his behaviour and made him paranoid about "losing me" So I finally decided to confronted him last night. But I kept it gentle and to the point, telling him honestly how I felt about the whole situation. He said he was fearful of losing me and could sense that I felt overwhelmed, but he still thinks its because I'm scared of intimacy and opening myself up to men. Lol I have no reason to open myself up to just anyone if I don't want to. But I was firm with him and told him that I wasn't comfortable with his ways, and that I didn't want our friendship to turn sour either. He was hurt, but I think he finally got it. I encouraged him to focus on himself and his life more, and to use his time more productively as well. It seems to have worked. He hasn't messaged me for a whole day now. Hopefully he can keep at it and nothing bitter comes out of this.
Well done. I couldn't advise it better myself, and that's what I do for a living. Here's hoping it stays sane and manageable. IP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 1986 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 09, 2015 04:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Neptunian Venus: Hi everyone, thank you so much all for your advice and concern.I have been keeping my distance now for a whole week, but this only escalated his behaviour and made him paranoid about "losing me" So I finally decided to confronted him last night. But I kept it gentle and to the point, telling him honestly how I felt about the whole situation. He said he was fearful of losing me and could sense that I felt overwhelmed, but he still thinks its because I'm scared of intimacy and opening myself up to men. Lol I have no reason to open myself up to just anyone if I don't want to. But I was firm with him and told him that I wasn't comfortable with his ways, and that I didn't want our friendship to turn sour either. He was hurt, but I think he finally got it. I encouraged him to focus on himself and his life more, and to use his time more productively as well. It seems to have worked. He hasn't messaged me for a whole day now. Hopefully he can keep at it and nothing bitter comes out of this.
Glad to hear it turned out well.. hopefully the silence will last IP: Logged |
alyssa27 Knowflake Posts: 249 From: Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 04:50 AM
neptunian venus-i had a similar case..a guy was obsessed with me,he couldn't leave me alone he even threatened me and my family-his father was a politician-he said that he could learn and find everything for me and my family and hurt us..i was so scared..for a while i couldn't sleep,i didn't wanna tell my mother but i couldn't take it so i did tell her..she told me to tell him that i had kept all of the threatening messages-and i had kept them of course-and that i would take legal action against him(he knew my mother is a lawyer btw)..guess what?he send a goodbye message and disappeared from my life..i guess he got scared.. if the things get worse don't afraid to tell your family..even though i don't think it will get worse since u talked to him and he listened IP: Logged |
astra7 Knowflake Posts: 1059 From: I live at 667 Registered: Sep 2014
posted April 09, 2015 08:15 AM
Well done NV. Glad to hear how you handled it. We have been having rather intense transits of late as well so no doubt it must have fuelled over-reaction on his part too.IP: Logged |
Peluches Knowflake Posts: 1472 From: the sky Registered: Jul 2014
posted April 09, 2015 01:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Neptunian Venus: Hi everyone, thank you so much all for your advice and concern.I have been keeping my distance now for a whole week, but this only escalated his behaviour and made him paranoid about "losing me" So I finally decided to confronted him last night. But I kept it gentle and to the point, telling him honestly how I felt about the whole situation. He said he was fearful of losing me and could sense that I felt overwhelmed, but he still thinks its because I'm scared of intimacy and opening myself up to men. Lol I have no reason to open myself up to just anyone if I don't want to. But I was firm with him and told him that I wasn't comfortable with his ways, and that I didn't want our friendship to turn sour either. He was hurt, but I think he finally got it. I encouraged him to focus on himself and his life more, and to use his time more productively as well. It seems to have worked. He hasn't messaged me for a whole day now. Hopefully he can keep at it and nothing bitter comes out of this.
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