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Author Topic:   Uranus opposite Chiron in composite...

Posts: 1354
From: Oz
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posted December 09, 2018 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As far as guy #1 goes.. I've learned you cannot get everything.

I am very Uranian, and I long and crave for that weirdness, but that is not too weird, ie, still has a brain. I love communicating by text with all my Mercury (and from a 12H distance), yet so many don't enjoy. We are having a relationship by text. This is a conceptual relationship, which is very air. I am very air, as he is also.

And by having a relationship, we are also rebelling against the traditional design and use of the platform, which is to use brief text in between real life meetings. That's weird, and I like it. No, I love it. We also have weird arguments that are plain hilarious and bizarre. Which I also love, because I have the Aries IC. Yesterday he wanted to tell me that the term is "punch above ones wight", exclusively. I was telling him that you can also punch ones own weight.

So his Virgo Moon has a bit of a good time too I think. And I got to say: "please, don't make me call you a dickhead". Which, in my opinion, was a great line. That line may have got me the win.

I have also used the experience to exercise my astrological skills. So, there's the practical element. I am also having a relationship that makes little demands on me, and of which cannot hurt me. Which is also very practical

Usually too, when we are texting I am at home studying (12H)! So, it keeps me company with random, less dry topics than my study material. And, perhaps making me feel at home, and sense of belonging (activating my IC). And, perhaps for him too - because he's working from home also, and, my Sun is on his IC.

We are both a bit lost in the world I think/suspect. Working alone from home can be a bit: living outside the normal world, and, me studying at my age is also a bit lost. We are both escaping into a world that exists on another plane, and probably away from the pain of the real world. All the Neptune elements of our natals and 12H..

I also like the foggy Neptune boundaries and mysteries that we are romancing and projecting who we each might think the other is. We text to each other at any time: i,e, I text him this morning at 6am, he sometimes text me past 12. We are both very weird. And.. I really love it. I do get something out of it. Remember, that, for much of this year I was unable to meet anyone anyhow so, it was ok.

You see that I outlines this somewhere else? I think above I expanded on what I got out of it? And much of it WAS directly related to my 12H Venus (probs Chiron too then): identifying boundaries, executing the capacity to move on when necessary, actively being watchful for elements where I wasn't receiving back and responding by making alternative plans for myself.. etc. I'm older now, I've been through the consequences of my 12H Venus, etc. There have been many buses that ran me over. So, I think that I get it as much as I possibly can.

Anyhow.. our contact is fading out. It is becoming short and longer between days. But, I will still stay in touch. We may break the record for the longest contact by text without meeting. Who wouldn't be chuffed with that? I met #2 yesterday, it was good, I will detail elsewhere later, but, yes, moving on in the real world.

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posted December 09, 2018 04:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
our own personal blog! you made me laugh at that!

you're spot on with my daughter. And her giant heart is something I truly admire and adore. You know what is funny? You are libra moon with a cap mom. She is a Libra venus with a Cap moon mom. But this girl has my heart, and while I steer her and try to help give her strength, I love her ability to really feel and "love" the other person. No disdain here, though I do worry about the ***** that will try to take advantage of her.

I like your interpretation of the relationship you have and the "why's" with guy #1. You're right, the Aquarian/Uranian needs in you are eating this up. I also think there is a certain degree of comfort in a "text only" relationship. Emotional fulfillment to a point. But you have progressed and recognized need beyond that virtual point. You are ready to marry it with tangibility, and I see that as healthy integration of your psyche. He is not. His Virgo moon is challenged with anxiety and insecurity as it is. I think even though this didn't or hasn't manifested in reality, it still served its purpose.

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posted December 09, 2018 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ok , pluto scorpio

Well I am one and I have a fondness for pluto scorpio 8th house. That said, I understand and respect your lack of trust or wariness.

When unevolved, Pluto is NOT trustworthy. The lower forms are of course manipulation, vindictiveness, scorn, and we can use your words or actions against you in a very stinging hurtful way. But evolved, that's a whole different scorpio.

Many of my friends and favorite people are Scorpio and Pluto people. They have so much depth, and the pain in them compels me to love them more. (Venus trine Chiron perhaps?) While ultimately they are here to transform and grow themselves, they are compassionate and deep feeling people. They are not selfish by nature, but can be very distrustful and self protective if needed. It's a different kind of depth than Neptune/Pisces and Moon/Cancer. It's raw. Ugly. Completely open.

Maybe the other signs and aspects soften the grit. I am Cancer Sun in 8th, Scorpio rising. Cap moon opposite Sun stiffens me, but the Cancer softens the Scorpio. Venus trine Chiron softens me too, and given that Venus sits on MC, I am very compassionate. In my youth, yes I was all the bad things. I lashed out when in pain, and was secretive of my true feelings and thoughts. Still am today, but in a different way. It's an issue of trust and bestowing something I hold dear on someone I trust with my heart. I don't act defensively, I act proactively.

To grow and regenerate, rejuvenate, evolve, ... my soul mission. But my intent is to accomplish this for my own self and then pull as many others along with me as possible. Again, I feel this is my Venus trine Chiron. I understand pain, and I understand the need to grow through pain. Experience it so I can get to the other side. And I am ok with taking the lead and being someone who drags my loved ones, and even my not so loved ones, to the other side with me.

I identified my Uranus in 12th Scorpio as needing complete freedom to dive deep. I would say this is it. I will go to these depths if I know that what I need is at the bottom. And I feel it is my duty and honor to help others do this too. I have compassion and the ability to see in to other people's hurts, and the responsibility that comes with that is to serve as a healer. Venus on MC, trine Chiron yet again.

Maybe Venus is my access way between my Uranus and Chiron opposition? She trines Chiron and widely sextiles Uranus. And Psyche is conjunct Uranus. So this could explain why Uranus needs to get to the soul of myself, and others?

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
Registered: May 2011

posted December 09, 2018 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Maybe your compassion and desire to take others with you is Uranus 12H influence?

How great that you have that 12H with your daughter btw <3

"Deep empowerment for others" - is this 11H theme?

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posted December 09, 2018 06:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
maybe! my Pluto is in 11th Libra...

interestingly, both of my daughters' Chirons are on my Moon.

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
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posted December 12, 2018 03:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was thinking last night that as far as the generational points on Chiron go, my generation have the trine to Neptune as well.

So, they expect to have an element of compassion and understanding (and other Neptune things) when it comes to their personal wounds.

I mean, because it is what they are used to so, when they interact with a generation that does not have that trine to their Chiron they will feel it missing, those people will feel less compassionate.

It would be interesting to go through the generations and note all the outer planet aspects.

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
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posted December 14, 2018 04:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just found this and thought it was interesting enough to share. About generation planets but not Chiron. The gaps can be filled in though.

It's from an article about trauma related specifically with the outer planets (happy reading).

Here's the generational placements (ours anyhow):
"Uranus in the Seventh House or Libra: mental trauma can occur to these individuals when they experience
sudden, unexpected disruptions, fracturing, or outright termination within their relationships, intimate and
otherwise. This can occur by another, or others, projecting their own subconscious realities or dynamics
upon these individuals, or because of these individuals projecting their own stuff upon other people. In
both scenarios this type of projection creates a high degree of irrationality into the composite effect of the
relationship(s) that can lead to psychological instability or trauma. In addition, these individuals have an
intrinsic sense of fair play, of justice, and of equality. When these intrinsic principles are consistently
violated in relationship the cumulative stress can induce a psychologically traumatic state. When this
occurs these individuals must reevaluate themselves in terms of their expectations about reality in general,
and relationship dynamics specifically. And because these individuals will rebel against the feeling of being
overly confined, or enmeshed, in a relationship they can create trauma for themselves and their partners
when they begin to look for the exit sign. Many of these individuals will have subconscious memories of
sudden loss within relationships that intensifies a core detachment from people in general, and those that
they are intimate with specifically. This inner, subconscious vibration can thus attract others who seem to
be just as detached at a core level as they are. This can create trauma for both because neither will have
the feeling of being totally connected to each other. When Uranus transits the 7th House, or forms stressful
aspects through transits to Venus, planets within the natal 7th House, or to the planetary ruler of the 7th
House these types of trauma can occur.

"Uranus in the Sixth House or Virgo: Mental trauma can occur when these individuals focus upon and
experience a sense of psychological separation, of isolation, from their immediate environment. And
within this isolation or separation they can interpret their overall environment in general, and others
specifically, as being unduly critical or persecutory towards them. Other people seem to be conspiring
against them in one way or another. In addition these people can experience trauma with respect to the
type of work that they find themselves in because they typically feel that they have a very different
approach to work in general, and a very different ability or capacity that remains unactualized specifically.
The underlying subconscious memories that these individuals have suggest that they are not good
enough or ready to actualize their sense of larger capacity. This creates its own trauma because of the
implied crisis of not actualizing what the individual senses to be possible. This sense of inner and outer
containment creates a dynamic of rebellion in which these people can create one crisis condition after
another. Each crisis, large and small, creates the effect of being in an almost perpetual state of trauma in
one way or another. Many of these individuals will have subconscious memories from other lifetimes of
intense, irrational persecution and ridicule. This creates the effect of not only feeling victimized, but also
one of trying to appear normal in their lives, even though they do not feel normal. This form of
compensation creates the sense of frustration and isolation. When Uranus transits the 6th House, when
through transit it forms a stressful aspect to the planetary ruler of the 6th house, or Mercury, or to planets
in the 6th house it can generate these types of trauma."

And here's 12H Uranus
"Uranus in the Twelfth House or Pisces: mental trauma can occur to these individuals when their ego or
personality begins to fracture, disintegrate, or dissolve due to stress externally experienced, or through an
inner stress emanating from the unconscious. This inner stress is based on thoughts, or desire impulses to
escape or run away from the mundane conditions that define their life. Anatomically and physiologically
this impulse is rooted in the pineal gland within the brain. Uranus correlates to the electricity within the
brain, thus a high degree of electrical impulse impacting on the pineal gland. This gland secrets a protein
called melatonin which is responsible for what we call dreams, sleep, and the need for transcendence; to
embrace a more wholistic, inclusive, ultimate or spiritual reality. Failing to understand the right
actualization of this impulse, i.e., to embrace spiritual realities, the individual becomes quite "crazy" at a
subconscious level which can manifest in any manner of psychosis, phobias, neurosis, personality
disorders, split or multipersonalities, addictions and escapes of all kinds. Consider that Uranus was
transiting Pisces for most of the 1920's and, in the U.S., this decade became known as the roaring 20's
with respect to rampant alcoholism, drug use, the invention of credit spending, etc. Many of these
individuals will have subconscious memories of being imprisoned or incarcerated against their wills, and of
being severely persecuted by many people. This type of memory generates a fear that translates into
"hiding" from people. When Uranus transits the 12th House, forms stressful aspects through transit to the
planetary ruler of the 12th House, or Neptune, or to natal planets in the 12th House through transit it can
generate these types of trauma."


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Posts: 1232
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posted December 14, 2018 05:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting. Mine is 12th house Scorpio, so the 12th house identification fits. Thinking of the pineal gland and the concept of escape, makes me think of being stuck in the sympathetic nervous system phase of "fight or flight." This is one of my biggest issues. I cannot seem to get out of it, and my adrenals and body are at war constantly due to this. But it literally described the issue I deal with, because my mind and soul are constantly looking for "escape."

I was thinking, and my daughter is 4th house Pisces. She and I are very similar. I do not experience mental strife or illness, but I definitely rebel against being "confined" in any way. So does she. Neither one of us can stand to be boxed in, yet for me, with Chiron opposing that, I long to be "confined" for stability purposes. She also in a way longs to be "confined". She fights and fights and fights, but as soon as she runs up against the boundaries (i.e. my rules, me putting my foot down...), she calms down instantly.

For her, we will see. Hers opposes Mercury and squares her Moon. Poor kid! I take that as what we have literally- her mother is not traditional, her home life is not traditional. I am very out of the box and in my own way I definitely go against the grain in society. She is used to this. We have a good relationship and I am solid and stable and very reliable in her life while her father (interestingly, a Cancer... so the Moon could also represent him?) is anything but these things. He suffers from mental illness, I suspect, and is very erratic.

She is very smart, but struggles very much with academics, learning, and expression. No learning disorders I believe, but definitely has trouble with school. Everyday is groundhog's day with math. She cannot remember proper methods of doing math from one day to the next. Yet at the same time, once she is reminded of how to do it she will do most of her math in her head, and get it right. It's a struggle.

Do you feel yours fits you?

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
Registered: May 2011

posted December 14, 2018 05:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just quickly -

is it possible for a mother to really see her children? Rhetorical question.

Also, how much of the mother's way of being does a child emulate as a matter of 1) unconscious mirroring behaviours with parent/mother for basic survival, ie, via demonstrative empathising 2) reduced role model options existing in the home-life (not yet having access to the world). Particularly a daughter to mother. That is, dependent on the mother for character development until proper and advanced adulthood, and becoming to ones own person (Saturn return maybe? Or longer even).

I put 12H up because I remembered what you said about wanting to run away in relationships. The query was about relationships being doomed (challenged) because of the generational opposition.
But, hey, maybe that particular manifestation is personal to you, it's your Uranus in the 12H? Whereas you partner will have another personal manifestation. And, with the Chiron it's just - what - a deeper pain??? I don't know. Have to think about it.

I had to pause and breathe.. I felt mine were spot on (painfully).

I can also post the Pluto and Neptune and any others, if you like. Or I'll just post the link

Here 'tis: [URL=][/UR L]

(Love to know your thoughts)

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Posts: 1232
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posted December 15, 2018 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I was reading another thread about Pluto opposite Venus and a person said the same thing as me- they want intense love but freedom at the same time.... And at first I thought, most everybody must want this...

Then, I stepped back. Pluto opposite Venus. I have Uranus opposite Chiron. But Uranus is in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto. And Chiron is in Taurus, ruled by Venus. And there we have it, Pluto opposite Venus. So the true issue is Uranus opposite Chiron, but colored by Scorpio (Pluto) opposite Taurus (Venus).

What do you think?

And yes, I have thought about what you said and imprinting. But my oldest daughter does not exhibit the same feelings and tendencies that my youngest (and myself) does. Yet I am the strongest role model for her as well... She is very Air, and actually appears to revel in the freedom.

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
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posted December 15, 2018 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wow.. I really love your depth of thinking. This is a big one, and really where astrology does my head it. I am wondering what house rulership they both are too? I'm just wondering where statement of freedom enters in the Pluto/Venus equation? I mean, we all have Uranus somewhere what was the condition of this other person's Uranus? It's hard to tell where everything comes from. And also what is just a generic human condition.

I don't know if this is enough of a statement to cover the Chiron element? Where's the "pain" element in your statement. Was there someone in your past that was unavailable to you? Someone that was in their own world (12H) and unaccessible to your love needs and that impacted your self esteem?

I did assume that you had thought of such with your daughter, but I still thought it was worth saying explicitly. Just so we know we have it covered.

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posted December 15, 2018 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well the thread was about Pluto opposite Venus, so I don't know this person's Uranus or Chiron. But it was more that it caught my eye that this person was articulating the same thing I felt.

My pain personally is a repeating theme in my life. Starting with both of my parents, but continuing on to most every relationship in my life.

With my daughters, their Chirons are both on my moon. Maybe in this instance, my Moon offers stability and healing to their wounds? I have done everything in my power to not repeat what my upbringing was. My upbringing was not bad at all, just lacking. My daughters both have Chiron in Capricorn... pain in instability. Their father's Moon opposes their Chirons and my Moon.

Interesting isn't it?

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
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posted December 16, 2018 09:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by StoneMoon:
well the thread was about Pluto opposite Venus, so I don't know this person's Uranus or Chiron. But it was more that it caught my eye that this person was articulating the same thing I felt.

Yes, that's why I was saying that we all have Uranus somewhere - maybe their Pluto opposite Venus wasn't the whole story? Sorry, I didn't explain myself clearly.

My pain personally is a repeating theme in my life. Starting with both of my parents, but continuing on to most every relationship in my life.

I hear you. Boy.. I'm reliving a LOT of it these days. But, I was wondering more specifically? "Pain" is general. Was there someone that was "off with the fairies" being independent and for them selves, or too impersonally focused on worldly things to ive what you needed. Maybe to busy to keep the house clean, provide warmth (Taurus), routine and structure in your environment (Taurus and 6H)? Was there poverty (Taurus).

Of course, you don't have to answer such questions. (I see you elaborate below).

With my daughters, their Chirons are both on my moon. Maybe in this instance, my Moon offers stability and healing to their wounds? Again, something you didn't get perhaps? I have done everything in my power to not repeat what my upbringing was. My upbringing was not bad at all, just lacking. My daughters both have Chiron in Capricorn... pain in instability. Their father's Moon opposes their Chirons and my Moon.

Interesting isn't it?

Yes it is.

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
Registered: May 2011

posted December 16, 2018 09:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A random observation -

#1 and I both have Chiron opposite Pluto and Uranus in each of our natals.

In our synastry, my Chiron only opposes his Uranus, and his Chiron only opposes my Pluto.

Interesting how things go.

#2 - we have no Chiron's opposing any of those trouble makers. But only to inner planets: me to his Mars, and he to my Jupiter/Neptune.

I'll get some respite from those big buggers for a minute maybe.

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posted December 17, 2018 01:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I wonder if you feel it as much since you both have Chiron opposing Uranus and Pluto. Or does each of you shift the focus for each other?

With his Chiron opposing your Pluto, do you feel more compelled to transform yourself as opposed to feeling your freedom is being tested? I wonder if that is how it manifests. I kind of see you being irritated/put out by his issues, and instead of it making you run, you are standing up and fighting. That feels Pluto-ish to me.

as for #2, Chiron to personal planets hurts too. Watch out there. But all those squares must serve a great purpose...

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Posts: 1354
From: Oz
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posted October 05, 2024 07:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bump to say hi to Stonemoon.

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posted October 20, 2024 04:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 10, 2024 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted November 17, 2024 06:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have this in my natal, too, and with everyone around my age.

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posted November 17, 2024 08:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 28, 2024 11:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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