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Author Topic:   Compatible chart, not compatible in RL/not complementing each other

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posted October 08, 2015 05:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 11, 2015 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 13, 2015 06:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
anyone? :-(

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posted October 14, 2015 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 14, 2015 05:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LaceyLeigh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You're right, nothing here looks too significant, but sometimes that works for people.

Did they get along really well throughout those five years they were together?

Post their Davison chart, please.

I'd also look at house placements.

His moon falls into her 5th house, his Venus falls into her 4th.

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posted October 14, 2015 07:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 14, 2015 09:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LaceyLeigh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lol, you're right, nothing makes sense.

Is that the Davison chart or the composite?

I suppose the grand cross, as well as the trine in their Davison chart has the possibility of acting like glue this situation.

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posted October 15, 2015 01:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LaceyLeigh:
Lol, you're right, nothing makes sense.

Is that the Davison chart or the composite?

I suppose the grand cross, as well as the trine in their Davison chart has the possibility of acting like glue this situation.

Yes, well at least thats what I chose on They had 3 options for Davison..i can upload another one if this one isnt correct. I chose noon as birthtime for him otherwise wouldnt be able to make one.

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posted October 15, 2015 11:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His mars is in Gemini and hers is in libra, there’s a 136 degree difference .. are they sesqui-squaring each other?? "
Yes. And of the minor aspects this one rates almost among the major ones in terms of intensity. Of course that is just my opinion, but I would at least keep a mental note on the semisquares and sesisquares, especially if they make an aspect pattern. Something like you have a square between two planets which are also sesisquare or semisquare a third one.
Orb has to be tight though. 1°30 appr. for the semisquare and sesisquare.

"If one mars is making soft aspects to another mars, they have to be semi-sextile, in conjuction, trine or sextile."
Soft aspects are trine or sextile. I wouldnT count the semisextile as soft aspect. they are the "twin-aspect" to the quinkunx after all.
Soft aspects connect planets that have harmonious elements.
Semisextiles do not have that.

"though its 68degrees .. can you still consider this as sextile?)"
No, I wouldn´t count that.

"does that mean that the sun and the fact that it conjucts the midpoint, has an effect on that midpoint and influences it in another way?"

"Which ones are the relevant ones?"
Depends on what you`re looking for. But for relationship certainly those including Venus as well as the Moon. Esp. Sun/Moon, Venus/Mars. But that is just the start. Really all midpoints including either Sun, Moon, Venus or Mars are relevant.
Of course those are the ones we mostly like to see. that does not mean Uranus/Pluto is less important, just maybe less pleasant.

And when we talk about midpoints in synastry: person A’s sun at 30° = person B’s venus/mars midpoint in 30° ------> good aspect?"
Generally speaking, yes.

However, it`s not that easy. What we can say though is that A`s presence makes B feel as if they are having a Venus-Mars-conjunction, their Venus-Mars-motor gets stimulated (it depends a little if they like feeling passionate btw), for A it does not seem really all that important though except for noticing the impact they have on B and maybe feeling flattered or touched that they can have that kind of effect.

Orb for midpoints should be tight, too, though. 1°30

BTW in the case of your bestie and her ex his jupiter played a very important role (and do not underestimate Jupiter at all, it is not much written about it, but it helps a relationship to find some joy in) - it was one of the completing placements to her chart pattern, making many aspects there. What I am curious about is why there are no planets on 20 Taurus which would have completed both chart patterns and his new gf chart also points at that 20-23 taurus position for completing the chart pattern.

Does their composite maybe has a planet on 20 Taurus?

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posted October 15, 2015 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 18, 2015 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 21, 2015 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 22, 2015 07:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 22, 2015 07:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'll return to this post and edit properly.

But what I wanted to say was that the house positions count. As we are rarely ever attracted to someone for that long that does not reflect us.

It is really the 7th house principle of projecting ourselves to our ideal partner. Behaving in manner consistent with how we would like others to behave when relating to us etc.

Her Sun/Venus conjunction is in the 1st house. He has Sun/Mercury/Venus in Leo.

She has Moon in the 10th house of work. He has Saturn/Sun and Saturn/Merc.

He has North Node in Sag and it falls in her relationships and partnerships 7th house. Perhaps a fated coupling?

His Moon in Libra sits in her 5th house of creativity and fun. He may like taking care of her.

This is re-iterated by the ruler of her 7th of "partnerships" i.e the qualities she is looking for in a mate, in the 4th.

So she is a person who is likely to prefer the domesticated, homey type. Given that she also has Sun,Mercury and Venus in Cancer. That energy is too familiar and delicious to resist.

His Venus in Leo falls in her 4th house(right on the angle !!). So his loving gestures(Venus) and the way he shows he cares,touches her soul(4th).

Its not about Zodiac sign alone. It hardly ever is.

Pity the midpoints are not automatically calculated in generated charts. Because I am certain there would be many connections there too.

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posted October 22, 2015 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
I'll return to this post and edit properly.

But what I wanted to say was that the house positions count. As we are rarely ever attracted to someone for that long that does not reflect us.

It is really the 7th house principle of projecting ourselves to our ideal partner. Behaving in manner consistent with how we would like others to behave when relating to us etc.

Her Sun/Venus conjunction is in the 1st house. He has Sun/Mercury/Venus in Leo.

She has Moon in the 10th house of work. He has Saturn/Sun and Saturn/Merc.

He has North Node in Sag and it falls in her relationships and partnerships 7th house. Perhaps a fated coupling?

His Moon in Libra sits in her 5th house of creativity and fun. He may like taking care of her.

This is re-iterated by the ruler of her 7th of "partnerships" i.e the qualities she is looking for in a mate, in the 4th.

So she is a person who is likely to prefer the domesticated, homey type. Given that she also has Sun,Mercury and Venus in Cancer. That energy is too familiar and delicious to resist.

His Venus in Leo falls in her 4th house(right on the angle !!). So his loving gestures(Venus) and the way he shows he cares,touches her soul(4th).

Its not about Zodiac sign alone. It hardly ever is.

Pity the midpoints are not automatically calculated in generated charts. Because I am certain there would be many connections there too.

Well, what can I say .. I didn't expect that. I heard mostly negative stuff about this combo and as far as my knowledge goes, i couldn't see a lot of good things too.

So houses can be a game changer, right?

Can you say something about him and his new girlfriend?

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posted October 22, 2015 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
I'll return to this post and edit properly.

But what I wanted to say was that the house positions count. As we are rarely ever attracted to someone for that long that does not reflect us.

It is really the 7th house principle of projecting ourselves to our ideal partner. Behaving in manner consistent with how we would like others to behave when relating to us etc.

Her Sun/Venus conjunction is in the 1st house. He has Sun/Mercury/Venus in Leo.

She has Moon in the 10th house of work. He has Saturn/Sun and Saturn/Merc.

He has North Node in Sag and it falls in her relationships and partnerships 7th house. Perhaps a fated coupling?

His Moon in Libra sits in her 5th house of creativity and fun. He may like taking care of her.

This is re-iterated by the ruler of her 7th of "partnerships" i.e the qualities she is looking for in a mate, in the 4th.

So she is a person who is likely to prefer the domesticated, homey type. Given that she also has Sun,Mercury and Venus in Cancer. That energy is too familiar and delicious to resist.

His Venus in Leo falls in her 4th house(right on the angle !!). So his loving gestures(Venus) and the way he shows he cares,touches her soul(4th).

Its not about Zodiac sign alone. It hardly ever is.

Pity the midpoints are not automatically calculated in generated charts. Because I am certain there would be many connections there too.

Well, what can I say .. I didn't expect that. I heard mostly negative stuff about this combo and as far as my knowledge goes, i couldn't see a lot of good things too.

So houses can be a game changer, right?

Can you say something about him and his new girlfriend?

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posted October 24, 2015 04:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 24, 2015 06:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by dahliadivin:

So houses can be a game changer, right?

More than that. They are a basic part of the game.

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posted October 24, 2015 06:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Am I understanding it correctly that you're saying that sesqui square angle is normally a minor aspect, but can be a major one depending on the planets and signs?"

Sesquisquare is a minor angle, belonging to the 8th harmonic.
The major aspects are the ptolemaic aspects, conjunction, opposition,s quare, trine and sextile.
Some treat the quinkunx as major aspect, but it is NOT a ptolemaic aspect.

This is how astrological tradition defines major aspects, but there are different approaches.

Of the minor aspects the 8th harmonic ones (semisquare and sesisqurae) as well as the 5th harmonic ones (quintile and biquintile) get more attention and in some cases almost major-aspect-status.

I suppose the jury is out on these.

However, I am coming from an angle where I pay a lot of attention to "natural phases" and paying much attention to the lunar phases for example, as basis for aspectual relations.

In this respect I noticed that in synastry people often come together when they had important lunar phases in progressions. If you put those together for a composite though, it can happen that they show up as an 8th harmonic aspect, as happened for my brother and his girlfriend.

his gf was having an applying waxing square between her pSun and pMoon.
he was having a separating opposition between his pSun and pMoon.

Which actually was a reversal of each natal lunar phase (my brother has a waxing square between Sun and Moon in his natal, his gf has the opposition).

In the composite that combined to form a sesisquare between pSun and pMoon.
(because if you put an opposition and square together, you technically speaking, get 180 + 90 = 270°. Since a composite consists of 2 people, you have to divide that by 2, and 270° divided by 2 is 135°, the distance of a sesissquare. The sesisquare is basically the middle ground or midpoint between a square and an opposition).

A lot of technical mathematics here, but honestly speaking, aspects are nothing but mathematic (at least the calculation of aspects, interpretation is of course something else).

Also if you have two planets in a square aspects, the exact position of the semisquare and the sesisquare is actually at the near and far midpoint of both planets, and since midpoints are where the energy of two planets meld together, how can the semisquare and sesisquare not have an effect?

I hope I did not confuse you too much with that now.

"hat does that aspect cause in this case?"
A sesisquare as an isolated aspect causes a little bit of friction/t ension, a spark, a mix of square and opposition, but it might not be strong enough on its own to push you to action, though might give you the feeling that you SHOULD, because you certainly realize there is SOMETHING there, even if it might not be as strongly energized as in a square aspect. (it gives more of a buzz though than a trine or sextile, which are more comforting and comfortable aspects).

"Does it make sense to post them there? I'm using noon as their birth time .. i don't know how accurate this will be and how much it will make sense."
You can post the midpoings, but keep it to:

° 1°30 orb
°c onjunction, opposition and square
° personal planets and angles at the midpoint of someone else`s planets; also personalized planets like the 7th houser ruler of 5th house ruler (even if it should be an oouter aspect) possibly along with planets in 7th house and 5th house, which also have relevance for relationship matters.

To be fair, I dont know how much time I will have to look into it, but maybe someone will.
And I surely will have a peek and if something stands out to me, I will tell you. However, I am not going to be able to do a lenghty analysis.

if you don`t have the birthtime, exclude midpoint-pictures that feature the Moon, ASC, MC and Vertex.
The others will still be valid.
However it is a shame cause those wilth Moon, ASC and MC are THE most important ones in terms of personal interaction.
You still can work with those including Sun, Venus and Mars though, and those will be very personal as well.

"In this case, wouldn't a double whammy be better? i mean if A has an impact on B, but not vice versa .. i think this is very onesided."
Yes, which is one of the strengths of midpoint anylsis, too. You usually can see very clearly how one partner is affected, even if the other is not.

I used to think it is always the one with the midpoint-picture that is most affected, however it does not seem as cut and dried.
In fact I have come to entertain the thought (not having formed my opinion yet) that it possibly is even more important to see WHAT planets are being activated. If someone`s Moon or Venus are touched, the energy might go mutually.

While it is still true, that the midpoint person will be the one initially affected, the planet person might be very receptive to how they affect the midpoint person.


his Venus conjunct her Sun/Venus-mp.

She will probably be very affected and affectionate and possibly develop a liking, affintiy or even fall in love (her Sun/Venus) with the way he expresseses himself in relationships or expresses his more romantic side or even artistic side (his Venus).
However when she expresses that feeling of love he activates in her (her Sun/Venus triggered at first), he might actually be very appreciative of that, as his Venus symbolizes what he loves, like, appreciates in a woman.

It`s like he is thinking: "I love (his Venus) how you love me (her Sun/Venus-mp)".

This is espcially true if Venus and Moon are triggering each other`s midpoints as they are more receptive to energies.
While if it was Sun, it could actually be a rather onesided thing. unless of course her Sun was activating romantic midpoints in his chart as well.

"Umm .. i'm not sure what you mean. there's her venus, but i don't think that you're talking about that right?"
Venus? Nope, did not see Venus.
But I realized their composite Mars must be there, so that seems to definitely have been part of the draw. Probably a bit of physical activity pulling them together (including the physical chemistry whenever they interacted).

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posted October 24, 2015 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 25, 2015 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 25, 2015 10:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sometimes astrology wont tell the whole story. Its more of a blueprint of the potential you have. A lot of things can change that. That is why the birth time is so important because house positions are literally our position in the world. How the world will shape us. And it is up to us to respond to it.

Anyways, the way you described your friend, rins true fro pisces moon. The guy, he sounds like a total libra moon to the core. And his new girlfriend sounds like a leo sun, but I may be biased.I dont know many leos and one of the few I do know acts like her. You might be picking up more on the moon signs of the people you know well.

Also, drugs change people. It changes their personalities beyond astrology and anything else. They cant truly love another human being because they will never love someone more than they love drugs.

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posted October 26, 2015 06:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 28, 2015 04:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 28, 2015 06:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dahliadivin     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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