Topic: How the F**K do people with moon/Pluto in synastry and (in my case) composite...
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1877 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted June 15, 2017 02:35 PM
Just to add, the way I'm dealing with not being together is leaving. His being married is one of the reasons I jumped so quickly on the opportunity to move from where I am. Being in a world where he is someone else's husband is killing me inside and we have many, many mutual friends. His best man at his wedding was my brother, that kind of mutual friends. It makes me physically ill to hear people talk about him with her.If I can love like that again, it won't be here, where he is. I'm afraid that even 1200 miles away nobody else will hold a candle to him. I would do it all over for a thousand lifetimes though because nothing in the world feels as right as being in his arms, nothing makes my heart skip a beat like the sound of his laughter, and nothing consumes me as much as his love. Nothing. And if he were to call me and tell me they were divorced and he couldn't live without me, I would be back for him in a heartbeat. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 15, 2017 02:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: I completely agree with you here. I read a telling article one time about women who have a Scorpio Moon and or Moon Pluto (hard minus the Opp) and how they are more likely to break up relationships (aka be homewreckers lol). The idea that their (or mine...I'm a Moon Pluto person) feelings are so intense we tend to give into them. So with "giving in" or "surrendering" and one is not wanting to do that or can't...where will the energy go? Where can it go? Where does that untapped or unused Pluto energy between people go?
hhuhh very interesting! and so true my best friend from high school had a moon in Scorpio and she would make comments like you have to go after what you want implying she did not care if the guy was married. I was like OK! LOL but now I get why she had that mentality she was also a scorpio riser with mars in cancer and sun in cancer.... IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 15, 2017 03:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: I will add that my partner has Venus squaring his mars conjunct Uranus which are right on his DC but he is a sun Libra conjunct Saturn in Libra with moon in cancer and his Juno conjuncts my Sun exact, his Jupiter and Saturn and Sun also conjunct my sun but his Saturn conjuncts my sun out of sign since I am a late degree Virgo. The main reason we are still together is because of him, he has more staying power than me but yes when we started dating he supposedly did not want to commit, I could see right through it, I felt he was totally a relationship person in denial, I feel is all that libra and that moon in cancer. He gets attached and Libra really values companionship, they want a partner who they can do everything with..Our relationship I feel is very uranian yes...we have venus square uranus in composite too with Venus right on the DC....we have been married for 6 years in July and together for 10 years but since the beginning we were like a married couple always together etc...
Lol when was your husband born? The guy I'm talking about is spot on to your husband lol...he was born on Oct 1, 1980. He has the same placements but his Juno is not in late degrees Virgo. I think a big part of why I feel that connection is his Cancer Moon is Conjunct my Cancer Sun/Asc/Mars in the 1st. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 15, 2017 04:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: Lol when was your husband born? The guy I'm talking about is spot on to your husband lol...he was born on Oct 1, 1980. He has the same placements but his Juno is not in late degrees Virgo. I think a big part of why I feel that connection is his Cancer Moon is Conjunct my Cancer Sun/Asc/Mars in the 1st.
That sounds lovely, he was born just one day bf your guy, sept 30th, he has moon in cancer at 6d...
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EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 15, 2017 09:40 PM
@lionfish, reading your story gave me shivers 😲 I can feel the passion you two share. I don't care what anybody says, I'd rather undying passion if it means heart ache. That's how we grow. To know we have loved truly and deeply is one of the most beautiful things we could hope to experience in this life. I hope one day you end up together. I'll read your thread, thank you 💜 Btw what other stuff is going on in synastry and composite??IP: Logged |
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1877 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted June 16, 2017 12:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: @lionfish, reading your story gave me shivers 😲 I can feel the passion you two share. I don't care what anybody says, I'd rather undying passion if it means heart ache. That's how we grow. To know we have loved truly and deeply is one of the most beautiful things we could hope to experience in this life. I hope one day you end up together. I'll read your thread, thank you 💜 Btw what other stuff is going on in synastry and composite??
In Synastry we have: Asc conjunct Asc His Venus/Merc conjunct my Asc Sun trine Venus DW Merc trine Venus DW Sun/Mars DW His Gem Mars opp my Sag Mars His Sag Moon trine my Aries Venus makes a grand trine with his Leo Sun/Merc/Venus. My Saturn can replace his Moon in that configuration and his Sun/Merc/Venus complete a grand trine with my Natal Venus/Saturn. My Moon is parallel his Venus Moon/Jupiter DW Venus/Pluto DW His Sag Moon in my 5H and my Mars in his 5H We also have an Asc/Valentine DW And almost a Valentine Opp Venus DW, but my Valentine's to his Venus is exact while his Valentine to my Venus is too wide. As for the composite: Composite Asc is in Leo We have a Sun/Merc/venus/Jupiter/Chiron stellium in the 11H. The 8H Pisces Moon is Square that stellium and trine Saturn/Pluto. Comp Virgo Mars is trine that stellium. Uranus is conjunct Valentine in the 5H and they both are opp the stellium. The composite Sun aspects everything except Neptune and the NN and the comp Moon aspects everything except Merc. The only thing we lack is Venus-Mars, but with everything else that's going on I'm not sure we need it. I feel like my relationship with him has been crazier than a daytime tv soap opera, but I would never geive it up, because I too believe that that unbridled passion and desire is what makes life worth living. And you would think that after as long as we have known each other that it would have eased or dwindled in some way, but it just doesn't with him. I don't know if we will ever end up back together. At this point I am just trying acceptance of the life he chose. Granted, he chose it because I was seemingly lost to him, but he still chose it. Laying on guilt trips or begging him to leave her (as much as I might want to!) is not my style. So instead I'm going to leave. And when I do he will have the knowledge that I am only a phone call away if he should realize his heart isn't where it should be. Until then, I hope that he is happy and loved. I cannot be jealous because I know that he is not truly hers. I'm still the only woman he has never cheated on because he couldn't. I like that title. Time will tell  IP: Logged |
mereiposa Knowflake Posts: 631 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 16, 2017 05:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: Mmmm I gotta say you're an interesting person...I like the suggestion of my feelings being a fun challenge. That sounds like something my Pisces Sun Aqua Moon mom would say lol. I'm detecting maybe an Aqua vibe from you...with Pisces...they are all about connections and the like lol. My Mars is tied up with my Moon (and in a water sign) making me feel something is almost a guarantee I'm going to want to take action. But perhaps this is the death that you were speaking of with Pluto. I assume Pluto in synastry/natal/composite could be the death of feelings...and a rebirth of something new. I don't even know if that makes sense...I'm literally just spit balling ideas lol. Esp if you can't have someone or whatever.
The Mars moon connection- yes yes yes! I have DW Moon Pluto with someone and we have the never ending on off relationship. It's crazy. But I can't walk away, neither can he. And I have done the cord cutting exercise too.
But I have Mars trine Moon (earth) and I feel what you said is true- anything that makes you feel makes you want to act. I have been unsuccessful in not doing just that! IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 16, 2017 10:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by mereiposa: The Mars moon connection- yes yes yes! I have DW Moon Pluto with someone and we have the never ending on off relationship. It's crazy. But I can't walk away, neither can he. And I have done the cord cutting exercise too.But I have Mars trine Moon (earth) and I feel what you said is true- anything that makes you feel makes you want to act. I have been unsuccessful in not doing just that!
Ugh I'm the same way!!! I'm Mars Opp Moon with my Mars in a Yod to Uranus and Jupiter, Conjunct my Sun and Moon is Square Pluto, Sextile Saturn, and Trine my Venus so the worst thing is if you hit my Mars and or Moon. If you do, you DEF make me feel and feel deeply (because they both touch just about everything in my chart lol). This particular Libra Sun Cancer Man and I don't have dw Moon Pluto. We have dw Moon Mars (Conjunction of his Cancer Moon, and my Cancer Mars...and Sextile of my Cap Moon his Scorpio Mars and the Pluto Moon Square, along with my Pluto tightly Conjunct his Mercury, and his Pluto Square my Mars)...and other stuff. I just wish I could guess his rising. I actually saw him today with his fiancée and it was not great. I'm upset on some level (def jealous which I totally hate admitting) as he didn't seem like it was at all bad seeing me (esp after rejecting me as a friend) so I guess I should do more cord cutting. The thing is the good synastry between us with his Moon on my Sun/Asc/Mars and other synastry I think is why I have such good will towards him (plus we have between us Jupiter Sun/Venus/Moon/Mars synastry). He's a nice person so I just really hope the relationship works out for him and her. If I say it enough then I'll believe it. Plus all people deserve happiness, and I truly do hope they get it. I just guess in this instance the Pluto person didn't feel anything. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 16, 2017 11:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: Ugh I'm the same way!!! I'm Mars Opp Moon with my Mars Conjunct my Sun and Moon is Square Pluto so the worst thing is if you hit my Mars and or Moon you DEF make me feel and feel deeply. This particular Libra Cancer man and I don't have dw Moon Pluto. We have dw Moon Mars (Conjunction of his Cancer Moon, and my Cancer Mars...and Sextile of my Cap Moon his Scorpio Mars and the Pluto Moon Square, along with my Pluto tightly Conjunct his Mercury, and his Pluto Square my Mars). I actually saw him today with his fiancée and it was not great. I'm upset on some level (def jealous which I totally hate admitting) as he didn't seem like it was at all bad seeing me (esp after rejecting me as a friend) so I guess I should do more cord cutting. The thing is the good synastry between us with his Moon on my Sun/Asc/Mars and other synastry I think is why I have such good will towards him (plus we have between us Jupiter Sun/Venus/Moon/Mars synastry). He's a nice person so I just really hope the relationship works out for him and her. If I say it enough then I'll believe it. I just guess in this instance he Pluto person didn't feel anything.
XOXO..... Is like we need a support group for pluto connections lol... At least everyone here knows what is like, the beauty and pain that comes from it. Pluto is a beautiful disaster, you want to experience it even though is annoying at the same time but you are still so glad is there.. You rather see them every week even if you cant have them than not see them ever again lol...when you see them your soul awakens to another level but once pluto serves its purpose we have to let go.
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GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 17, 2017 12:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: XOXO..... Is like we need a support group for pluto connections lol... At least everyone here knows what is like, the beauty and pain that comes from it. Pluto is a beautiful disaster, you want to experience it even though is annoying at the same time but you are still so glad is there.. You rather see them every week even if you cant have them than not see them ever again lol...when you see them your soul awakens to another level but once pluto serves its purpose we have to let go.
Jeez you, Orange, EmGem, and Lionfish are deep! I love it lol. Such nuggets of wisdom really does help put things in perspective for me!!! I do agree with you, seeing him with her wasn't great, but it was sort of (the seeing him part). I tried my very best to seem like I'm in good spirits (i.e. as if my Leo Mercury self didn't care he was there lol), while he was unusually silent and non talkative to others for a Leo Venus (I don't think it had anything to do with me...most likely the stress of planning a wedding that is occurring in a little less than a month). I don't think Pluto or even the Vertex stuff has served a lesson for me with him as of yet. In fact I think it will take a while, due to the fact that we have some extensive Saturn. From what you said, I can maybe take some sort of throught that it perhaps it does hurt poker face Pluto to see the Moon...esp if the Moon doesn't act like she is in pain or sad. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 17, 2017 12:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: Jeez you, Orange, EmGem, and Lionfish are deep! I love it lol. Such nuggets of wisdom really does help put things in perspective for me!!! I do agree with you, seeing him with her wasn't great, but it was sort of (the seeing him part). I tried my very best to seem like I'm in good spirits (i.e. as if my Leo Mercury self didn't care he was there lol), while he was unusually silent and non talkative to others for a Leo Venus (I don't think it had anything to do with me...most likely the stress of planning a wedding that is occurring in a little less than a month). I don't think Pluto or even the Vertex stuff has served a lesson for me with him as of yet. In fact I think it will take a while, due to the fact that we have some extensive Saturn. From what you said, I can maybe take some sort of throught that it perhaps it does hurt poker face Pluto to see the Moon...esp if the Moon doesn't act like she is in pain or sad.
Yes there is definitely some acting that goes on but underneath, the heart is beating fast! The act can only mask what is there for so long, it spills over at some point. The other then receives the message that maybe is not what it seems as they get that quick shocking glimpse of the tidal wave playing underneath the surface, hiding in the background.. He has to act and shut down bc he is with her in public but alone with you he can only hide for so long... IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 17, 2017 03:01 AM
^^love that Hypatia!!And yes we need a moon/Pluto support group omg baaaaadly! I just don't know how on earth to survive the pull when he's in back off/shut down mode. It's like I could die if I lose him. Not that I will. I know at least not now. But I don't HAVE him yet either. How do people survive the shut down phase??? I need help. I freak out. Then the intensity comes swarming in again and we would do absolutely anything to feel, to see, to touch... But I haven't seen him in months and it's agony. IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 17, 2017 03:08 AM
So this is news to me! What exactly does it entail with the push/pull action? Is me acting as though I'm fine and talkative, while he is more quiet and silent an example of this. You'd think I'd be more aware as I have this in my chart lol. I will say one thing that I'm pretty darn aware of is he knows without a shadow of a doubt I feel something for him, I thought maybe I could say he didn't know or whatever but he is well aware something is there for me. I also know he won't chance being alone in close quarters with me. If we're alone it can be very awkward, otherwise if there are others around but we're alone he'll make it a point to touch my hand or whatnot (Leo Venus and their paws lol). IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 17, 2017 05:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: ^^love that Hypatia!!And yes we need a moon/Pluto support group omg baaaaadly! I just don't know how on earth to survive the pull when he's in back off/shut down mode. It's like I could die if I lose him. Not that I will. I know at least not now. But I don't HAVE him yet either. How do people survive the shut down phase??? I need help. I freak out. Then the intensity comes swarming in again and we would do absolutely anything to feel, to see, to touch... But I haven't seen him in months and it's agony.
When my ex "shut down" I broke up with him twice in one week and then moved back to my hometown abroad shortly after, I handled it badly. What I have learned is: When "shut down" happens you have to practice radical acceptance, not hold on to them, let them go and find pleasurable activities that dont involve them, find a way to feel whole without them, the attachment got too strong to the point you lost yourself and became overly dependent on them, you gave yourself too much so now you have to refind yourself in a sense.. You will over time become better at enjoying plutonic relationships without losing yourself, you will recognize its happening again and slow it down and ground yourself before moving forward... Maybe he disappeared to ground himself.. Maybe for plutonic relationships to last long term giving each other space is crucial on a weekly basis and its important to truly understand that need and accept it. With plutonic relationships you have to be the opposite of possesive for it to last long term, you have to feel confident in your connection and be ready for having to let them go. IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 17, 2017 07:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: When my ex "shut down" I broke up with him twice in one week and then moved back to my hometown abroad shortly after, I handled it badly. What I have learned is:When "shut down" happens you have to practice radical acceptance, not hold on to them, let them go and find pleasurable activities that dont involve them, find a way to feel whole without them, the attachment got too strong to the point you lost yourself and became overly dependent on them, you gave yourself too much so now you have to refind yourself in a sense.. You will over time become better at enjoying plutonic relationships without losing yourself, you will recognize its happening again and slow it down and ground yourself before moving forward... Maybe he disappeared to ground himself.. Maybe for plutonic relationships to last long term giving each other space is crucial on a weekly basis and its important to truly understand that need and accept it. With plutonic relationships you have to be the opposite of possesive for it to last long term, you have to feel confident in your connection and be ready for having to let them go.
Really that doesn't sound at all like Pluto.,,was Uranus figured strongly into the synastry or composite (esp Composite)? Because that does really sound like a Plutonic relationship with strong Uranus elements in it. Esp about the part of not being able to be possessive in the long run. Pluto is super wants to possess. IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 17, 2017 09:23 AM
Hypatia, I always find your words so grounding thank you. That resonates with me a lot. The locus of control needs to come back to me. That's something I continually tell myself. But I like how you say you can't possess in a plutonic rel, needing to trust. Yes you're right. It's crucial. @Grly, we have sun square Uranus in the composite too. But also we are both uranuan (and Plutonian) by nature. The thing with Pluto is that the amount of passion, esp with hard aspects is not able to be sustained. It comes and goes in waves. That's the nature of it. A fire eventually dies, until another starts to burn in its place. It would be exhausting to feel that passion and intensity that Pluto brings constantly. It needs to breathe, regroup and come in for the next round. Whether that means taking a few days off, 2 weeks or however long. You need the breathing space so you don't suffocate. Usually the less evolved person needs more space as they are unable to contain their overwhelming emotions. They struggle to understand this intensity they probably have never felt before. The psyche needs to rest before diving in again for another purge of emotion. Edit: yes Pluto WANTS to possess but Hypatia is right on that for it to work in the long run you simply must NOT. Maybe that's why so many of them don't work out and end up burning up.IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 7788 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 17, 2017 10:59 AM
Em,the passion with Pluto aspects DO NOT comes and goes, nor it dies and rebirths. This is Uranus work. With Pluto, the push and pull is not because the passion is up and down, nor because it fizzles then starts burning again, but its based on power games which is Pluto's domain. The passion is so strong and so overwhelming, that it makes one or both partners pull away to 1. preserve their sanity for a time interval or 2. to create a vacuum by pulling away so that the other partner will be pulled in more strongly, its a form of a mental game that is Pluto's forte.. Very often one or both partners will threaten the other with ending it, even attempt to fake end it in order to succumb the other to their desires, since the thought of separation is unbearable, hence the push and pull game. Or there will be frequent silent treatments from one or both, which is so unbearable, that the partner will do anything the other wants in order to avoid being "punished". The more you pull away, the more the other pulls in and succumbs. Then it turns vice versa. The thought of not having the other in their life is frightening. The mental game is product of a fear of losing their partner. Despite the cruelty these two do to each other, the passion is unable to be destroyed nor it dies or goes away or burns down. It can go like that for about an year to three years until the partners get exhausted and sign a pact that they will not do the mental games anymore, they cement their relationship and start cultivating it OR, which is more likely scenario, one of the partners decides they cannot continue the toxic relationship anymore and they go away, usually move jobs, cities or even countries and cut all contacts. The passion still cannot die despite the lack of contact, so in the next couple of years one or both partners go thru transformation as none of them will be the same person they were before the relationship. The heart turns to stone but the soul still remembers. This may take a decade to repair the damage. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 17, 2017 12:35 PM
I agree that the passion never burns out Orange but becoming possessive brings the toxic side of pluto instead of the transformative side, it brings out the obsessiveness and insecurities trapping you into the lower manifestations of pluto instead of letting the lower manifestations pass away so you can be taken to that place of transcendence. One of the lower manifestations of pluto is pride, falling into the trap of power struggles or fear. For a pluto relationship to last both have to be evolved enough to not fall into either of those traps and have to meet when both are single. The thing with pluto is that it has this tendency to bring your shadow side to the surface which ultimately destroys the relationship but then sets you in a long journey to learn to understand your shadow side and work through it and you are then forever changed by it. The result is a more evolved whole version of you but it could feel like surviving hell to get to the other side in some cases like if there is a lot of inner work that needs to get done. Part of it is about learning to enjoy desire and give into it but without it ending up controling you. Pyramus conjuncts Thesbe in the pluto discovery chart so there is a lesson there of parts of you dying and transforming in order to change this belief of "I cant live without them." Pluto teaches us that we can heal and survive the worse kind of heartache and how love can feel like a drug but it can also transform you and help you reach your higher self. IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 17, 2017 06:38 PM
Ok so I might have explained it incorrectly. It was late lol. Yes the passion IS always there but shut down does happen wherein one or both partners step away in order to breathe because as you infer Orange it is far too hard to face these overwhelming feelings and living without the other, a matter of life or death. Even so you never stop thinking about the other. If we didn't breathe we would be left feeling utterly depleted and exhausted. It's more they shove it down but yes it is most certainly always present.
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EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 17, 2017 07:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by LionFish: In Synastry we have: Asc conjunct Asc His Venus/Merc conjunct my Asc Sun trine Venus DW Merc trine Venus DW Sun/Mars DW His Gem Mars opp my Sag Mars His Sag Moon trine my Aries Venus makes a grand trine with his Leo Sun/Merc/Venus. My Saturn can replace his Moon in that configuration and his Sun/Merc/Venus complete a grand trine with my Natal Venus/Saturn. My Moon is parallel his Venus Moon/Jupiter DW Venus/Pluto DW His Sag Moon in my 5H and my Mars in his 5H We also have an Asc/Valentine DW And almost a Valentine Opp Venus DW, but my Valentine's to his Venus is exact while his Valentine to my Venus is too wide.As for the composite: Composite Asc is in Leo We have a Sun/Merc/venus/Jupiter/Chiron stellium in the 11H. The 8H Pisces Moon is Square that stellium and trine Saturn/Pluto. Comp Virgo Mars is trine that stellium. Uranus is conjunct Valentine in the 5H and they both are opp the stellium. The composite Sun aspects everything except Neptune and the NN and the comp Moon aspects everything except Merc. The only thing we lack is Venus-Mars, but with everything else that's going on I'm not sure we need it. I feel like my relationship with him has been crazier than a daytime tv soap opera, but I would never geive it up, because I too believe that that unbridled passion and desire is what makes life worth living. And you would think that after as long as we have known each other that it would have eased or dwindled in some way, but it just doesn't with him. I don't know if we will ever end up back together. At this point I am just trying acceptance of the life he chose. Granted, he chose it because I was seemingly lost to him, but he still chose it. Laying on guilt trips or begging him to leave her (as much as I might want to!) is not my style. So instead I'm going to leave. And when I do he will have the knowledge that I am only a phone call away if he should realize his heart isn't where it should be. Until then, I hope that he is happy and loved. I cannot be jealous because I know that he is not truly hers. I'm still the only woman he has never cheated on because he couldn't. I like that title. Time will tell 
Niiiice synastry! With his venus on your asc he must think you're the most beautiful specimen on the planet! ♥️ IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 18, 2017 07:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: Ok so I might have explained it incorrectly. It was late lol. Yes the passion IS always there but shut down does happen wherein one or both partners step away in order to breathe because as you infer Orange it is far too hard to face these overwhelming feelings and living without the other, a matter of life or death. Even so you never stop thinking about the other. If we didn't breathe we would be left feeling utterly depleted and exhausted. It's more they shove it down but yes it is most certainly always present.
So the passion doesn't fade with time? Or distance? Do you happen to think that having positive or negative synastry with this would exacerbate this? For instance having Pluto strongly figured in synastry would be hard...but even more so if it turns out you have a nice Moon and Sun Venus Trine or Moon Asc Conjunction. It becomes not just about I have these passionate feelings becomes I have these passionate feelings and crap we're actually compatible. So what happens if the feelings aren't fulfilled? As weird as this sounds I'm ok with a person being with others (that could be the Uranus energy) but the feelings have to be there. With Pluto the energy does have to go somewhere (at least natal Pluto Square Moon the energy has to go somewhere). I'm already sad about him being with someone else even though we have Uranus somewhat in synastry and composite (Composite Uranus Square Sun, and synastry Venus Opp Uranus); I'm still a Cancer...with Taurus Venus so it was tough (and yes a part of me I'd like to believe his Scorpio Mars doesn't enjoy seeing me with my bf). It was tough to see him with her. I know I'll be crushed around the time they get married. Another thing I want to know is how does Pluto feel in this? They don't show any level of feelings (and I've noticed this in Moon Pluto synastry when I'm not Pluto), in fact they almost behave as if they could care less if the moon keeps in contact with them or anything. I feel like they know how he Moon feels but do they actually care how the Moon feels about them? IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 18, 2017 02:02 PM
^^I think we both feel it but we have a double whammy and we have it in composite. Composite moon square pluto His moon squares my pluto My moon parallels his pluto Based on the discovery chart of pluto I would say probably both feel it, the moon and pluto but pluto has sun in aquarius so perhaps is better at acting detached and putting a poker face but when you have the double whammy that wont happen, it will spill at some point the feelings and both will see it in each other's body language if you are alone, in public our behavior automatically changes bc you dont want others to catch on to what is there if you are trying to keep this a secret. Also remember the moon feels comfortable showing vulnerability but the pluto person is more prideful not only does pluto have sun in aquarius but it has southnode inconjunct Lucifer exact and sun conjunct venus with venus in capricorn at fall squaring jupiter (sun square jupiter has a big ego and venus conjuncts sun so prideful about love relationships). Add that pluto has venus in capricorn so they are more guarded and distrustful, cautious but once committed take that very seriously. IP: Logged |
mereiposa Knowflake Posts: 631 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 18, 2017 05:16 PM
In my marriage we had only his pluto conjunct my mars and trine my moon. My pluto squared his moon. The passion died quickly, but the control was definitely there. Divorced now, mind games from him still ensue.In this relationship, my pluto sextiles his moon, trines his mercury and his pluto conjuncts my mars and trines my moon. But his venus trines the whole thing too. No harsh pluto in synastry, but we have pluto square moon in composite. The passion has grown in three years. A lot of on off, but we have uranus conjunct mars in first house composite. In my marriage we had uranus conjunct mars in 12th, which can indicate bad sex. And it did. Here, that conjunction means instability and an ever changing relationship. We cannot expect to define it or confine it. Pluto in me is having a hard time with that. I can leave the relationship for a while, feeling good and steady, but the second I see him or hear from him I go right back to the obsession. And given how reclusive he is, I think the obsession is there for him too. But the mind games that are happening here are not me wanting to get his attention, they are from fear. I don't know that I can take the continual breathing/pauses. So I get fed up, decide to leave, he says ok, we stay friends, and then I start dreaming about him, and can't stop thinking about him. It's ridiculous. Eventually he contacts me, and it starts again. However, in the beginning the breaks between were long, as in months. Now they are a week. The intensity is not dying, it is increasing. IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 18, 2017 08:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: ^^I think we both feel it but we have a double whammy and we have it in composite. Composite moon square pluto His moon squares my pluto My moon parallels his pluto Based on the discovery chart of pluto I would say probably both feel it, the moon and pluto but pluto has sun in aquarius so perhaps is better at acting detached and putting a poker face but when you have the double whammy that wont happen, it will spill at some point the feelings and both will see it in each other's body language if you are alone, in public our behavior automatically changes bc you dont want others to catch on to what is there if you are trying to keep this a secret. Also remember the moon feels comfortable showing vulnerability but the pluto person is more prideful not only does pluto have sun in aquarius but it has southnode inconjunct Lucifer exact and sun conjunct venus with venus in capricorn at fall squaring jupiter (sun square jupiter has a big ego and venus conjuncts sun so prideful about love relationships). Add that pluto has venus in capricorn so they are more guarded and distrustful, cautious but once committed take that very seriously.
I think you're referring to me. We have the Moon Pluto dw of sorts, the Square in synastry and the Opposition in Composite. Also no one is an Aqua Sun. I'm a Cancer Sun Conjunct Mars and Asc in the 1st with Cap Moon in the 7th. He is a Libra Sun Conjunct Saturn with a Cancer Moon. This Libra Man does have his Sun Conjunct Saturn, and Scorpio Mercury and Mars. I've never known of any Scorpio or strong scorpio/Pluto who didn't have a poker face. I like to use the Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" as an example, and she has a Scorpio Moon. IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 18, 2017 08:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by mereiposa: In my marriage we had only his pluto conjunct my mars and trine my moon. My pluto squared his moon. The passion died quickly, but the control was definitely there. Divorced now, mind games from him still ensue.In this relationship, my pluto sextiles his moon, trines his mercury and his pluto conjuncts my mars and trines my moon. But his venus trines the whole thing too. No harsh pluto in synastry, but we have pluto square moon in composite. The passion has grown in three years. A lot of on off, but we have uranus conjunct mars in first house composite. In my marriage we had uranus conjunct mars in 12th, which can indicate bad sex. And it did. Here, that conjunction means instability and an ever changing relationship. We cannot expect to define it or confine it. Pluto in me is having a hard time with that. I can leave the relationship for a while, feeling good and steady, but the second I see him or hear from him I go right back to the obsession. And given how reclusive he is, I think the obsession is there for him too. But the mind games that are happening here are not me wanting to get his attention, they are from fear. I don't know that I can take the continual breathing/pauses. So I get fed up, decide to leave, he says ok, we stay friends, and then I start dreaming about him, and can't stop thinking about him. It's ridiculous. Eventually he contacts me, and it starts again. However, in the beginning the breaks between were long, as in months. Now they are a week. The intensity is not dying, it is increasing.
@ Mereiposa Do you think the passion died and/or didn't increase because you did the very thing you aren't supposed to do with Uranus very strong in a Composite? You legally defined and confined it (and did the traditional legally binding marriage)? I'm wondering if your passion increases with your current partner because you are allowing Uranus the ability to be free. It seems that in both situations the mind games were or are done due to the fact that the person doesn't want to lose the other (in your ex's case he doesn't want to lose you), and you are done. That also shows the all or nothing vibe of Pluto. With your ex you are done, and want nothing to do with him, he's still attached to you. Your placements with your current guy mirror the synastry I have with this man I'm obsessed (as a Moon Pluto person that is par for the course lol) with. In synastry my Pluto is Conjunct his Mercury and Eros, and Sextile his Venus (he has the Trine natally). His Pluto is Square my Moon (which I have natally), Square my Mars, Opp my Sun/Moon Midpoint (and very very loosely Square my Sun...its 9 degrees and not generational...but so wide I don't really consider it). Basically he is hard Pluto lol. In the Composite we have Sun Sextile Pluto, and Moon Opp Pluto. IP: Logged | |