Topic: Is this good synastry?
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 07, 2019 09:43 PM
synastry: [img][/img] synastry grid: [img][/img] davison: [img][/img] composite: [img][/img]Some things I should mention that aren't here: - mutual Sun/Moon novile aspect. - Mutual trine between Isis and Osiris. Conjunct in composite. - Groom and Osiris conjunct her NN. - Her alma conjunct my NN. - her groom conjunct my eros and trine cupido. - isis trine venus. - pluto square proserpina - nessus conjunct her chiron - Composite sun/moon, venus/mercury conjunctions. - composite sun/moon square saturn by 8d. Other person has it natally. - Other person also has Sun Square Chiron natally. - davison eros/psyche trine. House Activation: - 8th rulers, mars and saturn, trining. - 5th rulers, saturn and venus, conjuncting. - my 5th ruler, venus, squaring her sun. Sun is the ruler of her secondary descendant in Leo. - Not sure about birth time, but my moon possibly in her secondary descendant, 12th house. - Her moon in my secondary descendant, 9th house. - her 8th ruler, mars, opposite my ascendant lord, mercury. - her 7th ruler, neptune, sextiling my sun and venus. - my 7th ruler, jupiter, trining her uranus and opposite pluto. Thank you to Lotis white for teaching me about house activation: And thank you to IQ and Ami Anne for asteroid knowledge. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 108210 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 08, 2019 07:31 PM
Welcome!IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 16, 2019 09:19 AM
bump!IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 3142 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted February 16, 2019 02:30 PM
Post the charts using Placidus house system and without all those extra lines. Also include the bottom aspect grid. Go to and the first option in partner charts it says synasty chart 👍😊 IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 16, 2019 04:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by LunaIscariot: Post the charts using Placidus house system and without all those extra lines. Also include the bottom aspect grid. Go to and the first option in partner charts it says synasty chart 👍😊
asteroids don't matter? also, what do you mean by bottom aspect grid? Do you mean the pyramid of aspects? IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 16, 2019 04:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by LunaIscariot: Post the charts using Placidus house system and without all those extra lines. Also include the bottom aspect grid. Go to and the first option in partner charts it says synasty chart 👍😊
I think this should be good. davison: [img][/img] composite: [img][/img] synastry: [img][/img]
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LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 3142 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted February 16, 2019 05:15 PM
Perfect that’s much better thank you! And asteroids DO matter, but are only of secondary importance after you’ve looked at the main planets first. Asteroids aren’t going to make or break a synastry, only add more flavour and extra details but asteroids don’t matter if you don’t already have other things going on with the regular planets and houses etc. So it’s pointless to look at asteroids first. IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 3142 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted February 16, 2019 06:06 PM
So you have some strong aspects. The exact angle axis conjunction is powerful! Wow. You’re going to be really drawn to each other, looks like a soulmate connection forsure especially exact like that, that’s rare and profound. Very magnetic connection and since it’s the ASC/IC it’s going to be very comfortable, intimate and immediately felt. You’ll feel like you’ve known her forever and feel immediately comfortable. Also have your NN conjunct her DSC. I always say when you have conjunct angle axis and a NN conjunct an angle; guaranteed soulmate of some kind! You are meant to meet. Now we just have to decide what kind of soulmate this is for you; karmic or soulmate soulmate. Your DSC ruler is Jupiter conjunct mars in Gemini. She has her ASC in Virgo with Mars there. This matches your Jupiter conjunct Mars. You like marsian energy, and she has it. Her ASC ruler is also in Gemini as her mercury is in Gemini and it conjuncts your DSC ruler, so we have DSC ruler conjunct ASC ruler, and her Venus is conjunct your DSC ruler Jupiter as well. Also her natal Jupiter is opposites her Gemini planets so that’s adding the sag/Jupiter flavour of your DSC. So we know you are into her and very attracted to her and she is very much your “type”. Strong symbolism match for you. And of course, her Venus on your mars is great for attraction and chemistry as well. Not to mention Jupiter conjunct Venus/mercury is great for communication, fun, laughs, warmth, good-will, and generosity between two. She matches your 8th house as well, since it’s capricorn and she has that 10th house stellium including her ASC ruler in the 10th. Only thing that’s missing is your 5th house.. it’s in libra and she doesn’t have any libra placements, but her ASC ruler is conjunct Venus which helps. You have Pluto in the 5th, she doesn’t have any Scorpio or 8th house personal planets. Your ruler is Venus in Pisces in the 10th, which is good because she has a 10th house stellium. But she doesn’t have any Pisces personal planets or 12th house, which is the house your DSC ruler also falls in. So a couple things missing for you, but still pretty solid! I’d say about a 7.5/10 in terms of attraction and being your type and love potential. Now for her, whew! She must be head over heels for you. Your Pisces stellium is falling in her 7th house in Pisces, and your ASC ruler mercury in Pisces is also conjunct her DSC. Plus, her 5th ruler is Saturn and you have your sun and Venus conjunct it! Your Pisces stellium is also in the 10th house which matches her 5th cusp in Capricorn plus her Saturn in the 7th. Super strong symbolism match and activation of both her main love, attraction and romance houses all around. Her DSC ruler is Neptune and Jupiter. And her Jupiter is part of a grand cross pattern completion between her natal Venus/mercury, mars, Jupiter and your mercury completes her natal t-square into a grand cross. So that’s awesome, especially since mercury is your ASC ruler. This intense energy is going to be literally felt, like viscerally and energetic by you in your body and energy field. It will probably be super attractive to you since these are nice/positive and attractive/steamy planets (Venus/mercury/Jupiter/mars). So for her a strong 9/10 in terms of attraction and love. I have no doubt in my mind this girl will (if she already hasn’t!!) fall in love with you. This is literally out of her control lol, you’re almost exactly, like couldn’t be more her type or what she’s looking for and is attracted to. This is an energy/chemistry thing as well, this has nothing to do with appearances. When someone matches your 5th and 7th this strongly and is activating and lighting these houses up, the love chemicals start swirling around in your brain instinctively. Her sun conjunct your ASC is great for comraderie too. You’ll have a lot in common and you’ll feel good in her presence, she boosts your self esteem and she probably compliments you or just approves of you and makes you feel accepted. Overall, good synasty 👍. I’d say solid 7.5/10 synastry. Now for the composite, which is what we look at to see compatibility and long-term potential etc. You have a tight sun/moon conjunction. This is amazing. One of the best aspects to see. This shows a basic compatibility, you work well together, there is harmony and you work as a unit. Like to be together all the time, you’re in sync. Sympatico. This aspect alone will smooth out most others since it shows again just a basic compatibility. No ego struggles or conflicts, just smooth, flowing, innate harmony. Unfortunately, it’s squares by Saturn. Which is usually gross, but the squares are wider around 8 degrees (yay!) so not as intense and more manageable, and Saturn is the co ruler of the DSC, so it’s energy will be felt in a nicer way since it has a Venusian flavour that will be experiences between you. The mercury conjunct Venus is also nice. Shows better communication and friendliness between you. Main thing I don’t like, is that mars being afflicted, meaning only making hard aspects and it’s in detriment and in the 12th widely conjunct the ASC..... be careful of passive aggressive behaviours because you’ll have a hard time airing out your grievances directly together. This could lead to resentment down the line. The composite isn’t as strong as I’d like to see, but it’s not terrible either. Looking at the Davison, it’s better which is good. But you still have that pesky Saturn square sun. That’s going to be a defining feature of your relationship. And with sun being the ASC ruler in both charts, that’s big. Read up as much as you can in sun square Saturn in composite is my suggestion. I’m thinking it’s going to manifest as blockages, outside interferences like other people maybe who don’t want you together, or past baggage, timing not right, distance between you, practical problems Iike money etc. or just some external difficulties or obstacles you’ll have to work through in order to be together or get this relationship off the ground. IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 16, 2019 06:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by LunaIscariot:
Read up as much as you can in sun square Saturn in composite is my suggestion. I’m thinking it’s going to manifest as blockages, outside interferences like other people maybe who don’t want you together, or past baggage, timing not right, distance between you, practical problems Iike money etc. or just some external difficulties or obstacles you’ll have to work through in order to be together or get this relationship off the ground.
Ironically enough, she's dating someone else, but I like her. You should see the asteroid connections. Also, her moon is mostly unaspected save for a pluto square. Bad? Lastly, I heard composite saturn/pluto square is real bad. Can you elaborate? Thanks for all the info though. That post was more than I was looking for. Hopefully things work out in the longrun. IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 3142 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted February 16, 2019 08:03 PM
You’re very welcome And ah, yes lol makes sense, that’s the obstacle I truly do think she will or does like you though! I don’t see how she couldn’t. Unless this other guy’s synastry with her is even better but I doubt it lol. And Saturn square Pluto, It’s not actually that bad I don’t think. Depends what else is aspecting that Saturn and Pluto, and what houses they rule in the composite. They are outer planets, so not going to affect the relationship too much, like the actual personal dynamic between you. I know a relationship that lasted 7 years with this aspect, and they broke up because of a big age difference and don’t think it was this aspect lol. IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 16, 2019 08:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by LunaIscariot: You’re very welcome And ah, yes lol makes sense, that’s the obstacle I truly do think she will or does like you though! I don’t see how she couldn’t. Unless this other guy’s synastry with her is even better but I doubt it lol. And Saturn square Pluto, It’s not actually that bad I don’t think. Depends what else is aspecting that Saturn and Pluto, and what houses they rule in the composite. They are outer planets, so not going to affect the relationship too much, like the actual personal dynamic between you. I know a relationship that lasted 7 years with this aspect, and they broke up because of a big age difference and don’t think it was this aspect lol.
Interesting. I'm getting mixed messages on that aspect, so I had to ask. No thoughts on the squares to chiron in the composite though? I heard composite sun square chiron places limitations on the relationship, such as inability to give birth. IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 3142 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted February 16, 2019 08:55 PM
Not too sure about Chiron in composites. I only really pay attention to it in synasty. But when I see positive Chiron aspects like sextiles and trines in composites or Davison I always think of a healing relationship. Sun square Chiron, hmm. Maybe something about the egos of each other will bring up some wounds. Maybe the relationship makes you feel insecure in some way or you feel rejected or wounded in some way by being together. Something about your shared identity together bringing up old wounds or clashes with your own sense of self or identity maybe. I would try do more research and your own understanding of Chiron. Seems everyone has a different take. For me, it’s been painful when I have Chiron conjunctions in synastry or composite/Davison. With my ex, we had a DW moon conjunct Chiron in synastry and in the composite moon conjunct Chiron conjunct NN. And that whole relationship was traumatic, brought up intense emotional pain, insecurities etc. Lots and lots of pain lol, that’s the best word to describe it. So I think hard Chiron aspects aren’t good. Trines and sextiles probably work a lot better! 👍 IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 16, 2019 09:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by LunaIscariot: Not too sure about Chiron in composites. I only really pay attention to it in synasty. But when I see positive Chiron aspects like sextiles and trines in composites or Davison I always think of a healing relationship. Sun square Chiron, hmm. Maybe something about the egos of each other will bring up some wounds. Maybe the relationship makes you feel insecure in some way or you feel rejected or wounded in some way by being together. Something about your shared identity together bringing up old wounds or clashes with your own sense of self or identity maybe. I would try do more research and your own understanding of Chiron. Seems everyone has a different take. For me, it’s been painful when I have Chiron conjunctions in synastry or composite/Davison. With my ex, we had a DW moon conjunct Chiron in synastry and in the composite moon conjunct Chiron conjunct NN. And that whole relationship was traumatic, brought up intense emotional pain, insecurities etc. Lots and lots of pain lol, that’s the best word to describe it. So I think hard Chiron aspects aren’t good. Trines and sextiles probably work a lot better! 👍
Her chiron is opposite my venus and conjunct my nessus. Hopefully i can consciously do something to alleviate that. Thanks again! IP: Logged |
LunaIscariot Knowflake Posts: 3142 From: Registered: Aug 2014
posted February 16, 2019 11:13 PM
You’re welcome! Keep us updated IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 20, 2019 02:20 PM
.IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 23, 2019 12:17 PM
Something I just noticed: she has Saturn and Chiron squaring her Sun natally. Apparently that makes thing better, when aspects in the Composite repeat natally. Awesome! IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 1196 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted February 23, 2019 01:08 PM
I thought you weren’t sure of her birth time? Did she give you an estimated guess or did you try to guess it?IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted February 23, 2019 01:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by LaceyLeigh: I thought you weren’t sure of her birth time? Did she give you an estimated guess or did you try to guess it?
She gave me a general time, but isn't 100% sure. Judging based on everything I know about her, I'd say early Virgo ASC is fairly accurate. I've found that once you get talking to people, their Sun, ASC, Saturn, and nodes are the most obvious things about them. Sun and ASC will come out in their general demeanor and certain specifics about their upbringing. Saturn will show up as a limitation or incompetence in some area. Easier to spot with age. The nodes will be show up as habits they invest too much of their energy into. People tend to be very uptight regarding south node subjects, but also very incompetent or avoidant regarding north node subjects. IP: Logged |
LaceyLeigh Knowflake Posts: 1196 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted February 23, 2019 02:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bismarck: She gave me a general time, but isn't 100% sure. Judging based on everything I know about her, I'd say early Virgo ASC is fairly accurate. I've found that once you get talking to people, their Sun, ASC, Saturn, and nodes are the most obvious things about them. Sun and ASC will come out in their general demeanor and certain specifics about their upbringing. Saturn will show up as a limitation or incompetence in some area. Easier to spot with age. The nodes will be show up as habits they invest too much of their energy into. People tend to be very uptight regarding south node subjects, but also very incompetent or avoidant regarding north node subjects.
Ok, so you’re within the ball park, that’s good. I have such a bad time picking up on peoples’ signs, so thank you for the extra information. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 108210 From: From a galaxy, far, far away... Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 28, 2019 01:52 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Bismarck Knowflake Posts: 109 From: Registered: Oct 2018
posted March 02, 2019 05:57 AM
Something else I realized is that we have a mutual Sun/Moon novile aspect. Awesome!IP: Logged |
Bismarck2 Newflake Posts: 9 From: Registered: Mar 2019
posted March 12, 2019 07:36 PM
Composite jupiter in the 8th is probably good, but what does pluto conjunct the 5th cusp do?Also, Amor conjunct Venus and Eros conjunct both Sun and moon. What do these asteroids mean in the composite chart? IP: Logged | |