Topic: Venus square asc in synastry?
Gemini30 Knowflake Posts: 738 From: Los Angeles Registered: Sep 2014
posted December 21, 2015 01:00 AM
Anyone else share this aspect with someone? How is it? Does the Venus person find the ASC person unattractive? I heard this aspect causes attraction but attraction doesn't always mean "physical." I dont find much info on this aspect in synastry  IP: Logged |
Moonfish Moderator Posts: 5223 From: Tropical Ocean Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 21, 2015 03:30 AM
No, just because squares are "harsh" aspects doesn't mean it implies the opposite effects of a trine. All aspects can have positive and negative effects depending on many factors  Now from my research, the venus person will go the extra mile to please the ASC person. Depending on the personality of the ASC, they will either feel like a million bucks around venus or it could be overbearing. There is also the possibility that the ASC person feels like Venus only likes them for their looks, and is ingenuine. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 unregistered
posted December 21, 2015 04:15 AM
quote: Originally posted by Moonfish: No, just because squares are "harsh" aspects doesn't mean it implies the opposite effects of a trine. All aspects can have positive and negative effects depending on many factors  Now from my research, the venus person will go the extra mile to please the ASC person. Depending on the personality of the ASC, they will either feel like a million bucks around venus or it could be overbearing. There is also the possibility that the ASC person feels like Venus only likes them for their looks, and is ingenuine.
------------------ I seem to have loved you in numberless forms... LeeLoo's Esotericorner IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 4207 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted December 22, 2015 02:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Moonfish: No, just because squares are "harsh" aspects doesn't mean it implies the opposite effects of a trine. All aspects can have positive and negative effects depending on many factors  Now from my research, the venus person will go the extra mile to please the ASC person. Depending on the personality of the ASC, they will either feel like a million bucks around venus or it could be overbearing. There is also the possibility that the ASC person feels like Venus only likes them for their looks, and is ingenuine.
I have this aspect with someone. You are right in all but the last phrase. I dont think he loves me for my looks. I actually dont understand how can he love me at all. I dont feel like Im pretty or something.
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ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 2732 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 10, 2018 05:00 PM
With the square is the Venus person not physically attracted to the ASC person? IP: Logged |
margym0o Knowflake Posts: 1077 From: Canada Registered: Jul 2014
posted June 11, 2018 08:56 AM
In my experience, it seems to be that the Venus person finds the ASC person attractive but they're not QUITE their type, or something about the way they express themselves is not their ideal.IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 2732 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 11, 2018 09:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by margym0o: In my experience, it seems to be that the Venus person finds the ASC person attractive but they're not QUITE their type, or something about the way they express themselves is not their ideal.
That's odd because I have this aspect with someone. And they stated that they have always been into me. So would the Venus person basically not want to be involved with the ASC in a sexual way? I mean would they find the ASC physically disgusting? Or be turned off by them? I don't know maybe I worry too much. I just don't want to get naked with someone who doesn't find me physically attractive. IP: Logged |
MilaBirkin Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: Cordoba, Argentina Registered: Jul 2015
posted June 11, 2018 12:21 PM
I think maybe it depends on each person. Because I have that aspect in my Natal Chart. Being Venus I feel attracted to many people (sq. their Asc./Sun) but my ASC-DSC also has something to do? For example, there is this person with Ascendant in Scorpio and I have Venus in Aquarius -Venus square Asc.- but I'm almost in love with that person and we have Ascendant opposite Ascendant exact. I hope someone can understand what I'm trying to explain, . Btw, this person is a woman and I'm a woman too. I'm bisexual and this happen with men as well. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 2732 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 11, 2018 12:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by MilaBirkin: I think maybe it depends on each person. Because I have that aspect in my Natal Chart. Being Venus I feel attracted to many people (sq. their Asc./Sun) but my ASC-DSC also has something to do? For example, there is this person with Ascendant in Scorpio and I have Venus in Aquarius -Venus square Asc.- but I'm almost in love with that person and we have Ascendant opposite Ascendant exact. I hope someone can understand what I'm trying to explain, . Btw, this person is a woman and I'm a woman too. I'm bisexual and this happen with men as well.
As the Venus person do you find the ASC person attractive? IP: Logged |
MilaBirkin Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: Cordoba, Argentina Registered: Jul 2015
posted June 11, 2018 03:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by ChildofVenus: As the Venus person do you find the ASC person attractive?
Yes, that's what I meant, we have (me) Venus in Aquarius (11° 22') square (she) Ascendant in Scorpio (8° 49') and I love her, I think she is one of the most beautiful/attractive person I've ever seen. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 2732 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 11, 2018 04:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by MilaBirkin: Yes, that's what I meant, we have (me) Venus in Aquarius (11° 22') square (she) Ascendant in Scorpio (8° 49') and I love her, I think she is one of the most beautiful/attractive person I've ever seen.
That's great! ☺ ❤ gives me hope lol. IP: Logged |
capricorncheriscty Knowflake Posts: 582 From: Registered: Nov 2017
posted June 11, 2018 05:22 PM
I think this aspect is more so saying that originally both felt each other to be very attractive and appealing on the eyes but over time they start to see more and more flaws in each other no matter how much they don't want to be nitpicky about that, which can lead to one or both people losing attraction towards the other. With the trine, sextile, and conjunction the rose-colored glasses of beauty are forever on unless there is something else in the chart tackling it head-on. Over time, you will start to see each other's flaws but you won't be upset or confused by it. With the square and inconjunction, it is saying that eventually, the rose-colored glasses of beauty must and will fall for one or both of you. Over time, it will confuse and annoy you that you didn't notice their tiny flaws earlier (even if those flaws are not that serious); you will wonder why you aren't your usual detail-oriented self when looking at them and it might make you kind of annoyed. you might start to see your partner is more or less vain than you initially judged. You might start to see that they have bad hygiene that doesn't match up with your own health routine and it can start to put you off. You may just realize something as small as you slowly start to hate the fact that they are always dressed up in makeup and expensive clothes around you instead of letting their hair down in comfort with you. Something about their physical upkeep and grooming may just start to irk you a little bit, though it does not necessarily mean they think you are ugly. TLDR: This does NOT mean he finds you ugly. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 2732 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 11, 2018 10:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by capricorncheriscty: I think this aspect is more so saying that originally both felt each other to be very attractive and appealing on the eyes but over time they start to see more and more flaws in each other no matter how much they don't want to be nitpicky about that, which can lead to one or both people losing attraction towards the other. With the trine, sextile, and conjunction the rose-colored glasses of beauty are forever on unless there is something else in the chart tackling it head-on. Over time, you will start to see each other's flaws but you won't be upset or confused by it. With the square and inconjunction, it is saying that eventually, the rose-colored glasses of beauty must and will fall for one or both of you. Over time, it will confuse and annoy you that you didn't notice their tiny flaws earlier (even if those flaws are not that serious); you will wonder why you aren't your usual detail-oriented self when looking at them and it might make you kind of annoyed. you might start to see your partner is more or less vain than you initially judged. You might start to see that they have bad hygiene that doesn't match up with your own health routine and it can start to put you off. You may just realize something as small as you slowly start to hate the fact that they are always dressed up in makeup and expensive clothes around you instead of letting their hair down in comfort with you. Something about their physical upkeep and grooming may just start to irk you a little bit, though it does not necessarily mean they think you are ugly. TLDR: This does NOT mean he finds you ugly.
I see well I don't have poor hygiene I'm very good in regards to keeping up with that. But my ASC is in Leo so maybe my style could be too flashy for a Venus in Gemini. But I don't walk around with a ton of makeup or with expensive clothes. Sometimes I like to get flashy but it's usually when I'm going somewhere nice. Other than that it's just lipstick. Based on what you've stated about this aspect. It seems that it would be best to avoid people who you have this with. If over time things could get that bad it's best I take heed. This is why I come here and ask questions about certain aspects in synastry. Because it helps me to determine whether or not I should get involved with the person. If a person is put off my your physical upkeep. That means that they do not find you physically attractive. Whereas It doesn't make sense to get involved with someone who doesn't like the way you look physically. IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 1120 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted June 11, 2018 11:57 PM
^^ Do you have a late Leo Asc and does he have an early Gemini Venus? I can’t see how they would square each other?IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 2732 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 13, 2018 08:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by LaceyLeigh: ^^ Do you have a late Leo Asc and does he have an early Gemini Venus? I can’t see how they would square each other?
It's at 27°44'25" Leo. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 2732 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 13, 2018 08:24 AM
His Venus is 2°20'57" Gemini.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 97900 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 22, 2018 03:05 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Plut0nian2 Knowflake Posts: 386 From: Registered: Apr 2014
posted June 23, 2018 09:02 PM
Has anyone experienced the Venus-Asc opposition? It means that Venys falls in 7th H. Is it the same with the square? If not how would it play out?
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 97900 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 29, 2018 03:30 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
arcturus90 Knowflake Posts: 440 From: Arcturus Registered: Nov 2017
posted June 29, 2018 08:08 PM
yes I share this with my parents. I don't find them unattractive, they're beautiful but of course they're my parents so I couldn't know ... But I don't think Venus bad aspected to someone's personal planet or ascendant find him / her unattractive. they find them attractive but there maybe is a lack of harmony, understanding I didn't noticed that my parent's Venus were square my ascendant until I read this thread.IP: Logged |
girlwiththerainysoul Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Registered: Jul 2016
posted June 30, 2018 03:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Plut0nian2: Has anyone experienced the Venus-Asc opposition? It means that Venys falls in 7th H. Is it the same with the square? If not how would it play out?
when somebody's Venus is on your DC or closely near it in the 7th, it's a wonderful, harmonious, loving aspect. I have seen numerous married couple's charts with one partner's Venus conjunct the other partner's DC. When it's Venus square the AC, still there is attraction, but also a bit of hesitance, or lack of resonance with one another's mood. One of my most painful relationships had this aspect. His Venus was conjunct my MC by the orb of 5, and he would always encourage me in my career. But it was also square my AC by the orb of 1. Every time I wanted to kiss him, touch him or simply cuddle (his Venus is in Taurus), I got this awkward feeling and sensed that he didn't really like the way I approached him. I don't know, maybe I was wrong. We didn't exactly have the best communication (his Mercury was exactly square my Moon). But in any case, this was the one relationship where I felt the least appreciated and cared for. And his Mars in Cancer conjunct my Venus by the orb of 1, and his Sun square my Moon, all were quite irritating aspects. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 97900 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 09, 2018 10:28 AM
Bump!IP: Logged |