posted August 08, 2015 06:55 AM
"What's Nymphe?"I`d think. very very playful, but also quite sexual in a natural way. Not overcomplicating things, but just being sexual because it feels like a natural expression of the self and joy.
I suppose it makes sense he has it on the ASC then. 
We do have it rather pronounced in composite as well, with Nymphe in 1st house being part of:
Grand trine with
Dejanira and Pluto
T-sqare with
Uranus on MC
Eros-Dionysos-Priapus on IC 
Don`t even make me THINK about what that might imply!
Interestingly enough in my own chart NYMPHE is on 2 Capricorn, joining the big stellium I have there from 1-3 Capricorn, including
Vesta, Eva, Demeter, Stonehenge, Knight (I know
), Tristan, Boda (marriage), Sindbad etc.
My Nymphe`s Sabian degree is very intriguing to me:
"A Human Soul, In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment"
And well, yes it also fascinates me to have Vesta, Demeter, Eva having tied to Nymphe in my chart, and that closely.
It is however sort of a "project" in my life I suppose, letting the more playful natural side unfold (instead of thinking sooo much that it hinders any action).
Btw in the DRacos it looks like that
Vesta-Demeter-Eva-Knight on 21 Aries
The Gate To The Garden Of All Fulfilled Desires
Nymphe on 22 Aries
A Pregnant Woman In Light Summer Dress

Well seriously, Playtime sounds like being a little risky. 
I find it interesting that it falls close to my natal Chiron on 20 Aries, (and yes I sort of noticed how it falls also onto the composite nodal axis with all that is tied to that)
"*bigger smile* "
It is interesting, these rather erotic/ sexual symbols like Nymphe or Cupido having tied to THE symbol of virginity. (After all ARtemis always stayed a virging throughout her existence).
I wonder what having potently sexual planets or asteroids like Mars, Pluto maybe, Eros, Cupido, Lust, Nymphe, Aphrodite or maybe even Priapus having there would do to artemis?
Would she put up high inpenetrable defenses?
Or would those asteroids there imply they might find a way under this goddess firm resolve to stay out of sex`s way?
"My 307 NIKE...conjunct my IC maybe? And definitely conjunct my draconic Mars."
That sounds nice. I find it intriguing, though I have yet found a way to nterprete it in real practical terms.
Interestingly his Nike is on 2 Leo, loosely conjunct my Priapus and right on our composite DESC.
"His Nike conjunct his NN-Uranus-my name."
I wished I knew how to interprete that.