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  Obsessed/Devotion/Whatever It Takes- The Magic of Quindecile Aspects (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Obsessed/Devotion/Whatever It Takes- The Magic of Quindecile Aspects

Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 28, 2018 11:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"The latin word, Quindecile means 15 – fifteen degrees away from the opposition aspect – 180 minus 15=165 – that is 165 degrees.

When one planet is 165 degrees from another planet it is said to be in quindecile aspect. If you have a quindecile aspect in your chart or in synastry with an other, you’ll recognize it.

Seat yourself opposite someone in a circle and you are said to be opposite to that person. Move a couple of seats away from that original position and you are in quindecile aspect to that ‘other’. The person in quindecile aspect to you will get much more of your attention than the person seated opposite to you and vice-versa. Believe me, it works. I’ve tested it many times."

Noel Tyl suggests that “quindecile is an aspect of unrelenting motivation, obsession, determination, upheaval, disruption, even separation.” The planets connected through this aspect are under high developmental tension, and I believe he counts it almost as important as conjunction, square or opposition.

Ricki Reeves’ book Quindecile goes into depth about the interpretation of each planetary combination in this aspect. From what I’ve read, she seems to suggest that there is a compulsive feeling of “whatever it takes” to fulfill one’s motivation.

^My Sun quindeciles my Exe's Moon which also conjuncts and parallels my moon. He is someone I have a very deep emotional connection with, I will always love him. The words unrelenting motivation, obsession, determination fit well, I would have done anything for him that is how it feels like emotionally, that level of devotion and intensity.

Tr Neptune is on his Moon right now quindecile my Sun and I can feel he has been missing me, I haven't felt that in a while in that level I am sensing today. Makes me think he probably had a dream of me last night.

I will say that sun quindecile moon is more powerful than then conjunction or opposition. Maybe bc our moons also conjunct and parallel it takes it to even a more intense level than typical.

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posted April 29, 2018 08:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thereaper95     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah,i felt it with my ex.Her Jupiter 13'32" Sag quindecile my Sun in Gemini 28'32".The attraction with her was so strong

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posted April 29, 2018 11:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for outofideas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have been obsessing over someone I feel I am in love with.
Looking for quindeciles in our charts there are quite a few to note.

- our Moons are in quindecile and Jupiter currently hovering over his Moon. Interesting. Also my Moon quindecile his name in my chart.
- his Mercury quindecile my Ascendant
- my Mercury quindecile his Mars but that's a bit of a stretch, within 2 degress

- Sun + his name quindecile Jupiter

- Saturn quindecile Moon
- Jupiter quindecile the tight Venus-Neptune conjunction; also Mars with a bit of a strech
- his name quindecile the Mercury and North Node conjunction
- Chiron quindecile Mars

Quite the obsession I tell you. But I don't think he feels it.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 29, 2018 02:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by thereaper95:
Yeah,i felt it with my ex.Her Jupiter 13'32" Sag quindecile my Sun in Gemini 28'32".The attraction with her was so strong

That sounds cool, thanks for sharing. Did you feel she wanted to go on adventures with you, like road trips, hikes, travel? Did your relationship bring out the adventurous spirit in her or each other?

I checked and my Jupiter conjunct Uranus quindeciles my partner's AC. I feel his presence and influence in me definitely activated these energies in my chart and brought them out to a whole other level. I have Jupiter conjunct Uranus decile Pluto and Jupiter conjunct Uranus undecile Saturn. He definitely caused my Jupiter conjunct Uranus traits to develop more and express itself in multiple ways that if I would have not met him it would have never happened.

With my Ex my sun quindecile his moon while it also conjuncts and parallels my moon, I would say his presence and influence in my life made me feel emotions to a level I never have with anybody else. His Sun quindeciles my Osiris which septiles my moon to its left and septiles my Isis to its right. So his Sun activates with a quindecile my Osiris septile Isis and my moon as well through Osiris septile Moon. I would describe my connection with him as highly spiritual and deeply emotional. Add that my moon quindeciles his Isis on my Priapus and he has Isis conjunct Osiris. So my moon activates his Isis conjunct Osiris on my Priapus with a quindecile. His Sun activates my Osiris septile Isis with a quindecile and indirectly my moon through my Osiris septile Moon so in a sense we have a sun/moon quindicile double whammy.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 29, 2018 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It gets more interesting. My Northnode Quindeciles my Jupiter conjunct Uranus which My Husband Quindeciles with his AC.

Even though I loved my ex deeply and still do a big reason why I ended it was bc I felt my Jupiter conjunct Uranus would not be able to grow and expand with him and this is an important energy point in my chart that demands attention since it quindeciles my Northnode. His Psyche on my NN did quindecile my Jupiter conjunct Uranus though but he had jupiter conjunct saturn tight on his 1H with Jupiter ruling his 4H, he wanted to stay put in Miami forever, its a very different energy from my Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the 1H with Uranus ruling my 4H.

Turns out my ex has Eros QD Psyche falling on my Jupiter conjunct Uranus (his eros) QD my Northnode (his Psyche). He did activate that energy in my chart but his own Jupiter conjunct Saturn on his 1H held us back, I remember feeling like he was stuck (Saturn on his Jupiter) and did not want to expand and grow and this really worried my Jupiter conjunct Uranus exact QD Northnode, it freaked me out. I remember feeling like he would get in the way of me experiencing life to the fullest and my personal growth if I stayed with him, and staying with him made me feel I would get stuck like I sense he was too, I felt he was comfortable, he liked his comfort zone. Its crazy bc I deeply love him but my Northnode Mission is stronger than Love I guess.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 29, 2018 03:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by outofideas:
Quite the obsession I tell you. But I don't think he feels it.

Is it a crush or you guys dating and in a relationship?

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posted April 29, 2018 04:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for outofideas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It's a big crush but I also noticed his Nessus conjuncts my Moon exact which means he has Nessus quindecile his Moon in the natal. I wonder what this means. He also has Saturn quindecile Pluto. I don't have any noticeable quindeciles in my chart.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 29, 2018 06:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by outofideas:
It's a big crush but I also noticed his Nessus conjuncts my Moon exact which means he has Nessus quindecile his Moon in the natal. I wonder what this means.

Nessus tends to be more of an issue when it aspects dejanira in your own chart and or in synastry but that is interesting that he has Nessus QD his moon, it makes me want to talk to him so I can psychoanalyze him and ask him invasive personal questions LOL.

See how many degrees away is his nessus from dejanira to see if they aspect, check if it aspects your dejanira too and if so those are red flags as his primal nature may go too far and cross over the edge if it aspects his dejanira or yours. But nessus on its own automatically does not mean abuse, now with Dejanira involved the odds go up a lot that the energy will manifest in its more negative forms.

Like Nicole Brown Simpson, she has Sun conjunct Nessus but her Sun conjunct Nessus inconjuncts her Dejanira! If she had sun conjunct Nessus only the story may have played out differently. Someone I knew who committed suicide he had Sun conjunct Dejanira and Moon conjunct Nessus. If he didnt' have sun conjunct dejanira and just moon conjunct Nessus that Nessus energy may have manifested in a more positive way. Another person who was a victim of childhood sexual abuse has sun conjunct Nessus and her moon sextiles her dejanira, her nessus biseptiles her dejanira exact. Tonya Harding has in her chart Nessus sextile Dejanira forming a YOD with her Venus at the apex, her first husband whom was abusive towards her has in his own chart Nessus square Dejanira and his Nessus sextiled her Dejanira. In composite they had Nessus parallel Dejanira.

His moon QD Nessus could simply mean that he enjoys giving in to passion and that he is very in touch with his primal instincts/nature. He may have a fascination with people's more primal energy/instincts and seeks out experiences were he can express this side of him.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted April 29, 2018 06:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by outofideas:
He also has Saturn quindecile Pluto.

Quindecile from Pluto: obsessive, unrelenting motivation toward empowerment or destruction. Warren Buffett has his Pluto QD Saturn, which suggests monumental empowerment and absolute fixation on practical achievement.

Quindecile from Saturn: may suggest obsessive focus on ambition, control and achievement. There may be an intense suppression and disruption of the aspect planet.

Sounds like he may be highly ambitious and power hungry and willing to work hard to achieve his goals and reach a higher status in his life than he was born into.

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posted April 30, 2018 06:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for outofideas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for these interpretations hypatia! I think the Pluto-Saturn one fits but maybe not that obsessively.
As for where his Dejanira is - guess where! It's conjunct his Moon. Haha!
I've also felt like asking him invasive personal questions
Now that we know his Moon conjunct Dejanira quindeciles Nessus what do you think this might mean? Moon-Dejanira sextiles his Sun. Nessus squares his Mercury and is within 103 degrees of his Sun. I guess Nessus biseptiles his Sun then?

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 01, 2018 12:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by outofideas:
Thank you for these interpretations hypatia! I think the Pluto-Saturn one fits but maybe not that obsessively.
As for where his Dejanira is - guess where! It's conjunct his Moon. Haha!
I've also felt like asking him invasive personal questions
Now that we know his Moon conjunct Dejanira quindeciles Nessus what do you think this might mean? Moon-Dejanira sextiles his Sun. Nessus squares his Mercury and is within 103 degrees of his Sun. I guess Nessus biseptiles his Sun then?

Interesting, Moon conjunct Dejanira QD Nessus. He feels like a victim, probably has been targeted, maybe has experienced emotional abuse and maybe that theme has played out more than once in his life but his dirty little secret is that he is intrigued and fascinated by Nessus types, fascinated by living a little dangerously and attracted to those who do. He maybe has an explicable pathological attraction to these types he doesn't understand.

Actually to do the nature of Quindeciles I would say this is an aspect of Trauma Bonding. He probably has a history of childhood abuse and survived that time in his life by bonding with the perpetrator, that is how he coped and now as an adult he either becomes the perpetrator himself bc he normalized the perpetrator in order to bond with them and survive the abuse or he continues to replay that dynamic and feels attracted to strong types that take advantage of him.

It could be as simple as his mother was a narcissist who emotionally neglected him and abused him but he still put her up in a pedestal and admired her selfishness in away. He may be fascinated by his mother's narcissistic traits and tends to end up attracted to narcissistic types bc that was his first love (mother) and what feels normal and familiar.

But wow that is a lot of nessus and dejanira happening on his luminaries that can be a very self destructive combo, I bet he struggles with Suicidal Ideation and wants to hurt himself.

Be careful, this guy probably needs help.

You could say actually that his Moon conjunct Dejanira means his mother was abusive towards him and with his moon conjunct dejanira qd nessus with nessus sextile his sun He wants to punish women and be abusive towards them, it could be a compulsive obsession he has.

OR his mother was abused by his father and he witnessed a lot of domestic violence growing up and this has affected him a lot and he suffers from a lot of anxiety and sometimes suicidal ideation.

Do you know anything about his mental health?

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posted May 01, 2018 08:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have a couple Of Quindeciles in synastry with someone:

His mars is Quindecile mine (2 degree orb though?) and his mars is opposite my Venus.
My Saturn is Quindecile his Venus one degree , while my pluto also trines his Venus.
My mercury quindeciles by one degree his south node
His Chiron quindeciles my ASC
My Chiron quindeciles his Pluto

Not much has happened, though the attraction was there and we met up once. Timing is an issue, which I was attributing to his Saturn being semi sextile my Venus, but now I see we have DW Saturn Venus....

These are just quindeciles though and the rest of the synastry is pretty compelling too. A lot of Uranus and Pluto happening.

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posted May 01, 2018 09:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for outofideas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think he is not very mentally stable. And for a man who should be mature he acts juvenile at times and is quite changeable.

I don't know him well but from what I have seen he is a bit of an attention seeker. At times he is like a drama queen, but he does it in a funny way, although not to entertain others but to elicit some attention. At least that's how it comes off to me because he sounds like he is having a pity party with the way he says things and his facial expressions are very funny. Quite dramatic in an artistic way but yes it does look like he puts himself in a bit of a 'victim' position.
He is quite flirty too - again just for the attention I think. But he also sometimes snaps I feel and has a bad temper that he tries hard to keep from coming out.

I do think he feels attracted to strong types that can take advantage of him but this also ****** him off and so he wants to force his ways on others as well. But I don't think this would be done to an abusive extent, just a typical dynamic in his closer relationships that is played out in a mundane way if that makes sense, e.g. at work.

Trying to look at his chart as a whole I don't really see an abuse from the mother, perhaps the father here was quite stern but overall the parents should have had an ok relationship. Although Neptune conjunct Moon in Scorpio alone raises some questions - I would say the mother was a bit unstable with some issues and probably emotionally abused him in a way - both smothering and playing the martyr perhaps? Pretty sure alcohol is an issue for him as he is quite sensitive or just emotional ups and downs in general. Also it's worth noting in his current environment he is surrounded by lots of women that have endurance and strength in some notable form.

I can see his ambitious streak with Sun conjunct Pluto. Along with his Mars aspects - sextile Jupiter, semi-square both Pluto and Uranus, inconjunct Saturn - bad temper at times, maybe explosive, 'my way or the high way' type, also wanting to be independent and probably frustrating over constraints, competitive. I'm thinking he may have suffered from some peer abuse and/or was getting into fist fights and stuff.

Here's his chart if you wanted to see all of it. I can later remove it if it stretches the thread too much.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 01, 2018 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^Having Moon conjunct Dejanira QD Nessus is enough to raise red flags of history of abuse or emotional neglect by mother but like I said I suspect he is fascinated by strong types too and yes it makes sense he plays the role of the victim with the moon conjunct dejanira. I feel his mother was emotionally absent (moon square saturn and conjunct neptune) and probably a narcissist (moon opposite jupiter and QD nessus).

His mars in cancer alone can explain the bad temper and touchy personality and tendency to snap and the emotional instability.

With mercury square nessus he probably has a sharp tongue with women (nessus sextile venus).

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posted May 01, 2018 02:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for outofideas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not really taking into account the Moon square Saturn because it's too wide.

You could say he sometimes has a sharp tongue, maybe with women especially. He sometimes does say insensitive things that come off as rude, other times he makes remarks in a jokingly way. But he definitely can be saying one thing while thinking the complete opposite. Like saying something positive about someone then immediately making that something into a negative. But this may stem from some emotional/mental imbalance.

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posted May 01, 2018 04:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Adding to your composite interpretation above-

A good friend of mine has Nessus conjunct his mercury and he does say blunt things and can be hurtful. With me in arguments he’s not been harsh, but I imagine he can. Sometimes he says things I find insensitive, but he also has Gemini mercury opposite his sag moon , so...

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posted May 02, 2018 11:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for outofideas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not entirely sure if Nessus-Mercury gives a sharp and blunt style of speech but it could do. He also has Mercury semi-sextile Venus so this maybe adds a softer touch to his words. But I now wonder if Nessus-Mercury alone gives dark/inappropriate thoughts.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 02, 2018 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am researching Nessus and Dejanira and I haven't completely made up my mind about either to be perfectly honest with you..

Outofideas if I start a thread with the discovery charts of Nessus and Dejanira would you try to interpret it with me?, maybe we can bounce ideas of each other.

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posted May 02, 2018 02:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for outofideas     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not that familiar with Nessus or Dejanira but I can certainly try that with you hypatia!

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 02, 2018 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dejanira has a very powerful tsquare with Pluto at the apex squaring her Mars opposite Uranus but then she has Mars conjuncting her is like she has a high sex drive but mars is blocking this or making her suppress it but her desire for release is strong at the same time and is just building up ...

If you look at the synastry and composite of Nessus and Dejanira you see there is a strong attraction between them as Nessus has Kaali conjunct her Pluto activating that Pluto Tsquare she has. Nessus has Mars opposite Neptune conjunct Uranus so he may have difficulty with impulse control and boundaries, he too has mars aspect saturn by inconjunction and feels he cannot act on his desires but if he bumps into dejanira his Kaali activates her Pluto tsquare with mars opposite uranus and he loses control and if dejanira does not want to give in to the attraction and is identifying with her mars conjunct saturn and nessus does not respect that and looses control then we have a problem...

Is like Dejanira has self-control bc her Mars conjuncts her Saturn but she attracts intense encounters bc of her pluto squaring her mars opposite uranus forming a tsquare with pluto at the apex. Then you have Nessus with mars in cancer opposite neptune conjunct uranus, he has less self control and difficulty with boundaries, more likely to give in to his desire nature and lose control with which a consenting party can be hot. Add that these two are drawn to each other bc of their synastry and composite and it could lead to problems in some cases if dejanira does not want to surrender to her pluto tsquare with nessus and is identifying more with her mars conjunct saturn. I feel due to these contrasting aspects Dejanira may send mixed signals which complicates things for Nessus who already has issues with boundaries specially with Dejanira due to their synastry.

(Interesting they both have an afflicted mars, mars aspect saturn, both have issues expressing their desire nature)

Nessus with Mars inconjunct Saturn and opposite Neptune-Uranus maybe wants to rebel agaisnt boundaries saturn is imposing and give in to his primal nature/desire.

Dejanira with mars conjunct saturn wants boundaries to be respected and wants to set clear boundaries. But bc of that T-square involving her Pluto/Mars/Uranus she puts a certain energy out there and attracts intense encounters that nessus finds hard not give into maybe.

This is why this can either go wonderfully or terribly, nessus can help dejanira surrender to her pluto tsquare and enjoy it but he needs to respect her boundaries bc if not we have sexual abuse taking place.

I will post one of these days the discovery charts, synastry and composite between them.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 03, 2018 12:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually, Nessus struggles with his primal nature and bc of this puts himself in positions in which giving into his primal nature would get him punished or in trouble this is evidenced by his Mars inconjunct Saturn in his discovery chart.

This aspect supports that Nessus types struggle a lot with guilt around their desire nature, expressing anger or going after what they want when they shouldn't resulting in them repressing this side which backfires bc Uranus conjunct Neptune opposes their Mars too.

I think bc Uranus is also opposing their Mars they sometimes let go of Saturn and rebel against Saturn instead of letting Saturn dominate their Mars and when this happens since Neptune is conjunct Uranus and both oppose mars we go from one extreme to the other; from feeling overly guilty about their mars nature and restricting their mars and not letting themselves express their mars to having a case of the f*ck its, rebelling against Saturn and completely surrendering to their mars nature with no restrictions (neptune). Since Neptune is there in worst case scenarios it can lead to them violating important boundaries or limits so they get caught and punished bc that is what will make Mars inconjunct Saturn happy.

So they don't feel comfortable expressing their primal energies and when they do surrender to it completely they do it in a way that is impulsive (uranus) and that will set them up to get in trouble or punished bc deep down they feel they should be punished for experiencing desire and acting on it.


I feel Nessus resents that inconjunction to his saturn but also appreciates it. Nessus does want to rebel against Saturn, test boundaries to see how close to the edge they are willing to get, they do like flirting with disaster and telling Saturn to go F themselves but they also understand the value of Saturn setting limits and the importance of this and value that Saturn is keeping Neptune conjunct Uranus opposite their mars in check, it needs a reminder from Saturn to not let their need to surrender to their desire nature and rebel against Saturn's restrictions to go too far. They do enjoy flirting with disaster but most don't take it too far or go over the edge but yes they have a compulsion to flirt with the edge and some do go over it.

This video breaks down Mars inconjunct Saturn aspect:

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posted May 04, 2018 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yanmorg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just to chime in,

I have mercury conjunct nessus in Scorpio in my 6th house.

My mercury is a part of a stellium also in the 6th.

Everything said here is true from my own personal experience.

I have been told my tongue is truly one of a kind. I can be insensitive, condescending, and obnoxious on my worst days. It’s something I’m still working on.. I’ve gotten a lot better over the years in terms of self control and knowing when to shut up. I still have a long way to go, though honestly.

Aside from that, my thoughts are intense and create a heavy slush feeling in my head when I’ve been focused on a subject for too long. My thoughts are taboo, limitless, and inovative.; I blame my almost-exact mercury-uranus, mercury-neptune quintiles for that.

I also have mercury conjunct jupiter in Scorpio so it’s even more pronounced.

My father’s mercury square’s Saturn so I probably picked up a few pointers from him too.

PS: How can I spot quindeciles on

Is it the same symbol for the quintile?

I want to look into this aspect further, but I do not know how to spot them or add them to the aspect grid.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 04, 2018 01:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This thread gives good tips on how to spot them:

You would not be able to spot it on

I personally do it manually, each sign is 29.59 and I add and subtrat to calculate how many degrees apart two objects are.

Thanks a lot for confirming your own experience with mercury conjunct nessus.

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 04, 2018 01:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is interesting to look into as well:

The 164 Degree Aspect

There are many minor aspects in astrology, and two of them are the quinqueundecim (163 degrees) and the quindecile (165 degrees). The orb of influence for these minor aspects is under two degrees, usually about one degree, so if you have two points 164 degrees apart, they are BOTH quinqueundecim and quindecile.

Why am I highlighting this aspect? Because this could possibly be the most difficult of all positions to have two points at, especially two personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars). A lot of attention is paid to the quindecile as being an incredibly difficult aspect, but having your planets 164 degrees apart means you also have to deal with the quinqueundecim, an overlooked aspect that isn't any kind of walk in the park.

What's my experience with this aspect? I have my Sun and Moon at 164 degrees apart. Yeah, that's basically the worst, lucky me! It creates an interesting dynamic, for sure. With the quindecile, you'll see the word "unrelenting" used a lot. It's obsessive. It's like Scorpio on steroids. But it's got a focus - unfortunately, when it's your Sun and Moon the focus is all on you, and that'll drive you bonkers. With the quinqueundecim, especially between the personal planets, it shows someone who had some sort of disruption or was removed from society for some time and they must forgive, transform themselves, and help others with their experience. It'll just usually take a while to get there. A lot of people who wind up in relationships where they are trapped, who have parents who controlled their whole lives, or who suffer from accidents/illness that leave them confined have a prominent quinqueundecim.

As I've said in other posts, just because you have two points at difficult aspect to one another doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You can use the midpoint (exact middle) of those two points to use the energy positively so there isn't so much of a war. For example, my Sun-Moon midpoint is in Sagittarius, so I try to implement Saggy energy into my life whenever I can, and I do find that when I can do it successfully, there's a lot less humming in my brain. Everything gets a little quieter, and I feel more even keel. Pay attention to those midpoints and you'll have a much easier job using your chart to your advantage!

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Posts: 8826
From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode
Registered: Sep 2014

posted May 04, 2018 01:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hypatia238     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nothnode quindecile and quinqueundecim Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the 1H (they are 164 degrees apart).
Jupiter/Uranus undecile Saturn in the 12th
Jupiter/Uranus decile Pluto in the 12th

When I was a child I had a number of dreams that felt like past life stuff tbh were I was removed from society for some time and in this life there was for a moment a close call for that to repeat itself, I kept thinking in this life is not suppose to play out like that and luckily it did not, I remembered thinking I was born to be free this cannot happen and that was the quindecile talking, I guess the quindecile is stronger than the quinqueundecim but I definitely feel the influence of both, but the quindecile takes over my life more, it wins, its more powerful. Uranus rules my 4H and it was bc of my parents support that I did not end up confined again in this life. Also I have this fear of getting into an accident and becoming paralyzed since I was a child. I remember growing up feeling that my mom wanted to control my whole life and for a while there I did feel trapped in my current relationship and to a point I always will bc a commitment limits your freedom but I don't feel "trapped" like a I did at some point (I guess that is another karmic thing that got resolved). Although I adore my mother and she is a great mom I did move far away from her to free myself of her controlling influence and to fulfill my strong need for adventure evidenced by uranus conjunct jupiter quindecile northnode (I feel this too has helped me get rid of karma with my mom and our relationship is transforming for the better as a result of this healthy distance).

I can definitely relate to the quinqueundecim and its meaning but the quindecile seems to win, I feel 164 is very karmic, is set up so that the quindecile provides support for working through and freeing yourself from the quinqueundecim karma perhaps so is a blessing. The quinqueundecim alone sounds horrible though.

I guess with me its playing out as getting rid of karma bc it activates my nodes. Its not a coincidence that Jupiter conjunct Uranus is the tightest aspect in my chart. Fascinating.

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