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Author Topic:   ** Links ** (Good for Newbies and Beyond...)

Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted January 22, 2015 11:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thought it might be good to start a thread of some good articles or beginning instruction for Horary...

Please add a page if you think it was a good read or offers good info.

"How To Post a Horary Chart" is here:

Interpretation Discussion:

Discussing Houses:

Beginners info:

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted January 22, 2015 11:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote





Helpful for checking perfection, retrogrades, etc...



GLOSSARY of Traditional Horary Terms:


ANARETIC DEGREES (29*) in Horary:

BASIC NOTES on Horary:

A good chat about 'Strictures' and whether you should just throw out the chart or not when you see one:

Judging Timing of the Outcome in Horary:



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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted January 22, 2015 11:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
-----> For STRENGTH of Significators in Horary:


For TIMING in Horary:

Other measurements of time are:
Angular or Cardinal = Fast
Succedent or Mutable = Slower
Cadent of Fixed = Slowest

Faster times would be minutes, hours or days.
Slower times would be days, weeks or months.
Slowest times would be weeks, months or years.

Cardinal/Angular = hours or days
Cardinal/Succedent = days or weeks
Cardinal/Cadent = weeks or months

Mutable/Angular = days or weeks
Mutable/Succedent = weeks or months
Mutable/Cadent = months or years

Fixed/Angular = weeks or months
Fixed/Succedent = months or years
Fixed/Cadent = years or indefinite or unknown

*Check the moon primarily, as well as the aspecting main significators. The faster moving significator is dominant. The time frame should be shown through a repetition. But also, give weight to the faster moving over the slower moving.

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posted January 23, 2015 02:26 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
AB, I hope you have an iPhone because this is for you...


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posted January 23, 2015 04:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I like the dignities calculator that Selene brought up.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted January 24, 2015 02:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@GeminiKarat Yes, that is a good one!

@ikja Lol... I think I can see hands waving but it's small!

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted January 24, 2015 03:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Horary Techniques:

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posted January 24, 2015 07:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for this Appleberry!

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posted January 26, 2015 12:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
AB, I cast a chart on Astro and there were no aspects between the significators; but when I used that dignity calculator website... There was an aspect.

Which would you say is more reliable?!

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted February 01, 2015 11:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've always pretty much only used Astrodienst, so I'm pretty biased... but since I've always found Astrodienst reliable, I would likely go with it against pretty much any site. I might double check something on Planetwatcher, but that's about it...

PS: Maybe the two sites are using different orbs?

Update: I just checked out a chart on it... not sure why but the AC/DC is in a completely different sign... The Longitude/Latitude are different, as well as the Sidereal time... I have no idea what's up...

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted February 07, 2015 03:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Because we're seeing many charts with an Ascendant between 0-3 degrees, here's a link about the matter:

Meanings related to late ascendant degrees (27-29*):
- The outcome is relatively set in stone.
- The chart is invalid (the question is only a curiosity question, a trick question, or not able to be determined for the querent).
- The situation/outcome is already passed, or the querent already knows the answer.
- The question has been asked too late, and/or the querent is at the moment in a state of change, making the answer to the chart invalid.
- The querent is in desperation.
"Ascendant too early or too late. An early Ascendant of 3° or less may mean either that it’s too early to ask the Question, or that there is still too much free-will in place to presume to give an answer. A late Ascendant generally 27° or later means that there is nothing that the Querent can do to change the outcome: other plans and events have happened rendering the question moot."
[ ]

"The EXCEPTION to this rule is when a PERSONAL NATAL PLANET, including the natal ASCENDANT or MIDHEAVEN, is exactly conjunct the horary ascendant."
"The invalid horary ascendant always carries.... a message for either good or bad and therefore, must always be judged on its own merits...and only if you are willing to listen to the meaning of the message."
"The invalid horary ascendant is further shaped by fixed stars conjunct the ascendant degree, the north or south nodes conjoining the ascendant, the ruler of the chart and its aspects, house and sign position...and last, but not least, the planetary hour..."
[ ]

-----> AC at 27-29 DEGREES

Meanings related to AC at late degrees:
- The outcome is relatively set in stone.
- The chart is invalid (the question is only a curiosity question, a trick question, or not able to be determined for the querent).
- The situation/outcome is already passed, or the querent already knows the answer.
- The question has been asked too late, has already been asked, and/or the querent is at the moment in a state of change, making the answer to the chart invalid.
- The querent is in desperation.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted February 07, 2015 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Here's some good responses (copy-pastes) to the question of whether you should ask the question again, for various reasons.

This is Dr.Farr's comments on another forum, regarding why the same question, or a rephrasing of the question:

"...but why is that the case?"

Because the cosmos is not a penny-fortune telling machine: it is a Consciousness, and it is this Consciousness (of which each of us is a part) that responds to legitimate pleas for insight and guidance; once the current answer/indication is rendered, usually is demanded over and over again a "deaf" ear is turned, and the "answers" represent only chaos.

The time matter is a vexed, contested and "open" question; in my opinion:
-if circumstances have changed substantially, a new question is legitimate
-if something in the original cosmic response is quite unclear, a specific question seeking clarification is legitimate
-if the horary question has specified a time-frame (which I believe should always be done), then that time-frame is to be followed (although I believe in many instances the time-frame of the horary will be shorter than what is specified in the question)

And another reply by Miss Kitty:

"Generally, no. The early ASC was not a mistake, it was your answer. It means it is too early to know the outcome for sure, and that there may be too much free will involved at this time to definitively know the answer. Even though you got an early ASC, you should be able to tease out clues from the chart that pertain to the current situation. I would post it anyway. I feel for you, every time I ask a horary about a particular situation I want to know about right now, I get a major stricture like Saturn in the 7th, Moon via combusta, etc. It's frustrating, but that is my answer... the skies aren't ready to reveal the answer to me at this time.

I would give your situation some time to play out. "

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posted February 07, 2015 04:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Miss Kitty's answer is food for thought!

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Posts: 3195
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posted February 21, 2015 01:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LoadedPistil     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ikja:
AB, I hope you have an iPhone because this is for you...



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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted February 27, 2015 04:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
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posted March 13, 2015 03:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 13, 2015 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Since the 1st house rules the Querent and the question, planets placed there are quite significant in determining the outcome.

SUN in the 1st house indicates a question of some significance and that a solution will come about quickly.

MOON in the 1st house shows indecisiveness on the part of the Querent.

MERCURY in the 1st house indicates speed in regard to the matter and may be connected to a document.

VENUS or JUPITER in the 1st house is beneficial. They show an outcome likely to be that which the Querent desires, unless afflicted.

MARS in the 1st house indicates immediate action.

SATURN represents delays in regard to the matter and additional responsibility.

URANUS indicates surprising changes.

NEPTUNE shows that the Querent is not aware of all the facts.

PLUTO indicates a complication and the Querent is vulnerable; likely to exposure or to be thrown into a position of isolation in some way.


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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 13, 2015 03:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
-----> MEANING OF PLANETS (Keep in mind that they may OR may not represent people involved in the question, or others):

In addition to the importance of the planets ruling the Significators, each of the planets in a Horary chart also bring further definition to the reading.

SUN may be considered a co-ruler of the Querent if a man. The Sun also signifies the person of authority or from whom a favor is desired, a powerful relation or person whom is able to save the Querent from embarrassment. More about the Sun.

MOON may also symbolize the mother or the woman involved in the issue. It is the co-ruler if the Querent is a woman, in addition to primarily being the ruler of the question in all horary questions.

MERCURY represents the messenger of news and may symbolize merchants, secretaries or those who live by their wits.

VENUS symbolizes the person in whom the Querent is interested. It also represents artists, designers and decorators, those who deal in finery, pleasure or amusement.

MARS symbolizes the strong and aggressive friend if under beneficial aspect or an enemy if afflicted. It also represents those who work as surgeons or with sharp instruments.

JUPITER symbolizes a wise friend, a person of integrity who can be of assistance. It also represents lawyers, judges and dignitaries.

SATURN symbolizes the person who may endanger the success of the Querent due to narrowness of outlook or ulterior motive if Saturn is afflicted. Otherwise it shows conservative or aged friends or relatives; those of prudent counsel.

URANUS symbolizes the friend of the Querent in an emergency, unexpected elements, inventors and astrologers. If in favorable aspect, it signifies a person bringing new and beneficial propositions. If in unfavorable aspect, it may show loss through risky speculation.

NEPTUNE symbolizes persons of mysterious origin; prophets, spiritual counselors or those concerned with the investigation of metaphysical secrets. It also signifies those engaged in pursuits involving water or other liquids.

PLUTO symbolizes the leader of an organization pursuing a boycott or strike to further a principle. It also signifies the instigator of a reform movement or mass reaction.


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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 13, 2015 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

a planet near an angle reflects dynamic activity as symbolized by the nature of the planet. Look to the symbolism of the planet to see if you identify those elements and/or the people represented in your life. Note: The angles are the cusps forming the cross(+) through the center of your chart.

Depending on many other chart factors, it is generally quite favorable to have planets such as the SUN, VENUS or JUPITER positioned on the angles. They represent favor, ease, luck and happiness, especially so if making good aspects to the outer bodies.

Also depending on other chart factors, planets such as MARS or SATURN could reflect conflicts or obstacles in the life. This is more likely if they are angular and receiving stressful aspects, such as squares or oppositions. When together, angular and under severe aspects, these two planets indicate one barrier after another, making it especially difficult to express the individuality the way s/he’d like. S/He’s apparently stuck; blocked or restricted by forces outside. Frustration accumulates and with no outlet, the assertiveness of Mars goes inward to boil. An explosion is often just around the corner…

MERCURY takes on vibrations of the planet in nearest aspect. If no aspect, it functions according to the sign it’s in, influenced mostly by the ruling planet of this sign. It shows what occupies our mind and frequently points to the profession. Those with a prominent Mercury are likely to work in some capacity involving transport or communication. Angular and with sufficient supporting aspects, it may reflect such things as media involvement, the name in print or headlined in some way. Mercury is the “messenger”. The precise angle Mercury occupies will have great input.

The outer planets are also strong if positioned on an angle. URANUS suggests an innovative nature, originality and inventive talent. NEPTUNE indicates a high degree of sensitivity and intuition if well aspected or much confusion and delusion in the life if harshly aspected. It may also show escapist tendencies if in adverse aspect. Another neutral planet, Neptune absorbs the vibrations of other planets in close aspect.

An angular PLUTO represents control or power issues and functions similarly to Mars at times. If on the Ascendant, it indicates great physical strength, much like Scorpios and Scorpio rising.

Having the MOON on an angle shows a dynamic interchange with the public. One somehow caters to the public and many politicians are in this group. Fame and the limelight may be in store with this position.


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Posts: 459
From: Chengdu, China
Registered: Jul 2014

posted March 14, 2015 03:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mollywu     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So sweet of you to share those with us, appleberry. I will bookmark them.

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 15, 2015 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There's so much to remember when it comes to Horary, so much symbolism...

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 25, 2015 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
-----> OUTER PLANETS IN HORARY (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

When outer planets are used, they are often used if they stand out in a chart, for example, if they are conjunct any of the significators, and angle, or a cusp of significance to the question.

URANUS may add the influences of: technology, shock, disruption, modernity, sudden or unexpected events, separation, crisis, divorce upheaval, accidents, surprises, epiphanies, electricity/electronics, related to New Age, fated events, instability, stress, the unusual, computers, unexpected complications, change of mind, surprising changes...
[More Uranus associations: ]

NEPTUNE may add the influences of: confusion, depression, deception/self-deception, illusion, addiction, glamor, disappointment, lies, weakness, strangeness, lost in fantasy, drugs and alcohol, dissolution, mental illness, seclusion, spirituality, mental fog, indecision, self-undoing, arts, lacking reality, neglect, mental illness, unaware of the facts...
[More Neptune associations: ]

PLUTO may add the influences of: intensity, power, loss, paranoia, sexuality, death, transformation, rebirth, powerful force, violence, uncontrollable forces, psychological probing, penetration, the underworld, vulnerability, complications, isolation...
[More Pluto associations: ]

- Outer Planets often indicate a negative experience associated with a person involved in the scenario or the matter at hand. They are generally considered MALEFIC in influence.

- An Outer Planet conjunct the cusp of a house representing a person, or conjunct the significator of a person, may indicate this person is EXPERIENCING THE INFLUENCE of the outer planet (influences such as the examples listed above).

The outer planets may be used for INTERCEPTION, FRUSTRATION, COLLECTION, AND TRANSLATION* in some cases.

(*It has been put forward that Uranus can move faster than Saturn and Jupiter for horary prediction- though I do not have evidence of this scenario).

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 25, 2015 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
-----> The AXIS CROSS:

Determine which signs are on the Axis
(AC/DC + MC/IC).

If the AC/DC axis is Cardinal, and the MC/IC is Cardinal, then the cross is CARDINAL.

If the AC/DC axis is Fixed, and the MC/IC is Fixed, then the cross is FIXED.

If the AC/DC axis is Mutable, and the MC/IC is Mutable, then the cross is MUTABLE.

If the AC/DC axis and the MC/IC axis sign do not match as the above listed do, then the axis is considered MIXED.

If the horary questions axis is:

- CARDINAL then the proceedings associated with question will finalize quickly.

- FIXED then the conditions surrounding the question won't be easy to change.

- MUTABLE then the conditions surrounding the question could change very easily or demand that the querent change.

- MIXED then the proceedings will start one way (AC/DC) and finalize with another (MC/IC).

More on that...

"Cardinal Signs. Also called "Moveable" signs. Cardinal signs signal initiation, beginnings, action. A Cardinal Ascendant can show a quick start. Cardinal signs on all the angles show a sustained, quick movement of the matter, and a quick resolution. Seasons change with the Cardinal signs.

Fixed Signs. These represent an established force. They show stability and rootedness. Change does not occur quickly. Prominent fixed signs can show that the querent is "dug in," stubborn, conservative, stable. Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson says that a fixed cross shows that "there is no stopping the proceedings."

Mutable Signs. Also called "Common" signs. They mark the end of one season and the beginning of the next. They signal imminent change, flexibility. Also, instability. A mutable cross signals changeability, or unstable conditions.

Questions described by a mixed cross often begin in the manner denoted by the mode of the signs on the ascendant and 7th house, and continue or end in the manner dentoed by the mode of the signs on MC and IC."

Above copied from:

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 29, 2015 05:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
(alphabetical list):

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Posts: 2987
From: Venusian
Registered: Jun 2011

posted March 30, 2015 06:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for appleberry     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
* Online QUIZZES:

Skyscript Quiz:

Skyscript Choosing Houses Self-Test:
(Answers to the above test here: )

Skyscript Reading a Chart Self-Test:
(Answers to the above test here: )

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