Topic: How the F**K do people with moon/Pluto in synastry and (in my case) composite...
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 19, 2017 01:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: I think you're referring to me. We have the Moon Pluto dw of sorts, the Square in synastry and the Opposition in Composite. Also no one is an Aqua Sun. I'm a Cancer Sun Conjunct Mars and Asc in the 1st with Cap Moon in the 7th. He is a Libra Sun Conjunct Saturn with a Cancer Moon. This Libra Man does have his Sun Conjunct Saturn, and Scorpio Mercury and Mars. I've never known of any Scorpio or strong scorpio/Pluto who didn't have a poker face. I like to use the Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" as an example, and she has a Scorpio Moon.
I am talking about Pluto's discovery chart which has sun in aquarius conjunct venus in capricorn.... My hypothesis is that the pluto person is more guarded bc pluto has venus in capricorn and has the pokerface since pluto has sun in aquarius while the moon person shows their feelings more easily, is more open and transparent.. That is not a double whammy, it would have to involve synastry aspects to be a double whammy but you could check the parallels like I did as those are considered synastry aspects too. Just click on additional tables on the synastry chart in IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 19, 2017 07:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: So the passion doesn't fade with time? Or distance? Do you happen to think that having positive or negative synastry with this would exacerbate this? For instance having Pluto strongly figured in synastry would be hard...but even more so if it turns out you have a nice Moon and Sun Venus Trine or Moon Asc Conjunction. It becomes not just about I have these passionate feelings becomes I have these passionate feelings and crap we're actually compatible. So what happens if the feelings aren't fulfilled? As weird as this sounds I'm ok with a person being with others (that could be the Uranus energy) but the feelings have to be there. With Pluto the energy does have to go somewhere (at least natal Pluto Square Moon the energy has to go somewhere). I'm already sad about him being with someone else even though we have Uranus somewhat in synastry and composite (Composite Uranus Square Sun, and synastry Venus Opp Uranus); I'm still a Cancer...with Taurus Venus so it was tough (and yes a part of me I'd like to believe his Scorpio Mars doesn't enjoy seeing me with my bf). It was tough to see him with her. I know I'll be crushed around the time they get married. Another thing I want to know is how does Pluto feel in this? They don't show any level of feelings (and I've noticed this in Moon Pluto synastry when I'm not Pluto), in fact they almost behave as if they could care less if the moon keeps in contact with them or anything. I feel like they know how he Moon feels but do they actually care how the Moon feels about them?
Well the guy in question and I have great synastry inc moon/venus/mars/uranus conjunct my asc His asc conjunct my sun/mercury (if asc is correct) Sun/Pluto DW Venus/Pluto Sun/merc trine Sun/merc (yay for trined mercuries for once in my life!!!) Jupiter/Venus DW Jupiter/mars Jupiter/moon Valentine/moon Venus trine venus Venus/mars Saturn/moon conjunct Sun novile moon Vertex/Juno Ic/Juno Plus the good ol moon/Pluto DW And composite is strong. So I think the passion with Pluto never dies unless you disappear completely from each other's lives with no contact. But if you're in contact you're always going to feel it. And with having other good aspects, well that will make it even more binding. Pluto in itself is a kind of binding like Saturn is but obviously in a different way. I think both would feel it in moon/Pluto, but then again we have the DW. I would HATE to be the moon in moon/Pluto without it going the other way too. I'd be a complete mess!
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 19, 2017 11:39 AM
"So I think the passion with Pluto never dies unless you disappear completely from each other's lives with no contact. But if you're in contact you're always going to feel it."Completely agree with this! another exception is when you dream of them. I am not in contact with my ex so I can't say I am in love with him still but I know as a fact, it happens every time, that if I see him all of the feelings come rushing back like they were never gone, its always very intense. Now I sometimes have very intense DREAMS with him that feel like astral travel and like we are meeting in another dimension and all the feelings are there like they never left lol. But I am not going around feeling in love with him bc we are not in contact, occasionally bc we have a strong psychic connection I do think of him and feel those emotions fresh.... IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 19, 2017 02:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: Pluto in itself is a kind of binding like Saturn is but obviously in a different way.
I think Pluto combined with Saturn is the absolute worst. That's when you know you can't leave and it's sticky. It gets boring and stagnant if there is no Uranus or Jupiter to lighten things. With this particular obsession of mine (that who am I kidding will probably not go away due to us actually having fairly nice friend like synastry. I flat out like him as a person minus any emotional crush crap with his Moon on my Sun/Asc/Mars in the 1st) his Moon is Trine my Saturn, Sextile my Mercury, and Trine my Venus. My Saturn is (perhaps) Trine his Moon, Square his Venus, and Conjunct his Mars. quote: Originally posted by EmGem: I think both would feel it in moon/Pluto, but then again we have the DW. I would HATE to be the moon in moon/Pluto without it going the other way too. I'd be a complete mess!
Lol like me! We have it one way. My natal Pluto is Square my Moon, but in this his Pluto is Square my Moon. And yes, Pluto doesn't seem to care...and I do feel like an emotional basketcase...and just flat out wondering why am I so obsessed/into/insert whatever intense/psycho word you want to use about my thing for him. It doesn't help that I feel more than a tad bit foolish for feeling so deeply about someone who logically I barely know, and is getting married. But again I tell myself that hopefully it will go away and soon, as my Cap Moon self hates feeling anything when it's a "waste" of time and the other does not feel the same. This intense crush or whatever is also making me wonder if perhaps we as people are able to have intense feelings for more than one person at a time. I'm in a relationship with someone I deeply care for and is my best friend, but my Cancer bits aren't really received (he's an Aqua Sun afterall). I'm fun to him (my Jupiter touches his Sun). How do we know if we're cut out for open or poly relationships...esp if we are Water orientated. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 19, 2017 03:21 PM
I think pluto is about teaching you unconditional love and if you don't come from a place of unconditional love it will spit you out and make you work through your issues so you can get to that place were you know how to love truly unconditionally...That is my experience with Pluto to love without possessing and truly without self-interest, to love selflessly and just want the other to be happy even if is not with you. Pluto wants to teach you that is not about you or your ego, it says "hey work through your ego issues so you can learn what true love really is"... and it will make you work through your stuff and once you do you will know how to use the power of pluto for good, for healing and to facilitate needed transformation... Its an energy designed to be used for healing, regeneration and transformation... When you find yourself trying to control the outcome or seeking security that is not Pluto's purpose or won't respond well to that... LOL Truly facsinating.....I wonder if anybody has come out to the other side and arrived at the same conclusions I have.. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 19, 2017 04:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: Grlygirl, argh that truly sucks. What a crappy situation to be caught up in. I think there must be something in this for your personal growth though.. the universe has presented him to you for a reason.
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EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 19, 2017 08:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238:
Pluto wants to teach you that is not about you or your ego, it says "hey work through your ego issues so you can learn what true love really is"... and it will make you work through your stuff and once you do you will know how to use the power of pluto for good, for healing and to facilitate needed transformation... Its an energy designed to be used for healing, regeneration and transformation... When you find yourself trying to control the outcome or seeking security that is not Pluto's purpose or won't respond well to that...
Could not agree more!! Esp the last sentence. This is exactly what I'm learning as we speak with this guy. About letting go and letting it exist without trying to control him or what we have. I wonder if having uranus in the mix helps with learning to not pin it down. IP: Logged |
mereiposa Knowflake Posts: 631 From: Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 23, 2017 07:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: @ MereiposaDo you think the passion died and/or didn't increase because you did the very thing you aren't supposed to do with Uranus very strong in a Composite? You legally defined and confined it (and did the traditional legally binding marriage)? I'm wondering if your passion increases with your current partner because you are allowing Uranus the ability to be free. It seems that in both situations the mind games were or are done due to the fact that the person doesn't want to lose the other (in your ex's case he doesn't want to lose you), and you are done. That also shows the all or nothing vibe of Pluto. With your ex you are done, and want nothing to do with him, he's still attached to you. Your placements with your current guy mirror the synastry I have with this man I'm obsessed (as a Moon Pluto person that is par for the course lol) with. In synastry my Pluto is Conjunct his Mercury and Eros, and Sextile his Venus (he has the Trine natally). His Pluto is Square my Moon (which I have natally), Square my Mars, Opp my Sun/Moon Midpoint (and very very loosely Square my Sun...its 9 degrees and not generational...but so wide I don't really consider it). Basically he is hard Pluto lol. In the Composite we have Sun Sextile Pluto, and Moon Opp Pluto.
You could be right about this. I know in this current relationship the more I try to define it the worse it gets, and the more plutonic (aka controlling and obsessive) I become. With my ex-husband though we had composite mars in the 12th- bad sex and ultimately a bad ending. With current guy, mars is in the first. But the composite has many challenging aspects. We have pluto square moon in composite, and mars conjunct uranus opposite chiron in composite. Tough stuff. Right now we are friends. I think the lesson for me in my situation is learning to distinguish between true love and lust. I think I am learning to understand my own feelings and actions towards others within the relationship context. I really don't know what the current guys take on anything is- he is not vocal about this and I honestly thought he didn't care one way or the other for most of it. I only found out recently from him that he cared for me. I think he remains very detached on purpose, due to past hurts. I, however, throw myself full steam ahead into everything!  IP: Logged |
NxNW Knowflake Posts: 65 From: northeast, u.s. Registered: May 2020
posted June 01, 2020 11:28 AM
Curious about the Sesquiquadrate (135˚ in this instance (His Sco Plut sqdr. my Gem Moon)...?I've read some astrologers don't even count that minor aspect while others consider it more important than one would think. I've also read that it feels like an anxious, awkward trine? We have other Pluto/Mars/Venus aspects so I can't tell if this Sesquiquadrate makes any difference. Your thoughts? IP: Logged |
NxNW Knowflake Posts: 65 From: northeast, u.s. Registered: May 2020
posted June 05, 2020 04:27 PM
quote: With this particular obsession of mine (that who am I kidding will probably not go away due to us actually having fairly nice friend like synastry. I flat out like him as a person minus any emotional crush crap with his Moon on my Sun/Asc/Mars in the 1st) his Moon is Trine my Saturn, Sextile my Mercury, and Trine my Venus. My Saturn is (perhaps) Trine his Moon, Square his Venus, and Conjunct his Mars.
His Moon on YOUR Sun/Asc/Mars, aspecting your Saturn & Merc - I thought usually the Moon person would be the one feeling it more and would be more emotionally invested? Surely his Pluto on your moon can't be more powerful than all your planets' influences on his moon??
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NxNW Knowflake Posts: 65 From: northeast, u.s. Registered: May 2020
posted June 05, 2020 04:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by NxNW: His Moon on YOUR Sun/Asc/Mars, aspecting your Saturn & Merc - I thought usually the Moon person would be the one feeling it more and would be more emotionally invested? Surely his Pluto on your moon can't be more powerful than all your planets' influences on his moon??
Ugh, I don't know what is wrong with me, must be the Sag eclipse but I didn't see the last bit where you said your Saturn was on his venus, mars too. But is Saturn really that strong of a glue??
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 128855 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 11, 2020 11:59 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 128855 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 18, 2020 04:04 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 128855 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 25, 2020 05:21 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 128855 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2020 02:33 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 128855 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 11, 2020 01:06 PM
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