Topic: How the F**K do people with moon/Pluto in synastry and (in my case) composite...
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 09, 2017 07:45 AM
sit down in a cafe across from one another and manage to drink coffee and have a conversation when all they want to do is jump inside one another's skin and drink in their soul like nothing else in the world exists in that very moment....but one another. Staring deeply into one another's eyes and wanting every single piece of their existence.How ? Like, how do they do the "normal"? We have the DW right parallel/contraparallel in synastry. And conjunction in the composite. IP: Logged |
ChildofVenus Knowflake Posts: 5085 From: Customer Service Rep. Registered: Apr 2015
posted June 09, 2017 08:46 AM
I have Moon trine Pluto with someone in synastry. Would this be similar to the conjunction? IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 09, 2017 08:55 AM
EmGem you're reading my mind lol!!! Seriously, I am dying over a man that I badly want and we have the Moon Square Pluto in synastry and Moon Opposite Pluto in Composite (plus Mars Square Pluto in synastry as well)...I did a cord cutting exercise and it has helped tremendously (the other night and I felt such warmth in my heart) but still my poor heart gets devastated when he doesn't respond a certain way, I "perceive" him to be cold, or whatever. I saw him last night and that didn't help. I should add that I myself am Plutonian (Asc Trine Pluto, chart ruler the Moon Square Pluto, Mercury Square Pluto, my chart ruler is the Moon in Capricorn, and it's depositor is Saturn which is in Scorpio in the 5th. I also have my Pluto in the 5th in Scorpio. Typically Pluto being triggered in synastry or the like makes it very hard for me to not want the person (emotionally...never just at a physical level) at all costs (even if I'm or they are with someone else). I have to say thank goodness for Cap or else I prolly would go after something or someone emotionally at all costs even if it devastated my or others lives (as in breaking up relationships). IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 09, 2017 09:12 AM
Omg GrlyGirl lol! Oh I feel for you, this s**t is seriously potent. Like, the BEST drug I've ever been on - not that Ive done much but you get the point. Why are you cutting the cord?? You don't think it could work out?I'm dying too and so is he evidently. In our case it's also a huge physical attraction. Everything is intense. We've known one another 11 years but I was with someone back then. And now he's popped up again and has told me sooooo much about how he's never wanted anyone more. The other night he was desperate to give me a hug and said he would promise to make me feel all his emotions, passion and sex in that hug, nothing more than just a hug where all sense of time would be forgotten. We are both highly Plutonian too. But how does one do normal things in such a relationship? Like other couples do? ChildifVenus, the trine would be much easier to handle but still a strong aspect. I think cafe astrology have a good description of it. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 09, 2017 12:58 PM
I have never felt attracted to someone's whose moon conjuncts Pluto, I don't get why this aspect feels so good lol. I keep thinking it must be something else about their synastry and they attribute it to that bc to me it does nothing if that is all there is going on, like there would have to a be lot of other attraction factors for me to feel moon conjunct pluto. For example, I had a big crush for a few months there with someone whose sun conjunct moon and mars squared my pluto and trined my moon forming a grand trine with my AC. Like yeah I felt very drawn to him and obsessed and that is actually why I was able to let go, he reminded me a lot about how my ex made me feel, I didn't like how strong the pull and obsessive part felt like and told myself I did not want to go down this route again. His sun-moon-mars also conjuncted my atropos! IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 09, 2017 01:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: EmGem you're reading my mind lol!!! Seriously, I am dying over a man that I badly want and we have the Moon Square Pluto in synastry and Moon Opposite Pluto in Composite (plus Mars Square Pluto in synastry as well)...I did a cord cutting exercise and it has helped tremendously (the other night and I felt such warmth in my heart) but still my poor heart gets devastated when he doesn't respond a certain way, I "perceive" him to be cold, or whatever. I saw him last night and that didn't help. I should add that I myself am Plutonian (Asc Trine Pluto, chart ruler the Moon Square Pluto, Mercury Square Pluto, my chart ruler is the Moon in Capricorn, and it's depositor is Saturn which is in Scorpio in the 5th. I also have my Pluto in the 5th in Scorpio. Typically Pluto being triggered in synastry or the like makes it very hard for me to not want the person (emotionally...never just at a physical level) at all costs (even if I'm or they are with someone else). I have to say thank goodness for Cap or else I prolly would go after something or someone emotionally at all costs even if it devastated my or others lives (as in breaking up relationships).
I do have Moon square my pluto with someone and moon square pluto with that person in composite and yes I have a crush on him and feel attracted to him but we also have venus conjunct mars exact in composite and his natal venus conjunct mars forms a grand trine with my moon and ascendant. However, What I had with my ex was even a much stronger attraction and we had venus parallel pluto and a venus to mars double whammy with soft aspects plus sun trine moon and moon conjunct moon and a huge stellium in the 1h in composite involving valentine conjunct magion, sun, mars and PLUTO all sextile Neptune conjunct Agapenor and Neptune conjunct Agapenor forming a tsquare with venus opposite moon. In conclusion, I have never felt a strong attraction with someone I have moon in hard aspect to pluto that I dont also have venus aspect mars with and other key aspects that indicate attraction. Bingo! Your Pluto is in the 5H! Pluto is my chart ruler but my Neptune rules my 5H and when someone's venus or mars conjuncts my neptune it trines my venus conjunct mars and is a huge attraction and it also conjuncts my sun/moon midpoint. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 7788 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 09, 2017 02:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem:
How ? Like, how do they do the "normal"?
You dont do that simple as it is, you dont do what normal couples do. Like, for us, for the first 6-7 months we never went anywhere, no coffee shops or restaurants or anything, we would spent every single evening just the two of us holed up and making out, not even sex, just kissing and hugging for hours. I couldnt even imagine sitting across him in a coffee shop and not molest him. So, that's that. You just do what you have to do. And its outside of any "normal" you know. IP: Logged |
Beautiful_Light Moderator Posts: 858 From: Atlantis Registered: Nov 2016
posted June 09, 2017 05:33 PM
Does the conjunction feel more similar to the trine or the square? I don't really have experience with the trine. I have the square in synastry and composite with my main crush. Conjunction I had recently and I was very interested in him and his ideas/thoughts but not attracted to him sexually.IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 09, 2017 06:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Beautiful_Light: Does the conjunction feel more similar to the trine or the square? I don't really have experience with the trine. I have the square in synastry and composite with my main crush. Conjunction I had recently and I was very interested in him and his ideas/thoughts but not attracted to him sexually.
Yes exactly for some reason I don't notice the conjunction, like it doesn't jump out, but with the square I do feel the attraction, the opposition feels like a power struggle and both sides wonder if they can trust each other, with the conjunction there is some of that too actually but you are more drawn to eachother and its easier to trust although still some suspiciosness in the background, the conjunction feels familiar so it doesn't make me feel physically attracted... I like the square the most, it challenges me to grow and pushes my comfort zone. IP: Logged |
CapriciousCapricorn Knowflake Posts: 1563 From: Registered: Sep 2015
posted June 09, 2017 06:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: You dont do thatsimple as it is, you dont do what normal couples do. Like, for us, for the first 6-7 months we never went anywhere, no coffee shops or restaurants or anything, we would spent every single evening just the two of us holed up and making out, not even sex, just kissing and hugging for hours. I couldnt even imagine sitting across him in a coffee shop and not molest him. So, that's that. You just do what you have to do.
You were Pluto, him Moon right? Just to make sure I remember it correctly. Also, how old were you guys? Age has anything to do with how we perceive these aspects? IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 09, 2017 06:37 PM
@hypatia, yes I agree there has to be more going on in the synastry. We have a whole lot of attraction factors. Venus square Pluto, Venus square mars. My ascendant/uranus conjunct his venus/moon/mars/uranus stellium in Scorpio. It's both electric and intensely deep and emotional at the same time. I feel him every day even when I don't see him. @orange, I was hoping you'd respond! Do you still have those intense moments even after the initial months of engulfment? And do you have any Uranus in synastry or composite? I'm curious to know how it would play out with all the Pluto as well as Uranus 😬 @BeautifulLight, I think the trine is still quite powerful however easier to manage and without the emotional manipulation. I've read that with the trine you feel emotionally regenerated by one another. I'm not too sure about moon/Pluto square. Don't think I've experienced it.
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 7788 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 09, 2017 06:55 PM
Em,Yes,me is Pluto We still have those moments but now there is a ton of jealousy and possessiveness and power games. And it grew into wanting to be totally committed. My Uranus conj. his Mars, his Uranus squares my Nodes and asc/dsc. No, age is irrelevant IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 13915 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted June 09, 2017 07:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: @hypatia, yes I agree there has to be more going on in the synastry. We have a whole lot of attraction factors. Venus square Pluto, Venus square mars. My ascendant/uranus conjunct his venus/moon/mars/uranus stellium in Scorpio. It's both electric and intensely deep and emotional at the same time. I feel him every day even when I don't see him. @BeautifulLight, I think the trine is still quite powerful however easier to manage and without the emotional manipulation. I've read that with the trine you feel emotionally regenerated by one another. I'm not too sure about moon/Pluto square. Don't think I've experienced it.
Good explanation of the trine IP: Logged |
SunAscendant Knowflake Posts: 2847 From: California Registered: Oct 2014
posted June 10, 2017 12:48 AM
I have had Moon-Pluto in synastry, composites and Davison charts with various men and I usually don't find obsession, just relationships that start off with a bang and end just as quick.IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 10, 2017 01:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by EmGem: Omg GrlyGirl lol! Oh I feel for you, this s**t is seriously potent. Like, the BEST drug I've ever been on - not that Ive done much but you get the point. Why are you cutting the cord?? You don't think it could work out?
Yeah, it won't work out at all. He's literally getting married next month and I have a serious bf. I'll admit that if he wasn't getting married next month (let's say the wedding was in a year) or something along those lines I would have wanted to try (and perhaps end my own relationship). I'm a Water Sun and Mars so even if I or the other person wouldn't leave or cheat, I'm the type who would still be completely satisfied with knowing how the other feels for me and that it is mutual. The part that breaks my heart is i don't think it's mutual. I have Venus in the 11th and had suggested that we be legit friends as I like his personality (and I was firm on my desire for friendship only as he is getting married and I have a bf...which I said). I didn't realize that his Scorpio Mercury (which I should have as I'm a Mercury Square Pluto person) would hear friendship, but pickup on how I feel and what is unsaid. That I'm saying friendship, but ultimately I have feelings for him (which I do but I meant what I said...friendship). Needless to say he decided to not pursue a friendship (he didn't text or call at all when it would have been nice to arrange a double date for both of our relationships...I admit I badly want couple friends lol). I'll admit that hurts my heart more than romantic disinterest (again Venus in the 11th). So that's why I decided to do cord cutting exercises because I don't think he cares. And even if he wasn't ever going to be with me, knowing he cares or feels something even friendship (Pluto hates indifference) would be enough.
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 7788 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 10, 2017 03:25 PM
GrlyGirl, so you are the Moon and he is the Pluto?IP: Logged |
Beautiful_Light Moderator Posts: 858 From: Atlantis Registered: Nov 2016
posted June 10, 2017 05:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: I like the square the most, it challenges me to grow and pushes my comfort zone.
Especially if one person has this aspect natally, I don't think it should spell the doom of a relationship  IP: Logged |
Beautiful_Light Moderator Posts: 858 From: Atlantis Registered: Nov 2016
posted June 10, 2017 05:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: Good explanation of the trine
Agreed...thanks EmGem! . My married friends have this and they seem quite happy, despite her unaspected Moon in synastry. IP: Logged |
Beautiful_Light Moderator Posts: 858 From: Atlantis Registered: Nov 2016
posted June 10, 2017 05:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by hypatia238: In conclusion, I have never felt a strong attraction with someone I have moon in hard aspect to pluto that I dont also have venus aspect mars with and other key aspects that indicate attraction.
This is a good point. I feel like Moon/Pluto is quite bonding but you do need good Venus/Mars contacts for romantic attraction. IP: Logged |
CapriciousCapricorn Knowflake Posts: 1563 From: Registered: Sep 2015
posted June 10, 2017 05:20 PM
Any of you guys had Venus-Pluto in synastry? How does that compare to Moon Pluto?The guy I have been obsessing over (the one I'm not even in touch with), in synastry we had my Pluto conjunct his Moon, his Venus trine my Pluto and my Venus square his Pluto. Don't ask me what it's like though because I don't know, I never got to find out. But of course I'm curious, even if it's just a theoretical knowledge. IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 10, 2017 07:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: GrlyGirl, so you are the Moon and he is the Pluto?
Yes, I am lol. Is it obvious? He is Pluto in both the Square to my Moon and Mars. The only Pluto I have to him is I am Pluto in a Conjunction to his Scorpio Mercury (It's a very close aspect at less than 1 degree), and I have a Sextile of my Pluto to his Venus (he has this natally). I have Pluto Square my own Moon and Mercury in my natal so I'm used to it on some level. IP: Logged |
Mohini108 Knowflake Posts: 158 From: San Antonio, Texas, USA Registered: Dec 2015
posted June 10, 2017 07:36 PM
I have a Moon conjunct Pluto with a girl in composite, but we don't have it in sysnastry. How is this possible? , Its also a pretty wide orb at 6 degrees. Would the Moon conjunct pluto energy still be felt? IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl200 Knowflake Posts: 420 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 10, 2017 07:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Beautiful_Light: This is a good point. I feel like Moon/Pluto is quite bonding but you do need good Venus/Mars contacts for romantic attraction.
Ok, how's this for intense. We have the: Moon Square Pluto - Me the Moon and him Pluto Venus Sextile Pluto - Me Pluto and him Venus Mars Square Pluto - Me Mars and him Pluto Moon Mars double whammy - Conjunction with me as Mars, and Sextiile with him as Mars Mars Opp Venus - Me Venus in Taurus and him Mars in Scorpio Mars Square Jupiter - Me Jupiter in the 8th Aquarius, and him a Scorpio Mars Conjunct Uranus Mars Square Sun - Me Mars and him Sun Mars Trine Mars - Cancer and Scorpio Mars Eros Trine Eros Eros/Mercury Conjunct Pluto Everytime, I see him I have an overwhelming desire to jump his bones, or at the very least get him alone. In fact I've never wanted anyone as badly as I've wanted this man. I also get a lot of energy from him (hence why I did cord cutting). I suppose I've always figured with all of this and me hitting his Moon so much and fitting his Venus ideal (I don't touch his Venus much, but I do fit his Leo ideal as a Sun and Mars Conjunct Asc in the 1st, Leo Mercury, Pluto and Saturn in the 5th) and being noticeable. That I would see or feel a bit more from him. Not romantically, as he can't but as far as wanting a person around and to be friends (esp with that Cancer Moon).
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 7788 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted June 10, 2017 11:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by GrlyGirl200: Yes, I am lol. Is it obvious? He is Pluto in both the Square to my Moon and Mars. The only Pluto I have to him is I am Pluto in a Conjunction to his Scorpio Mercury (It's a very close aspect at less than 1 degree), and I have a Sextile of my Pluto to his Venus (he has this natally). I have Pluto Square my own Moon and Mercury in my natal so I'm used to it on some level.
you are such a cutsie pie...I like how you clarify everything in parenthesis, and that you are quite aware of what's going on...))
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EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2615 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted June 11, 2017 04:56 AM
Grlygirl, argh that truly sucks. What a crappy situation to be caught up in. I think there must be something in this for your personal growth though.. the universe has presented him to you for a reason. IP: Logged |