Topic: Composite 8H Moon Trine Pluto: I'll love you forever
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1820 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 20, 2017 01:17 AM
For so many years I have pined over my lost Leo love. There are numerous posts all over LL about it. I've even gone as far as to call him my Twin Flame. I don't know that that is true. What I do know is that no matter how much time passes whenever we see each other it is like the first time. I had gone almost 6 months without seeing him this time. And I happened upon him by chance: a friend of mine wanted to go out and he happened to be working at the bar she wanted to go to. When I saw him he took my breath away. When he saw me he stopped dead and just stared for a few seconds before his overwhelmingly beautiful smile took over his face. Now, when I say there is chemistry between us, I'm not sure that it gets the point across. Both mentally and physically we are drawn to each other. He almost always makes the first contact. It didn't used to be that way, but that's a long story. He did this night. I know my outfit was perfect and yet he had to reach out across the bar to "fix" the collar on my dress and smooth it down. All the while staring at me intently. I know it was to see if he would get a reaction. And it worked. I wasn't breathing. My poor friend. We had only been there 5 minutes and this was what she was being subjected to. I pulled her aside and told her we could leave if she wanted. Oh no, this looks juicy, she wants to see how it unfolds. Mind you, she has no idea just who he is at this point. She knew OF him, but not that THIS was HIM. We sat and had our drinks, him checking on "us" never taking his eyes off me. It was almost absurd. I accused him of being in love with me. He told me he always would be. I told him I thought he'd only gotten married because I was. He didn't deny it. The comment hurt him, no matter how much I didn't mean for it to, but I had to say it because I don't hold things back from him ever and I had to know his response. He kissed me on the cheek goodnight and held me longer and tighter than he has in a very long time and told me he loved me before I left. This isn't normal. Not at all. Not since he made the decision to never have anything but random contact with me for the sake of his relationship. But I was in a relationship when he did so. I was engaged to be married and he liked my betrothed. Better to ignore his own feelings and let me be happy while showing respect for a man that he had no ill will toward? Perhaps. I remember a conversation I'd had with my best friend about it and her thoughts were: Just because it started out as an affair doesn't mean he's okay with it continuing as one. If he wants you, he wants all of you and for himself. Maybe he wants you to be ready for him amd only him. Maybe she was right because the night started with a simple question "Where's your husband?" To which I responded that I no longer had one. He lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. We have carried on this dance, coming together and drifting apart for over 18 years. Timing always off. I was too young to start. Then I was still too young, but old enough that he could no longer say no to me. He wasn't ready and my feelings scared him almost as much as his own. Then we were both in relationships. Always with the relationships. Never ever single at the same time after the first time. This I attribute to Uranus. It rules our composite Dsc and opposes most of our composite stellium. Something I've never paid much mind to though is our powerful composite Moon-Pluto Trine. An 8H Pisces Moon trine both Pluto and Saturn, as they are conjunct. I was looking at our chart for the billionth time and this jumped out at me like a flashing neon sign. I would say this is the reason that no matter how long goes by, neither of us can let go. It's not painful anymore. It was at one point. It was like my soul had been torn in half when we split. Now, I just know that there is this beautiful love out there that is mine. And will be forever. Even if he can't be. I'm so sorry for how long this post is, I'm just so overwhelmed by the encounter we had. It's not like anything we've had in the last 5 years (since I started seeing my ex husband). Does this sound like Moon-Pluto, to you? What are your experiences with this in composite? IP: Logged |
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1820 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 21, 2017 04:20 AM
Bump!Anybody have experience with Moon-Pluto in composite? Or maybe you have friends who have it in their composite? IP: Logged |
Stellia Knowflake Posts: 262 From: Yorks, UK Registered: Jan 2017
posted February 21, 2017 07:49 AM
Nothing really to add but wanted to say that I'm not surprised that you're feeling it after an encounter like that.I have an 8H composite moon with someone [sun-moon conjunct in second in Davison] and there is a huge emotional intensity even at an embryonic stage of the relationship. This is all without any pluto-moon action in the combined charts, so I can only imagine how deeply this goes for you, well both of you. Plus the saturn glue - this is a very 'transforming forever' sounding kind of conjunction, no? Hoping someone with experience and insight comes along soon - good luck and take care  IP: Logged |
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1820 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 21, 2017 06:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Stellia: Nothing really to add but wanted to say that I'm not surprised that you're feeling it after an encounter like that.
Hi Stellia  I'm still spinning from it, to be honest. And he's now firmly occupying a large portion of my brain. And the pull on my heart.. it was always too much and that definitely hasn't changed. quote: I have an 8H composite moon with someone [sun-moon conjunct in second in Davison] and there is a huge emotional intensity even at an embryonic stage of the relationship. This is all without any pluto-moon action in the combined charts, so I can only imagine how deeply this goes for you, well both of you.
I've never used Davison charts, so I'm not sure how to read them (there is a wonderful thread here on them), but Sun conjunct Moon seems lovely in any chart! Especially in a venus ruled house. 
As for the comp 8H Moon, yes, yes, yes. Emotional intensity is through. The. Roof. I swear he can feel what I'm feeling and responds in kind. I've had mutual 8H overlays in synastry... it's not like this. I can't even put into words the way I feel with him. Saying it is blissful is wrong because it's far too intense for that. I like the way you worded that, "even in the embryonic stage." Because yes, there has never been a time between us where it wasn't all or nothing. And I don't mean in a romantic sense, necessarily, but if I'm honest with myself we have never been "just friends." We have a lot of other aspects that just won't allow it. *sigh*
quote: Plus the saturn glue - this is a very 'transforming forever' sounding kind of conjunction, no?
Indeed it is I'm unsure how this conjunction actually works, but I would imagine that Saturn has lent his hand in this affair with the trine to the Moon. It would explain the longevity of the situation between us despite Uranus being opposite or square every inner planet in the composite except for Mars. quote: Hoping someone with experience and insight comes along soon - good luck and take care 
Thanks, Stellia!
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fireopal09 Knowflake Posts: 746 From: Uranus Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 25, 2017 08:37 PM
I remember your posts about him. I always felt sad for you both when you all would split up. After seeing your headline, I had to check my composite with my SO to see if we had this aspect as well. Sho nuff, we do. We were together eons ago in 91/92. We broke up, because we were young. I was too sensitive & a nutjob and he was too arrogant. I was devastated and eventually moved back to my hometown. Fast forward to 2009. We started communicating again initially through social media, because we had many mutual friends. We started speaking over the phone when I was going through my divorce. He had gone through a couple and wanted to offer advice. I'm sure he was curious about me as I was him. Anyway, I grabbed the bull by the horns and drove to his state for a visit. We've been together over 7 years now. We still live in separate states because we both have kids. I had to toughen and he had to soften. ------------------ Claire "When going gets weird, the weird turn pro." -HST IP: Logged |
Mohini108 Knowflake Posts: 135 From: San Antonio, Texas, USA Registered: Dec 2015
posted February 26, 2017 12:13 AM
Yeah, I have a 12th house Composite Moon Conjunct Pluto with my significant other, a Moon Conjunct Jupiter, as well as a 12th House Composite Moon Conjunct NN. She told me if for any reason we were to split up (which would be a miracle), the other guy (if she ever gets with another man) will have to live with the fact she is still in love with someone else, and that man will have to share her heart with me. But for DAVISON, we have a 5th House stellium consisting of Pluto, Moon, North Node, Venus, and Jupiter. And the Pluto Conjunct Moon, Moon Conjunct North Node, and Moon Conjunct Jupiter still remain  The emotional bond is just........supernatural.
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LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1820 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 26, 2017 12:17 AM
Too sensitive and a nutjob, yeah that sums me up 9 years ago. Young, overly emotional Pisces overwhelmed by my feelings and arrogant...ah the young Leo, his inability to forgive a slight toward his ego, albeit, he had every right to be mad I completely relate. Thank you for sharing this with me. It gives me hope. I don't want to get too carried away, it was one encounter. But I could also tell that he didn't want it to end. I didn't either. I really want to go see him again. But I don't want to share him with 50 other people. Just thinking about being in a smaller more intimate setting makes my heart want to jump out of my chest. I have no idea how to get ahold of him except going to this particular bar. He has no social media and he wouldn't dare give me his number lest I text and his wife see. I could be letting him know someone died and she would be more upset that I was the one telling him than by the news. My heart is breaking for him because I know what it's like to be tied to someone you don't truly want to be. It's miserable. Especially when the one you truly want is available. I wonder what would happen if I were to remain so. IP: Logged |
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1820 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 26, 2017 12:34 AM
Mohini! I have said the same thing about my Leo! Trust me, other men can't deal with it.Nobody could or should be expected to, honestly. I almost feel like my heart isn't mine to give away now. And I guess a big part of it isn't. I wish you both all the happiness there is  Mohini, how long have you and your lady been together? fireopal, does not living together make the intensity of it easier to deal with? Or is it only due to the children you guys have? I can't imagine knowing he is mine and not being with him. I feel like I would die every day from missing him. IP: Logged |
fireopal09 Knowflake Posts: 746 From: Uranus Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 27, 2017 10:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by LionFish:
fireopal, does not living together make the intensity of it easier to deal with? Or is it only due to the children you guys have? I can't imagine knowing he is mine and not being with him. I feel like I would die every day from missing him.
Initially, eons ago I moved up to his town. He barely paid attention to me after I moved there, we broke up, so I moved back to Dallas. Second time around, we each have kids from different spouses. I would never ask a parent to leave their children and neither would he. I see him when I can. I miss him all the time. We've spent days together when time has allowed and were business owners at one point. We are both pretty Uranian. Shites and giggles: He is a MONDO Leo and I am a Pisces Moon.
------------------ Claire "When going gets weird, the weird turn pro." -HST IP: Logged |
fireopal09 Knowflake Posts: 746 From: Uranus Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 27, 2017 10:42 PM IP: Logged |
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1820 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted March 06, 2017 09:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by fireopal09: Initially, eons ago I moved up to his town. He barely paid attention to me after I moved there, we broke up, so I moved back to Dallas.Second time around, we each have kids from different spouses. I would never ask a parent to leave their children and neither would he. I see him when I can. I miss him all the time. We've spent days together when time has allowed and were business owners at one point. We are both pretty Uranian. Shites and giggles: He is a MONDO Leo and I am a Pisces Moon.
That makes perfect sense and shows the maturity of the relationship. I'm glad you guys found something that works. Are you ever afraid that once you guys have the opportunity to be together (kids all grown) that what happened before will happen again?Like, can a relationship that is successful while so Uranian in nature ever evolve into a more Moon or Venus natured relationship? Will it survive under those circumstances?? I know you can't know what the future holds. I hope that some day he and I can share a life of some sort. I don't even dare to imagine what it might be like. A MONDO Leo? I've referred to mine as uber and super Leo lol How many planets in Leo does he have? Mine has Asc/Sun/Merc/Venus/Jupiter all in Leo with a 5H Moon. Oi vey. He used to overwhelm me. All of his Leo falls in my first house. His Moon in my 5H. All but Jupiter trine my Venus. Hook. Line. Sinker.  I love the song it suits the situation well... and well, I love the song haha Thank you for sharing your experiences with me!
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EmGem Knowflake Posts: 1877 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 16, 2017 02:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by LionFish: [BLike, can a relationship that is successful while so Uranian in nature ever evolve into a more Moon or Venus natured relationship? Will it survive under those circumstances??[/B]
This is EXACTLY what I'd like to know... IP: Logged |
Yanmorg Knowflake Posts: 1685 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted June 16, 2017 09:30 AM
I have composite moon in the 8th sextile Pluto. Although it's a wide sextile, it's still very much apparent. Me and my boyfriend dive in each other's emotional depths without suffocating one another (awe also have Composite moon trine Uranus/ Neptune, inconjunct Saturn) as this aspect tends to do. I love it. It helps if there's a moon/Pluto aspect in synastry too. I love him so much and I'm obsessed just without all that craziness and negative unrequited controlling energy like the composite moon/ Pluto conjunction/square! I had the conjunction with my first love and although it was very deep and transforming, it wasn't true or real love and those type of emotions could never survive in the real world. They were too intense based off an illusion. Moon/ Pluto in trine or sextile in composite allows love to blossom and develop whereas the square/ conjunction not so much depending on other factors in my opinion. Negative Pluto energy screams revenge, possessiveness, etc all which hinders the love process. IP: Logged | |