Topic: I feel Quintiles and BiQuintiles in synastry do you?
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3016 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted October 15, 2015 12:30 PM
I swear Ive been reading and saw a few videos on this minor aspect and I can seriously notice this aspect in synastry thoughts? Opinions? ------------------ Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 15, 2015 12:37 PM
oh YESSone of my favourite major `minor` aspects. IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3016 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted October 15, 2015 12:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: oh YESSone of my favourite major `minor` aspects.
Omg!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!! ------------------ Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 1931 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted October 15, 2015 04:31 PM
Please explain your experiences. Great thread! We have:Moon quintie Mercury Moon quintile Uranus Moon quintile Pluto Sun biquintile Pluto Jupiter quintile Venus Venus quintile ASC Mars biquintile ASC Venus quintile Lilith Eros quintile NN psyche quintile VX but I'm not sure how they're felt or what I'm looking for lol. Still early stages though so maybe these qualities need to develop? Are there any interpretations anywhere Angel?
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angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3016 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted October 16, 2015 11:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: Please explain your experiences. Great thread! We have:Moon quintie Mercury Moon quintile Uranus Moon quintile Pluto Sun biquintile Pluto Jupiter quintile Venus Venus quintile ASC Mars biquintile ASC Venus quintile Lilith Eros quintile NN psyche quintile VX but I'm not sure how they're felt or what I'm looking for lol. Still early stages though so maybe these qualities need to develop? Are there any interpretations anywhere Angel?
yes there is! i will send you some cool youtube link and web links i found interesting. i have my mercury quintile venus in synastry. basically the quintile just means that the two energies just "get" each other. there both "compatible". for instance her venus in taurus in the 8th we have a lot of sweet talk a lot. since my angular mercury quintile her venus. ill write more tmrw to explain more what else do i think of this aspect. ------------------ Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3016 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted October 16, 2015 11:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: Please explain your experiences. Great thread! We have:Moon quintie Mercury Moon quintile Uranus Moon quintile Pluto Sun biquintile Pluto Jupiter quintile Venus Venus quintile ASC Mars biquintile ASC Venus quintile Lilith Eros quintile NN psyche quintile VX but I'm not sure how they're felt or what I'm looking for lol. Still early stages though so maybe these qualities need to develop? Are there any interpretations anywhere Angel?
QUINTILE and BI-QUINTILE (72 & 144 degrees) This is a highly creative aspect, even in a natal chart. Persuasiveness is a part of its influence. The Bi-Quintile is considered much more persuasive than the 72° Quintile. Its influence on an event is to bring a creative solution to a problem, a logical resolution rather than a Septile-Type solution. In problems, your personal ingenuity, creativity and influence can manipulate your way out. A student found that a negotiating deal was resolved when the Progressed Moon was Quintile Mercury. Minor aspects manifest near exactness. In the natal chart, the planets involved in the Quintile aspect often describe personal talents and qualities for which we become known Hitler had a Mars-Pluto Quintile; Marilyn Monroe had a Venus-Neptune Quintile. It is said that Quintile Dominant personalities have a strong sense of mission but they must first define what they want in order to get it! ----------------------------------------------------------- QUINITLE - Quintile.png - Keywords: Talent, special privileges. The Quintile is a highly spiritual aspect that is relatively rare. An individual having several in the natal chart will be an advanced soul or adept. The Quintile planets are 72 degrees apart, with an orb of 2 degrees. --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 984 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted October 16, 2015 11:47 PM
I've never really paid attention to them. Maybe I'll start looking into them.I have three in my natal chart, though. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 7348 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 17, 2015 12:06 AM
I do have a Golden YOD:Moon Quintile Chiron Moon Biquintile Pluto Chiron Biquintile Pluto Awwww My Neptune Quintiles my AMOR exact. My Neptune Biquintiles my EROS and EROS vigintiles Valentine. My Mercury Quintiles ISIS. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 7348 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 17, 2015 01:59 AM
OK So I have Psyche Biquintile my Pholus which conjuncts Mr.Aqua's Moon-Mars his Moon-Mars conjuncts my Pholus (which Biquintiles Psyche) and sextiles my True Lilith and this forms a YOD with my Mercury which rules my 7th (and Quintiles my Isis). I remember loooking into him the second time I met with him, I looked straight at him and could sense something about his soul on a subtle level but yet it was very clear at the same time, hard to describe what I was seeing at that moment, I even commented on it and he said Thanks, he needed someone to see him and I saw him and he needed to hear it. So that natal YOD explains my obsession with the soul and soulmates: Pholus (biquintile Psyche) Sextile True Lilith with Mercury APEX (7th ruler) Quintiles Isis My SUN-HORUS biquintiles my JUNO: Juno in the 5th Sextiles Isis in the 7th *which BQ Mercury and this inconjuncts my Chart Ruler Jupiter-Uranus in the 12th which Vigintiles my AC-Morpheus. Well I am noticing that Yods which are known as 'the finger of god' tend to involve other planets that biquintile, vigintile or quintile other planets. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 17, 2015 04:15 AM
I have a very exact Moon-Mars-quintile in my natal chart with only 3 minutes of arc. I didn`t quite get what it *could* mean for a long time, I am still not completely sure (Mars in Sag in 12th - Moon in Aqua in 2nd), but I think it might relate to my ability to get enthusiastic about things and use them as an inspiration to do something, even implement changes in my own life, and often also getting either creative or childlike. sometimes both. Though it might not be that overt, also because it takes place on not so public houses anyway. P has his Mars-Jupiter-conjunction in 6th house quintile Uranus in 8th house, with Mars-Jupiter being tridecile his Moon-MC-conjunction in Sagittarius, and Uranus decile his Moon-MC-conjunction. Deciles are 10th harmonic aspects, sort of "semi-quintiles". I only mention them because first of all that pattern is too clear to not notice and secondly I have wondered for a time if deciles might help to bring the quintiles into actual manifestation, doing something with it that shows constructive results (after all they would show up as oppositions in the the 5th harmonic chart and therefore introduce the reflection or relations to others into it).
And he is the epitome of the creative artist, who is spontaneous, playful and trying out things, often without thinking too much before, and sometimes some amazing creative results happen and sometimes they donīt. But at least it has always been fun to him (of course he is ALSO ambitious and has a good foundation to apply his skills, it is not all just fun and games, he wouldnīt have gotten anywhere if he did not have a clear purpose in his mind I guess).
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 7348 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 17, 2015 02:47 PM
^Interesting points Ceri._______________________________ I found another synastry aspect:
Mr.Scorpio's Mars which is OOB conjuncts my Neptune exact which Quintiles my AMOR exact. Also his Valentine which conjuncts his Mars also Quintiles my AMOR but by about 1d. You know I have noticed that I tend to get on with Libra placements around 5-9d and I am unsure why! I suppose it conjuncts widely my late degree Virgo SUN but the Libra placements tend to range between 5-9d soo I am thinking there is more to it. Libra at 5d53 Vigintiles my MERCURY. *This friend of mine we would talk for hours and it would always pass by very fast and we would always comment on how fast time passes when we chat and how much we enjoy it, it was always a shock like wow its already this time, it felt kind of magical in a way. He has Libra @6d13!
Libra at 7d44 Vigintiles my APOLLO. Libra @6d59 Quintiles my SOUTHNODE So Husband's SUN in Libra @8d0 Quintiles my Southnode and Vigintiles my APOLLO. I have a close friend whose MOON Quintiles my SOUTHNODE and her MOON vigintiles my Apollo although more widely than my husband. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 17, 2015 03:10 PM
"Mr.Scorpio's Mars which is OOB conjuncts my Neptune exact which Quintiles my AMOR exact. Also his Valentine which conjuncts his Mars also Quintiles my AMOR but by 1d." That sounds very dreamy, spiritual and loving."You know I have noticed that I tend to get on with Libra placements around 5-9d and I am unsure why! I suppose it conjuncts widely my late degree Virgo SUN but the Libra placements tend to range between 5-9d soo I am thinking there is more to it." Might be. Could also be close to the antiscion points. I donīt know where your Sun is, but 5 Libra has its antiscion point at 24-25 Virgo-Pisces (well antiscion-contrascion, it`s an axis). 7 Libra would have it at 22-23 Virgo-Pisces. 9 Libra at 20-21 Virgo-Pisces btw I have MC at 5 Libra and Pluto at 9 Libra.
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Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 17, 2015 04:21 PM
just been looking up our synastric quintiles my Sun quintile his EROS
my Jupiter quintile his Moon my Jupiter quintile his MC my SAturn quintile his Vertex my Satrn biquintile his Mercury my Uranus quintile his DSC my Neptune quintile his Saturn-Vertex my Neptune biquintile his VEst my Pluto quintile his Cupido my Pluto quntile his Neptune my Pluto quintile his Juno my Nn quintile his Vertex my Vx quintile his Chiron my Ceres quintile his Sun my Ceres quintile his MC my Eros quintile his Chiron my ASC quintile his Saturn my MC biquintile his Chiron IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 7348 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 17, 2015 04:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: "Mr.Scorpio's Mars which is OOB conjuncts my Neptune exact which Quintiles my AMOR exact. Also his Valentine which conjuncts his Mars also Quintiles my AMOR but by 1d." That sounds very dreamy, spiritual and loving."You know I have noticed that I tend to get on with Libra placements around 5-9d and I am unsure why! I suppose it conjuncts widely my late degree Virgo SUN but the Libra placements tend to range between 5-9d soo I am thinking there is more to it." Might be. Could also be close to the antiscion points. I donīt know where your Sun is, but 5 Libra has its antiscion point at 24-25 Virgo-Pisces (well antiscion-contrascion, it`s an axis). 7 Libra would have it at 22-23 Virgo-Pisces. 9 Libra at 20-21 Virgo-Pisces btw I have MC at 5 Libra and Pluto at 9 Libra.
Thanks a lot Ceri, I need to start paying attention to these axises bc I definitely attract Libras specially from 6d-9d so this axis must be meaningful! Your Pluto antiscion is exact on my MOON!
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EmGem Knowflake Posts: 1931 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted October 17, 2015 07:57 PM
quote: QUINTILE and BI-QUINTILE (72 & 144 degrees)This is a highly creative aspect, even in a natal chart. Persuasiveness is a part of its influence. The Bi-Quintile is considered much more persuasive than the 72° Quintile. Its influence on an event is to bring a creative solution to a problem, a logical resolution rather than a Septile-Type solution. In problems, your personal ingenuity, creativity and influence can manipulate your way out. A student found that a negotiating deal was resolved when the Progressed Moon was Quintile Mercury. Minor aspects manifest near exactness. In the natal chart, the planets involved in the Quintile aspect often describe personal talents and qualities for which we become known Hitler had a Mars-Pluto Quintile; Marilyn Monroe had a Venus-Neptune Quintile. It is said that Quintile Dominant personalities have a strong sense of mission but they must first define what they want in order to get it! ----------------------------------------------------------- QUINITLE - Quintile.png - Keywords: Talent, special privileges. The Quintile is a highly spiritual aspect that is relatively rare. An individual having several in the natal chart will be an advanced soul or adept. The Quintile planets are 72 degrees apart, with an orb of 2 degrees. --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
fantstic! thank you angel very informative loving these aspects. I have heaps of them in my natal so its nice to know they are being brought into my synastry too  IP: Logged |
llewsacm Knowflake Posts: 815 From: Registered: Mar 2015
posted October 17, 2015 08:35 PM
I have a couple of quintile aspects that may be karmic in my synastry. My sun and mercury quintile his vertex. His Jupiter biquintile my North Node. We have others but I am curious as to how these would be interprets. Any ideas? IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 7348 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 17, 2015 08:44 PM
^Doesn't sound that karmic! Quintiles are gifts but they have an obsessive and excessive tendency to it and I think that is why they become gifts bc you focus on it so much . I guess you mean karmic gifts, in that context.!  Karmic would be more like His saturn quintile My Southnode I am thinking.... "Often overlooked in Astrological practice, I have found the quintile to be extremely useful in assessing personality traits. Quintiles show in what areas of life one is powerfully driven. These 1/5th or 1/10 (of a circle) aspects between planets create compulsive tendencies imbedded so deeply in one's being that they can become insurmountable, uncontrollable behavior patterns. Quintiles may be quite upsetting if we're not aware of them! They often show personality traits that we can't seem to help or even understand. While this may sound daunting, I believe that Quintiles give us incredible strengths and powers that push us to succeed in whatever it is we are here on this earth to accomplish. Much more compelling than the dynamic Square aspect, the quintile sends us beyond reason into areas of the psyche that don't care whether or not we conform to or fit in with others. Depending on the closeness of the aspect (by degrees in orb) and the planets or personal points involved, our behavior may become obsessive and uncontrolled. On the other hand, without such compulsions, many of us would flounder in a sea of mediocrity. In esoteric tradition, 5 is the number of humanity. It represents the mind - that which empowers us to act for ourselves. The 5 represents self-serving, even magical powers. In Tarot - 1 is beginnings, 2 is partnership, 3 is birth, 4 is our foundation & security and 5 is the "unleashing" of our true nature. With the five, we find that we have "gone too far!" In the Tarot pip cards - the 5 of cups creates sorrow, wands creates discord, swords creates a feeling of being wrong and pentacles - material failure. They all seem grim, but they simply illustrate the tragic result of a lack of awareness for the power we wield." IP: Logged |
llewsacm Knowflake Posts: 815 From: Registered: Mar 2015
posted October 18, 2015 07:49 AM
Ok but I still don't get what the aspects I listed would represent in synastry. I think I get the whole natal gift thing, but when you start comparing in synastry...thats where I get lost. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted October 18, 2015 08:07 AM
I find the description of the quintile in the progressed synastry report by Paul Westran gives a good feeling for the quintile-effect in synastry" There is something uniquely unusual about your relationship, but the feelings you have for each other are no different from any other couple. The quintile bestows a creativity which stirs the curiosity. You both find each other fascinating, for different, but very closely related reasons. Attraction is what the Sun experiences and attracting is what Venus does. It can also be said that the Venus represents the control we all have to determine aesthetic taste, while the Sun represents a part of us that is projected and appreciated by Venus. While both astrological principles are different, they combine in such a way that their roles can be difficult to demarcate. When they connect by the quintile aspect, they tend to be poised in a dance of sublime complexity whose underlying principles are attraction and intrigue. Whatever your talents and gifts, the quintile in relationships urges you to combine them so that you can utilize them together on the same project. This is a temporary dynamic of your relationship, although it may occasionally last for a decade or more. Other couples who shared this connection at the outset of their relationship include: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward; Enrique Iglesias and Anna Kournikova, and Robert and Ethel Kennedy." Think of a little quirky unusual intriguing playful creative vibe between two people, that is possibly closest to the quintile ins ynastry.
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Lunar Pisces unregistered
posted October 18, 2015 09:18 AM
I definitely feel them. I mentioned this in the Our Muses thread (to much disinterest) that I often have strong quintile/biquintile contacts with men I'm attracted to and who inspire me creatively. I simply cannot be attracted to a guy who doesn't inspire me creatively, and these aspects are a commonality in my synsatry with men I find very attractive, so I do think this is an synastry aspect that indicates creativity flowing from the combined energies of the two people. quote: often find a lot of quintiles and biquintiles with men who are my "muses", especially with my Gem Mercury, my chart ruler. This guy is no exception:--My Mercury quintile his moon (1) and ASC (0), biquintile his Mercury (0). --His Saturn biquintile my moon (1), quintile my Venus (0) --His Sun biquintile my Saturn (0) --His moon quintile my MC (1) --His Venus quintile my Pluto (0) and my Pallas (0) and biquintile my Pysche (0) --His Eros biquintile my MC (0) --His Sappho biquintile my Pluto (0) --His Chiron quintile my NN/Mars (0/1) And adding Apollo and Erato: --His Apollo quintile my Mars/NN (0/1) --His Erato quintile my Sun (0)
I guess these can be Karmic aspects if touching karmic spots on your or their charts, but I don't think alone they are very karmic. But for me, what seems to make me feel them more is when they involve my inner planets, my MC or either of our PLutos. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 7348 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 18, 2015 03:13 PM
^perhaps quintiles to southnode or saturn are gifts you carry from previous lives. so in synastry SN quintile Saturn can mean many past lifes together and a deep bond resulting from it! IP: Logged |
angel4845 Knowflake Posts: 3016 From: USA Registered: Oct 2014
posted October 18, 2015 04:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: ^perhaps quintiles to southnode or saturn are gifts you carry from previous lives. so in synastry SN quintile Saturn can mean many past lifes together and a deep bond resulting from it!
------------------ Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 7348 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 18, 2015 08:03 PM
I found this info in another site which I feel is very interesting:"QUINTILES REVEALED: Learn how your Quintiles can positively affect personal image A Quintile is a 5th harmonic aspect that has an angle of 72 degrees. For quite some time now, it's been seen as a minor harmonic, similar to the Semi-Sextile, indicating "talent" and "vaguely fortunate circumstances". Yet I always sensed more to Quintiles than just "vague fortune". The reason why it didn't make sense for me to ignore Quintiles is because we focus on every harmonic up to the 6th-- except for the 5th? A Sextile is the 6th and last common harmonic, so wouldn't a Quintile, being a 5th harmonic, be an important thing? After much research in the details and nature behind Quintiles, I have both discovered and unlocked the key to Quintiles. As I originally was, you will be suprised to figure out that they are in fact one of the most important and prevalent aspects within your chart! I am going to explain how your Quintiles take on very ASC- like qualities and how they are very much visible to others. A Quintile is essentially an aspect that displays energy which others clearly see within you, yet you yourself do not realize you have-- though the ability to build upon it is there once recognized. For example, Barack Obama has Jupiter Quintile Pluto very tightly by 0.01 degrees (one minute). This indicates his ability to inspire hope and change, which is what Jupiter/Pluto is all about when working harmoniously. In fact, it was the media who originally coined the keywords "Hope" and "Change" to Obama's candidacy, not him. Of course, he was no fool and didn't wait to quickly adopt these keywords into his campaign! But realize that it was not Obama who originally came up with these definitions for himself. It was the people, because that's how they saw him. Of course, now that he is the first African American president, and now that people believe that he is the agent of change, he has the potential to bring about hope and change. In other words, he realized that because people think of him as hope/change, he essentially has the ability to build and ultimately embody himself to be so. Quintiles give off the impression of a harmonious easy-going Trine to others, yet in reality work more as a Sextile to the individual. For example, I have a friend who is a shy Virgo. Yet at the same time, he has quite a sense of humor! Not only that, but he's easy to talk to as well! For the longest time, I couldn't figure out what it was in his chart that gave him easy-flowing communication skills for such a shy guy. Then eventually, I found it! His Mercury was Quintile his Ascendant. He has taken a recent interest in astrology, so when we were going over his chart I asked him if he felt that he had natural communication abilities, to which he said "kind of, but not really"... The funny thing here is that though I clearly saw his ability to communicate with anyone from all walks of life-- he didn't! His Mercury/Ascendant seemed very Trine-like and almost natural to his personality. Yet he didn't realize what he was capable of. Once I explained the nature of this Quintile to him, he realized that the Mercury/Ascendant worked very much as a Sextile for him, meaning he has the ability to build both his intellect and communication skills to higher levels if he truly believes that others see that talent within him! Which they do! As I mentioned in the beginning, Quintiles take on very Ascendant- like qualities. If there are Quintiles in your chart, people Will see those qualities as apart of your personality. Especially astrologers. No exceptions. When I see Quintiles in someones' chart, I typically have this "AH-HAH!" moment where it's so blatantly obvious that they have that energy about them. And yet, how ironic is it that the individual themselves can fail to see it? I would like to quickly touch upon something, and that is Quintiles being perceived as a possible "fakeness" to the personality. Quintiles will never look fake to anyone. Nor will they be fake. If someone has Venus Quintile Jupiter and is perceived to be popular when in reality that individual does not feel so, nobody will ever call that person "a fake" because the Quintile takes on a natural Trine-like appearance to others-- it only feels like a Sextile to the individual and nobody else! To end this article, I will discuss one more example of a Quintile. And it's a good one. My friend, who is a Leo, has 7 Quintiles. That is alot!! Normally, if somebody has 3 or more Quintiles, than the Quintile energy is very much apart of their life. Anyways, he is seen as being sociable, entertaining, and not to mention a ladies man : ) Question: So, is he in fact, all of the above? Answer: Now he is. But he wasn't before. He actually studies astrology, so I have taught him the principle of Quintiles. But beforehand, he actually wasn't all of the above. For example, if he started a conversation with a girl, he wouldn't believe that the girl would be interested in the conversation or even with him in general. Yet the reality was that his Quintile energy was very much leading her to believe that he is both fun and entertaining to be around. He just didn't know it. But now that he does, he can not only understand what people see in him-- but also build to improve those positive traits as well!! Some quick technical notes: I use only Quintile and Bi-Quintiles. There are Tri-Quintiles, but I don't really take those into account. For the Quintile and Bi-Quintile, I personally allow an orb of 2 degrees, though from the research I've done it could be given the orb of any regular aspect, meaning up to 5 or sometimes even 6 degrees. All aspiring and professional astrologers should know the importance of Quintiles, and I hope that this article brings much discussion, spreading, and distribution of Quintile knowledge! Do you have any Quintiles or Bi-Quintiles?" IP: Logged |
llewsacm Knowflake Posts: 815 From: Registered: Mar 2015
posted October 18, 2015 09:33 PM
Hypatia, what your shared was very helpful! Thank you!!!! IP: Logged |
yungang_grotto Knowflake Posts: 4122 From: love lives forever Registered: Mar 2014
posted October 18, 2015 10:07 PM
Quintiles speak to me of grace--that which is given to us to use, a particular blessing which shows up where it's needed most... providing a respite in what would otherwise be a very difficult and tense situation. That's grace.It's a very lively energy, which can be endlessly drawn on for its capacity to bring a solar vitality, the spark of life and creation to any two or more planetary energies, points or angles in quintile aspect. Innate talent, unrecognized perhaps by the native, just as the Sun itself is not cognizant of the great wonder, awe and gratitude its beneficial influence inspires... and it can be taken for granted like the sun, yet it can also be inexhaustibly drawn on in a myriad of creative ways. Put it through a prism, plant a garden--erect a greenhouse--use the energy given by this auspicious aspect in whatever specific combination or form it takes and you'll create more and more abundance and positivity. Chlorophyll of the stars! Just as we must work with the sextile to see the greatest benefit from the positive tension/flow it implies, i think we must *play*--and maybe pray!--with the quintile in order to bear fruit--in this way it is similar to a sextile-- but perhaps more potent and rare, this particular, playful blessing from the heart of the galaxy. Lots of creative potential, lots of life energy here. Indeed,it can be a little overwhelming, the possibility and sense of potential implied here... IP: Logged | |