Topic: Grand cross synastry
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 01, 2016 12:03 PM
Where the rubber meets the road....Calling all t-square people ~ a survey: 1. Please talk about your experiences about having a person's planet turn your t-square into a grand cross? Was it good, bad, life-changing, extra intense? 2. In particular, do people whose personal planets lock into your t-square seem to play a more significant role in your life than those who don't? I know pattern completion is considered good & meaningful, but I wanted to zone in on the details of the experience and see if we can draw more conclusions. 3. Essentially, what does a synastric grand cross really feel like? Do you think relationships have had a stronger effect on you than they have on others, who don't get into grand cross muddles as often...And do you seem to be more obsessive or fixated on certain "grand cross memories"? Thanks for any replies.  IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 2665 From: Pandora's Box Tech Registered: Mar 2015
posted August 01, 2016 12:11 PM
Can it involve major asteroids?------------------ The first psychic femdroid on the market. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 01, 2016 12:13 PM
Sky's the limit...I'm just curious and casting a wide net...No need to answer my questions, either...
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Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 2665 From: Pandora's Box Tech Registered: Mar 2015
posted August 01, 2016 12:24 PM
Bla bla. ------------------ The first psychic femdroid on the market. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 01, 2016 12:32 PM
Welt·schmerz ˈveltˌSHmerts/ noun a feeling of melancholy and world-weariness.Ahhhh Thank you for answering! Not quoting.  IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 2665 From: Pandora's Box Tech Registered: Mar 2015
posted August 01, 2016 12:34 PM
You're welcome. I keep editing my post, btw.------------------ The first psychic femdroid on the market. IP: Logged |
Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 2665 From: Pandora's Box Tech Registered: Mar 2015
posted August 01, 2016 12:45 PM
What's the degree of your Jupiter? There's a chance you complete me too *Tom Cruise voice*  ------------------ The first psychic femdroid on the market. IP: Logged |
Gemini Blues Knowflake Posts: 1414 From: The future... or the past. I get them confused... Registered: May 2014
posted August 01, 2016 03:27 PM
Hmmm... How aboutMe: Saturn 5° Pisces Uranus 6° Virgo (Pluto 11° Virgo) Mercury 7° Gemini Vertex 8° Gemini and... Moon 13° Leo Jupiter 14° Taurus Neptune 15° Scorpio (and Psyche 14° Aqua) Her: Chiron 7° Pisces Venus 6° Sag Uranus 4° Virgo Moon 3° Virgo (Pluto 11° Virgo) (Jupiter 11° Pisces) and Saturn 11° Aqua Neptune 15° Scorpio I completed her Moon Uranus-Chiron-Venus mutable T-square with my Saturn-Uranus-Mercury mutable T-square. On my Vertex axis no less. Pluto and her Jupiter get pulled in as well, though with a bit wider orb. In addition, she completed my Neptune-Jupiter-Moon T-square with her Saturn-Neptune square. The net effect has a Saturn opp Moon DW too. Throw in my sun completes a Mars 22 Leo, Sun 22 Gemini, Sun 22 Cap yod (Her Leo Mars sextile my sun FTW!). There's also her Merc 6° Aqua for the merc-merc trine and my Jupiter trine both our Pluto. How could we not end up married? And divorced? And who did she come back to when her second marriage didn't work? Or the third time? And yet, it just doesn't work for more than a few years... What do you want to know? My history with her goes some 35 years. Can't live with her. Can't quite ever get completely apart (though this time might have done it finally...) General Heth: "It started as a minor scrap with a few militia. The next thing I know, I'm tangling with half the Union army." IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 712 From: Registered: Jun 2016
posted August 01, 2016 03:56 PM
Since you said yes on major asteroids counting--natally I have: Chiron 24 Aries Uranus 24 Libra Venus 29 CancerWith a close female friend, a Saggie with Taurus moon--and she's like THE most Sag Sun person I know--she has: Venus 29 Capricorn. She and I never had the intense one-on-one bonding that I've had with so many of my friends, until recently--so I was surprised to notice a few years ago that she was very central to my life and had been a part of so many pivotal events. We also have Sun-NN conjunction (she is the Sun), a tight Sun-Moon square and a lot else going on between us in the charts. She's been iconic to me in many ways---I've written about her in a couple of important pieces of mine (I'm a writer)---and I realize that she's shaped a lot of my ideas about life and relationships. And we are soooo different--she fully embodies Venus in Cap 7h, I fully embody Venus in Cancer 7h. And she introduced me to many people who are important to me, including two of my closest friends ever. She's a little older than I am, and we have (waaaay out of orb) flipped nodes, my NN in Sag and hers in Gemini--so node stuff might play a role in it being an important relationship for me. I would say I feel her influence especially heavily in all 4 of my cardinal houses, though. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 01, 2016 09:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aunt Anomalia: What's the degree of your Jupiter? There's a chance you complete me too *Tom Cruise voice* 
 I complete you no matter where my Jupiter is. (16 Aries btw) IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 01, 2016 10:15 PM
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 01, 2016 10:29 PM
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meissieri Knowflake Posts: 1437 From: Neptune with Faith, Bella, Muddy and Doux. Commuting between that and Chiron. Registered: Feb 2013
posted August 02, 2016 08:23 AM
This thread is right up my alley with my T-squares!  Just a preface for those who don't know (I know you do but to anyone else reading): ASC 6.34 Libra / BML 9 Libra + Jupiter 2 Cancer / MC 8 Cancer / Chiron 13 Cancer + Uranus 1 Cap / Saturn 7 Cap / IC 8 Cap / Neptune 9-10 Cap / Moon 15 Cap Oh and Vertex @ 15 Aries + of course Antivertex 15 Libra Then also the most important one: Venus & Juno 25 Virgo square Uranus and Jupiter (out of sign, but well within orb) 1. Please talk about your experiences about having a person's planet turn your t-square into a grand cross? Was it good, bad, life-changing, extra intense? Yes, especially until about 2 years ago, I was literally looking for and yearning for my missing leg. Lots of interpretations link it to a table with only 3 legs and I think that's exactly it. It's okay, but you know you'd be a lot more stable and 'complete' if you had that fourth one. There's always a bit of stress especially for the apex planet (in my case Venus/Juno and ASC).
And when I lost touch with/fought with/broke up with the missing leg person, it was like a big part of me was ripped away; a source of stability suddenly breaking down under my feet. It gets a lot healthier acting out the missing sign and house itself though. As I've said for years on this board, I especially get the Aries/Mars influence from female friends. And with my Mars-Mercury conjunction, at least the way I think and communicate is straightforward, so seriously, what was I thinking?  But I think that's key to attracting the healthier expressions of your missing sign. Remember that it is still your chart - it's you, somewhere deep down. (Could be my DSC being in the mix though, it was all relationship stuff.) 2. In particular, do people whose personal planets lock into your t-square seem to play a more significant role in your life than those who don't? Yes, they do. Now, it's not a hard-and-fast rule because my dad also played a major part and he doesn't complete any of my T-squares (though I do his I believe, plus Vertex and Node contacts), but if I'm going to think of the most memorable people, the majority that pops up into my head right away, they did. Yeah. For good and bad reasons. Some of my most important female friends did it - many of the past and some in the present. They inspire me. 3. Essentially, what does a synastric grand cross really feel like? Do you think relationships have had a stronger effect on you than they have on others, who don't get into grand cross muddles as often...And do you seem to be more obsessive or fixated on certain "grand cross memories"? I think so, yes, but again, with all of my angles involved especially the 7th house, then Venus and Juno in another, I can't really tell if it's the pattern or just these influences. I am also strong in Saturn with a strong dose of Cancer, plus Sun sq Pluto; I tend to hold onto the past. While I don't think relationships of people without T-squares are less meaningful or deep, I do think they're different. The T-square just propells you into such a specific direction, it's like you have to go there or else, subconsciously, you will keep having certain problems. Like in my case in my social life, relationships and the past (IC). It feels like the NN, but more compelling, like your "comfort zone" will leave something up to desire. For all 3 questions, I've noticed I had a stronger reaction to people who put planets on 25 Gem/Sag where it would be the "real" square instead of that out of sign one. And then they of course had a Pisces planet around that degree. And on another note, I think the apex planet stands out as strongly as if it were on an angle or a singleton. I mean, if it gets that much stress and holds an opposition together? Maybe not to others, but to you, it can easily become central to your life. Hope this gives enough food for thought. 
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Aunt Anomalia Knowflake Posts: 2665 From: Pandora's Box Tech Registered: Mar 2015
posted August 02, 2016 09:13 AM
Your Jupiter square my this is why you're my fangirl!
------------------ The first psychic femdroid on the market. IP: Logged |
DopGang Knowflake Posts: 3194 From: MBTI - INTJ -- Enneagram - 5w6 Registered: Jun 2015
posted August 02, 2016 11:33 AM
Ahem. If I may. I don't have a t-square for anyone to complete. However, I've completed a few so I hope that it's ok to give my experience. To me it seems that for better or for worse, there will be a powerful reaction or interaction with each other. A member here that I'm fond of. A guy at work that although I don't see him much any more there's still something special that exists. Then on the flip side. There was a family member that by all means I should have loved. I never did though. For years and years since I was a child I really didn't like them but did what I could to play the part. When older I genuinely tried to form a bond but it wasn't happening. Even now after their death. Nope. Nothing has changed as far as my feelings. It's like that dislike of them didn't die when they did. I don't like to even talk about them with other family members. Still having to play the part for the sake of their pain as if I have any good memories too. My mercury completed a grand cross with their sun, Jupiter, and Uranus. I don't think that person felt much differently than I did anyway. Spilled more of my insides than intended. IP: Logged |
Elysia unregistered
posted August 02, 2016 03:30 PM
Hmm... I don't have enough diversity in my chart to have a latent grand cross myself, at least not with the planets themselves. Maybe if we throw in the angles and some major asteroids? Will have to check.. But yeah, I may have completed someone's grand cross in synastry before (again, just guessing, will have to check the exact degrees). I was kind of an *outlet* for all their inner aggression. They (person in question) themselves said that they'd never 'gone off'on anyone like that before. Mutual friends of ours viewed person X as a mild-mannered, soft-spoken person..but with me they were in 'Hulk-mode'most of the time. Maybe it was a grand cross completion that caused it? IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 02, 2016 09:54 PM
 Thank you all for responding! Loved reading your answers. I need to get back here and reply thoroughly. Just wanted to throw in something odd I just stumbled on. 'Realized my ex has a t-square in progressions of Sag moon, Virgo sun, Gemini Mars (exact on my Mars). I hope he is in a serious pinch and wishing he had a Pisces moon to alleviate some of that stress there. #Revenge (Kidding but I had to say something....) IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 712 From: Registered: Jun 2016
posted August 02, 2016 10:22 PM
I read squares to nodes/angles/vertexes as t-squares (even though they're technically not)-- I think the dynamics play out similarly. So I'm interested in how (or whether!) my daughter's Mercury will mix in with my nodal dynamics: -NN 17 Sag h12 -SN 17 Gemini h6 -Jupiter 15 Pisces h2 Placidus/h3 Whole SignHer Mercury at 17 Virgo squares my nodes and opposes my Jupiter--I'm curious about how that might play out. IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 712 From: Registered: Jun 2016
posted August 02, 2016 11:03 PM
My Mars is at 11 Virgo, so in a looser-orbed way, my chart does close off that "square" itself.....her Sun at 9 Virgo......but her Mercury makes a tighter-orbed dynamic. But just even sign-wise and in terms of the way I express mutable energy in my chart and life, I have a feeling having her here will shift things.....can't exactly figure out how yet, though. I think having someone complete your t-square is probably good for growth and maybe even pleasant---I think someone turning your t-square into a grand cross offers information, maybe offers a better self-understanding or balance.
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 03, 2016 09:06 AM
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 03, 2016 10:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by Elysia: Hmm... I don't have enough diversity in my chart to have a latent grand cross myself, at least not with the planets themselves. Maybe if we throw in the angles and some major asteroids? Will have to check.. But yeah, I may have completed someone's grand cross in synastry before (again, just guessing, will have to check the exact degrees). I was kind of an *outlet* for all their inner aggression. They (person in question) themselves said that they'd never 'gone off'on anyone like that before. Mutual friends of ours viewed person X as a mild-mannered, soft-spoken person..but with me they were in 'Hulk-mode'most of the time. Maybe it was a grand cross completion that caused it?
That is scary and I'm sorry you ever had to deal with it.  If you're comfortable saying more, I'm curious which planets of his formed that t-square? I meant to ask that in my OP: "Have you ever completed a grand cross? How did that feel?" I'm glad people answered those questions anyway. edit IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 03, 2016 10:09 AM
I am so sad this thread glitched.IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 21731 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 03, 2016 10:12 AM
I'll continue here: n=topics&forum=Interpersonal+Astrology&number=35 IP: Logged |