Topic: Special Meaning of a Composite Chart Star of David?
Mergoatsun Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: USA Today Registered: Aug 2015
posted August 22, 2015 03:34 PM
[IMG] 0cff-4ca8-4b2c-b93b-d51ccf4f3c23_zpslzlza5vp.png[/IMG][IMG] 3d23-314d-41e1-851a-460c944345a9_zpsucbddpvt.gif[/IMG] I'm fairly new to astrology but I love learning about it. When trying this composite chart I noticed that there was a Star of David, on more than just one site too. I was just wondering if there was a special meaning to this and what it means for a composite relationship chart> IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 4239 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted August 22, 2015 03:41 PM
Sorry to disappoint you, love, but you don't have a Star of David in the Composite. There isn't even a Grand Trine.Like Yod's, Stars of David are very rare to have in astrology. IP: Logged |
Mergoatsun Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: USA Today Registered: Aug 2015
posted August 22, 2015 04:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by Rosalind: Sorry to disappoint you, love, but you don't have a Star of David in the Composite. There isn't even a Grand Trine.Like Yod's, Stars of David are very rare to have in astrology.
Thank you for your response. I'm still learning everything so I appreciate the clarification IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6756 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 22, 2015 05:38 PM
Yes, the degrees are too off; either there's going to be all in latter degrees of the signs represented (Earth and Water here) or earlier. But instead, they're a bit scattered. Trines, but no Grand Trines. Welcome to LL. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6756 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 22, 2015 05:47 PM
I've heard it referred to as Seal of Solomon, and only very recently found one in my composite. I have to say, I do feel it has significance, given what's involved. Air and Fire.SUN (3º) CHIRON (2º) SNODE URA-ASC-DESTINN (1º) AMOR (2º) NNODE Technically, the URA-AMOR is 0º, but ASC-DESTINN is 0º, and I'm a big fan of DESTINN. IP: Logged |
Mergoatsun Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: USA Today Registered: Aug 2015
posted August 22, 2015 07:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aubyanne: I've heard it referred to as Seal of Solomon, and only very recently found one in my composite. I have to say, I do feel it has significance, given what's involved. Air and Fire.SUN (3º) CHIRON (2º) SNODE URA-ASC-DESTINN (1º) AMOR (2º) NNODE Technically, the URA-AMOR is 0º, but ASC-DESTINN is 0º, and I'm a big fan of DESTINN.
Huh that is interesting! This is a very peculiar chart to me so I wanted to learn more about it. Thank you for the welcome IP: Logged |
Fionapineapple Knowflake Posts: 406 From: Hollis, New York, USA Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 25, 2015 02:19 AM
What does the Star of David mean in synastry or a composite?IP: Logged |
Sheldon Renee Widuch Knowflake Posts: 63 From: USA Registered: Nov 2013
posted August 25, 2015 02:32 PM
I have been researching the STAR of DAVID AKA: Grand Sextile, Hexagram, Metatrons Cube, Star Tetrahedron, the Heart Chakra now for couple years. Apparently it is an Extremely Rare Aspect to have in a personal chart. I found information starting in 1990 all the way through to 2013 the planets created 13 Star of David Activations in the sky. Thats it.... no more for another 100 years, but I did not verify this part myself yet by running the projections for the next 100 years. I do not agree with all this guys interpretations but here are the base numbers/aspects he is working off of in a video about Star of David. I mapped out what happened during these times in my own life during the Star of David series which is happening in my lifetime to see how the "End of the World as We Know It" would manifest in my own life... Launch me into a whole new world of possibilities when I found a REAL one! Thats right, A Star of David Compatibility Relationship Natal Chart. Too make a long story short and what spurred me into this new interest in Astrology was when I found a real Star of David relationship compatibility composite chart during the 13th Twin Star Activation when a person I knew little about came to me in a dream (we have not met human body to human body yet) and commanded, "Do our Chart!" and we were both freaking out we could actually hear each other and how the dreamtime meetings actually started manifesting in our waking reality and I mean in "force fields in waking consciousness in its faded and more solid reality synchronicities are happening! Like a download into denser and denser hard as hell maneuvering to breath in and out to deal with basic everyday living. Every time we are about to meet in person something WEIRD happens! Life has been leading me around the planet and I do not have any money or "home" yep I'm homeless after attaining a relatively amazing life living my dreams to the fullest. Now feeling material plane disempowered but following the yellow brick road of life revealing itself in the right here right now. I flew Cathay business class from Singapore to LA from a gift of miles!! The arch of have's and have nots, Physically speaking. This year I have been to Bali, Tokyo, Singapore twice, Australia, LA my third time, Aspen, Nashville on pocket change having to rely on gifts to move me forward I think this is part of the game to move me out of wanting to be in control and allowing Destiny to unfold without a shadow of a doubt! The journey has been exceptionally well on the inside but the outside manifestations of the "cleansing process" of all relationships past has been grueling. (Saturn transit in Scorpio) hitting my 5th and 7th Natal chart! Can not find the way to upload the charts....Please advise! Here is the breakdown...... Grand Sextile / Star of David Compatibility Composite Relationship Chart Water and Earth Sun/Venus/Mercury/North Node 2nd House Cancer 2* Vertex 6th house Scorpio 3* Saturn 10th house Pisces 5* Uranus 6*/Pluto (11*) 4th house Virgo 6* South Node/Part of Fortune 8th house Capricorn 2* 4* Anti-Vertex / Anteroes 12th house Taurus 3* (Note we have 5264 Telephus / telepathy asteroid conjunct the Sun, Mercury, Venus and North Node in 2 Cancer in the 2nd house) Sheldrakes telepathy research will definitely get a kick out of some of my stories and documentation about telepathy and human magnetics. The friction needed in this almost way too easy aspect is to The Moon 7th House at 7 Sag and is the most conflicted part of the chart and squares points in the Star of David...Bah Humbug! Nightmare! Luckily Juno is near by at 0*Sag....The Moon squares Saturn and Uranus Pluto. This shows up in my life with all my relationships with people over this experience I am having regarding this new information I am receiving about the Twin Flame process of consciousness reconnecting itself in the OVERSOUL and especially feeling attacked as some view the STAR of DAVID as a WAR Star however if you look at it closely you will see the STAR of David is the Heart Chakra!! Metatrons Cube! The power of the Star of David does however kick out, cleanses slower, lower energies so this is why I suspect some refer to it as a WAR Star. Its interesting to note the holographic nature of my experience as the Star of David / Metatrons Cube is 13 equal circles, found it in my life on the 13th Twin Star of David which was one of two TWIN Stars of David since 1990. The Antivertex (Destiny's Gate) is conjunct 1943 Anteroes (Requited Love) in 3-4 Taurus in the 12th House (Grounded Spiritual Love Returned connected through dreams) Opposite this is the Vertex (Destiny's Gate) which is conjunct 318 Magdalene (Divine Feminine) in the 6th House of Service in 3 Scorpio. I am finding my work around, well lets say, the covert feminine rays of manipulation to be the most crafty, tricky and cunning of all life experiences. The illumination into this realm is Revolutionary! I have a lot of other information and stories about my Star of David Experience and especially the astrology transits in my personal chart when this Star dropped in from the stars and right into my arms.... The Chart Actually makes a TWIN STAR of DAVID IF you add the Right Here, Right NOW Humanity at Large....transit of PLUTO in Capricorn 14* If not it makes a 11-Pointed Star. Second Star of David Jupiter/Pallas Asc 1st Taurus 15* Pluto (4th) 12* / Mars (5th) Virgo 18* Right Here Now Transit of PLUTO (8th) Capricorn 14* Sirius/Solar Logos 2nd house Cancer 13* Neptune Desc 7th house Scorpio 15* Chiron 11th house Pisces 18* The IC roots this chart in the ideal 16 Psyche Soul Love. I found this website to be excellent and closely matched what information I received directly about my newly revealed deeper layers of my spiritual path...Union of OVERSouls in the Human this is my version of the "second coming" And so on, and so on,..... WAIT!!! The Synastry......Isis and Osirius Heiros Gamos! My Sun/Osiris opposite His Moon/Isis Sun conjunct North Node double whammy Ascendant opposite Descendant double whammy Juno in each others 7th House double whammy Saturn opposites 1 - 7 houses Eros conjunct Eros/Aneteros/Jupiter (H) Pallas 7th house double whammy In the middle of putting this "story" into an understandable format considering I feel like Christopher Columbus on a ship out to sea and everyone is screaming "Your going to fall off the Edge of the Earth!" Its way too good to be true story. My Unscripted Realty and the magic of Destiny unfolding before our very eyes. FOLLOW ME on Twitter.... IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6756 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 26, 2015 04:18 AM
I'd be intrigued, Sheldon, as I've been living my own 'unbelievable, reality-shifting' story (of sorts) since 2001. We finally met ('for the first time') in 2010. It's been an incredible journey, beginning in dreams, spontaneous regressions, and a series of synchronicities since that time, ensuring our meeting when the time was right. I've never known a relationship like this -- and I'm not speaking in romantic terms. This is truly the most remarkable relationship I've ever had; completely unique and paradigm shifting. We are truly multidimensional.If there's a Heart Chakra connexion, to this configuration, that would certainly jibe, as we are also confirmed Twin Flames. Incidentally, what are the orbs on your Seal of Solomon / Star of David again? Welcome to LL.  IP: Logged |
Sheldon Renee Widuch Knowflake Posts: 63 From: USA Registered: Nov 2013
posted August 27, 2015 11:49 PM
Oh thats interesting since one of the powerful Star of David's in the sky was in 2001 The 2001 Star of David was a fire and air star September 4. What date did you meet? I feel I understand what you mean about the quality of the relationship it feels so solid all the emotional ******** which we thought was "normal" and our relationship to "Drama" changes and something drops and we know with every single cell of our body a "security" and level of love as a state of being rather than an emotion and the level of magical experiences operate like a midas touch a kind of streaming genius through us in waves and no matter what happens nothing has changed the core feeling of the relationship however major issues are still going on with a certain level of detachment and deep soul growth is happening, fully engaged in and allowing all the emotions to be what they are without judgement and what used to hurt no longer hurts they way it used to and then there is a relaxed state of Everything and Anything goes. 2010 was the 10-10-10 <binary 42> I would love to see your chart too, I am learning a lot lately. Here are the aspects for the composite: Grand Trine Sun/Venus/Mercury/North Node/Telephus 2nd House Cancer 2*degrees Vertex 6th house Scorpio 3*degrees Saturn 10th house Pisces 5*degrees Grand Trine Uranus 6*/Pluto (11*) 4th house Virgo 6*degrees South Node/Part of Fortune 8th house Capricorn 2* 4* Anti-Vertex / Anteroes 12th house Taurus 3*degrees Grand Trine Jupiter/Pallas Asc 1st Taurus 15*degrees Pluto (4th) 12* / Mars (5th) Virgo 18* degrees Part of Fate (8th) Capricorn 17*degrees Grand Trine Sirius/Solar Logos 2nd house Cancer 13*degrees Neptune Desc 7th house Scorpio 15*degrees Chiron 11th house Pisces 18*degrees Moon 0*/Juno 7* (7th) Sagitarius square Saturn 10th house Pisces 5*degrees and squared Uranus (4th) 6*/Pluto (11*) degrees.
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Sheldon Renee Widuch Knowflake Posts: 63 From: USA Registered: Nov 2013
posted August 28, 2015 12:00 AM
Sorry Juno is 0 and Moon is 7 degrees Sagittarius in the 7th house. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6756 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 28, 2015 02:45 AM
We met 27 January 2010. I first became aware of his existence (for lack of better) 27 January 2001.IP: Logged |
Sheldon Renee Widuch Knowflake Posts: 63 From: USA Registered: Nov 2013
posted August 28, 2015 09:56 PM
I checked the meet date and found on the MC the Sun, Samadhi Venus, Black Lilith conjunct in Aquarius so the beginning of the physical relationship is blessed and could make a mark on the world. Especially related to your Divine Feminine self mastery as a role model for other women. Samadhi is a spiritual state of consciousness a state of intense concentration achieved through meditation. In Hindu yoga this is regarded as the final stage, at which union with the divine is reached. Here are more posts about Samadhi... IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 28, 2015 10:18 PM
Wide orbs, though.On Sept 4, 2001: Saturn 14 Gemini Mercury 6 Libra, at the latest
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 28, 2015 10:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by Fionapineapple: What does the Star of David mean in synastry or a composite?
I would imagine it gives a sense of fulfilment along with a challenge of not becoming too reliant on each other, or too self-contained, as if the relationship answers all existential needs. (?) Especially in composite. I think it's common in synastry, not common in composite. I have a splash chart, and it's similar to a Grand Sextile, because I have a planet in each air and fire sign; the orb is just too wide (15 degrees) between the two most widely-spaced planets for it to be a real Grand Sextile. So technically I am "almost there" on my own, but I have never seen a Grand Sextile in any of my composites. I ought to check myself with other splash charts to see if we can create one... Researching  IP: Logged |
alegna Knowflake Posts: 176 From: uk Registered: Jan 2014
posted August 29, 2015 07:41 AM
[IMG] e-4f70-9afc-525061fe0c70_zps44anjl6g_1.gif[/IMG]IP: Logged |
alegna Knowflake Posts: 176 From: uk Registered: Jan 2014
posted August 29, 2015 08:59 AM
The above comp chart is mine and my best friends. i'M not sure if it's a star of david, but i think it's something like that.Anyway, sadly she passed away in march of this year, but she was a real soulmate. I will never have another friend like her. We were very similar, yet opposite in a strange way. Opposite sun signs and nodal axis. We completely got each other. We saw life the same way, felt the same way about everything. I have never felt so completely understood by anyone else- ever. We would talk and talk, often all night long, and it would often seem like we were about to make some major breakthrough, or some important discovery or insight, but it never quite got there, lol. In our synastry we had some strong connections too. her sun, vertex and north node were conjunct my ascendant, My moon was conjunct her ic our karmas were conjunct and there was a double whammy draco karmas conjunct each others natal north node. She was definitely a member of my immediate soul group/ family, i think. IP: Logged |
Aubyanne Moderator Posts: 6756 From: The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014
posted August 29, 2015 11:57 AM
Alegna,If we're going with wider orbs, then that would be so. I'm not actually sure if 5º is too wide; considering asteroids, after all, we tend to need to keep them to 3º. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 29, 2015 08:12 PM
Wow that's a pretty chart alegna.The details you describe go hand-in-hand: the understanding between yourselves, along with the astrology of it. So, so sorry you lost your friend.  IP: Logged |
Beautiful_Light unregistered
posted November 15, 2016 04:19 PM
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todd Knowflake Posts: 4988 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted November 15, 2016 08:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Fionapineapple: What does the Star of David mean in synastry or a composite?
I've heard it called a grand sextile myself. but this pattern is extremely favorable for a relationship. it seems the nature of the sextile so permeates the relationship that opposites are balances love enhanced, know increased and good fortune in general follows this relationship. as long as there are conscious planets the individuals gain. venus/sun/mars/moon/Jupiter/juno combos show romantic relationships or even marriage. todd IP: Logged |
comdoc Knowflake Posts: 1132 From: Tucson Registered: Feb 2015
posted November 15, 2016 11:37 PM
Dear BeautifulLight, your composite is a thing of great beauty! I have 6 natal placements on your comp planets: Comp Mars = my Sun. Comp Chiron = my Moon. Comp Sun = my ASC. Comp Jupiter opp my Sun. Comp Saturn = my Jupiter. Comp Mercury = my DESC.
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Beautiful_Light unregistered
posted November 16, 2016 12:36 AM
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Beautiful_Light unregistered
posted November 16, 2016 12:42 AM
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